That night, the two people in the room had different moods.

The next morning, Xu Mo woke up early again and looked up at the only big bed in the bedroom. Both Hestia and Kanna were still in a deep sleep.

Hestia, who was sleeping in an indecent posture, almost buried Kanna's little head.

This seemingly painful but actually happy experience made Xu Mo really envious. Unfortunately, as a ten-thousand-year-old"magician", it was too difficult for him to take the initiative to ask for such treatment.

After a simple wash, Xu Mo left a steaming breakfast and a note on the dining table, and then left the basement alone. As soon as he stepped out of the wooden door of the church, a gust of cold wind swept in from a distance.

Xu Mo couldn't help shaking, then wrapped his clothes tightly, identified the direction, and walked forward.

Although he had never been to the residence of Jian Yulei Family before, based on the oral description he received yesterday and the inquiries along the way, Xu Mo still successfully found the right place.

As for why he came so early, it was a favor after all. It would be rude to keep others waiting for a long time.

After walking through the busy streets, Xu Mo stopped until the lively scenes around him gradually disappeared. He had arrived at the residence of Jian Yulei·Family.

Similar to the situation of their Hestia·Family, this place is located in the slums.

Xu Mo raised his head and looked at the plaque hanging on the house in front of him. It was a sword symbol inserted into the ground. It looked simple but distinctive, which was very suitable for a low-key main god like Jian Yulei.

However, although Jian Yulei·Family was very poor, at least they could live in cheap apartments.

No matter how you look at it, they are doing much better than Hestia. If it weren't for her kind heart and the large number of orphans she sponsored, she wouldn't have fallen to this point.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Hello, is Jianyu Leishen at home?"

Arriving at the base, Xu Mo gently knocked on the door in front of him.

After a while, there were slight footsteps from inside, and then the door was opened from the inside, and a tall young man walked out.

Seeing Xu Mo was a little strange, the strong man was a little confused, but he didn't act too rude.

"Hello, I am the leader of the Takemura clan, Kashima Sakura. What can I do for you, my clan’s main deity?"

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kashima. I am Xu Mo from Hestia's family. Yesterday I made an appointment with Jian Yu Lei Shen. Today I came to train with him. I am really sorry to disturb you."

Looking at the man in front of him who was half a head taller than him, Xu Mo smiled and introduced himself.

"Oh, so you are the Xu Mo mentioned by the Lord God, please come in, the Lord God is inside," Kashima Sakura suddenly realized and smiled.

After that, Kashima Sakura took Xu Mo into the house.

Xu Mo followed him obediently, looking at the other's sturdy figure. It was hard to imagine that the man in front of him was only seventeen years old.

Although his body seemed to be five or six years younger after traveling through time.

However, at the age of seventeen, with a height of 1.9 meters and such an exaggerated figure, it is definitely very rare. Sure enough, people in the other world are all monsters!

"Haaaah! Haaaah!......"

After walking for a while, they suddenly heard shouts.

Judging from the direction the sound came from, it was obviously coming from right in front of them, and judging from the sound, there were quite a few people making the noise.

As if anticipating Xu Mo's doubts, Kashima Sakura on the side gave an explanation at the right time.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh, but this is a compulsory course for our clan every day. We get up in the morning and practice daily before entering the dungeon. This is to prevent everyone from losing their lives due to laxity."

"I see, you are indeed a member of the Takemiya Raijin family."


After chatting for a while, everything became clear at the next corner.

A fairly wide open space came into Xu Mo's sight. He saw several men and women standing in the middle of the open space, holding various weapons in their hands and practicing continuously.

Jian Yulei, who was wearing a tight suit, was holding his arms and watching everyone without saying a word.

It can be seen that this martial god is very strict with his subordinates. From beginning to end, there was no expression of satisfaction on his face. Perhaps, in his eyes, even the battle between high-level adventurers could not make him feel satisfied!

"Mo, you are here!"

Seeing the arrival of Kashima Sakura and Xu Mo, Jian Yulei rarely smiled.

"Good morning, Jian Yu Lei Shen, I hope you can teach me more in the coming days!" Xu Mo was not polite at all. After bowing slightly, he responded generously. He did not mean to treat the other party as a god, but talked to him like a friend.

In fact, this is also a point that Jian Yu Lei admired Xu Mo very much.

Jian Yu Lei waved his hand. Although his expression was serious, it was not harsh."Don't be so polite. Since you are a child of Hestia's family, and I have promised to teach you, then I will definitely do my best. But before that, let me see how your foundation is."

"Chigusa, I'll ask you to fight Mo."

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