T5 Hell Angels Starship Bridge

  Sun He looked at the changes in the battlefield, although he was the commander, but the command of this battle was with the commander of the Twentieth Fleet Murong Yun and the T5 Tiangong starship.

  "Commander, though it has been said many times. But I still want to thank you for your willingness to give Hiko this chance, to give us these mechanical beings this chance. Deputy Captain Qi stood beside Commander Sun He and said gratefully.

  Sun He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Actually, in my opinion, it doesn't matter what kind of mechanical life or demon civilization it is, or other interstellar species, there is not much difference between everyone.

  If everyone can live in a universe, then it will be the best.

  But if some interstellar races have the idea of invasion, domination, enslavement, or even slaughter, then we can only resist, after all, everyone has the right to live.

  That's why I'm rooting out the Automata relationship.

  What I want to eradicate is the perverted idea of the Age of Machine, the mechanical life that has embraced this idea, and as for the other mechanical life, as long as they are willing to follow our basic ideology and coexist with other interstellar races, I will naturally allow them to exist. "

  Vice Captain Qi looked at Commander Sun He, and she said softly, "I'm proud of my original choice now. "

  "Alright, let's get to work. Sun He patted Vice Captain Qi on the shoulder.

  When the Twentieth Fleet of Green Kite was in formation.

  The 100,000 enemy ships also formed an encirclement, with a momentum of wanting to wipe out all these green kite starships.

  The five hundred T4 starships of the Twentieth Fleet of the Green Kite, arranged according to the instructions, were each in their own positions.

  The vast majority of the 120 T4 Titan-class heavy interstellar frigates are on the outskirts of the defensive line, with the defense system fully open and the energy shield ready to meet the enemy's attack at any time.

  It is also responsible for the protection of the T4 Hades-class carrier starships and the T4 Heaven's Fury-class heavy starmissile ships, as well as the auxiliary starships in the very center.

  All 50 T4 Pluto-class starships of the T4 Pluto-class interstellar fighters have been dropped, as well as a group of Hades-class drones.

  All 20 T4 Heavenfury-class heavy interstellar missile ships are ready, and all the launch windows of all Heaven's missiles are open, and they can be launched immediately with a single command.

  The remaining 50 T4 Skyrage-class heavy starcruisers, 60 T4 Chimera-class medium starcruisers, 80 T4 Hurricane-class light starcruisers, and 120 T4 Nine-Tailed Fox-class medium starcruisers.

  A full 500 T4 combat starships are waiting for them, and this is not inferior in aura compared to the enemy's 100,000 starships.

  With the forward fleet of the Machine Age taking the lead in entering the combat area, the Green Kite Legion immediately launched an attack!

  Starships on both sides began to exchange fire.

  At first, the Twentieth Fleet was still engaged in a local exchange of fire, and did not launch a fierce counterattack in a hurry.

  After all, they don't have many starships, and they need to use their important firepower where they should be used.

  So unlike usual, it was not the interstellar missile ships that were the first to engage in battle, not the interstellar fighters.

  On the contrary, it is a T4 Nine-Tailed Fox-class medium-sized interstellar destroyer!

  Although it is only an interstellar destroyer, the T4 Nine-Tailed Fox-class medium-sized interstellar destroyer is also a T4 starship, not to mention that there is also a laser jamming system that can interfere with the operation of the enemy's laser-type weapons.

  In the early days of the firefight, this was naturally the absolute advantage of the Twentieth Fleet of the Green Kite.

  However, as more and more starships are put into combat on the side of the Mechanical Age, pressure is exerted on the Blue Kite starship in all directions.

  The pressure on the Twentieth Fleet of the Green Kite is really not small.

  And at this time, the T4 Heavenfury-class heavy interstellar missile ship began to start.

  However, it did not attack in pieces like ordinary operations, but launched an attack to the established attack coordinates after receiving the attack order from the T5 Tiangong starship.

  Visually, though, it's not as good as the previous feeling of firepower.

  But in terms of battlefield effect, it is excellent!

  Often, the attacks of several T4 Heaven's Fury-class heavy interstellar missile ships were just right to relieve the pressure on the frontal battlefield, and even directly led to the interruption of a round of offensive by the enemy fleet, and the forward fleet was completely eaten by the Blue Kite starship.

  This directly reflects the direct control of the T5 Tiangong starship on the battlefield, taking care of all aspects, and even the deployment and arrangement of each starship.

  The T4 Pluto-class starfighters and the T4 Pluto-class drone swarm soon began to take over the air supremacy of the battlefield.

  Although the Mechanical Age also has a T4 aircraft carrier starship this time, in terms of combat effectiveness, it is not at all the opponent of the T4 Hades-class aircraft carrier starship.

  The only thing that works is to crush it with quantity.

  However, this effect can only last for a short time, and the fall of air supremacy is only a matter of time.

  The battle of the Green Kite Legion, no matter what happened on the frontal battlefield, there has never been any problem in the struggle for air supremacy, and it is the undoubted hegemon!

  The battle is ongoing.

  The casualties on the side of the Automata starships began to climb at an alarming rate.

  In half an hour, nearly a thousand Automata starships had fallen.

  On the contrary, not a single starship was destroyed on the side of the Green Kite Legion, but there were a few Blue Kite starships that were heavily damaged.

  Included in the T4 Hurricane-class light starcruiser, because of the order to surprise and intersperse the enemy's forward fleet, although the mission was successfully completed, but the energy shield was depleted, although the hull was not too badly damaged.

  But their position is too deep, and now they have become the target of the enemy ships, so you can imagine what the next outcome will be.

  Just when the top and bottom of this starship were preparing to die in the line of duty.

  A curtain of light shrouded the T4 Hurricane-class light starcruiser.

  "This is the Tiangong starship, your ship has completed its mission, please withdraw to the defense line immediately under the cover of our ship!"

  A female voice came directly from the starship system.

  The Tiangong starship?

  When the captain heard this, he suddenly remembered that before the battle began, their fleet commander had said that in this battle, in addition to receiving orders from the fleet commander.

  Also to receive orders from this T5 Tiangong starship.

  Even if the two orders collide, the order of the T5 Tiangong starship shall prevail.

  It is conceivable that the status of the T5 Tiangong starship on the battlefield.

  And looking at the light curtain wrapped around the starship, it is an energy shield!

  "I didn't expect the T5 Tiangong starship to be able to transmit energy over long distances and form an energy shield against friendly starships. The captain was amazed at the black technology of the T5 starship.

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