Behind me is the earth

Chapter 304 302 Bioelectrical Signals

Chapter 304 302. Bioelectrical Signals

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The undead army behind them hit the undead people in front one after another, making a series of armor-colliding sounds.

Ruan Tang squinted his eyes, carefully feeling the changing electrical signals in the air, and trying to decipher the information.

"Go on, hold this woman hostage!"

"Scatter them away so they can't protect this woman!"

"Kill, except that woman, kill as many of these people as possible, and try your best to protect yourself!"

"We can't let them get close to Suzaku Street!"

"Pay attention to the woman in purple clothes, stay away from her! If you find an opportunity, surround her first!"

The information contained in different bioelectric signals was intercepted by Ruan Tang and read out without much difficulty.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually wanted to capture him alive.

It seems that he is planning to use himself to threaten his husband.


People around Ruan Tang suddenly felt a thick static electricity in the air. The hairs on their bodies stood up instantly, their hair floated up, and they felt a suffocating discomfort all over their bodies.

There were even "cracking" electric sparks in the air.

Those bioelectric signals, at this moment, were washed away by this strong electromagnetic force and became chaotic and disordered.

No meaningful message can be conveyed anymore.

And those undead people were also in chaos at this moment.

"sister in law?"

Chen Dachui looked at the undead people who were in chaos and seemed to be at a loss, and asked curiously.

"I cut off their access to information, disrupted the information they received, and made it impossible for them to carry out their orders."

Ruan Tang explained: "However, I can now intercept, truncate and scramble this information, but I still don't know how these biological signals are generated, how they are amplified and spread through the air. So there is no way to create this kind of information. .”

She is very interested in how to create this kind of bioelectrical signal. If she can understand the principle, she might be able to simulate it through supernatural powers.

If it can be transformed into technology, it will definitely become an epoch-making product that attracts worldwide attention.

At the same time that the message was cut off, in the Governor's Mansion on Zhuque Street not far away, Wang Anguo, who had been lying on a recliner with his eyes closed, sat up in shock, his eyes widening in disbelief. He never expected that the other party would have the ability to interrupt him!

Moreover, at this moment, even the sight of more than a thousand undead troops disappeared. He didn't even know who interrupted the connection between him and the undead army.

This is his trump card. He has tried it countless times in the entire Yangjiang City. No one can interrupt his connection with the Undead Army, and no one can even detect the message he sends. Only the Undead Army can sense this!

But the sudden changes now made Wang Anguo completely unable to sit still.

At this moment, the feeling that the situation was over surged deeply into his heart, giving him a deep sense of powerlessness.

He picked up the tobacco pot, took a few puffs, and walked to a green fruit tree.

Stepping on the green earth, the originally beautiful bamboo garden now has half a bamboo tree left. In previous years, he carefully cultivated rare flowers, and now they have all turned into a bare green.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the trunk of a green fruit tree. Dark green lines appeared on his arm, and said softly: "Let them each use their own abilities to kill the traitors!"

The green fruit tree swayed gently and the leaves rustled, which seemed to be a response to Wang Anguo.

On Xingdaofang Street, Ruan Tang watched the undead people come out of the chaos one by one. His eyes all turned to this side, and then he felt the electrical signals that had disappeared in the surrounding void, and immediately thought that Wang Anguo should There are other ways to control the undead.

A faint green mist emerged from the cracks in the blue bricks on the ground, much like Wang Linglong's mode of transmitting information through pheromones.


Ruan Tang pointed to the blue bricks on the ground.

Chen Dachui grabbed the iron rod behind him and punched it on the ground. Suddenly the debris flew away, revealing the rammed earth underneath.

Sure enough, the rammed earth had turned green.

"Is it spread through the roots?"

Ruan Tang guessed.

However, this kind of information transmission that relies on root pheromones is obviously unreliable in terms of transmission speed and amount of information. The reaction of the undead is obviously much slower, and there is no mutual cooperation as seen before.

With the skilled cooperation of Yuntai Guard's most elite veterans, the machine gunners and snipers who had already occupied the high point cooperated with the ground troops to shoot at joints, dismember with horizontal knives, and spray with fuel to destroy. Clear it out.

The army behind them also quickly followed. When the sun set in the west, tens of thousands of troops had already arrived on Zhuque Street.


"To prevent accidental injury, don't travel!"

If there is war, there will be chaos. When there is chaos, use heavy codes. In order to prevent some rioters from taking advantage of the chaos to rob, some soldiers were sent out to maintain public order in every city where the Yuntaiwei army passed. They walked on the streets beating gongs to show their presence and stabilize people's hearts.

But if you encounter troublemakers who are taking advantage of the situation, you won't have any mercy and will just shoot them!

On Zhuque Street, the sound of soldiers running and the sound of black armor hitting weapons touched the hearts of the people in the houses on both sides of the broad Zhuque Street.


The sounds of explosions rang out. These were Yuntai Guard soldiers carrying out directional blasting on the tall walls of the Governor's Mansion.


The loud voice of the messenger sounded outside the commander's camp.

"Captain, General, a commoner sent a note, saying that a scholar dressed as a scholar asked him to send it over."

A staff officer called the messenger in. A young soldier in black armor came in with a piece of straw paper in his hand and presented it to the staff officer.

Ren Pingsheng took the papyrus from the staff. On the paper was written in small regular letters: "In the Governor's Mansion, there is a water trap. He is a spiritual caster from the alien department. He is assisted by aliens from the water system and space aliens." It is created to neutralize external attacks and move them to other places randomly.

There are two ways to crack it: one is to destroy the water tray in the Governor's Mansion. The second is for the aliens of the water system and the aliens of the space system to work together to disperse the spiritual energy in the water-trapped formation. "

"Is the person here still there?"

Ren Pingsheng handed the straw paper to Liu Qiang and asked the messenger.

The messenger replied respectfully: "This person did not show up. He just paid an old man to deliver the note."

"What does that person look like?"

Liu Qiang also read the content on the note.

"He is dressed like a scholar, wearing a long robe and a goat's beard, but he looks embarrassed and has a thin body."

The messenger was also confident that he had asked the people who delivered the letter.

Ren Pingsheng turned to Xiaowan who was sitting behind him and said, "Send someone to check around."


Xiaowan immediately clicked her headset and arranged the task. Several people from the surrounding intelligence groups immediately went to look for the people who reported the news, collected clues, and began to search for him.

Ren Pingsheng looked at the live broadcast of the Governor's Mansion transmitted back by the drone: "The artillery still can't blast open the Governor's Mansion. Maybe it's the trap that caused the water trap."

"This spirit caster can make both magic weapons and formations. It's really coveted."

Ren Pingsheng felt that this spirit caster was like a cutting-edge engineer on the earth, able to create many things that ordinary people would find magical.

Just like the last time I went back, Ren Pingsheng tried the head display released by Apple. If it were brought to this world, it would definitely be more shocking to the people of this world than the so-called "formation"!

Whether it is technology or magic, for him, as long as it can promote development, it is the direction of advanced productivity and must be actively promoted.

Liu Qiang said from the side: "Lord, the undead army in the city has been basically wiped out. Now the water trap in the Governor's Mansion is still blocking our attack. Although it is difficult to confirm the accuracy of the information in this note, I think we can send Give it a try."

"Are there any water or space aliens on the front line?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

Wei Feng shook his head: "The Divine Arrow Department doesn't have one."

Xiaowan nodded: "The Night Cat Organization has a water-type alien."

"We still need a space alien. Contact Yan Zi and ask about the situation at the guard house."

Liu Qiang immediately ordered.

Soon, the message came back: "There is a space alien in the guarding mansion who can drive space elements."


There are more than a dozen drones flying over the Governor's Mansion.

Ruan Tang used electromagnetic control to summon one at will and sent it into the water curtain that looked like a big bowl in front of him and was upside down on the ground.

The next moment, the drone was swallowed up.

At the moment when the drone was swallowed up, Ruan Tang saw a fantastic purple space through the camera.

Ruan Tang is very familiar with the purple space. The space that Ren Pingsheng was pulled into in a car looked like this.

"Last year, Nanyang Palace City relied on countless strangers, spent countless rare treasures, and spent a lot of time to build the Nine Dragons Formation at the beginning of this year. I didn't expect that in Yangjiang City, the Governor's Mansion could also build such a formation!

Once the formation is formed, it will no longer consume the spirit of the elemental stranger, but the spiritual energy in the void. These spiritual energies are in the void, just like the air that each of us breathes. They are inexhaustible. If you can't find the corresponding method, it will be difficult to remove it! "

Yan Zi poked the water curtain with a wooden stick.

Such a non-attacking behavior obviously did not trigger the reaction of the water trap. It was just that the stick got a little wet from the water curtain.

"Wang Anguo, you have been surrounded. You have no other way out except surrender!"

"Wang Anguo, don't be stubborn! Surrender is your only way out!"

"Wang Anguo, I'll give you a quarter of an hour to think about it. Our army will launch a general attack in a quarter of an hour! You will be responsible for all serious consequences caused by then!"

Outside the water trap, the loudspeaker made a deafening sound.

At the same time, the Pioneer Army tentatively sent people to contact the water curtain.

As a result, I don’t know how the water curtain identifies ourselves and the enemy. Some parts passed through safely, but some were sucked into the purple space!

This makes people no longer dare to act rashly.

Finally, someone from the space department of Wuzhou Guards House hurriedly arrived from behind after receiving the notice.

"grown ups!"

To everyone's surprise, this turned out to be a blond woman with a curvy front and back. The straight nose bridge, deep eyebrows, and blue eyes reflect the exotic style everywhere.

It actually attracted the curious eyes of many people.

"Tan Dingxiu, you two go and try to dispel the spiritual energy in the formation."

Yan Zi pointed at the inverted water curtain.


Tan Dingxiu and a young man from the Night Cat organization walked to the water curtain.

Elemental aliens are very sensitive to the spiritual energy in the void that corresponds to their own attributes. As soon as I got close to the water curtain, I immediately felt the active water aura and space aura inside. For them, after a long period of training, gathering and dispersing spiritual energy has become something they can easily grasp at their fingertips.

However, there is obviously an invisible framework that is binding and attracting these spiritual energies like a river, causing them to continuously gather here, and become as active as a flowing river here!

The cannonballs falling in the air, while consuming the water spiritual energy to slow them down, the space spiritual energy fluctuations instantly swept them into the purple mirror space. And the holes that appear due to the consumption of spiritual energy will be replenished by spiritual energy from other places in an instant. Therefore, the water trap has always maintained a certain balance and steadily protected the Governor's Mansion within it.

What was expected to be a simple thing turned out to be more difficult than Tan Dingxiu and his wife had imagined.

It is easy to dispel the spiritual energy, but it is extremely difficult to dismantle the void frame cast by the spiritual caster.

If you just dispel the spiritual energy, it is like channeling the water flow and opening the gate to release the water. The spiritual energy dispersed is not as fast as the replenishment speed, and it will not help to break the water trap.

Fortunately, they don't need to dismantle the entire frame, just like destroying a castle built with building blocks. They only need to tear a hole, and the formation will no longer be able to contain the spiritual energy inside, and the frame will collapse under the impact of the spiritual energy. Crash fast like collapsing dominoes!

Time passed by, and after the artillery position understood the principles of the formation, it also stopped wasting artillery shells.

Finally, when Tan Dingxiu and the others were as exhausted as if they had not slept for three days and three nights, the water trap collapsed!

The spiritual energy was like a bursting flood, quickly collapsing the river embankment that bound them. The air became humid, and there was even a localized solar rain. The dense purple in the rain disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the collapsed water trap, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief and fell asleep as soon as they closed their eyes.

The army immediately rushed into the governor's palace.

There is no one in the house anymore.

There was only a crimson figure left, standing on the top of a green fruit tree more than ten meters high, swaying up and down with the branches.

He was wearing a crimson official uniform with a round collar, a jade belt around his waist, a black veil on his head, and his hands behind his back. He looked down at the black-armored soldiers who rushed into the house.

"For the people in the mansion, I have led them away through the secret passage. It's a foregone conclusion that we will become king and lose bandits. They don't have to sacrifice with me."

Wang Anguo said as he watched the black-armored soldiers searching the courtyard.

No one paid attention to what he said, and still carefully searched the courtyard here to prevent unexpected dangers.

“Wuzhou is rich, with the Canghai Sea to the east, the Wenchang River and the Blue Yangtze River within it. It has convenient transportation and abundant grain products. It has been the granary of the world since ancient times.

Governor Wang, His Majesty has placed great trust in you and appointed you as the Governor of Wuzhou to act on behalf of the emperor’s herdsmen. But now you are acting like this. Wouldn’t you be living up to the emperor’s kindness and being unworthy of the ancestors of the Wang family? "

When Yan Zi looked at Wang Anguo, she scolded him with anger on her face.

"Your Majesty is so kind to you. I dare not forget it, but the matter has come to this. It is useless to say more."

After Wang Anguo finished speaking, he looked up at the northwest sky and murmured softly, but no one could hear clearly what he said.

The next moment, Wang Anguo spread his wings like a roc, and with one move of his hand, a spear flew away from the tree and fell into his hand. Like a giant crossbow in the army, it pierced towards Ruan Tang!


Electric sparks suddenly condensed at Ruan Tang's fingertips, and a 1-yuan steel coin rolled at her fingertips. As she ejected, the violent electric light became extremely dazzling, carrying a strong electromagnetic pulse, which was even more powerful than Wang Anguo's. At such a fast speed, it hit the tip of the spear!

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