Behind me is the earth

Chapter 169 167. Acquire Qingshui County (Unity Chapter)

"What kind of person is the mayor?"

Ruan Tang's face showed curiosity.

"The mayor is Qingtian, the great master of Qingcheng. He cut off the exorbitant taxes and allowed us to live the good life we ​​have now..."

Aunt Zhao thought that when she came this morning, the person who asked her every day said that there was no need to hide Ruan Tang’s news about the outside world and the mayor from now on, so she thought about venting all the guilt in her heart, talking about He spoke almost everything he knew.

Ruan Tang could see that Aunt Zhao's admiration for Ren Pingsheng came from the bottom of her heart, which showed that he might indeed be a good official.

However, Aunt Zhao is too far away from the mayor and does not know Ren's true life, which does not allow Ruan Tang to draw the conclusion of a guest official.

She placed the C4 explosive in the barrel. This explosive is very stable and safe at room temperature and will not explode spontaneously. It can even be kneaded like chewing gum, but once detonated, it will explode with extremely powerful power. Destroying buildings and vehicles is a trump card she has prepared for herself.

If Ren Pingsheng knew that Ruan Tang had made C4 explosives, he would definitely be very happy. This thing is a high explosive, which is much more powerful than the low explosive smokeless gunpowder. It is also safer and easier to transport.

But at this time, he had already arrived in Qingshui County.

In fact, before he arrived at the county seat, a battalion of the vanguard led by Qin Sheng had already captured Qingshui County, which had no resistance at all.

When Ren Pingsheng arrived here, all the soldiers at the city gates and walls had been replaced by his own people.

Therefore, Ren Ping received the highest courtesy as he deserved.

Wu Xianwei, Li Xiancheng, and many well-known people in the county government came here to welcome Ren Pingsheng's arrival.

Magistrate Huang is an outsider, he can hang up his seal and run away, but magistrate Wu and others are locals, their family property and clan are all here, so they can't just leave.

However, what surprised Ren Pingsheng was that Master Lu, whom County Magistrate Huang trusted most, did not go with him. Instead, he stayed and was also in the team that welcomed him.

"Wu County Lieutenant, when did County Magistrate Huang escape?"

When they arrived at the gate of the county government office, everyone got off their horses. Ren Pingsheng walked into the county government office with the familiar Wu Xianwei and asked curiously.

"This morning, Huang Youcai said that the villages outside the city were severely deserted and it would be difficult to collect all the autumn grain this year. He wanted to take people out of the city to visit the villages and check them out, so he took some servants and carriages out of the city.

It wasn't until after he left that we learned that Yinshan County had fallen. When we came back to the county government's house, we found that the house was already bare and there was no one left!

Even the pots and pans in the kitchen were taken away, leaving nothing of value behind. "

When Wu Xianwei spoke, his words were quite sad.

The county magistrate hung up his seal and fled. This was something that was rarely heard of before, but it was happening right before his eyes.

A glimpse of one spot reveals the whole leopard, and one fallen leaf reveals the autumn of the world. Jing Chao is indeed in trouble!


Ren Pingsheng sighed and said in a serious voice: "The northern part of the Great Scenery is already in chaos, with ten houses and nine empty houses. Now the chaos in Beiwan has swept to Yuntai. If you go south from Yuntai, it will sweep across the fertile land of the Jiangnan Valley in an instant. By then, when the grain roads are blocked and the imperial court’s rice supply is cut off, it will truly be a critical moment for survival, and the Great Jing Dynasty will take its last breath!”

"The troops under Lord Ren's command are neatly organized and disciplined. Lord Ren's coming here will definitely keep order in Qingshui County. The spirits of the gentry and common people in the county will be lifted!

Tonight, upstairs at Osmanthus fragrans, the county gentry asked me for help and invited Mr. Ren to come and pay me a favor. "

After all, Wu Xianwei was the representative of the gentry in Qingshui County, and at this time he extended an invitation to Ren Pingsheng.


Ren Pingsheng shook his head: "There is a big chaos outside now, with countless defeated troops fleeing, I don't know how much chaos will be caused.

Moreover, the rebels may invade the territory in large numbers at any time.

There are so many things going on right now, it’s not the time to eat, drink, or have fun. I accept the wishes of the gentlemen and let them rest assured. "

Everyone entered the county government office.

Although Ren Pingsheng also has several properties in Chengguan Town, now that the army has entered the city, he has also brought many people over, and those properties cannot be accommodated.

Naturally, he settled in the Qingshui County Government Office, which also showed that Qingshui County had changed hands, and the person who actually controlled Qingshui County now was Ren Shengsheng.

As for Liu Qiang and the others, there will naturally be no shortage of places to stay. The Qingshui gentry has already made these arrangements.

The layout of the county government office is similar to that of Qingcheng Town, and it is not even as wide as the county government office in Qingcheng Town.

Enter the gate, step through the square passage, pass through the ceremonial gate, and come to the lobby.

"Master Lu."

After Ren Pingsheng sat down, he sent Wu Xianwei and others away, and greeted Master Lu alone to stay.

"Lord Ren."

Master Lu stood up and said with his hands raised.

Ren Pingsheng asked: "When Huang County Magistrate left, why didn't Master Lu come with him?"

With Magistrate Huang's trust in him, it was impossible not to tell him if he wanted to leave.

Master Lu did not answer Ren Pingsheng's words, but said: "Sir, Mr. Zheng wrote a letter at the beginning of the month. If Mr. Ren has the ambition to help the country, he is willing to donate money and food to help you."

"Oh? Master Lu turns out to be Mr. Zheng's man."

Ren Pingsheng understood the reason why Master Lu didn't leave.

Master Lu nodded: "Yes, in addition to the county government arrest leader Han Shaojun, he is also a member of Duke Zheng."

"You are quite honest."

Ren Pingsheng smiled.

Master Lu bowed his hands and bowed to the ground: "Master Ren's wisdom is like the bright moon in the sky, how can we compare with the stars?

It's better to make it clear so that everyone can get along better in the future. "


Ren Pingsheng nodded. He knew that at this time, he had to give a clear attitude. He thought about it and said, "Send hello to Duke Zheng for me. If your career is successful, there will definitely be a seat for Duke Zheng in this world."

"Thank you, Master Ren. I will convey it to Mr. Zheng."

Master Lu said respectfully.

"You stay and help me."

Ren Pingsheng looked at Master Lu and said.

He had a certain understanding of the people around Huang Youcai. Master Lu gave Huang Youcai advice, which was why Huang Youcai became famous in Qingshui County.

But what Ren Pingsheng valued was not his strategy, but his ability in internal affairs.


Master Lu really wanted to stay. When he was in Qingcheng and saw Tuan Lian entering the city for the first time, he had already realized that Lord Ren in front of him was not a thing in the pool. Now of course he wanted to win the Ming Lord and earn a bright future.

But after all, he is a member of Master Zheng. He has two masters and is despised by others.

"It doesn't matter. If you doubt someone, don't use it. If you employ someone, don't doubt it."

Seeing his hesitation, Ren Pingsheng knew what he was thinking, waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

"Lu Guangming pays homage to the lord!"

Hearing this, Lu Yingying was moved and paid homage to him.

After this ceremony, he was no longer a subordinate of Master Zheng, but a subordinate of Ren Pingsheng.

He is a scholar, and Master Zheng is still just a maritime businessman, no matter how big his business is. Master Zheng is his boss, but not his master.

To learn literary and martial arts and sell them to the emperor's family is the goal of most scholars. There are many things, such as ideals and ambitions, that a businessman cannot give him.

He will explain these things clearly to Master Zheng in the letter.

"Haha, okay, I have another general!"

Ren Pingsheng laughed heartily, stretched out his hand and bent down to lift up Lu Yingying who was paying homage.

Just when Ren Pingsheng was in the county government office and understanding the situation in the county with Lu Yingying, a large number of defeated troops from the front line appeared on the official road outside the city.

The defeated soldiers, these soldiers who had just experienced a defeat, were still filled with fear on the battlefield. Having lost their organization and discipline, they are even more terrifying than bandits. Rape, robbery, and wanton killing are all ways for them to digest their inner fears!

He was submissive in the face of the rebels, but struck hard in the face of the common people. These defeated soldiers had already tasted the sweetness when they passed through Nanmen Town in Yunlong County. The feeling of wanton destruction, wanton robbery, and raping of civilian women had already made them taste good. After arriving in Qingshui County, they also repeated their old tricks. , plundering wealth, raping women, destroying farmland, and enjoying themselves wantonly.

"These beasts!"

Zhang Heizi looked at the scene in front of him with tears in his eyes.

He was born in Renjiazhuang and is now a platoon leader in the militia battalion.

He was short in stature, dark-skinned, and not good-looking, but he was very clever at a young age. After joining the militia battalion, he was quickly promoted to platoon leader because of his proficiency in using a flintlock.

At this time, he was patrolling around Qingshui County with his nine militiamen.

When the patrol arrived at Luomo Village in the north of Qingshui County, they were stunned by the sight before them!

The village has been dyed red with blood, and dozens of people have not survived!

Walking into the village, the village was quiet except for the whistling of the wind, which sent the smell of blood into their noses.

Corpses were lying on the ground, and the soil on the ground was dyed red with blood!

When they walked to the threshing floor, several women were stripped naked and their bodies were covered with filth. Their stomachs were cut open alive, and their blood and intestines flowed all over the floor!

Have they ever seen everything in front of them before?

This made their hands tremble.

"One more strike, don't let another corpse change happen here!"

Zhang Heizi first spoke to the militiamen in the team, then walked into the village and shouted loudly: "We are from the Qingcheng Regiment Training Militia Battalion. I am the platoon leader of the militia battalion. My name is Zhang Heizi, and I am from Renjiazhuang.

If there are still people alive in the village, tell me where those beasts have gone. I will definitely avenge you all! "

The village was quiet.

Just when he thought there was no one alive in the village, there was a "clang" sound coming from a yard.

Zhang Heizi chased after him and saw a boy of 12 or 13 years old coming out of the stove. His face was covered with black ash. His whole body was so black that he couldn't even see what he looked like. There were only two traces of tears on his face. Two traces.

"Platoon Leader Zhang, I want to go with you, I want to join you guys, I want to kill those beasts, and avenge my parents and sister!"

the boy cried.

Zhang Heizi glanced at the three corpses in the yard.

The corpse of a young woman was stripped naked and her tongue was hanging out. It looked like she had been strangled to death!

Those newly defeated soldiers are no longer human beings, they are just a bunch of beasts who wantonly vent their inner fears!

Zhang Heizi touched the boy's head and said, "Go and join the army. There are now recruitment points in Chengguan Town and Qingcheng Town. If you join the army there, you will at least have enough to eat."

"I only avenge my parents and sister!"

the boy choked.


Zhang Heizi nodded.

The world is in chaos, and this village is proof of that.

But their duty is to ensure that order in Qingshui County cannot be disrupted in this chaotic world!

"Tell me, which direction did those people go?"

The boy shook his head: "I don't know because I'm hiding in the stove, but they should have been gone for less than half an hour. But our village is remote. If they left, they must have gone in the direction of Houjiapu. There is only one road leading to it. Outside.”


Zhang Heizi had no intention of taking the boy away.

They went out to chase down the defeated troops, and taking the boy with them would only slow down the team's progress and bring danger to the boy.

He slashed the heads of the boy's parents and sister with a knife, and then came to the village entrance to join his comrades.

But the boy followed.

Zhang Heizi took out two steamed buns and put them in the boy's hands: "We are on a mission and can't take you with us. You wait in the village. Someone will come to the village later. Then you go with them to Chengguan." If you go to town and join the army, there will be people there to receive you."

After saying that, they quickly left the village.

As for the corpses in the village, after they report them, auxiliary soldiers will naturally come to deal with them.

Soon, Houjiabao appeared in front of them.

This is an earthen fort, which is considered a big village in Qingshui County.

There are still villagers standing guard on the earthen fort. Since this morning, they have been in a state of panic, and the grass and trees are all covered with soldiers. Seeing Zhang Heizi and others coming with guns, they immediately beat the drums, and many people swarmed up the earthen wall.

"We are training the militia camp of the Qingcheng Regiment. Have you ever seen the defeated troops coming?"

Zhang Heizi came to the castle not far away and shouted loudly and asked.

Zhang Heizi's words made the people on the bunker breathe a sigh of relief.

Qingcheng and the others still knew that in August, Qixinshe came to their village to sing opera. It was very lively at that time, and seven or eight small villages in the surrounding area came to join in the fun. Even during the Chinese New Year, it was not as lively.

Many people also ate corn on the cob, which was sweet and delicious.

It is said that the yield per mu can reach 800 kilograms, which is simply terrifying!

"A group of about a hundred officers and soldiers just passed by. When they came, they wanted us to open the door. How could we open the door for them? They asked us for food, but we didn't give it to them. When the officers and soldiers saw that we didn't open the door for them, Just left!”

A middle-aged man on the earthen wall recognized Zhang Heizi.

"The Yinshan Front has been defeated. These defeated soldiers burned, killed, and looted all the way. They slaughtered all of Luomo Village. If any defeated soldiers pass by, don't open the door to them!"

Zhang Heizi shouted and asked his men to swing their legs and continue to track forward.

Soon, when they chased to an open area, they saw the broken soldiers who were resting.

Zhang Heizi took out a palm-sized monocular telescope from the cloth pocket tied to his body.

These telescopes were lenses ordered by the Production Bureau from Ruan Tang Glass Workshop and then assembled by themselves. They have been assembled in the militia battalion and company-level units. Because Zhang Heizi’s search area is located in the border area of ​​Qingshui County, the company commander specially borrowed the telescopes. Gave it to him.

He lengthened the telescope, adjusted his position, and looked at the group of defeated soldiers who were lying there with their helmets and armor abandoned, looking very embarrassed.

Just as Hou Jiabao said, there were about a hundred of these defeated soldiers, and they were burying pots on the roadside to cook.

"Brothers, load up and follow me!"

After observing carefully for a while, Zhang Heizi made his own judgment.

the other side.

"Brothers, get up, someone is coming!"

In the flat terrain, someone saw a figure walking in the distance.

"Pursuing soldiers?"

Someone suddenly sat up and asked in shock.

"It doesn't look like we are pursuing soldiers. There are only about ten of them. They are local people, right?"

"Minzhuang? Damn it, Minzhuang dares to mess with us. He really treats us like weak persimmons! Brothers copy the guy, give them some color to show!"

"Yes, chop off their heads and pile them up in front of the crowd to see if they dare to disturb my rest!"

"Fuck, these sons of bitches, they delayed me from dreaming and I just fell asleep... Tsk, tsk, that village girl was so energetic just now that I... chopped off her head with a knife, it was really a bit What a pity."

"Quickly, we have to deal with this group of people before we eat. When we are full, we go to the next village to rob. When we have robbed enough, we go to the south to enjoy the blessings!"

"I want to go back to my hometown. My hometown is in the river valley. I happened to rob enough goods and go back to buy dozens of acres of land and become a landlord."

A group of broken soldiers drew their swords one by one and rushed towards the group of civilians.

They were submissive and frightened when dealing with the rebels.

But facing Minzhuang, they were courageous and very courageous.

Today, two chapters are combined into one (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

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