Behind me is the earth

Chapter 120 118. I only know Ren’s life but not the future

"In a few days, the trade routes in Qingcheng Town have almost become smooth. Now it is rare to encounter living corpses on the official roads in Qingcheng Town. There are also cavalry from Qingcheng Town who have been patrolling the official roads. Once a living corpse is found, they will immediately Destroy."

"Besides, I heard that the quarantine has been lifted in Qingcheng!"

"Cancel the quarantine? How is it possible? If there are living corpses mixed in, it will be chaos immediately?"

"When I went to Qingcheng Town to deliver goods the day before yesterday, the quarantine had been lifted. The city guard said that the mayor had given a treasure that could tell who was infected. Once an infected person passed by, an alarm would sound. .

Anyway, I haven’t heard of any zombie chaos happening in Qingcheng Town after the quarantine was relaxed! "

In Chengguan Town, businessmen gathered together to drink tea and talk at the teahouse.

In the past few days, the hottest topic is Qingcheng Town.

Ever since the mayor of Qingcheng Town was replaced, Qingcheng Town has been changing almost every day.

Whether it is transportation, isolation, or checkpoints, they are all changing rapidly for the better.

Even taxes have been cut.

Businessmen are like small fishes in the water. They feel the changes in the water flow most clearly.

The changes in Qingcheng Town these days are truly unprecedented.

Especially in recent years, everything is on the verge of collapse, and the business environment has become even more suffocating!

It is said that Qingcheng Town produced a rare good official!

"I want to go to Qingcheng Town to open a few branches."

"I'll go take a look in the next two days. If it's really as good as I say, I'll move the headquarters to Qingcheng Town!"

"Same for me. If my silk workshop is true to what Qingcheng Town said, I will be able to pay more than ten taels less in various miscellaneous taxes when I get there!"

Everyone agreed to visit Qingcheng Town together.

County government.

Mr. Huang was happy and angry.

Fortunately, the newly promoted mayor really cleaned up all the living corpses in Qingcheng area.

As the former thoroughfare between north and south, the importance of Qingcheng's geographical location cannot be denied. Moreover, Qingcheng Town is considered to be as big a town as Chengguan Town in Qingshui County, covering one-third of Qingshui County's area.

As soon as there were fewer living corpses in Qingcheng Town, the pressure on Qingshui County immediately eased a lot.

I am also angry that the newly promoted mayor refuses to obey orders! After Mr. Huang saw Ren Pingsheng's ability to exterminate corpses, he was overjoyed and ordered him to go elsewhere to exterminate corpses. The other party had a very good attitude, but kept looking for reasons to shirk.

At first he was happy because of the other person's attitude.

But until today, he has not seen a hair of Qingcheng Tuanlian.

Now I gradually come to think of it, the other party used the "drag" tactic with great proficiency! I'm afraid the other party didn't even think about sending anyone.

"Ziyu, I have a good master, what do you think we should do?"

Mr. Huang had a somewhat complaining tone.

"This person has a strong army. According to reports, in addition to 300 regular soldiers and 200 soldiers in training, there are more than 500 auxiliary soldiers, and there are even more militiamen who often participate in drills.

This is simply a military leader.

At this juncture, he couldn't be moved. "

Master Lu shook the feather fan in his hand and sighed: "It's all Ziyu's fault. At that time, I only cared about Ren's talents, but I never thought that I would release a beautiful tiger with my own hands!"

"In this life, Ren spent money to raise soldiers and respected himself. Is it because he wanted to rebel so stupidly?"

Mr. Huang hammered his stiff waist: "Oh, let's forget about him. I heard that fighting has started over there in Fengtai. It's a flat area with no mountains, rivers or strong cities. I'm afraid we won't be able to defend it. Sooner or later, Fengtai County will Gotta throw it away.”

"The situation in the government has been unstable in the past two years, and the situation has changed three times a day. I am afraid that there will be a fight among the heroes, and it is still unclear who will win."

Master Lu squinted his eyes and looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the door, but suddenly he thought, could a dragon king be raised in this small Qingshui River in Qingshui County?

In Qingcheng Town, Ren Pingsheng looked at the sword manual in front of him with a crooked corner of his mouth.

After seeing the way those living corpses died outside the city, I was immediately shocked. I didn't expect that someone's kung fu could be as high as this. After I came back, I became interested in cold weapons and sent someone to call the senior brother from Lan's martial arts school to the Yamen.

"This sword manual contains body techniques and sword techniques. After practicing it, the body will be like a thundering giant and the sword will be like floating catkins. It is an extremely powerful killing sword technique."

Senior Brother introduced: "Sword skills are easy to achieve. Those who practice martial arts have almost perfect control of muscles. Whether it is body skills or strength control, if you practice according to the sword manual, you can basically perform well in a few days." .”

"Okay, I won't waste your time, just go and do your work first."

Ren Pingsheng fumbled with the sword manual and said.

"That's okay."

The elder brother was a little speechless.

This junior brother, who has become a great person since he became the mayor, asked himself to give him a sword manual this time without even giving him any money.

However, when he left the yamen, he saw that there were still yamen waiting here and gave him 5 taels of silver. He sighed in his heart, Junior Brother Ren is still very polite.


"You, you, who are you? Come to my Tenglong Mountain, attack my Tenglong Village, and kill the people in my village. You really deserve to die~!"

"You killed and robbed, you went into the village to kill the people, you kidnapped good girls, your hands were full of people's blood, and your conscience was eaten by dogs. Today I want you to know that good and evil will be rewarded! I should let you know that I destroyed your Tenglong Mountain and killed the thieves in your mountain. ,Grandpa, I am Ren Fengcheng~"

On the stage, the sonorous and powerful chanting and the rapid fighting immediately attracted the people in the audience to clap their hands and applaud!

"Well done!"

"Mayor Ren is truly a hero!"

"Mayor Ren is such a man! I admire a true hero like Mayor Ren!"

"Okay, okay! Kill all these straight thieves who kill people and set fire!!"

The people in the audience also got into the fun, gnashing their teeth at one moment and shouting with excitement at the other.

"Is this a play staged by Qixinshe?"

Lu Junyi, who had just returned, had a dusty look on his face, and his clothes were still bloody. It was obvious that the journey had been uneventful.

Then I returned to Qingcheng Town. When I passed by Xiaowang Village, I saw Qixin Society setting up a stage and singing at the gate of Xiaowang Village. There were some soldiers guarding the side, obviously to prevent activities. Corpse.

Looking at the expressions of the people in the village, he knew that the image of the host should have become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with the show on the stage.

"The boss's methods are really amazing! If time passes, I'm afraid the entire Qingcheng Town will only know that there is a mayor, but not the future!"

Lu Junyi and others listened to a play at the entrance of Xiaowang Village. After drinking a pot of tea, he stood up and greeted the caravan members to press the car and continue the return journey.

Of the 10 carts when we set out, there were now only three left, one of which was covered with a black cloth.

If you look carefully, you can find that the things on this car must be very heavy, which makes the wheels of the car creak and creak, and there are some dark blood stains on the body of the car.

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