Behind me is the earth

Chapter 233 231. The elder is so friendly to the people

Warriors, strangers, equipment, everything is available.

It can be said that the guard company has a very luxurious lineup and is very powerful!

"The rest are waiting outside the city. You guys can follow me into the village."

Because he wanted to investigate a case, in addition to Han Jun, Ren Pingsheng specially ordered Qian Duoduo, as well as a few strangers with special skills, Big Nose and Small Ears, and entered the village together.

The arrival of the security company made the villagers in the village noticeably more cautious.

They didn't expect that when they heard the commotion and went out to catch the thief, they met the big boss! The eldest man had so many things to do, but he actually deigned to come to their village to investigate the case in person. This was something that he had never dared to think about before.

The old man is so friendly to the people!

"Sir, this is where our village lost its cows."

Cattle are precious treasures in farmers' homes. They are indispensable for farming. Many families spend all their money to buy one. You can imagine the treatment the cattle can enjoy.

The cattle pen was kept very clean, and the fodder piled high beside it had not been eaten yet.

Ren Pingsheng took a closer look at the cattle pen. Apart from some dried feces and cow hoof marks, there were no other traces left.

"Look around, are there any traces left?"

He ordered his men.

Big Nose's eyes lit up when he heard the words. He quickly got closer to the cow dung and smelled it. Then he followed the smell and took two steps in one direction. His nose twitched rapidly and his head sniffed back and forth in all directions.

Soon, he determined a direction.

"Captain, I discovered something!"

He walked a few steps and reported excitedly to Ren Pingsheng: "In the southwest, the smell is very strong!"

As a prisoner, Big Nose jumped back in time. Although he ultimately failed to lead the men to capture Liu Heima, he escaped the fate of labor reform and was absorbed into the Shenjian Division because of his special skills. He was very lucky.

He also didn't expect that he was the one loved by fate.

This time the security company was formed, and he was selected to join it. The thought of this made him extremely excited!

The guard company directly serves the governor! This was simply the beginning of taking off. Now that he was able to use his special skills as soon as he came in, it made him feel that this was simply destiny. If this matter was done well, the governor would definitely remember his name.

Ren Pingsheng glanced at him. He had dark skin and a pretty face, but his nose was extraordinarily big and looked uncoordinated: "Lead the way."

Although the ability of smell has no actual combat effectiveness, it is really useful in terms of investigation and case investigation.

Therefore, in addition to some combat abilities in this world, there are many kinds of abilities that can be put to good use.

As Ren's status increased, he had access to more and more information.

In this world, the awakening of supernatural powers and the appearance of strange people have been increasing year by year in these years. Although the number is still small, especially the natural awakening of strange people, it is very rare to say that it is only one in ten thousand. Reluctantly, but the population base is here. If you really collect it, you can actually find quite a few.

It's just that these aliens have a lot of useless powers, such as changing the color of their body hair and making loud farting noises. There are even fewer aliens who have actually awakened useful powers, and even fewer aliens who have awakened powers with combat capabilities. .

This also resulted in the Shenjian Division and Night Cat Organization not recruiting many strangers.

"Right over there!"

Big Nose walked in front, occasionally stopping to flick his nose vigorously to determine the direction from which the smell was coming.

Soon, everyone had left the village.

Li Guangtian also followed with more than a dozen villagers, and finally climbed the mountain to a forest outside the village.

The mountain forest was rugged and difficult to navigate, so the men from the security company held knives and quickly opened the way ahead.

"right here!"

Big Nose stopped and pointed at the pile of bones that had formed a hill on the ground.

“These are cow bones!”

Someone recognized these bones. Many of the top layers were cow bones. Moreover, there were some fresh cow hair, offal, etc., and some hemp ropes on the ground. The villagers who raised cattle also recognized them. These were the cattle of their village!

Seeing that their cattle had been eaten, the villagers burst into tears and beat their chests and feet, wanting to cry but without tears.

"Logically speaking, such a bloody smell would definitely attract some carnivorous beasts, but there are no beasts coming here, and there are no footprints of beasts. This is very abnormal."

Chen Dachui said strangely.

When he was in Liujia Village, he often followed the hunters in the village to hunt in the mountains, and he knew the habits of wild animals very well.

He squatted on the ground, picked up a cow bone, looked at the tooth marks left on the cow bone and said: "This tooth mark looks like that of a cat, it should be a leopard, tiger or other beast.

However, this beast was able to enter the village quietly and bring the cattle here without leaving any trace. I am afraid he is already a wise monster! "

When Ren Pingsheng heard about the tiger demon, he immediately became interested.

This is a good thing. It can be made into tiger bone ointment to assist in cultivation. Even if he has successfully exchanged blood, he can still use it to strengthen his body.

"May I have your name?"

Ren Pingsheng asked Big Nose.

"Captain, the villain's name is Zhang Tong."

Zhang Tong was excited when he saw the governor asking for his name.

He had been working under Liu Heima for more than a year, and he was only called Big Nose. His name was never asked, and sometimes he was beaten severely. He had never been treated like this. A feeling of respect.

Ren Pingsheng looked at him and asked: "Zhang Tong, let me ask you, besides these, can you smell other smells?"

Zhang Tong nodded: "The smell here is very complicated, but in addition to these eaten things, there is also a slight smell of urine, but..."

He hesitated to speak, not knowing how to express himself.

"But what?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

"However, it doesn't smell like a tiger demon or a leopard, but more like the smell of cat urine. Because the smell of urine should be lighter, but if it is a tiger demon or a leopard, the smell will be stronger!"

Zhang Tong described it.

These skills are slowly developed after awakening the superpower. He has dabbled in all kinds of animal urine, feces, body odor, etc.

"Cat demon? Judging from his articulation, it's not like a cat can stay."

Chen Dachui looked at the marks left on the bones. The distance between the canine teeth clearly did not look like those left by small animals.

Several experienced old hunters came over to take a look at it, and they felt that it didn't look like a cat monster, but more like a large monster like a tiger or leopard.

"Can you possibly be sure of the cat demon's location?"

Ren Pingsheng asked Zhang Tong again.

Zhang Tong nodded.

It has to be said that Zhang Tong's sense of smell is still very useful when chasing enemies and looking for targets.

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