"So, are you still going with me this time?"

Xu Mo asked this serious question directly, and everyone present was stunned.

Feixue and Fandi, who had never experienced it, didn't know what it meant, so they didn't want to express their opinions, but the rest of the people knew it very well.

Belle and Lily's eyes flashed with some emotions.

However, they didn't say anything, but focused their attention on Hestia. At this time, of course, it would be more reasonable for the main god of the family to tell the final result. Hestia was a little undecided when she found that everyone's eyes were focused on her.

"If this matter......Mo, the teacher said, I want to go with you, but you know, we, the gods who came down from the divine world, are considered to be subordinate to Orario. Without permission, we are generally not allowed to leave the maze city frequently."

"Of course, except for that guy Hermes. The last time I left the maze city with him, it was already a huge effort. It is not realistic to get permission to leave the maze city again in a short time."

"If you use your divine power in Orario, you will definitely be discovered by other gods......."

Hearing this, Xu Mo remembered.

Except for God Hermes who has the right to enter and leave Orario freely, the rest of the gods are basically unable to leave the labyrinth city.

Xu Mo didn't know why Hestia was able to leave last time, but it must not have been easy.

However, it must be very difficult to go this time, even for Kanna. After all, if Kanna tears the space in the labyrinth city without authorization, not only Uranus of the Adventurer's Guild will notice it, but also other gods will notice it.

Uranus may not say anything, but other gods may not.

Therefore, there is no need to put the entire Hestia family in danger. Now is not the time.

Thinking of this, Xu Mo nodded and accepted the result. In fact, it is not necessarily a bad thing that Hestia and the others cannot go together.

At least, it will be more convenient for Xu Mo to act after arriving in the other world alone.

"Well, in that case, I will go alone this time. Don't worry, I will be back soon and won't take too long."

""Oh!" After the final conclusion was reached, Belle and Lily were obviously not in a good mood.

In fact, deep in the hearts of the two girls, they still wanted to go to a new and different world to have a look. The most important thing was to be able to accompany Xu Mo, no matter where they went, it didn't matter.

Unfortunately, Hestia couldn't go together, so someone was destined to stay.

Even if Xu Mo could take Kanna with him, go outside the maze city again, tear the different space, and then go to the different world by himself. However, without the existence of Hestia, Xu Mo's specific location could not be located. If he got lost in the different space, that would be a big deal.

Seeing the reactions of the girls, Xu Mo smiled slightly and rubbed the little girls' heads.

"Well, don't be upset, I'm not not coming back. I promise you, I will come back as soon as I finish what needs to be done, so you can rest assured!"

"Lily knows, and she has agreed that Master Xu Mo must come back early."

"Captain, I feel the same way. We will wait for you to come back. Without any of the Hestia Familia, it will not be a complete Hestia Familia. Please be careful."

It must be said that the two little girls, Lily and Belle, have finally come to their senses.

It is really impressive that they can say such cheesy words in front of so many people!

Hearing this, Xu Mo smiled and nodded gently. Then, his eyes turned to Kanna, Feixue, and Vanti again, and he swept his eyes over the three girls one by one, and got their respective responses.

So it seems that there is no need to worry about leaving temporarily.

It's just that I have just confirmed my relationship with Hestia, and I am about to leave. I always feel a little sorry for her.

However, there is nothing I can do about it.

In order to have enough strength and not be afraid of the troubles brought by other families, Xu Mo had to do this. It was necessary to leave the labyrinth city of Orario and go to other worlds to gain powerful strength.

The first world could be said to be a failure.

He did not gain any supernatural powers, but brought back a batch of televisions and other technological items from the doomsday world. At least he managed to improve his quality of life.

I hope that this time, he can come to a world that satisfies him.

The topic came to an abrupt end. Because he did not need to enter the dungeon today, Xu Mo spent the last time on Hestia and the other girls. The rare quiet and peace really made people feel relaxed and comfortable.

However, happy times are always short.......

The next day, Xu Mo used Fali to buy a certain amount of gold bars, and then said goodbye to Hestia, Belle and others who were reluctant to leave, and planned to go to the new world.

In fact, it was just a farewell, sitting in the family residence, saying goodbye.

He didn't need to leave the maze city to perform the world shuttle operation, so there was no need to avoid suspicion. Just staying in the chapel, or even in his own room, was enough.

""Captain, don't worry, I will take good care of the Lord God and the others."

Belle patted her chest and made a solemn promise to Xu Mo.

Last night, the latter had temporarily given the responsibility of Hestia's family to Belle. No matter what, after he left, the girl would be the strongest in the family for the time being. During his absence, there must be no relaxation.

Of course, in order to avoid Belle's lack of strength, Xu Mo secretly asked Kanna for help.

After this distribution, it will be foolproof.

"Mo, you have to come back soon, I will miss you......"Hestia was very reluctant to leave, but there was really nothing she could do about it, so she could only agree to stay in the family, with the other children, waiting for Xu Mo's return.

After hearing this, Xu Mo also showed some reluctance.

He hugged them one by one, vented his inner emotions, and said his final goodbye, and his mood became serious again.

"Then I'll leave, see you later!"

After the words fell, Xu Mo buried all his reluctance deep in his heart, focused his attention on the interface in his mind, and directly clicked on the plus sign behind the 'Brave' skill.

50,000 experience points were deducted instantly, and the familiar fluctuations were generated again.

Although there was no such thing as a 'task', in the sight of Hestia and others, Xu Mo's figure disappeared in the room instantly.

Seeing this, everyone present seemed to have lost their souls.

"Mo, come back early, we will be waiting for you!"

———————————————————————————————————With everyone's thoughts���Xu Mo left Orario and headed for a new world.

When he opened his eyes again, the surrounding environment had changed drastically, as if he had arrived in a brand new world. The first thing he did was to observe his physical condition.......There was no change, it was still exactly the same as when he left.

Then, he checked the panel in his mind. Unexpectedly, this thing also did not give any instructions, as if it had crashed.

Realizing this, Xu Mo's mood suddenly became uncertain.

Without clear instructions, what should he do? Or, would returning to Orario immediately be considered as achieving his goal and obtaining new skill entries?

Unfortunately, all of this was just his own guess, and he didn't dare to try it easily.

"No matter what, in order to avoid returning with nothing, I'd better stay in this world for a while. After all, I've spent 50,000 experience points. If I get nothing, it would be a big loss. Let's do it this way for now!"

Instantly, Xu Mo made a decision.

No matter what the requirements for obtaining new entries are, it will not affect his formation.

According to the tasks that need to be completed in the first world, even if you act as a bystander, it is considered to have completed the task, so there will not be much difference.

This formation, just treat it as traveling to another world.

"Now, let me see which world this is. Could it be a world in my memory?......It would be better to come to a world with strong combat power."

Xu Mo muttered to himself, looking at the world around him curiously.

Unlike the first Ling Cage doomsday world, he was standing on a road at this time, surrounded by tall buildings, like a steel forest.

At first glance, it looked like a modern technological world.

However, the air was filled with a new substance. The moment he came to this world, Xu Mo discovered it, but he didn't know what this thing was.

If he was lucky, he really came to a very powerful world!


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