"Well, if you insist, I'll start!"

"Well, thank you for your help!"Xu Mo nodded, took a deep breath, and adjusted his body to the best condition.

Not to mention, Xu Mo was a little nervous. This was the first time he upgraded, and he didn't know what it would feel like. Although it was unlikely that power would surge out of his body, at least it would be a little different!


"Okay, it's over!" Hestia quickly stopped her actions.

"Eh!? It's over already, it's too fast, I'm not ready yet."Xu Mo turned his head, blinked slightly confusedly, and then felt his body.

Apart from the warmth he felt on his back before, there didn't seem to be anything special.

This upgrade......This is too hasty! At least give people some hints!

"Mo Jun, what else do you want? Upgrading does not change the body structure. If I accidentally made you expect some drastic changes, I can only say sorry! However, the ability value does sublimate."

"Your"capacity" has risen to a higher level, but you haven't realized it yet. When you enter the combat state, your skills will become more agile than before, and then you will understand."

Seeing Xu Mo's silly look, Hestia laughed out loud.

It turned out that her child had such a lovely side, which was really unexpected!

"Really? I thought too much!"

Xu Mo clenched his fists, and then an embarrassed expression appeared on his face.

As expected, I shouldn't have too much expectation. I have read the original book. Although the grace of God is extremely magical, it is not as powerful as imagined.

The rule it follows is that one pays, one gets.

"Well, congratulations, Mo Jun, you are already an outstanding adventurer!"Hestia was very happy for Xu Mo and threw herself into his arms very skillfully.

""Mo, congratulations!" Even Kanna came up and offered her blessings.

Looking at the two little ones in front of him, Xu Mo couldn't help but smile happily.

After upgrading, the basic ability value will be reset to the initial value and accumulated again from I0. As for the previously accumulated ability value, it will not disappear, but will be hidden in the form of potential value.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about the disappearance of the ability value and then weakening your own strength.

Xu Mo


Strength: I0 Durability: I0 Dexterity: I0 Agility: I0 Magic: I0



【Projection Magic】【】【】


【Strength like silk】

·Perfect control of one's strength, once the attack is launched, the skin remains intact but the inside is shattered

·Superposition force

【Language proficiency】

·Able to master most common languages in the world

【Battle Continuation】

·The ability to survive as long as one is not fatally wounded. One can move and fight even when seriously wounded.


·You can gain experience points by training and killing enemies. You can use experience points to improve attributes and learn skills. There is no upper limit.


【[Experience Value]: 3621


Looking at the panel in his mind, Xu Mo was stunned.

Oh my god, are there skills for leveling up? It seems that after the development skills appear, the skills they carry are as powerful as silk.......Why do I feel like I'm seeing a secret manual of martial arts?

Dark power?

Xu Mo's expression was very strange, and he didn't know what to say.

Based on his experience of reading a lot of books, the potential of this skill is undoubtedly huge. It can be regarded as the dark power in Chinese martial arts, or as the eight extreme collapse in a certain novel.

A combination, I really love it.

At this moment, Xu Mo's mind seemed to ring with a voice:"Ding, your plug-in has been renewed’

「I really wasn't destined to be a wizard, so I can only be a melee warrior in this life. But it's okay this way. Casting magic from a distance doesn't suit my style, it's better to just punch people."

Thinking of this, Xu Mo's mood couldn't help but get better.

So, he decided,"Lord God, Kanna-chan, to celebrate my becoming Lv.2, why don't we have a big meal today and have a banquet! By the way, invite God Mihe and Thunder God Jianyu as well, they have helped me a lot, so let's thank them together!"

"Hey! What a good idea, but isn't it too late now? It's a bit rushed. How about tomorrow?" Hestia looked at the time and finally suggested.

Hearing this, Xu Mo also realized that it was already late today. It was inevitable that it would be a bit insincere to invite him at this time.

"Okay, let’s set it for tomorrow night. Tomorrow, Kanna-chan and I won’t go to the dungeon. We’ll get up early, walk around Orario, and then go and invite the two gods!"

"No problem, this proposal is perfect!"

Hestia clapped her hands and agreed with a smile. No one was happier than her that Xu Mo had become Lv.2. This made her eager to share this good news.

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