Behind me is the earth

Chapter 316 314 Specialties in the Arsenal

Chapter 316 314. Souvenirs in the Arsenal

Ren Pingsheng stood in this huge warehouse and turned around to look at the ordnance piled around him.

56 punch, 81 assault rifle, and some rifles and submachine guns that Ren was unfamiliar with.

He recognized the tank at the door. It had a round-headed turret with a strong Soviet style. It was the Type 59 tank of New China. He had seen this series of tanks during previous military parades when he checked in every day to study for a powerful nation.

"The local weapons of these drug dealers are a little behind, but their firepower is really fierce! They are here, no matter what, they have to bring some local products back."

"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

In the warehouse, the cameras in every corner suddenly exploded, and the lenses inside fell off and fell to the ground.

The next moment, Ren Pingsheng's right hand flashed with golden light, and he pushed open a door in the warehouse, revealing the spacious transfer space behind it.

The next moment, this old and dilapidated large warehouse suddenly became sci-fi. Countless dark green ordnance boxes flew up one after another, like butterflies in flowers, and quickly flew into the open space in the transit space in an orderly manner. Stacked up, they formed like a hill.

Under the power of thought, the efficiency is very, very high!

In just seven or eight minutes, the huge warehouse was emptied. Only the three big guys at the door were left.

Ren Pingsheng tried to use his power to lift this guy, but the 36-ton tank didn't move at all.

Even if Ren Pingsheng gave up on releasing his telekinesis and used all his strength on the tank, this guy was still lying there, motionless.

"The power that my telekinesis can exert on foreign objects is estimated based on the cargo I just carried. It is about 6-7 tons. It is still too reluctant to carry a giant steel object like a tank!"

Ren Pingsheng already has a relatively clear understanding of the power that telekinesis can exert simply.

However, Ren Pingsheng has no intention of letting go of the big guy Tank.

Even if they are brought back to another world and used as learning tools for disassembly and research, it is much better than working for the drug cartel here!

"somebody is coming!"

Ren Pingsheng saw a dozen armed men in green military uniforms running towards this side with guns in hand.

Apparently, the cameras that had just exploded nearby aroused the surveillance personnel's vigilance.

These people have very dark skin. They have been living in a life of fighting and killing all year round. They all have sinister faces and look fierce and vicious. The assault rifles in their hands are all activated, and their index fingers are placed on the triggers. When they arrive at the warehouse At the door, these people breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the lock on the door was still locked.


A man who looked like an officer behind ordered.

Ren Pingsheng floated slightly and stood on the turret of the tank, looking down at the door slowly opening towards both sides.

As soon as a dozen people in green military uniforms came in, they saw three tanks at the door.

But he didn't see Ren Pingsheng standing on the turret.

However, when they saw the piles of ordnance missing from the warehouse, they couldn't help but shudder, and they suddenly got goosebumps all over their bodies, like a bolt from the blue hitting them. Look, I lost my voice for a moment!

"What...what's going on?"

"Where are the guns? Where are all the armory boxes?"

Someone finally spoke, and his voice was full of disbelief.

The door was locked and the warehouse was intact. The soldiers in the sentry tower were still standing there, and the soldiers in the control room were checking from time to time. Within a few minutes of losing sight, the firearms in the huge warehouse disappeared silently. !

how can that be possible?

For a moment, they couldn't imagine how the scene before them happened.

"I said, do any of you know how to drive a tank?"

Just when a few people were in an incredible mental state, a clear voice suddenly sounded above their heads, which immediately startled them. The muzzle of the gun in their hands suddenly raised "Click, click, click..." "..." A burst of gunfire rang out.

Then, they saw that the bullet passed through the man's body without any hindrance, and the man's body was like rippled water. It only rippled slightly a few times, but was not affected by the bullet at all. Influence!


Or a hologram?

These people were shocked.

Ren Pingsheng looked outside.

The sound of gunfire attracted the attention of people outside, and nearly a hundred people from the entire ordnance unit came running here.

With a thought, Ren Shengsheng closed the warehouse door.


When Ren Pingsheng jumped off the tank, a nervous soldier pulled the trigger again, and flames spewed out of the gun.

The bullet seemed to be stuck in a gel with heavy resistance. It slowed down visibly to the naked eye, leaving a clear bullet ripple in the air. Finally, it stopped in front of Ren Pingsheng. He stretched out his hand and pinched it gently. He picked up the bullet, walked in front of them, released his fingers, and the bullet fell and hit the concrete floor, making a crisp impact sound of "dang".

This sound also suddenly awakened these militants.

The bullets were caught by the other party's bare hands, so there's no way it's still a hologram!


All right!

"Put down your ridiculous resistance and tell me which of you can shoot these guys!"

Ren Pingsheng's voice was no longer clear, and seemed to carry the sound of a strong wind, blowing coldly on them, making them feel a chill, as if there was a dark wind blowing into the seams of their bones. The next moment It will turn into ice blades in their bodies and pierce their internal organs.

This is Ren Shengsheng's mobilization of those blue and cyan light spots in the air. Although these light spots are very inert on earth, with Ren Pingsheng's current strength, there is no problem with such simple use.

Obviously, this terrifying physical sensation has frightened these militants.

"I can!"

"I can do it too!"

"I can do it too!"

All of a sudden 5 people raised their hands.

Ren Pingsheng nodded with satisfaction.

Then, these people floated up in fear, and then fell into the tank whose lid opened automatically.

By the time they started the tank, Ren Pingsheng had already closed the small door in the warehouse. He stood at the door of the warehouse and pushed the door open. A huge warehouse space was revealed in front of these militants!

They couldn't believe that outside the gate was obviously the large yard of the ordnance unit, why now when they opened the door it turned into a vast, brightly lit warehouse!

Moreover, the whereabouts of the firearms in the warehouse were also solved at this moment.

"Rumble, rumble..."

The sound of the engine sounded, and the militants in the tank felt the coolness behind them. They did not dare to delay and drove the tank into the transit space.

The next moment, as the door of the transit space was closed, the five militants in the three tanks looked at each other, wondering where they had arrived.

"A few of you..."

Ren Pingsheng looked at the remaining dozen or so trembling militants and thought for a moment.

And these militants were trembling, waiting for the verdict.

"never mind!"

What Ren Pingsheng was thinking about was whether to throw these people into another world to dig mines and build roads, or to just kill them.

Throw them to another world for mining, cut out their tongues, and throw them directly into the ground. If they are used as mining consumables, these people will not be able to make any trouble.

Finally, Ren Pingsheng opened the warehouse door and walked outside.

Just when these militants breathed a sigh of relief and thought that the other party would let them go, they suddenly found that their legs and feet were uncontrollably running towards the outside of the warehouse. An absolute force controlled their legs and feet. arm!

They ran out of the warehouse in despair and saw dozens of comrades running towards them. Then they involuntarily picked up their guns and pulled the trigger hard!

"Da da da da da..."

The muzzle of the gun suddenly spurted out tongues of flame, blinding the teammates who were running towards this side!

By the time they reacted and quickly picked up their rifles and shot in this direction, nearly half of them had already fallen!

The sound of fierce gun battles pierced the night sky, and countless citizens were awakened from their sleep.

They couldn't help but curse a few times and lay on the bed tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep again.

Once the battle begins, Ren Pingsheng no longer needs to control it. The militants on the opposite side could no longer listen to the explanations of these dozen people. Facing the hail of bullets from the other side, these dozen people had no choice but to fight back if they wanted to survive!

Ren Pingsheng walked to a warehouse not far away during their gun battle. A large amount of ammunition is stored here.

Commonly used pistol bullets, rifle bullets, machine gun bullets, tank shells, and some RPG rockets.

Ren Pingsheng took all the ammunition according to the order and flew all the ammunition into his own transfer space, once again stacking up a hill.

In order to prevent these ammunition from exploding in his transit space, he isolated all possible fire points in the space from these ammunition.

At this time, the gunfire from the outside world had stopped, and the dozen or so militants under his control were beaten into pieces.

The armed men on the other side were basically all injured because they were in a wide courtyard.

So, as several people suddenly raised their guns uncontrollably and started shooting, the second wave of fire continued.

It wasn't until there was no more breathing people in the entire ordnance unit that the gunfire truly stopped.

They are all armed men who have undergone armed training. Even if these people take their tongues and take them to other worlds to mine, there is still the possibility of certain risks.

Simply get rid of the armed elements of these drug dealers, and this will save unstable elements like them from causing harm to the world.

By the way, Ren Pingsheng looked next door to this ordnance unit. On the opposite side of the wall was a five-story tube building. Hundreds of people were trembling there, obviously frightened by the sudden gun battle.

Incontinent men and women on the electric chair, naked people who were severely beaten and constantly begging for mercy, people who were hung in the corridor outside and whipped with blood marks all over their bodies as a warning... These people got a moment of peace because of the sudden gun battle here. An Ning didn't dare to move at this time, and was terrified, for fear that the slightest noise would disturb the violent villains again.

Ren Pingsheng thought for a moment, took a dozen assault rifles, floated them in the air, lined them up in a row, and pulled the trigger at the Tongzi Tower.

The bullets seemed to have eyes. No matter where the people of the electronic fraud group were hiding, a bullet would hit them accurately!

It didn't take long for that tube building to turn into a bloody purgatory.

All the locked doors were secretly broken by an invisible force, and the doors were opened one after another like a chasm.

Ren Pingsheng threw away his gun, rose into the sky, and returned to Zishi.

"Mom~ I saw Superman!"

A little boy lying on the window ran out of his bedroom excitedly and shouted to his mother who was doing yoga.

"The gunfire has stopped, go to bed!"

His mother obviously didn't believe it.

"I have evidence, look!"

He took out his phone and opened the photo album to show his mother.

"That's it?"

In the photo album, all the photos captured were a ball of golden light.

Ren Pingsheng's Yangshen body, even when it was revealed, could not be captured by the camera and could only emit a blur of golden light.

Thinking about the scene of purgatory on earth in that small tube building.

Although he has gained extraordinary power, he is not omnipotent and cannot save everything in this world. Such a long-distance flight, coupled with these movements, had already made him feel mentally exhausted, and the golden elixir between his eyebrows began to beat, warning him.

I want to redeem the human tragedy here.

The first is to strengthen publicity and let people understand the truth about the benefits that come with a knife.

The second is to strengthen supervision and have law enforcement officers severely crack down on the criminal activities of fraud organizations. And strengthen international cooperation to jointly fight crime.

The third is information protection, increasing the protection of personal privacy to prevent information leakage and becoming a bargaining chip for scammers.

The fourth is the prevention mechanism. Once fraudulent information is detected, a protective shield will be immediately established to promptly cut off the evil channels.

The fifth is social education, educating warning cases in various forms such as schools, families, news, lectures, etc.······

While flying in the air, Ren Pingsheng thought of his old profession of writing essays.

After all, this world is not a world of individual heroism. If you want to promote the implementation of such a thing, you will need all-round efforts from the international, national, social, family and individuals to finally promote the matter to be deeper and more practical. .

However, these issues left over from history, as well as the complex international relationships, have made this difficult.

"Perhaps, if you continue to practice, you can finally become a so-called 'god' one day. Maybe you can change the world with your personal power."

Ren Pingsheng thought silently in his heart.

But these were not his problems after all. When he came to his senses, he had already returned to the top of Zishi.

The sharp contrast is like two worlds.

He quickly landed and penetrated into his own body. A warm and soft feeling filled his heart. When the true energy circulated to the Dantian Sea of ​​​​Consciousness, the massive consumption of Yang Shen was gradually replenished.

Exhausted, Ren Shengsheng gradually fell into a deep sleep.

However, in the transit space, the five tank soldiers who had been forgotten by Ren Shengsheng stayed in the tank with great fear, not daring to move, and spent the whole night in fear.

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