Beginning to become a saint from the path of time and fruit

Chapter 77: Starting from scratch, cleaning up the old mountains and rivers, facing the sky

The lightning flashes, thunder rushes into the dark haze, and the white rain hits the people in the cold.

The sudden spring rain falls into the world unexpectedly.

But in the dormitory where Anle is, the sword energy is all over the universe, and the sword energy intertwined between the ink pools shrouds the entire dormitory, making the atmosphere like a bright sun shining, with a bit of warmth, dispelling the heavy rain and cold spring. .

Anle's eyes were shining, and he kept writing with a blank scroll. Words that seemed to contain his emotions jumped out from his pen one after another.

Outside the dormitory, soldiers wearing armor carried knives at their waists and endured the heavy rain dutifully. The rain made white streaks on their cold armor, like a veil.

At this moment, the soldier squinted through the rain curtain and stared at the young man writing an article in the cell. He only felt the sharp sword energy intertwined and felt the pervading and exciting mind.

His body, which had been chilled by the heavy rain, suddenly felt an inexplicable surge of violent blood.

For a moment, the soldiers were a little curious as to what kind of article the young man was writing.

The heavy rain continued to fall like pillars, adding a bit of solemnity to the spring.

The rain curtain in the distance parted, and three figures in Confucian shirts stood quietly. The wisp of literary spirit lingering on the fingertips pointed to the young man writing an essay and answering questions in the dormitory.

The three masters of the liberal arts college represent three schools of thought. They have countless students under each other, and many of their students have appeared on the literary and music charts.

But today, it is rare for three masters to appear at the same time to watch a young man make an essay.

"That black sword was probably taken from the Sixth Mountain Master's Hongchen Sword Box." The doctor put his hands behind his back and looked at the young man in the dormitory who was stirring up the sword energy, his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Yes, I didn't expect that the article that triggered the Wenqu Monument was actually written by this man. It surprises me but not surprises me." The third wife, Wang Banshan, stroked his beard and smiled.

The doctor turned to look at him: "Do you know him?"

Pang Jidao, the second master, said: "This son is the An family who is now famous in Lin'an. His black bamboo hand is quite amazing. Look at the sword on his waist and a bamboo sword. Master Zhu must recognize this bamboo sword."

The doctor couldn't help being stunned when he heard this. He looked through the bead curtain and saw a bamboo sword on Anle's waist.

"Zhao Huangting's Qingshan?"

The doctor said in surprise.

"Yes, Zhao Huangting gave Qingshan to this boy because of a piece of black bamboo, or because of the boy's quality." The second master said slowly.

For a moment, the only sound left between the sky and the earth was the sound of rain falling on Chuping.

"To be able to wear Qingshan, he must be a good young man. Let's see what articles he has written." The doctor said softly.

As the words fell, the literary energy lingering in his hand suddenly popped out.

Wen Qi was like a thread, breaking through the rain curtain and falling into the dormitory. The next moment, in front of the three masters, the world suddenly became quiet, as if the years had stopped, and every drop of white rain that fell was frozen in the air.

The doctor raised his hand and tapped a grain of spring rain that seemed to contain sword energy. In an instant, the spring rain changed and condensed into words.

"Since ancient times, emperors have ruled the world, and they have always lived in the middle to control the barbarians, and the barbarians have lived outside to serve the Chinese. It has never been heard of the barbarians living in the middle to control the world..."

When the rain condensed into the article written by the young man, the three masters all stared at each word and began to read, chewing the flavor.

The three masters are all scholars, each with their own ideas and their own standards for appreciating articles.

From Anle's first sentence, we can know Anle's attitude towards the Northern Expedition.

As for the opening sentence, the eyes of the three masters all lit up, and they began to think of reading further.

The article is eloquent, condensed into words by spring rain, and if you read it in advance, you can feel the fiery emotions contained in the article.

"Drive out the barbarians and restore the Middle Earth!"

When these eight characters appear, it seems that sword energy comes out through the rain, cutting off the dark night with one sword, ushering in endless light!


The third wife, Wang Banshan, admired it so much that he couldn't help but let out a loud cheer.

The sound shattered the picture, and time returned. The roar was as majestic as the sound of a waterfall, and once again enveloped the surroundings.

The first wife, Zhu Huoxi, and the second wife, Pang Ji, glanced at the third wife, Wang Banshan, with a hint of speechlessness in their eyes.

Once this shout of praise comes out, it is bound to be felt.

The three of them shook their heads and did not stay here any longer. However, the third wife, Wang Banshan, didn't care so much. He stroked his beard and laughed, took one step forward, and disappeared into the rain.

The first master and the second master also dispersed at the same time, and the positions where they stood were covered by the heavy rain, leaving no trace at all.

The next moment, a majestic mind swept past. After finding no trace, he retreated and came back. After doing this three or four times, he completely retreated.

In a building with white walls and black tiles.

Yan Chaoqing, the deputy examiner in official robes, sat upright on a wooden chair. His mind returned to his body. He opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

"I did hear someone cheering just now, why was there no movement?"

Yan Chaoqing's cultivation level was not weak, and his mind rushed towards him but it was only a matter of seconds, but he still failed to capture the other party.

It means that the other party's cultivation level may be higher than his.

"That's all, maybe I'm hallucinating. This rainstorm is too heavy. It doesn't look like a spring rain at all, but more like a sudden summer rain."

Yan Chaoqing stood up, feeling the scent of sandalwood in the room, and slowly walked under the eaves.

On the edge of the black tiles, rainwater intertwined into a curtain, venting like a waterfall, adding a bit of hustle and bustle to the silent night.

He has also seen the questions for this Chunwei exam, but he can guess the entry points for these answers from candidates from all over the dynasty.

It is said that this question was set by the examiner Qin Xiang. Most candidates would answer it by saying that the Northern Expedition is not appropriate.

This made Yan Chaoqing feel very bored.

A winding path leads to a secluded place, under the eaves of a thatched cottage.

Three scholars appeared one after another, their Confucian robes not stained by the rain.

"The article written by this boy is like a Northern Expedition manifesto, with great momentum, and it shows a trend of the times, very good."

The third scholar Wang Banshan stroked his long beard, not hiding his appreciation.

"Expel the barbarians and restore the Central Plains... This is the outline of the manifesto. When people read it, they can't help but ignite the idea of ​​the Northern Expedition. It is indeed a talented young man."

The senior doctor Zhu Huoxi nodded: "Can this boy enter the Academy of Literature?"

The second doctor Pang Ji shook his head: "This boy is from Chongzhou. He has not been to Lin'an for a long time and has not entered the Academy of Literature."

"This boy is very talented in writing, so he should be admitted to the Academy of Literature. How can such a talent be left out?" Senior doctor Zhu Huoxi was a little unhappy.

"After the Spring Examination, let him enter the Academy of Literature. The fact that he can move the Wenqu Monument shows that this boy is very predestined with our Academy of Literature. In the future, if this boy goes to the Wenqu Monument without words to recite articles, he may really be like Li Youan and Su Zhanxian, causing the Wenqu Monument to have strange phenomena, condensing his literary courage, and bringing down his aura!"

"That will be another grand event for the Academy of Literature."

The senior doctor stroked his beard and said.

The third master chuckled: "This boy once went to the Martial Temple, causing the Wu Kui Stone in the Martial Temple to produce blood and qi smoke, and the Wu Kui of all generations appeared to deduce the martial arts classics for him..."

"The Wu Kui Di Zang said directly that if An Le dared to enter the Academy of Literature, he would turn against him. I'm afraid it would be difficult to let this boy join our Academy of Literature."

The first master couldn't help but pause in stroking his beard.

After a long time, he spoke: "This boy is born to be a scholar. Going to the Martial Temple to be a warrior is a disgrace to the culture."

"Banshan, you have to bend him back."

The third master Wang Banshan smiled, looking at the night rain curtain, and spoke lightly.

"Today's Academy of Literature is no longer as pure as the Martial Temple. Let this boy enter the Academy of Literature to intrigue? Besides, this boy has a conflict with Prime Minister Qin, and the Academy of Literature may not tolerate him."

"I can't bend him."



An Le finished writing the last word, sighed, and his eyes sparkled.

The sword energy in the room was like autumn light, surging with murderous intent. As he finished writing the article, it slowly converged and finally turned into an ink pool, which he wore at his waist.

"This is well written, the Northern Expedition Manifesto, I'm afraid that Prime Minister Qin will be very angry when he sees it."

"However, at most I won't get any points for the big question, and I don't expect to get any points for this question."

Anle smiled freely.

When he watched the golden years of the old man in the Taimiao, the scenes of the generals crying and wailing when the Great Zhao Dynasty moved south, and the sadness of the civil and military officials kneeling to bid farewell to the Central Plains, he was very depressed.

Now he finally vented.

Anle actually doesn't understand those officials who refuse the Northern Expedition and choose to negotiate peace.

If it was the beginning of the migration to the south, in order not to waste people's money and not to hurt the foundation of the country, not to carry out the Northern Expedition to regain lost territory and restore face, it is still within the scope of understanding.

But five hundred years later, the Great Zhao Dynasty developed extremely prosperously in the south of Canglang River, with strong soldiers and horses, military generals with vigorous blood, and literati and poets singing and dancing every night, so prosperous that it was so prosperous that it was ecstatic.

It was a good time to march north, but they were still unwilling to march north and break off relations with the Yuan and Mongolian Empire, in order to indulge in the prosperous and gentle countryside of Lin'an.

Perhaps in addition to unwillingness, there was also fear of failure, such as the dream of prosperity being shattered, leading to the spread of war.

However, the original roots of the Great Zhao Dynasty were north of Canglang River, in the Middle Earth!

Shaking his head, Anle put down his pen, raised his head and looked outside the rain curtain.

Previously, he was immersed in writing, and vaguely felt that someone was peeping at him through the rain curtain, but he didn't know who it was. He was able to pass the monitoring of the Spring Examination, so he must have a very high level of cultivation.

However, it was not a big deal that it did not affect his Spring Examination.

After finishing answering the test questions, Anle stopped thinking and closed his eyes slightly. The sword furnace in the Niwan Palace clanged. In a short period of time, his transcendent mind was slightly improved.

When doing the questions, the transformation of his state of mind, coupled with the resonance between the sword waterfall and his mind, led to the improvement of his mind.

Anle smiled and did not touch the test paper again.

He looked at the sky and saw that it was almost dawn.

In other words, in one day, he finished answering all the questions he had to do for three days.

In the remaining time, Anle was very confident and did not need to check, because for him, the questions were not difficult. The only question that could not determine the score was the last one, the Northern Expedition.

But from the beginning, Anle had never hoped to score on the Northern Expedition question.

Therefore, Anle actually practiced in the room, contemplating the "Sword Waterfall Picture" seriously.

The ink on the tip of the tip was still moist, just like when the wind and rain were washed away.

The rainstorm gradually stopped, the sky gradually brightened, and the spring scenery was in full bloom.

Many candidates woke up from their spring sleep, washed their faces with rainwater, ate the baked cakes they brought with them, lit the dim lights, and continued to do the questions and answer the papers.

Others do the questions while others do the questions while others practice.

The first round of the three-day spring exam finally ended, and there will be the second and third rounds, both of which will last for three days.

However, all candidates have one day to rest, which can sweep away the decadence of the three days, and can also review hard to find out the gaps and make up for the gaps.

The spring rain stopped on the second day, and today the warm sun shines brightly, illuminating the many peach and apricot flowers in the literary academy.

Anle took the test card and left the dormitory, and merged into many candidates' teams. Although these candidates were all tired, they were in high spirits. They were chatting with each other about the content of the test questions and analyzing whether each other's entry points were accurate.

“What do you think is the correct entry point for the big topic ‘On whether to conduct the Northern Expedition’?”

"It goes without saying that the shortcomings of the Northern Expedition must be explained in terms of people's livelihood, people's finances, public opinion and many other aspects. We must also focus on elaborating on the power of Emperor Yuanmeng. The real solution to the problem is to avoid his sharp edges and maintain the current peaceful situation. "

"Having said so much, isn't the point of breaking the point because this title was posed by Prime Minister Qin? Prime Minister Qin has always advocated maintaining a peaceful situation and did not want to waste people and money on the Northern Expedition."

The candidates had not yet left the liberal arts college, and they started arguing with each other while walking on the bluestone road.

Anle listened for a while and then lost interest.

Not far away, there were two figures standing in the distance, bathing in the warm sun, waving excitedly when they saw Anle among the long grass and the flying orioles.

It was Liu Yue and the person named Xu.

"My descendants, Jian Kang and Xu Shun, have met An's family."

Juren surnamed Xu is now much more humble, and no longer has the arrogant attitude he had before.

An Le glanced at him lightly, nodded slightly to say hello, and then started chatting with Liu Yue, who looked a little sad.

Xu Shun pursed his lips and followed the two of them quietly, not complaining much. The name of the An family was like thunder in his ears. He had ignored each other before, but now he was treated like this, but it was understandable.

"As for the big issue of the Northern Expedition, everyone, do you support the Northern Expedition or not?"

The three of them left the academy and walked to the stone monument of the academy. Liu Yue, who had a bright face all the way, couldn't help but asked about Anle.

Anle glanced at Liu Yue and said: "I support the Northern Expedition. North of the Canglang River is my homeland in the Central Plains. It is our responsibility that runs in our blood to regain our homeland and avoid being humiliated by the barbarians."

When Liu Yue heard this, his whole body froze, but Xu Shun on the side kept shaking his head, with excitement on his face: "Annoy everyone, that's right, we are in the Spring Examination, and we can't just rely on our own will to answer the questions, we also need to grasp the examiner's opinions. preferences, supporting the Northern Expedition is not the right answer.”

Anle was too lazy to pay attention to this person and took a deep look at Liu Yue, who was getting paler.

Then he raised his hand and patted it: "Don't take it too seriously, it's just to score points, it's not embarrassing."

"If you can really become an official in high school because of this, you can fulfill your heart's wish, start over, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky."

After the words were finished, An Le didn't say anything more.

Wearing a green mountain ink pond on his waist and a spot of white clothes, he disappeared among the mountain roads at the foot of the Wenyuan Mountain in the bright spring.

Liu Yue was comforted and his complexion became better. He savored An Le's words, but he still felt a little depressed.

I remembered the grand vow I had made on the banks of the West Lake to regain the mountains and rivers, and the little words I had written on the title of the paper.

I just feel like my heart has been chipped away a little.

"An family must be free and easy-going."

Liu Yue couldn't help but show a hint of admiration when he looked at An Le's back with straight waist, flying clothes and sword.

Knowing clearly what the correct answer is, but still being able to write what I want to say from my heart, even if I lose points because of this, and may even miss the gold medal, I still feel relieved.

Liu Yue couldn't do it because he couldn't give up the gold list. He was full of ambitions and needed to reach the top to achieve it.

As unrestrained as Anle, although he envied it, he was helpless.

Xu Shun smiled at the side and said: "I am cool now, but if I am not on the gold list and cannot be admitted to the Jinshi list, I am afraid that this Lin'an An family will feel very uncomfortable, and may even become a Lin'an literati. A joke in your mouth.”

"You are free and easy in front of others, but suffer behind others."

Liu Yue frowned slightly and glanced at Xu Shun displeasedly: "You don't understand An's freedom and ease."

Then he left without saying another word.

Xu Shun curled his lips: "If it weren't for your reputation as Huating Liu Yue, I would not bother to pay attention to you."

The first show of Chunwei ended, and for Anle, it was as pleasant as listening to a ditty at the West Lake for a day.

Returning to the bustling street, amidst the hustle and bustle of people, I went to Yanchunli and greeted the female shopkeeper who I hadn't seen for three days warmly.

"Master, why haven't you come here for three days to get a drink?"

"Is the wine not to your liking?"

the female shopkeeper asked.

An Le bowed and smiled: "Xiaosheng participated in the Spring Festival and just finished the first show. Why don't you come and drink? The wine is fine. It's tasty enough. Let's have two bottles."

Hearing this, the female shopkeeper was suddenly surprised and spoke arrogantly: "I never thought that the young master is actually a high-ranking official. Today's wine is free for the young master! I only hope that the young master is a Jinshi in high school! That little shop can also prosper!"

Anle smiled hoarsely and wanted to pay, but couldn't resist the enthusiastic female shopkeeper.

After drinking two pots of old yellow rice wine, Anle went to Ding Yaxiang to cut a pound of braised beef.

In a happy mood, I went straight back to Taimiao Lane.

Passing by the Imperial Ancestral Temple, I saw the door open. The old man was sitting on a chair, hanging in front of him was the painting of a galloping horse that he had painted for Mr. Lin. He was squinting in the warm sunshine while admiring and appreciating the painting.

When the old man saw the old rice wine and beef in An Le's hand, he stood up familiarly, put away the painting, closed the door and walked to the small courtyard.

In the small courtyard, Anle set up tables and chairs, warmed up old rice wine, and drank and ate meat with the old man.

"Little friend An is in a good mood, and his thoughts are clear. It seems that Chunwei did well in the first exam?"

The old man smacked his lips, savoring the taste of old rice wine, and said.

An Le drank a glass of rice wine generously and smiled: "No, on the contrary I may lose big points."

When the old man heard this, he immediately looked over in confusion.

Are you so happy and insane?

Anle told the old man about the Northern Expedition exam question. Read a book

When the old man heard this, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes: "It is indeed a question that Qin Lishi can come up with."

"How do you answer, little friend? Talk to me carefully."

The old man was really curious about Anle's answer.

An Le didn't hide it. He put down his cup, stood up, walked to the yard, raised his hand and waved towards the green mountain stuck in the old locust tree.

Qingshan started, and Anle began to dance the three swords of Cipai taught by the old man.

On the other side, he slowly recited the answer to his essay.

The old man sitting on the chair was listening and drinking. Gradually, a flame like the bright sun burned in his eyes, and he wanted to cross the Canglang River with his sword and fight.

A bottle of wine was drank completely without realizing it.

Wait until Anle finishes reciting the last word.

The old man put his hands on his hands and laughed: "What a sentence to drive away the barbarians and restore the Central Plains."

"Good answer, crisp answer!"

"Hahaha, the article that caused a stir in Wenqu last night... turned out to be written by your boy!"

"Qin Lishi, if I see your answer that caused the Wenqu Monument to move, I wonder if you will vomit blood."

"At least it will be very disgusting."

ps: Please give me a monthly ticket, I almost have a thousand tickets, please give me a monthly ticket, please recommend and support!

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