Behind me is the earth

Chapter 106 105. Haunting and Death of Zheng Jinglong

"I heard something, how about I go and find out?"

The master thought for a while and said.

"Inquire carefully. If Ren Shengsheng can really solve this problem for me, master, then he is my noble man. Not to mention giving him the position of regiment training, so what if the mayor also gave him the position?

I have no doubt about this man's ability to make money. You should focus on asking whether he has the ability to eliminate living corpses! "

Huang Zhixian has great faith in his master's ability. This master can help with all matters in the county, and no one can fault him.


The master agreed, and then shouted outside, and a young man in black shorts came in: "Army, prepare your vehicles, come with me to Qingcheng Town in the afternoon."


The army nodded and went out.

"You, you, I just like how you act vigorously and resolutely. You really deserve to be my master. Come on, Lao Lu, let's meet one."

Huang Zhixian was very happy and picked up the wine cup in his hand.

After lunch, Master Lu covered the sun with his hands and got into the carriage that had been prepared outside the courtyard.

The army pulled the reins, and the carriage drove out of the city on the bluestone.

More than a dozen people followed on horseback.

After arriving outside Qingcheng Town, Master Lu immediately sent several people to Renjiazhuang to check.

In order to prevent Xie Yanwu from getting the news and hindering him, he and Dajun dressed up, stayed in isolation for an hour, and it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when he took a few people into the city.

"Do you know that Mr. Gao's house is haunted?"

"I know, I heard that Mr. Gao's wife cried and howled all night?"

"Not just last night, he also has several concubines at home!"

"I live next door to Lao Gao's house. I heard Mrs. Gao's howling last night. It didn't sound like a human voice!"

"You're not possessed by a ghost, are you?"

As soon as he entered the city, before Master Lu had time to inquire about Ren Pingsheng, he heard people on the streets discussing the haunting incident at Master Gao's house.

Hearing the seriousness of these people, Master Lu couldn't help frowning: "Dajun, do you think there are really ghosts in this world?"

"Since there are living corpses and monsters, it's not surprising that there are ghosts."

Dajun said.

"Since seven years ago, the world has become more and more lively. Strangers and monsters have appeared one after another. The warriors have also shown incredible magical powers in their practice. Now even ghosts have appeared."

Master Lu curled his lips and said.

"The powers of strangers are just tricks. Although we practice martial arts and have magical powers, they are just some small magical powers such as being invulnerable to weapons, not afraid of cold and heat, and immune to all diseases. Although monsters are ferocious, they are also It is within human reach and is not an unstoppable scourge.

Compared to natural disasters and man-made disasters, what are these? Now that the world is in chaos, how much of the factor does the living corpse account for? The influence of supernatural beings and monsters is even smaller, and ordinary people don't even know about it.

As for the ghosts that appear now, I'm afraid they are just things to scare people. "

Dajun left the carriage at the carriage house and walked on the street with Master Lu.

“Having said that, there have been more and more rumors about strange beings in recent years, and even extraordinary strange beings have begun to appear.

There are also occasional reports of monsters coming out of the mountains to attack people.

This all shows that these strangers and monsters are becoming stronger as time goes by. Maybe in a few years, strangers and warriors will occupy a decisive position. This is also possible.

When I wrote to Mr. Zheng some time ago, I said that I had recruited an overseas stranger who could walk on water and fight sea beasts!

Maybe we can see it later. "

Master Lu said that he was quite yearning for the superpower, but just based on the rare rumors of strange people in the world, he knew how rare and rare this superpower was!

Dajun asked: "Since you have come to Qingcheng Town, do you want to visit the lady at the master's house?"

"No, since we are on duty at the county government, it is best not to let Magistrate Huang know about our relationship with Mr. Zheng, otherwise our county magistrate may not be able to sleep well.

It's getting late today, so let's find a place to stay first, near Mr. Li's house, and see what the so-called "haunted" thing is tonight. "

The two of them were walking in front, with the others following from a distance.

Yun Guifang.

"If you are a guest, please stay in the hotel. Or should I stay in the hotel?"

"Stay in the hotel, prepare 5 guest rooms, and bring two tables of meals."

After sitting down, Dajun said to the waiter: "Don't leave yet, I want to ask you something."

Waiter: "Uh, okay."

"I heard that Mr. Gao's house over there is haunted?"

Dajun pretended to be curious and asked in a low voice.

When the waiter heard this, he was immediately excited and said mysteriously: "It's not just one night. At night, the screams of Mr. Gao's ladies can be heard on the street at the door. Hey, that sound, don't mention it." What a refresher!

I heard that the master of the Gao family invited an expert to perform rituals today. I wonder if he can calm down at night. "

Seeing the gossipy waiter go to the kitchen, Master Lu and Dajun stared at each other.

At night, the two of them pretended to be wandering and walked to the gate of Gao's house.

Sure enough, they heard bursts of "beep, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh" coming from behind the high door.

"Cough cough...cough cough..."

The two of them looked towards the gate of Gao's house.


When the two strong servants saw that these two people were just standing around the corner and looking over, they cursed rudely together.

I heard that the two people in the corner didn't have any temper, so they walked away quickly.

On the second day, Master Lu ordered his men to check around Ningxiangzhai to get information, while he and the army went straight to Ren Mansion.

When I arrived at Ren Mansion, I was rejected.

Ren Pingsheng is not at home.

The two of them wandered around the city aimlessly for a while.

"Killing people!!"

"Dead people, dead people!!"

When the two of them were walking on the street, the courtyard door of a tall family nearby was suddenly pushed open, and a group of people swarmed out and ran away in fear.

Master Lu and Dajun looked at each other again.

I haven’t been here for a while. What happened to Qingcheng Town?

Why is it either haunted or dead?

In broad daylight, the sky is clear, has Qingcheng Town reached this level of chaos?

When no one was paying attention, the army jumped up, easily jumped onto the nearly three-meter-high wall, and looked inside.

Sure enough, they saw a corpse lying on the ground, but there were no swords around, and no murderer was seen. Only a few wounds on the body's back were bleeding.

It looks like he was injured by some hidden weapon!

In addition, there was a one-eyed man looking over the corpses on the ground.

As the one-eyed man turned the body over, the army was shocked!

There was only a small amount of blood on the back of the corpse, but there were several large bowls of blood between the chest and abdomen on the front. The blood had already covered half of the body.

As for the face of the corpse, isn't this Zheng Jinglong from the Wolf Gang?

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