"Well, Hestia's family won the final victory, and now let's discuss the spoils of war."

Freya sat in the first seat, calmly organizing the meeting.

At this point, the eyes of all the gods present were focused on Hestia and Soma. Some were gloating, while others looked like they were watching a good show.

As a stay-at-home, Soma had no friends, so no gods were willing to stand up and speak for him.

"Hehehe, I have already thought about the spoils of war. As the victorious party, let’s do as we mentioned a week ago! All the property of the Su Mo family, including the headquarters, will be confiscated. Lily will also withdraw from the family. There must be no obstruction. Is that ok?"

This was obviously a question to Su Mo. The decadent male god nodded but did not reply. He had no expectations for this in his heart. Even if he lost the war game now, he would not feel too much. Some material things, if lost, he just needed to earn them back.

On the contrary, through this war, Su Mo saw the shining points of many of his children.

"Very good, since both parties have no objection, then it is decided that the Soma clan will hand over all the property within one week."

With the final result finalized, after discussing the remaining issues, the Gods Assembly ended.

The noisy gods left the assembly hall in twos and threes. Although the event was too short, it was a good pastime for these people with long lifespans.

Soon, only Soma, Hestia, Lily and Hephaestus were left in the assembly hall.

"Since we are here, Somo, please convert Lily first. From today on, she will have nothing to do with you anymore."

Without the presence of other people, Hestia spoke without any scruples.

She pulled Lily out from behind her, walked in front of Somo, and discussed with the latter to perform the withdrawal ceremony for the grace left on Lily's back.

This was something they had already discussed before.

Somo, who remained silent, looked into Lily's eyes, got the answer in his heart, and finally nodded and said,"I understand, let's start now!"

There were no outsiders in the assembly hall, so it was just the right place to hold the withdrawal ceremony.

As the assembly hall for the Gods' Assembly, there was absolutely no possibility of leaking secret information here. Even the gods would not act recklessly here, otherwise they would have to bear the wrath of more than one god.

Lily, who was sitting on the chair, took off her shirt, revealing her back engraved with her ability values. Then Su Mo cut a wound on his finger and dripped divine blood on the mark formed by the sacred text.

Then his finger slid on Lily's back, depicting a specific movement, and the entire mark instantly emitted a faint light.

Finally, the ability values began to flicker.

When this step was achieved, Lily no longer belonged to the Su Mo clan.

Similarly, Lily, who has not joined any clan now, has no god who can update her ability values, unless she finds a new faction that can accept her.

Obviously, there is such an existence in front of him.

""Lily, are you willing to join my family? Live with us." Hestia suddenly asked.

After hearing this, Lily's body trembled violently, and she recalled that figure in her mind, and then nodded firmly,"Yes, Lady Hestia, Lily is willing, please!"

After getting the response, Hestia couldn't help laughing.

She immediately dripped her divine blood on Lily's back. With the drop of blood as the center, a large ripple spread out, and the color and shape of the rows of words gradually faded.

Finally, Hestia drew a symbol representing her own name and the real name of the contract object, and left a mark to end it.

With the light emitted, the text that looked like an inscription finally turned into an engraving representing"Hestia's Familia".

At this moment, Lily became the second member of Hestia's Familia.

After the ceremony, Lily, who breathed a sigh of relief, put on her clothes and suddenly felt aggrieved. Her eyes began to redden, but she told herself in her heart that she couldn't cry. On such a good day, she must smile! After taking a deep breath, Lily turned to face Soma and bowed suddenly.

"Lord Su Mo, thank you for your care so far. I am sorry that Lily can no longer serve you. I hope that you and your family will get better and better in the future!"

As if to make a break with the past, Lily timidly and stiffly said her final farewell.

There was no sarcasm, nor any complaints, just a word of gratitude, thanking Su Mo for giving her the possibility to survive when she was young.

Even though they have parted ways and become strangers now, they still wish each other well.

Looking at the girl who bowed 90 degrees in front of him and was reluctant to get up, Su Mo, who was standing still, thought for a moment before speaking.

"Lilyluka Erd, I'm so sorry. Please take care of your health in the future."

Lily's body trembled, and her chestnut eyes suddenly became moist. This was the words she had always wanted to hear. Finally, when she was leaving, she finally heard it. It was great.

""Yes, Master Sumo, you too."

Lily responded in a trembling voice, and turned to run out of the meeting hall.

Seeing this, Hestia immediately showed a relieved smile, but the smile quickly disappeared. The loli goddess snorted coldly and turned to leave.

"Hephaestus, let's go too! It's time to celebrate!"

But just as she reached the door, Hestia stopped, her back to everyone, and after a moment of silence, her sweet voice became low.

"Sumo, I hope you can think carefully about why you came to the underworld."

"Compared to us, the children in the lower world are indeed insignificant and have weak wills. They only need a little temptation to fall. But because of this, they need our guidance and pray for the guidance of the gods to rescue them."

"You are also largely responsible for what has happened. Think about it carefully! Should you continue to indulge in making the divine wine, or should you manage your family?"

Hestia ended with these words, and this time she and Hephaestus really left the room.

Only the bewildered male god was left in the room. In a room with no one else but himself, Soma stood there in deep thought, and did not leave for a long time.

Not long in the future, the Soma family changed completely.

It is said that after Soma returned to the family's residence, he sealed up all the wine bottles in the workshop, and all the utensils related to wine disappeared without a trace.

So far, the situation of the Soma family has gradually improved.

Although the number of people has dropped sharply, all the termites have been eliminated, and the family has not declined, but has become better and better.

Of course, these are all later stories.


From today on, the whole of Orarri will remember the names of Xu Mo and Kanna.

Although the Soma clan is not too powerful, it is not so easy to defeat. No one doubts that Xu Mo will become a powerful adventurer.

Even many people began to look forward to seeing this person with their own eyes.

As the defeated party, Soma quickly sorted out all the property in the clan.

Hestia did not do too much. The real estate was not taken away, and a part of the start-up capital was left, so that the Soma clan had a chance to make a comeback.

In fact, there is no deep hatred between them.

If you have to say it, the differences in how to treat the clan have not risen to the point of life and death, so there is no fear that the Soma clan will make a comeback one day.

On the contrary, because she has experienced a period of decline, Hestia knows the importance of money.

But if the object is Loki, she will not be so generous, but will ridicule him. There is no way, she is a loli goddess who is also very vengeful.


After a day of travel, Xu Mo brought Kanna back to Orario.

Ignoring the guards' strange looks, he avoided everyone and returned to the base quietly. If you don't want to cause some unnecessary trouble, it is necessary to avoid it a little.

Of course, Hestia couldn't avoid a bear hug and bursts of shouting. After finally surviving from the arms of the loli goddess, looking at Lily who was looking at the side with a burning gaze and full of envy, Xu Mo smiled, walked up to her and ruffled her hair, his eyes became gentle

"Congratulations, Lily, on successfully escaping from that cage. Please give me your guidance in the future!"

""Yes, Master Xu Mo!" Lily also laughed. Compared with the past, her smile was more like the smile of a young girl.

It was a kind of original attitude that should be free from all pressure.

The second member of Hestia's family was now in place.

"Hey!!! Mo Jun is biased, I obviously want you to touch my head too, no, give it back to me now!"

"Lady Hestia, please stop messing around. Lord Xu Mo must be very tired after a long journey. Let him and Lady Kanna have a good rest!"

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