Xu Mo


Strength: G263→F313 | Durability: G271→F327 | Dexterity: G282→F342 | Agility: F306→F361 | Magic: F357→F396



【Projection Magic】【Space Mastery】【】


【Liuhe Gun】

·Heart and mind are united, mind and qi are united, qi and strength are united; shoulders and hips are united, ribs and knees are united, hands and feet are united

·A single horse and a single gun, looking down on thousands of troops

【Strength like silk】

·Perfect control of one's strength, once the attack is launched, the skin remains intact but the inside is shattered

·Superposition force

【Language proficiency】

·Able to master most common languages in the world

【Battle Continuation】

·The ability to survive as long as one is not fatally wounded. One can move and fight even when seriously wounded.


·You can gain experience points by training and killing enemies. You can use experience points to improve attributes and learn skills. There is no upper limit.

? ? ? ? (garbled)

【Experience value: 27812

Holding the familiar rice paper, Hestia frowned subconsciously.

As the person who was most familiar with Xu Mo, she noticed the difference at a glance. In addition to the development ability upgrade, there was an additional skill. The speed of improving the ability value proficiency was also quite good, which was simply abnormal.

""Mr. Mo, what you want to show me is just an extra skill? It's no big deal, right?"

Hestia, holding the site selection, showed deep dissatisfaction on her face again. It

's too much to be disturbed suddenly, can't it be done during the day? Don't you know that lack of sleep is the natural enemy of women, even gods are no exception.

After coming to the lower world, Hestia has learned a lot of strange knowledge in this area.

"Lord God, please be more careful. Don't you see that there is something different in one of my skills? For example, a line of garbled text or something......."

""Eh!? Is there? Let me see!" Hearing this, Hestia looked over.

As expected, when she saw the familiar greetings replaced by garbled characters, she suddenly realized something, then turned to confusion again. She looked up with her big watery eyes and asked:

"What's the problem? It was not possible to see it before, but it has just changed a little. There is no need to make such a fuss! Maybe, after a while, it will show up by itself! Even as a god, I can't see it clearly, and there is no other way."

The two people's eyes met in the air, and no one spoke first.

Suddenly, Hestia thought of something, sat up suddenly, and her expression became very serious.

"Mo Jun, what you mean by this sentence, does it mean that you already know the content of this entry?"

"Lord God, it seems that you are not hopelessly stupid! You can draw inferences from one instance, which makes me so happy. In this way, I am not afraid of someone abducting you."

Looking at Hestia's slightly hurried tone, Xu Mo said something teasing instead.

Good fellow, I asked you to gather the power of your clan not long ago and drive you out of the house. Humph, now you know how powerful you are, right? I won't say anything, I'll just keep you hanging and see if you will get anxious.

"You've gone too far, Mo Jun. I'm not as stupid as you say I am." Hestia pouted, with a look of dissatisfaction on her face, and even her eyes became unfriendly. She always felt that her child was becoming more and more naughty.

"Stop joking, tell me now!"

Hestia rushed forward, hugged Xu Mo's right hand into her arms, and kept shaking it.

Feeling the softness on his elbow, the young man couldn't stand it and had to give up."Lord God, let me go first, I'll tell you, isn't it?""

""Hehe." Seeing her plan succeed, Hestia's eyes suddenly showed a cunning light.

However, in a place where no one could see, the back of the ears of the Lolita goddess had slowly turned red. As one of the three recognized virgin goddesses, she had never done such a thing. It was too embarrassing to act like a spoiled child to the opposite sex.

However, if the object was Xu Mo, Hestia would be willing to do such a thing!

""Ahem," Xu Mo didn't notice Hestia's change. He coughed twice, barely suppressing the strangeness in his heart and forcing himself to become serious. His expression instantly returned to seriousness.

"Lord God, what I want to tell you is about my skill......."

In order to prevent anyone from eavesdropping, Xu Mo could only sit next to Hestia and talk quietly. Because they were too close, he could easily smell the fragrance coming from the loli goddess.

Even though he had gradually gotten used to it, he couldn't help but feel distracted when he smelled it again.

However, the most important thing now was to do business first!......The story actually goes like this. It all happened more than half an hour ago.

At that time, Xu Mo was in the dungeon. While being chased by a group of monsters, he accidentally discovered the change of the [Brave] skill. Driven by curiosity, Xu Mo spent 10,000 experience points and clicked on the skill. Suddenly, a prompt appeared in his mind:

「Be a brave man, but follow your heart and go on a fancy adventure」

「Requirements: Go to an unknown world and save or destroy the world, or become a passerby, depending on your mood」

「Reward: Upon return, the second skill entry will be unlocked based on performance."

When Xu Mo saw this, he was completely stunned. He originally thought that his cheat code only had the function of adding points, and the other abilities were unlikely to exist. Unexpectedly, a task would pop up.

By unlocking the second entry, the already powerful [Brave] skill will definitely be reborn!

Apart from this, the unknown world should be the same as he imagined. I thought it was a fantasy fan flow, but it turned out to be an infinite flow, which is very interesting.......

"So, Mr. Mo, what you mean is that if you want to obtain new functions of skills, you need to go to other worlds to complete tasks?"

Inside the room, Hestia sat on the bed with a strange look on her face.

As a god in the lower world, when using divine power, at least in most cases in this world, she can be omniscient and omnipotent. Also because of Kanna's existence, she also understood the reality of the other world.

And now, her own child told her that she has the ability to go to another world.

To be honest, this news is undoubtedly a huge shock to Hestia. Originally thought that Xu Mo was already powerful enough, as long as there was enough time, at most three years, he could become a first-level adventurer.

However, she still underestimated the power of this perverted skill.

Looking at Hestia's face full of shock, Xu Mo nodded,"Yes, Lord God, after getting this news, I rushed back without stopping and told you the news. In fact, I came here to say goodbye. I plan to complete this task. Please allow me."

Speaking of this, Xu Mo's tone became very serious.

This decision was made after careful consideration. Although the unknown represents danger, it is also an opportunity. What's more, there is a guaranteed reward for the villa.

Anyway, according to the information in his mind, Xu Mo can return to the dungeon to encounter the world at any time.

At most, it is because of the insufficient completion that the reward is much worse, but life should be worry-free and it is worth fighting hard. The benefits definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

Therefore, this is why he hurried back and woke up Hestia.

The loli goddess looked at Xu Mo's eyes and felt a deep determination from it. She also knew that she should not be able to stop the latter's decision. This is an adventurer!

Even if you know there is danger, you will still move forward without hesitation. This is also the charm of human beings.

After thinking about this clearly, Hestia made a decision in her heart, raised her head, and said in a deep voice:"Mr. Mo, since you have made a decision yourself, as your main god, I will support you unconditionally, but for this reason, as the main god of Hestia's family, I also want to do my best to help you."

"To be honest, your skills are beyond my understanding. Even I can't go to another world. The extremely dangerous space turbulence makes it impossible for me to accurately locate the world coordinates. However, the [Brave] skill can actually do it. It's really amazing!"

"So, I want to see if I can take this opportunity to go to another world with you."

Hmm? Hearing this, Xu Mo's expression changed instantly. He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. Is this loli goddess of his own serious about what she said?

She just came to say goodbye, why did she suddenly become like this!

For a moment, Xu Mo's expression was very unnatural. Although Hestia was kind-hearted and might also want to see other worlds, it always felt weird.

Therefore, Xu Mo could only start from other angles to make her give up this ridiculous idea.

"Oh, Lord God, is this not good?...You know, if you want to sense my skills, you must use divine power. I remember that the gods are not allowed to use divine power privately, otherwise they will be sent back to heaven. Besides, if you leave with me, what will happen to Kanna-chan, Lily, and Belle? So, I will go alone. Don't worry, I will come back safely."

Xu Mo, who thought his reason was impeccable, advised earnestly.

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