
A dull sound rang out, and the goblin's body fell to the ground, splashing a little dust.

Xu Mo waved the spear in his hand, and after a gun flower, he stopped his action. Even if he didn't know what actions he had just completed, at least he could feel that he was still very handsome.

As a spearman, isn't it necessary to be strong and handsome!

"For me now, goblins seem a little too weak. I can kill them easily with one shot. However, if I encounter a group of goblins, it is still a little tricky. I have just started fighting and my combat experience is still too immature. I need to polish it up."

After being slightly satisfied for a while, Xu Mo stood in place and began to look for his own shortcomings.

The final conclusion was to lie down.......Bah, I should just stay alive. There's no need to take risks that are uncertain. I should stick to the one-on-one rule in the dungeon and use the terrain flexibly. I believe that safety can be greatly guaranteed.

After formulating the future policy, I gained some experience points.

The specific effects of the hero's skills still need to be carefully explored. For example, will different monsters drop the same amount of experience points after being killed? Is the amount of experience points required to improve skills and attribute values the same? Are there other ways to gain experience points?...

However, that was all for the future.

At least for a long time, Xu Mo didn't need to think about this.

After all, the first to fourth floors of the dungeon were the areas where goblins were active. So if we replace them with monsters of the same strength as goblins, the experience points dropped should not be much different.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later! Now, take my spoils first!"

Xu Mo stuck his spear into the ground, clapped his hands, squatted on the spot, and kept searching in the goblin's body. Soon, he took out a small, blue-purple fragment from their chest.

This fragment was not even as big as his finger. Xu Mo curled his lips helplessly.

""It's so small! This magic stone is too small. It shouldn't be able to exchange for much magic power. It seems that if you want to exchange for a set of better quality equipment, you still need to work harder!" He threw the magic stone fragments into the air, caught them casually, and then put them in his pocket.

He said he was disgusted, but his body was still very honest. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. For Xu Mo, who is now penniless, it is a rare treasure.

After losing the magic stone, the goblin's body also changed.

They first lost their color rapidly, then their heads shattered, and finally their bodies turned into dust and disappeared without a trace.

This is the fate of the monsters that lost the magic stone.

In a flash, the two corpses that were lying on the ground just now disappeared completely, without even a trace of blood, as if the previous battle had never happened.

If it weren't for the pain in his body, Xu Mo would have thought he was dreaming just now.

"Is this the dungeon? It's really cruel! The winner gets everything, and the loser can't even leave a complete body. The law of the jungle is evident."

Seeing this scene, Xu Mo couldn't help but sigh.

But soon, this almost depressing thought was thrown behind him. He was confident that he could be the one who survived every battle.

"Snap——!"The sound of the wall cracking sounded again.

Heavy objects fell to the ground one after another, and these dark figures slowly stood up, all of them were goblins. Some of them were holding weapons in their hands, while others were bare-handed, but their movements were surprisingly consistent, and they ran towards Xu Mo synchronously, roaring continuously with extremely ferocious expressions.

Disgusting saliva dripped from the corners of the goblins' mouths, and their green pupils flashed with the brilliance of wild beasts.

If you have to describe it, it's like a wolf seeing food. Xu Mo pulled out the spear stuck in the ground, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Come on, let's see whether you eat me or I kill you!"

Facing the siege of dozens of goblins, Xu Mo did not rush up to fight recklessly. He was not strong enough to play the role of a single man against ten thousand men.

If he was surrounded by goblins, he would be in danger.

He shot the goblin in the front and sent him flying. He kept recalling the map of the first floor in his mind. When he applied for the identity of an adventurer, the guild provided the maps corresponding to the first four floors of the dungeon.

It happened that there was an open area not far from him.

Xu Mo made a prompt decision, swept the spear in his hand vigorously, and instantly pulled out enough space. Then, he ran towards the open area.

"Come on, beasts, chase me!"

While running, Xu Mo turned back to tease the goblins behind him.

These ugly monsters were so angry that they screamed when they saw that their"food" dared to tease them like this, but they had no choice but to follow Xu Mo and eat dust.

Soon, Xu Mo successfully arrived at the target location.

Just as described on the map, this place is very open and a good place for flying kites. Xu Mo stood in the center and suddenly stopped. When he turned around, the smile on his face became even brighter.

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