Behind me is the earth

Chapter 247 245. Made a wedding dress for Ren Pingsheng and Wuzhou Monthly (in one chapter)

In the dark, on the steep cliff outside Yinshan County, the military lieutenant is walking as fast as flying.

"General, hold on tight!"

Vice General Wu asked Liu Heima on his back to hug his neck tightly. He kicked forward hard, and a hole was made in the stone on the cliff. He clasped the five fingers of his hand together to form a beak shape and pushed forward. With a peck, it has already penetrated into the rock, and the whole figure is like a flexible ape, climbing quickly on the cliff.

God was not kind. At this time, the boundless light rain fell from the sky and fell on them. As the wind in the mountains blew, Liu Heima felt cold all over and sneezed. .

"Brother Wu, thank you."

Liu Heima felt extremely tired. He put his chin on the deputy general's shoulder and whispered in his ear.

Listening to Liu Heima's tired voice, I thought about the capture of Yinshan and Lexian last year. At that time, the general was high-spirited, looked down upon the world, and was as heroic as anyone else. Lieutenant General Wu felt a sore nose: "It doesn't matter. The general saved my family back then. My life has been given to the general a long time ago. As long as I am alive, I will not let anyone do harm to the general."


Thunder rolled in the sky, startling Liu Heima, and subconsciously thought it was Ren Pingsheng's artillery fire coming again!

When he realized what he was doing, he felt very embarrassed and annoyed in his heart. After the shame and annoyance passed, he let out a long sigh: "In this life, I am satisfied to have such a loyal brother like you."

Listening to the dejection in the general's words, Lieutenant General Wu was afraid that the general would freeze. As he quickly dug into the cliff rocks and climbed up quickly, he couldn't help but persuaded: "The side of the sinking boat. Thousands of sails are passing by, and thousands of trees are springing in front of the diseased tree! As long as you are not dead, there is hope, and the general does not need to be so depressed!"

As he spoke, he stretched out a hand, covered Liu Heima's buttocks and dragged him up, fearing that he would not be able to catch himself in the slippery rain and fall off the cliff again: "What's more, General We have already prepared a back-up plan, so that 20,000 old battalion brothers have already gone north to Zhongzhou. Now, the land of Zhongzhou is just a few bandits wreaking havoc. When we get to Zhongzhou, we can regroup and conquer a large territory. Are we afraid that the flag owner will not appreciate the general!"

"Oh, my brother, there is no need to comfort me. I don't know these truths. It's just a pity that the money and food didn't have time to be shipped out."

Liu Heima's heart was bleeding.

4.6 million taels of silver, overwhelming wealth!

The grain amount is 1.1 million shi, which is equivalent to 77 million kilograms of grain, enough to feed 100,000 soldiers for more than half a year!

The Battle of Yinshan was the most glorious pinnacle of his life. Ever since he provoked Ren Pingsheng from Qingshui County, things had taken a turn for the worse. The 150,000-strong army had collapsed. He was now a bereaved dog, being chased by the enemy under the cover of night. Arriving in this deep mountain and old forest, I managed to escape for my life.


In the mountain forest, there was the sound of howling wolves, echoing in the mountain forest. He touched his face, wiped away the water that covered his face, and saw a pair of green eyes on the top of the mountain.

"General, hold on tight!"

Adjutant Wu stepped on the mountain wall and jumped suddenly. He was already flying into the air. He touched his waist with his hand and swung it forward. There was a sound of "pah pah pah" and it quickly turned into a sound. The spear, which was more than 1.5 meters long, pierced countless raindrops with a burst of cold light in the rain. The puddles in the rain curtain were soaked in bright red blood.

Soon, the sounds of fierce fighting fell silent.

"The sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea wide enough for fish to leap, general! The border of Beiwan is ahead!"

Adjutant Wu carried Liu Heima on his back and ran into the dense forest ahead. The deep darkness, the falling raindrops, and the "instigating" sounds made by snakes, insects, plague birds and beasts in the deep forest made people feel numb.

Liu Heima only felt that his whole body was cold and his body was extremely weak. He could not support his head on Adjutant Wu's broad and strong back. But what he was thinking about was the mountains of money, food and grass. He had high hopes that these would enable him to return again. The thing that started his business was lost like this, which became a thorn in his heart.

It's just that he doesn't know until now that the money and food didn't belong to him in the first place. It was a trap that Ren Pingsheng had already laid.

He did not hesitate to offend the gentry, wealthy families and people of Yuntai County, and was notorious for torturing officials and gentry. He worked hard to collect and pay the torturers, but he only made a wedding dress for Ren Pingsheng.

These money and grains had long been secretly controlled by Lu Benshan and Lu Xingwen. They had been secretly stored in Wuyang County, quietly waiting for Ren Pingsheng's use.

With this food, at least Yuntaiwei's military food expenditure for this year will be enough. In addition, this year's new food will be available in two months. Most of this food is cultivated from high-quality seeds provided by Ren Pingsheng, and its output is enough to support The construction of the army and various project teams was completed.

For the next year, Ren would never have to think about food shortages in his life.

And with the 4.6 million taels of silver, plus the silver mountain, and with enough reserve silver as endorsement, Xiaowan's bank, which has not made much progress, can also usher in its own spring!

By the end of April, in less than a month, the Northern Expedition was decided as quickly as the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, and the dust had settled.

"This horse can really run!"

After Ren Pingsheng received the telegram at the Qingshui County government office, he couldn't help but smile and praise it.

Liu Heima lived up to his reputation as a dark horse. With the help of Lieutenant General Wu, he managed to escape from Yinshan County this time despite being chased and intercepted by many soldiers. He went around the mountains and forests to Beiwan, and then borrowed a road from Beiwan to Zhongzhou. .

Last time, drones, superpowers, the elite of the action team, and the warriors recruited by the Divine Arrow Division all failed to catch Liu Heima. This time, Liu Heima ran directly into the deep mountains and old forests, and then took the road to Beiwan to Zhongzhou Province.

Now, they have begun to conquer cities and territories in Zhongzhou Province!

Like an invincible little strongman, his vitality is extremely tenacious.

However, Ren Pingsheng never bothered Liu Heima to escape.

This man's courage has been broken by him, and he no longer has the courage to compete with him!

Now that the entire Yuntai County has been taken over, things are suddenly getting complicated. This is the busiest time within the organization.

Ren Pingsheng received documents from various places, which drifted into his desk like snowflakes.

It has the laborious shape of a document, but does not have the sweetness of silk and bamboo.

Sometimes when Ren Pingsheng pulls his head out from the pile of documents and memorials, he even has to sigh: Why bother?

But once the path of rebellion begins, there is no turning back, and it is difficult to change it by personal will.

Soon, under Ren Pingsheng's instructions, documents and orders bearing the seal of the capital commander were issued one after another, and they quickly passed through the secretarial office of the yamen. The correspondents quickly sent them via telegraph to all counties in Yuntai.

In order to prevent anarchy after the war and prevent the power of the gentry from returning in the vacancy of power, before the war, Ren Pingsheng had already organized the Talent Section and Selection Section of the Department of Civil Affairs to prepare reserve officials for each county and town. Well, during the Northern Expedition, under the arrangements of the Civil Affairs Bureau, civilian officials had already accompanied the army into various counties and were busy with the government affairs of each county and town.

The martial arts hall is busy adjusting its defenses to suppress the chaos in various places. According to Ren Pingsheng's order, all bandits, bandits, gangs and other unstable factors will be suppressed and severely punished in the shortest possible time with the most severe means. Let everything be safe and stable quickly.

Martial arts and martial arts schools must be registered and investigated in the Yamen, otherwise they will be severely punished according to gangs!

If you stretch out your hand, you will grab it; if you show your head, you will hit it.

For a time, no evil force dared to show up in any county in Yuntai County. The extremely chaotic scene in the entire Yuntai County was cleared up, and the situation quickly stabilized and improved.

The people of Yuntai have never even seen such an orderly, politically clear, safe and stable environment!

In his heart, he quickly recognized Ren Pingsheng's rule over Yuntai County.

And when the big-character posters of the land allocation order were posted at the yamen gate, on the city wall, and in each village, and when the news came out that farmers were divided into households based on their heads and the land was divided based on their heads, a thousand waves were stirred up in an instant. The people came in droves and followed, excited and enthusiastic, shouting long live, and there were all supporters.

The counties of Yuntai County, which had already been ruined by Liu Heima, had no law and order. After the Yuntai guards and local officials reshuffled the cards and formulated a new order, there was little resistance to dividing the fields. Some people who had previously surrendered to Liu The Black Horse landlords had cut themselves off from the people and were directly labeled as evil gentry. All their land and property were confiscated, and they were paraded in prison cars and sentenced, which severely shocked some uncooperative gentry.

For the rest of the gentry and local tycoons, their land title deeds had already been tortured out during the payment period. At this time, if they wanted to get their land back, they could not produce the title deed certificate.

The remaining individual gentry had no way to sue and appeal——

Ren Pingsheng is as stable as Mount Tai in Qingshui County, and he hasn't even gone to Le County yet!

In the end, Ren Pingsheng studied as the principal, sent and received telegrams in Qingshui County, and commanded by remote control. Amidst the "drip-drip" telegram sending and receiving, a series of reforms that were supposed to have sharp contradictions were completed in a relatively stable and gentle manner. .

Le County.

As the director of the Propaganda Department, Ren Nuan brought a large number of people from the Propaganda Department and Qixinshe to carry out publicity activities in these newly occupied areas by writing slogans, performing dramas, and playing movies in accordance with the policy of dividing fields into households. .

In addition, he also took on the task of finding a suitable residence in Le County for Du Ren throughout his life.

Qingshui County is located in the southernmost part of Yuntai County. According to its geographical location, it is not suitable to be the power center of Yuntai County.

In Le County, the mansion that originally belonged to Yuntai County Prince has been vacated.

The mansion covers an area of ​​more than twelve acres. There are mountains in the courtyard, lakes between the mountains, interlaced verandas and picturesque gardens.

When Liu Heima invaded Yuntai County, King Yuntai County fled to Dongyang County in a hurry with his family and servants. After being defeated by Yuntai Guards, he had no intention of coming back. At this time, he renovated and became the governor. The house is just right!

At this point, the time came to early May, Yuntai County returned to the embrace of the imperial court, and the territory of Wuzhou Province became complete again - at least in name.

This news finally spread widely.

"The nickname is over, Yuntai County has returned to the embrace of the imperial court, and the territory of Wuzhou Province is complete again!"

"Commander Ren defeated the Northern Anhui bandit army and took back Yuntai County!"

In Fuzhou County, I don’t know when, more and more people began to pay attention to a newspaper called "Wuzhou Monthly".

The headquarters of Wuzhou Monthly is located opposite the Governor's Mansion. It publishes an issue of the newspaper every half month. I don't know what kind of profound background it has. The newspaper dares to say anything and accept no matter how sharp the manuscript is.

Various columns, such as Li Yuan of the World, General Trend of the World, Confucian New Sayings, Journey to the West, Legend of the White Snake, etc.

There is also a column signed by a life story, which is a clear and logical analysis of the general trend of the world.

Moreover, I don’t know what kind of paper the newspaper is printed on, and I don’t know what kind of ink is mixed with it. The handwriting on it is very clear. Such a large newspaper only costs 10 cents, which is the price of 5 white-faced steamed buns. For scholars, it is not only a great way to understand the world The window is not only a way to learn theory, but also a platform for them to express their opinions.

It has only been released for more than three months now, and it has become an important position for them to key their political affairs!

Wuzhou Monthly can be seen in literary gatherings, provincial schools, teahouses, and countless other occasions. Scholars are proud to publish signed articles in it, and they are often sought after for one article.

Businessmen have also developed the habit of Wuzhou Monthly News, because a section of the newspaper often publishes information about special products from various places, as well as local product prices, which is fatally attractive to them!

"Mr. Ren serves the country and the people, he is a great chivalrous person! In his idea of ​​serving the people, he mentioned that 'the king is a boat and the people are water, the water can carry the boat and also capsize it' is really inspiring and thought-provoking. Moreover, Mr. Ren Improving people's livelihood, distributing high-quality seeds, apportioning crops to acres, reducing and reducing miscellaneous taxes to allow people to recuperate and recuperate... aren't all these actions a manifestation of the original intention of the people and patriotism for the country and the people?"

In the Guoxiang Tea House, a young scholar named Zhou Lanshan stood with one leg on a long bench, holding the Wuzhou Monthly high in his right hand, speaking in a high-pitched voice, speaking passionately and making impassioned speeches.

"Brother Lanshan is right!"

"well said!"

"Ren Commander-in-Chief defeated the enemy, improved people's livelihood, and his civil and military skills were extraordinary and unparalleled in the world!"

The scholars drinking tea all clapped their hands and applauded, and the atmosphere was exciting.

"I think our Great Jing Dynasty is really blessed to have officials like Governor Ren!"

"If all the officials in the world are like Mr. Ren, why worry about the world not being peaceful, why the people not being able to live and work in peace and contentment, and why the world not being able to prosper?"

Zhou Lanshan said loudly: "Let's take a look at what is said in this life story column. It says: The foreign tribes in the northern border frequently seize control, and each time they become more arrogant and arrogant. Now they have occupied our Jingchao Ning'an City and are no longer Instead of plundering the border town, he really had the intention of going south to compete!

The bandits in the north were wiped out inexhaustibly. Among them, Li Kou even took over half of the province of Yuzhou, and there was a tendency to turn into land-based households. The Tu tribes in Caiyun Province and Miaozhou Province in the south were also restless, with frequent wars and lax imperial armaments. Only the northern border troops still had the strength to fight, but they were also defeated by the foreign tribes in the north.

Nowadays, the world is troubled by internal and external troubles. If things continue like this, I am afraid that the country will be destroyed!

Under such circumstances, perhaps only Mr. Ren, a talented man with both literary and military talents, can be a good doctor who can cure diseases and save the country! "

"Yes, this situation is rotten to the core! If we cannot make up our mind to scrape off the rotten flesh, the country may be unsustainable due to internal and external troubles!

A hero like Governor Ren is a good doctor who can heal the country's wounds! "

“It is often said that superior doctors govern the country, traditional Chinese medicine heals people, and inferior doctors cure diseases. The governor-general is the good doctor who governs the country.

If there hadn't been any governor to stop the rebels heading south, Wuzhou would have been defeated by Liu Guanjun's men! "

The scholars in the teahouse all high-fived and sighed.

Under the influence of Wuzhou Monthly, there were countless scholars in southern Wuzhou who admired and respected Ren Pingsheng.

"Your Excellency is exaggerating. In my opinion, this life is more like a separatist place, inviting rebellious ministers and traitors to buy people's hearts!"

At this time, a faint voice sounded from the seat at the door.

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