Behind me is the earth

Chapter 148 146. Ruan Tang’s career

In the hot summer of July, farmers have finished harvesting wheat, and the barns are filled with heavy grains.

The granaries in Qingcheng Town were also piled up.

Mid July.

The news of the establishment of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce was like a gust of wind, blowing throughout Qingshui County.

Most of the businessmen in Qingshui County have joined this chamber of commerce. Even businessmen who are not in the textile industry, but have dark eyes and cannot see silver, see that there is money to be made here, and they all join in like cats that smell the fishy smell. come over.

However, the current Longyou Chamber of Commerce is still just a loose organization, a casual move arranged by Ren Shengsheng in advance. The various merchants only exchange news about the upstream and downstream textile industry in the Longyou Teahouse in Qingcheng Town.

In late July, the war broke out in Yinshan County. After fierce battles, both sides were furious!

Therefore, the battlefield did not even follow the rules to allow time for both sides to dispose of their own corpses, and a large-scale zombie chaos broke out. After that, the fighting on the Yinshan battlefield subsided somewhat.

The fortified city of Yinshan County was difficult to break, and it turned into a protracted war of attrition.

The news reached Qingcheng Town, causing a short period of turmoil. After that, the situation was quickly stabilized by the town government's propaganda department's continuous propaganda.

This publicity campaign on the battlefield of public opinion also trained the team of the Propaganda Department and gave them specific experience in dealing with issues such as public opinion and rumors.

"Is there any news coming today?"

In the morning, Ruan Tang went to his favorite snack stall. While waiting for the bean curd, he asked the store owner.

During this time, the clouds of war shrouded the earth, and she had been paying attention.

After the war is really approaching, everyone's wealth and life are related, which is a frightening and real sense of oppression.

Even she, a time traveler, is not immune.


The store owner is a young couple. Although the war is already close at hand, the current environment of Qingcheng Town, under the guidance of the Propaganda Department, is generally stable and prosperous, but they do not have any deep feelings.

The husband couldn't help but glance at Ruan Tang secretly, and quietly dug out a small spoonful of sugar for her: "However, outside our Qingcheng Town, many people can no longer stand the torture and have moved their families south!"

"what happened?"

Ruan Tang asked curiously.

"It is said that most of the grain that was just harvested from the fields was snatched away by the county guards!

The remaining food, let alone eating until next year, can't even survive the winter! "

The wife snatched the bean curd from her husband's hand and placed it for Ruan Tang on the small square table at the back.

Ruan Tang asked: "I can't live anymore, no one resists?"

"What are you resisting? Those officers are sent with soldiers. Those who dare to resist will be beaten severely and get nothing.

Now, many families in Qingshui County have come to Qingcheng Town to avoid those jackals, tigers and leopards! "

said the wife.

"Ah? Isn't Qingcheng Town also from Qingshui County?"

Ruan Tang asked curiously.

The husband said proudly: "Our Qingcheng Town is different from other places. Our Qingcheng Town has the mayor, Qingtian, and a strong regiment. The county boss in Qingshui County does not dare to reach out to Qingshui County." Come!

Our Qingcheng town not only does not impose excessive taxes like other places, but also exempts all other miscellaneous taxes except regular taxes. "

Ruan Tang held a spoon and ate the sweet tofu pudding in the bowl, suddenly becoming very curious about the mayor of Qingcheng Town.

"What is the name of our mayor?"

"Hmm... I don't know."

The couple both shook their heads.


Ruan Tang didn’t think much about it.

When she was on Earth, she didn't know the name of the mayor of her hometown, nor did she know the name of the county magistrate.

After eating and drinking, Ruan Tang returned to his small yard.

This small courtyard now belongs to her.

Ruan Tang, who sold the wall clock, has transformed into a rich woman with more than eighty taels of heavy silver in her hands, which gives her more expectations for the future.

Opening the door, the yard has become full.

However, although there are many things, the classification is very clear. Various tools and materials are placed in fixed places in different categories, waiting obediently for her to access at any time.

"Aunt Zhao!"

She saw a tall, round-waisted woman sitting under the eaves, holding a pipe and smoking a dry cigarette. The way he puffed out smoke caused a cloud of smoke to drift in the yard.

This was a helper she hired a few days ago to help her do some hard work.

"Girl, you are back."

Aunt Zhao stood up. She knew that Ruan Tang didn't like the smell of cigarettes, so she quickly put out the cigarette bag in her hand.


Ruan Tang nodded and said: "First move the sand to the furnace and burn the glass later.

I will assemble the wall clock first and send it to Baiqiao Pavilion at the end of the month. "

When I sold the wall clock to Baiqiao Pavilion before, after some negotiation, the store happily gave me a hundred taels of silver and promised to continue to buy Ruan Tang's wall clock at the price of a hundred taels of silver.

After several contacts, she felt that the people in Baiqiao Pavilion were very down-to-earth and the money she made was very comfortable.

Once reborn, twice familiar, making wall clocks is also easy.

On the workbench was a beautifully carved wall clock, which she quickly assembled. After adjusting the time according to the wall clock hanging on the wall of her house, she wound it up enough and the hands started to move "click-click-click". After about ten minutes, she judged that the hands of the wall clock moved very steadily, and then she put the new The wall clock is hung on the wall.

After a few days of calibration and no problems, it can be sent to Baiqiao Pavilion at the end of the month.

Then, Ruan Tang changed clothes, put on a leather apron, put on gloves and went to the furnace, prepared silica sand, soda, lime and other raw materials, and started to turn on the blower with the help of Aunt Zhao. Glass is fired in a high-temperature furnace.

She plans to first replace all the window paper in her home with flat glass that can provide better lighting and keep warm in winter.

After that, create a workshop around glass.

She feels that there should be a huge market for transparent glass in this world.

"Aunt Zhao, in the afternoon, go and buy some copper for me. Then go to the blacksmith shop and buy some iron ingots."

While firing the glass, Ruan Tang did not forget to give instructions to Aunt Zhao.

"Okay girl."

Aunt Zhao nodded repeatedly.

"By the way, girl, there's a free show by Qixinshe on Zhong Street tonight. I heard it's going to be really lively. Would you like to go and see it?"

Aunt Zhao asked.

"I'm not going, I still have work to do tonight."

Ruan Tang shook his head and said.

In the busy schedule, the day passed quickly, and Aunt Zhao looked at pieces of crystal clear glass standing in the corner.

She was still shocked.

Such ordinary sand was turned into glass as valuable as crystal by the girl's skillful hands!

"What a wonderful woman!"

Aunt Zhao was still sighing when she went out and left.

"Miss Ruan made more than a dozen pieces of glass today and bought more than 20 kilograms of copper and iron ingots each."

Aunt Zhao reported what she saw and heard today to a young recorder, and she recorded the contents in a notebook.

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