Behind me is the earth

Chapter 277 275 Interests, War and Negotiation

Chapter 277 275. Interests, War and Negotiation

Qingshui River finally merges into Liusha River.

When I went to Qingshui County a few days ago, although the Qingshui River has not turned black yet, it has been affected by pollution and has begun to become turbid.

At that time, I thought that the development of industrialization should take the path of giving priority to efficiency. Unexpectedly, the sea tribe here had already started a war because of this.

The ocean is vast and mysterious, and no one knows how powerful it really is.

The national conditions are different and the environment is different. A detailed analysis of the specific situation shows that Qingcheng Town, which has just developed, must control pollution now, and cannot follow the old path of pollution first and then treatment.

In the next few days, a large amount of supplies were transported to Yunmeng County from the rear.

Obstacles began to be set up on the seashore. A large number of barbed wire fences, trip wires, iron caltrops, deep trenches, etc. were all formed under the arrangement of engineers.

After days of fighting, a large number of bodies of the Hai clan were killed and thrown back into the sea. Some edible ones were pickled and used as food for storage.

Whenever a sea monster comes ashore, most of it will be killed or injured under the cover of artillery fire.

After the rest broke through the artillery fire and obstacles, they were also fed bullets by the gun-wielding soldiers behind them.

Moreover, under the intensive interrogation and experiments of Nasha led by Si Nian, more methods of dealing with sea monsters were developed, including the formation of a group of fire soldiers headed by Zhang Erdan; and engineers began to build bunkers on the coastline, setting up coastal defense guns, machine gun bunkers, etc., and they became more and more able to deal with sea monsters.

Even after a fire attack, a gust of wind blew on the beach, adding a smell of seafood barbecue to the fishy smell of the sea.

The cooperation between Chu Chu and Zhang Shan, Peiqi, and Li Zijie also found the location of the sharks. They cooperated tacitly and fought with the sharks several times. As expected, they captured two more sharks and imprisoned them with Yu Nasha. Together.

While the war was raging outside, Ren Pingsheng had already drafted a sophisticated environmental protection plan.

Among them, he also deliberately returned to Earth to find the fair-weather friends he used to brag about with the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. He read and asked for advice on environmental protection policies, environmental protection plans, environmental protection practices, etc. After returning, he compared the current data and specific problems in Qingcheng Town. , and finally made a relatively mature environmental protection plan that is adapted to local conditions.

It will not knock down the enterprises in Qingshui County with a stick, but also urge them to maintain certain profits and development with policy support such as tax exemptions, land allocations, technical training, rent exemptions, financial subsidies, and low-interest loans. , supplemented by the promotion of power, spurring them to carry out reform and transformation from the inside out.

“Send this plan to the Capital Command Department for filing and printing, and then send it from Zhongshu Pavilion to Qingshui County and hand it over to Lu Yingying, and ask him to forward it to Du Huimin.

This work is mainly handled by Lu Yingying, with Du Huimin in charge, and assisting Lu Yingying in the work. The results will be seen before the end of the year, and will be evaluated and scored as an important aspect of the administrative assessment of Qingshui County at the end of the year by the Department of Civil Affairs.

This matter needs to be taken seriously and the Inspection Section of the Commanding Envoy Department should be dispatched to conduct inspections from time to time. "

Ren Pingsheng handed a pile of materials to Xiaowan.


Xiaowan went out with the document and asked the clerk accompanying the team to send the telegram to Le County.

"Next, it's time to negotiate peace."

Ren Pingsheng walked to the yard and sat next to the wellhead. The leaves of the elm tree planted on the side of the courtyard have begun to turn yellow at the edges. The weather is still hot, but the hottest weather has long passed, and there is a slight chill between morning and night.

"In the past few days, the Huanhua tribe has sent several letters requesting peace."

Ruan Tang walked in together with Xiaowan who had already laid out the documents.

"Which tribe was responsible for the massacre in Daze County? Has this been found out?"

Ren Pingsheng asked Xiaowan.

Xiaowan shook her head.

After all, it is what happened in the ocean, and it is very difficult to fully investigate it. Inquiries can only be made through captured sharks, but no one can guarantee the accuracy of this inquiry.

Xiaowan said: "However, as Yu Nasha said, doing it for the Dongying tribe is the most likely."

"Just think it was done by the Dongying tribe."

Ren Ping waved his hand in a waning mood.

Obsessing with finding out which tribe did it no longer makes so much sense. Now the war in Dongyang County has achieved the results Ren wanted in his life. There are already 9 captured sharks alone, 5 from the Huanhua tribe, 2 from the Jiangnu tribe, and 2 from the Jiangnu tribe. Of the Dongying tribe.

The Huanhua tribe, with its sparse population, could no longer withstand the situation and frequently sent messengers to seek peace.

The Jiang Nu tribe has also stopped.

Only the sharks from the Dongying tribe were left, constantly driving the sea monsters to attack. Fierce fighting continues every day, and now the sand on the beach outside the city has been dyed red!

"Now that the predetermined goal has been achieved, the cost of continuing the fight is too high. Nowadays, a huge amount of materials are transported from the rear every day. Although it has stimulated the production of steel plants and manufacturing bureaus, it has also driven the production of a large number of workshops. Production.

But the money spent is like running water. Coupled with the current corporate tax reduction and exemption policies and financial support policies, if we continue to fight for a long time, it will cost too much and will still affect our development.

As for who actually massacred Daze County, we will slowly investigate later and take revenge after the fact! "

Ren Pingsheng sat under the shade of a tree and watched a swallow fly back from under the eaves. The little swallows in the nest stretched out their heads one by one, enlarged their mouths, and competed with the big swallows to catch the insects in their mouths.

In order to compete for bugs, every little swallow is competing to see whose neck is longer and whose mouth is bigger. Sometimes they will fight and crowd out the brothers next to them, fighting for the bug that is twisting and struggling to survive. .

There are conflicts of interest between brothers, not to mention between people, countries, races, races, and civilizations.

War is not the epitome of this scene.

It's just a matter of interest.

Now, since we have won the victory and become the swallow with the longest neck and the widest mouth, it is natural for us to ask for war compensation, fight for our own interests, and obtain the "worms" given by the Merman tribe. As for whether the bug is willing or not, who cares?

"Two sharks from the Dongying tribe were placed in front of the east gate of the city, and their heads were handed down to the four walls to comfort the souls of the tens of thousands of people in Daze County.

An envoy was sent to contact the Huanhua tribe and the Jiangnu tribe to negotiate on war compensation, prisoner redemption, territorial boundaries, bilateral relations, etc. on the east gate tower of Le County at 6:00 tomorrow morning. "

Ren Pingsheng stood up and pinched out a meat worm that was happily drilling a hole in the elm tree. With a flick of his finger, it popped into the mouth of the thin swallow with a short neck, a small mouth.

The precise force control prevented the little swallow from being harmed. She closed her mouth subconsciously, swallowed the bug in her stomach, and pecked away the brothers who came to fight for it.

Ren Pingsheng couldn't help but smile. Even a weak person would fight tooth and nail to protect his own interests when interests come to his mouth, as long as he is an independent individual.

Regardless of strength or weakness, competition is the norm.

Time passed, and the east coast of Le County no longer heard the sound of shelling from time to time the next day.

There were no more noisy shouts and gunshots.

Instead, ritual music sounded on the beach, and some clam girls floated on the sea.

Ren Pingsheng stood on the top of the city and watched from a distance. According to what Yu Nasha and the others said, these clam girls grew legs, arms, and the appearance of human women, but they could never take off the clothes on their backs. Once the shell is shed, it will bleed to death.

They have high intelligence, but do not have the corresponding means. They cannot even defeat the sea monsters wandering in the sea, and the blood they shed will turn into pearls. Once caught by humans, they cannot escape being bled. Due to their fate, they could only seek refuge among the Merman tribe.

At this time, these clam girls came out of the sea, their colorful gauze skirts dragging to the ground. They held conches in their hands and played music that was very different from the human world. The sound was like the tide of the sea, with a salty breath, and like their clean faces, full of innocence.

However, their pairs of white and tender little feet looked so inconsistent when they stepped on the beach that was soaked in blood and turned black and red.

"You are responsible for the negotiation."

Ren Pingsheng said to Xiaowan beside him.


Xiaowan nodded.

Ren Pingsheng had already told her at noon yesterday.

In fact, this war is between humans and sharks, between continents and oceans. The two sides live in different environments. There is basically no possibility of one side destroying the other. The end of the war will eventually come to the negotiation table. Come up.

A few days ago, Xiaowan had already consulted with the young master, Zhou Ming, Si Nian, Ruan Tang, and studied with the clerks in the secretarial department several times under the young master's instructions for today's negotiation. The content, bottom line, steps, etc. of the negotiation have already been drafted.

When a large sedan with a skeleton as white as jade and decorated with corals, shells, pearls, gold, silver, agate, gems, etc., rises above the sea level. A woman wearing a colorful skirt sat lazily on the throne above.

Under the sunlight, the sedan shone with all kinds of luster, including the light of coral stars, the refracted light of agate, sapphire, ruby, emerald, topaz, etc., and the decoration of pearls and shells.

Xiaowan and Ruan Tang, who were standing on the top of the city, couldn't help but light up.

Even the police chief, who was lying on Xiaowan's shoulder, couldn't help but get excited and his eyes widened. It had no resistance to these shiny things, and even the pair of golden rings surrounding the black pupils shone brightly.

"Ren Pingsheng! I want it too!"

The police sergeant jumped on Ren Pingsheng's shoulders, raised his paws and pointed at the splendid and artistic sedan.

Ren Pingsheng ignored the police chief and just stroked it.

"Who's coming?"

At this time, Yu Nasha was put on the city wall by Si Nian.

She was sitting in a wheelchair and saw the shark sitting on the beautiful sedan through the wall, and said happily: "It's my eldest sister! My eldest sister Yu Momo!"

In the distance, the shark on the sedan seemed to sense something and raised his head to look this way. I wonder if she saw Yu Nasha behind the wall. A smile appeared on her face and she said something. The Clam Girl walking in the sedan chair was obviously faster.

Soon, we arrived under the east gate.

The city gates are wide open.

Xiaowan took his entourage down from the Dengcheng steps.

Exit the city gate.

Ren Pingsheng stood on the city wall, watching Xiao Wan and Yu Momo talking to each other as they got off the sedan.

"Xiaowan has grown up."

Ren Pingsheng felt that she could really take charge of herself, and had her own methodology when facing many things and problems.

"You taught me well."

Ruan Tang next to him heard this and rolled his eyes at him.

But when she thought about how Xiaowan was sitting in the center when Ren Pingsheng disappeared, acting decisively and resolutely, she didn't think she could do better than her.

Thinking about it this way, Xiaowan, as a child picked up from the refugee pile by Ren Pingsheng, has grown up to this point. She is really a genius girl!

"Come on, let's go out for a walk."

Ren Pingsheng took Ruan Tang's hand.

"Are you so confident about her?"

Ruan Tang followed Ren Pingsheng as he walked on the city wall, blowing in the wind from the sea.

"Xiao Wanxing already has her own style, and I believe she can perform well.

And our bottom line is there, and our military is also there. If we don't get what we want at the negotiation table, then we can just overturn the negotiation table and talk again. "

Ren Pingsheng smiled nonchalantly and said: "Now, except for the beheaded Dongying tribe's sharks, the other seven shark captives are in our hands. Five of them are from the Huanhua tribe, occupying the entire Huanhua tribe." Nearly a quarter of the population of the Flower Tribe is a bargaining chip on the negotiation table, and it is also a bargaining chip that the other party cannot give up.

And the two beheaded Dongying tribe's sharks must have severely frightened the Huanhua and Jiangnu tribes. The one who is most anxious now is definitely not our side. "



When Ren Pingsheng and Ruan Tang walked by, the soldiers on duty on the city wall saw them and greeted Ren Pingsheng one after another.

He manages marshals and generals, but his image is all-inclusive. Especially with the propaganda of the army instructors, he has a deep foundation among the grassroots officers and soldiers!

No one knows him.

This helped him completely control the army. Even if an officer had a whim and wanted to rebel against him, no soldiers would be willing to follow him. These soldiers have thoughts, ideas, and common pursuits, and cannot be shaken by one person.

Ruan Tang looked at the heartfelt respect and love for Ren Pingsheng in the eyes of these soldiers, and couldn't help but smile. She looked at Ren Pingsheng tenderly, stretched out her hands to gently adjust his collar, and removed the irregularities on it. He smoothed out the wrinkles that were too obvious.

Ren Pingsheng grabbed her white and tender little hand, placed it in front of his eyes, and kissed the back of her hand gently.

This scene happened to be seen by a military instructor who happened to have a camera for photography and publicity in his hand, so he subconsciously took a photo of the scene.

It wasn't until the camera flashed that I suddenly realized who I was photographing, and I was trembling with fear.

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