Behind me is the earth

Chapter 187 185. People in the martial arts world

"Yes, they are now in an abandoned temple outside the city. The intelligence team has arranged for drone observation to confirm that the information reported by Qian Duoduo is correct.

According to the information provided by Qian Duoduo through the walkie-talkie, there are 24 martial arts people in total, including 4 dark Jin warriors, and the rest are all martial artists who have practiced Ming Jin. "

Chen Dachui nodded and said.

"What a generous move! It seems that Liu Heima loves his nephew very much.

Sledgehammer, you immediately bring a company of troops. Well, Xiaowan, you can send another team of action team members to follow Sledgehammer and rush to the deserted temple immediately to capture all these people! "


Dahamui and Xiaowan responded at the same time.

At this time, the sky outside was already a little dark.

Sledgehammer found his armor, put it on neatly, went to the military camp to find Liu Qiang, and borrowed a company of soldiers.

The leader of the troops was a young general who was eighteen or nineteen years old. Although he was young, he was one of the first veterans to join the team when he was in Renjiazhuang, following the veterans who had fought in Tenglong Mountain.

He put on his equipment and wrapped the horse's hooves with cloth to avoid making too much noise.

A group of more than 120 people left the city in the dark.

The deserted temple is not far outside the city. It is a dilapidated place that used to be dark and dim. Now, lanterns have been hung up, and the interior is brightly lit. A group of martial arts people grilled meat here and chatted while eating. It was very enjoyable!

Among them, the three people sitting around the fire were obviously of higher status. The other martial arts people kept far away from them and did not dare to disturb their conversation.

"That beautiful little lady who loved me yesterday, tsk's so delicious!"

A bald man with a magic pestle next to him opened his mouth larger than an ordinary person, biting the bones in his hand, while talking about the little lady he ate yesterday: "No wonder she is beautiful, she is more than an ordinary woman." tasty!"

When Qian Duoduo sitting next to him heard this, he felt nervous and scared. His stomach couldn't help but shrink, and a burst of acidic water came up. He swallowed it again, and his throat suddenly felt sore.

"Okay, crazy monk, you pervert!"

A woman wearing a green skirt next to him couldn't help but scold him.

In her hand she played with a lotus made of steel.

Although it is shaped like a lotus, the petals are extremely sharp. If it were aimed at someone, it would definitely kill them!

"Hehehehehe..." The crazy monk grinned at the woman.

While laughing, he also licked his lips.

"Look at Mom!"

The woman was furious.

"Flower girl, crazy monk, stop making trouble!"

Holding a treasured sword in his arms, the man who was staring at the flames in a daze was a little upset by the quarrel between the two, and he yelled angrily.

Only then did the two of them stop.

"Qian Duoduo, come and set up defenses in Qingshui County. The general has sent you here for so long, you should have figured out all these things."

Swordsman Fu Changan looked at Qian Duoduo and said.

Qian Duoduo nodded and took out a drawing: "This is the sketch I drew of the prison in Qingshui County. The distribution of the prison, the number of jailers, etc. have all been clearly investigated."

"Where is the county master? Let's kill him on the way this time. This is the general's personal order."

The crazy monk looked at Qian Duoduo with his mouth wide open, which made him feel scared.

What did Qian Duoduo think? Why did he feel that the bone with meat in the hand of the crazy monk looked like a human leg bone.

"The county town is heavily guarded and dangerous. I only know that the county master lives in the county government office! But the county government office is airtight, how can I dare to enter?"

Qian Duoduo said.

"Huh, what a coward!"

The crazy monk curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"Ha ha ha ha······"

At this time, accompanied by a burst of laughter, a man with fluffy hair, like a lion's head, walked out of the ruined temple.

He only wore a pair of shorts, revealing his muscular upper body and the thick long hair on his chest, which made him look like he had not evolved well.

"These two women are so cool! They let me vent. I've had enough fun and I still have some breath left. Crazy monk, you go and eat."

Gu Junlai, the Wolf King of the Western Mountains, sat down next to the fire and said to the crazy monk.


The crazy monk was angry for a while, but thinking that he might not be able to defeat the Wolf King, he just snorted and said nothing.

The girl next to her couldn't help but move her butt to the side, not wanting to get too close to Gu Junlai.

Gu Junlai, on the other hand, unabashedly stared at Hua Guzi's pretty face and swollen chest with a pair of unabashed eyes. He even stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, like an uncivilized savage.

Disgusting people.

"Master Fu, let's talk about how to kill that county magistrate. I heard that the county magistrate's name is Huang Youcai. We entered the county seat while it was dark and went straight to the county government office. There are four of us here, as well as the twenty people tomorrow. A strong warrior, what place can't you break into? Who can't kill? What can't you do?

After finishing this job, General Liu will not only have free money, but also a deputy general. When the time comes, there will be endless money to spend and endless beauties to sleep with. Isn't it wonderful? ! "

Gu Junlai turned around and grabbed a leg of lamb from a warrior next to him, brought it to his mouth and gnawed on it. His mouth was filled with oil, which dripped onto his chest hair, making his already dirty and frizzy chest hair look even more greasy. Mahua.

Sitting nearby, listening to the discussions of these martial arts people and watching what they did, Qian Duoduo felt that he was not the same person as them at all. Sitting here is like sitting on pins and needles, like a sheep sitting in a pack of wolves, out of tune with them.


Plugging it into his ears, the headset covered by his hair made a slight electric sound.

This voice that had made him nervous and frightened in the past actually calmed down his heart and gave him a feeling of relief.

"Find an excuse and leave."

After the headset briefly buzzed with electricity, the familiar business that frightened him now seemed particularly calm and safe.

"My lords, I'm going to take a piss."

Qian Duoduo nodded and stood up, touching his lower abdomen, looking like he couldn't hold it in, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Go, go, go away and spread it, don't smoke me."

Gu Junlai, the wolf king who was gnawing on the leg of lamb next to him, gave him a disgusted look and waved his hand to keep him away.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Qian Duoduo held his stomach and ran towards the back of the temple.

When he got to the shade of everyone, he immediately began to take off his clothes until he was completely naked. Then the colors quickly changed in the air, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye, and his figure was no longer visible.

He glanced at the sky and saw a flashing blue light spot high in the sky, which was somewhat different from the surrounding stars.

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