Behind me is the earth

Chapter 323 321 Substitute for Human Skin

Chapter 323 321. Substitute for human skin

"Huang Wanwan embezzled 120,000 taels of silver allocated to the nursing home."

Ren Pingsheng looked at the small essay on the report. The data in it was quite detailed, and the evidence was consistent and consistent. It did not look like a false accusation.

Ren Pingsheng was silent for a while.

Some people have interests, some are national interests, some are group interests, and some are personal interests. Since interests are involved, moths will appear, trying to steal the interests of the country, the interests of the group, and the interests of others to enrich themselves.

The problem of corruption is unavoidable no matter where it is.

However, in the early stages of entrepreneurship, these entrepreneurial veterans all had more ambitious goals and ideals, a more brilliant future and visible wealth, so most people were able to restrain their inner greed and desires, plus starting a business Due to the leader's charisma and strict laws, there are still very few people who dare to extend a greedy hand.

Ren never thought that Huang Wanwan, as one of the highest-ranking officials, would be so short-sighted.

"Lao Liu is here, pass it to Lao Liu and let him conduct a secret investigation on the clues above to see if they are true."

Ren Pingsheng threw the memorial on Xiaowan's desk.

Xiaowan took a quick look, her face became more solemn, and she nodded.

Although the Civil Affairs Department is not an inconspicuous or powerful unit, it has a great influence on the people. If something goes wrong in a department that is closely related to the interests of the people, it will directly affect the lives of the people and the government's image among the people.

"In addition, I urge Liu Liu to let me run the Department of Integrity. Now that I have become the director of the Department of Integrity, don't think about being a good guy.

I don’t want these corruption issues in the future to come to my desk through snitching. "

Ren Pingsheng took advantage of the situation and beat Laoliu.


Xiaowan agreed.

After reading the official document, it was already approaching noon, and Ren Pingsheng called Xiaowan to have dinner with him.

"I'll go back in the afternoon. If there's nothing else, I should be back tomorrow. You can take care of the affairs in the house."

Ren Pingsheng instructed.

"Well, don't worry, young master."

Xiaowan showed a sweet smile.

Ren Pingsheng was very relieved about Xiaowan. After all, she was a girl who was trained according to his own shape.

In the afternoon, Ren Pingsheng took a box and pushed the door back to Earth.

I carried the box downstairs and arrived at the Huichun Hall after walking a few steps.

Today's Huichun Tang is no longer a pure Chinese medicine store.

Instead, it was expanded into three floors, with medicines sold on the first floor and a traditional Chinese medicine hospital for registration and medical treatment on the second and third floors. The medicines are no longer provided by Ren Pingsheng, but are purchased by themselves and provided by Qingcheng Biotech. This greatly increased the turnover of Huichun Hall.

However, Ren Pingsheng no longer looks down on Huichun Hall's profit.


As soon as Ren Pingsheng entered the door, Zhang Lu, who was in the store, saw him at a glance and hurriedly ran towards him: "Sister Panxia is upstairs. I'll call her to come down."

"No need to call her."

Ren Pingsheng glanced at the lobby on the first floor.

After Huichuntang took over the surrounding shops, they opened up the whole lobby. There are more than a dozen busy salespersons in the lobby. They are all little girls wearing pink nurse uniforms. They all look full of youthfulness and look at the faces. Customers always have a youthful and gentle smile on their faces. First of all, this service is not comparable to that in hospitals.

Withdrawing his gaze, Ren Pingsheng looked at Zhang Lu.

This young man who graduated more than three years ago has become more capable and calm.

"Zhang Lu, go to Qingcheng Biology and give these star grasses to Professor Fang."

Ren Pingsheng handed the box to him.

"No problem, I'll go right away."

Zhang Lu is very satisfied with his current life. He has a decent job and a salary of 16,000 yuan a month. He is also in charge of the lobby on the first floor. He has to be looked down upon even if he goes out on a blind date.

Compared with the classmates who graduated in the same class, he is considered to be among the best batch.

Moreover, he knew the identity of the boss. Not only the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, nor Qingcheng Plaza, but Qingcheng Biotechnology, a company that had already made a name for itself in the entire industry, was qualified to be listed on the GEM.

My boss is already a very important figure in Zi City.

Of course he wouldn't dare to slack off on anything his boss entrusted him with.

Seeing Zhang Lu take the box and drive away, Ren Pingsheng also walked out of the Huichun Hall.

Star grass is a kind of light blue grass found on Fengxi Mountain in Fengqi County. It has the functions of stopping bleeding, removing blood stasis, analgesic, and antidiarrheal. After being brought to the earth for testing, this star grass has effects on Improving human immunity, improving human physique and increasing human strength have significant benefits.

Qingcheng Biotech developed Xingcheng Oral Liquid based on this, which became a hot-selling product of Qingcheng Biotech and was sought after by many rich people and athletes.

This thing only requires a small amount of extraction liquid to produce, so one box is enough to last a long time.

Nowadays, Ren lives in two worlds, and his industries have grown bigger. Whether it is because of the risks involved or the time and energy wasted, he has divided most of the things that earn lower profits. , the two worlds operate independently.

Only things like star grass, munitions, industrial machine tools, etc., which can earn huge profits, are worthy of him taking up the job of a porter between the two worlds.

After wandering around the roadside, Ren Pingsheng turned into a roadside Luckin Coffee and logged into the Tengu website APP.

Searching for silicone dolls.

Ren Pingsheng planned to buy a doll to give to the person in the cold pool, but when he saw the doll, he remembered that he seemed to have forgotten to ask Sheriff Black Cat whether the person was a boy or a girl.

Click on the search, and a large number of products appear on the page.

The dazzling array of products suddenly opened up a new world for Ren Pingsheng.

He doesn't know the brand or what material is good.

But he has money.

I clicked on the prices and looked at a few carefully from expensive to cheap.

I asked the customer service if it was realistic, and the customer service assured me that it was absolutely realistic, no different from a real person, and had good looks, good figure, flexible joints, delicate skin, easy to clean, not easily damaged, 5-year warranty, lifetime maintenance, etc.

"It actually has an alloy frame, which is light in weight and high in strength."

Browsing through these dolls, they are charming, pure, aloof, innocent, black, white, red, yellow, big, small, round, flat, good, bad, beautiful, ugly, new and old. Various styles and colors for anyone to choose from.

But there are no men.

Ren Pingsheng originally wanted to buy one of each gender, but after looking through the pages, he couldn't find a male doll.

Moreover, I originally wanted to buy a serious doll, but I couldn’t find one online. They were basically the ones with big breasts, fat butts, and amazing figures.

In the end, Ren Pingsheng had no choice but to pay 78,880 yuan and placed an order for a doll that made people's blood boil.

If the other party is not satisfied, just buy a high-end one in the future.

Pay the bill and get it delivered the next day.

Putting away his mobile phone, Ren Pingsheng suddenly found an OL lady sitting on a high stool behind him, looking at him in surprise. Their eyes met, and the lady's face turned red and her expression became confused. , turned his head away in embarrassment, and clamped his legs.

Anyone who peeked would be embarrassed. Ren was always thick-skinned, so he didn't think it was a big deal. After calmly drinking the raw coconut in his hand, he walked out of the coffee shop with his long legs.

The OL sister couldn't help but turn her head slightly, glanced at his back and left, and couldn't help but have some wild thoughts.

But when she mustered up the courage to pick up the coffee in her hand and run out, she found that the quality man had disappeared on the street.

It snowed again in the sky, and a thin layer was already spread on the ground.

There was no snow on the asphalt road where cars were passing, but it was still slippery. Ren Pingsheng walked towards his mansion. When I walked to the river, I glanced with my mind and saw no one around, and no cameras. I jumped across the ten-meter-wide river and entered the botanical garden on the opposite side.

"Master, welcome home."

Return to the mansion, scan your face to open the door, and the AI ​​voice will speak automatically.

"Broadcast the news."

Ren Pingsheng said while taking off his coat.

"Good master, what type of news do you want to hear? Current affairs news, financial news, hot news..."

"breaking news."

Ren Pingsheng threw his coat in the direction of the hanger, and the wardrobe opened automatically. The pajamas inside swung their arms and ran out, jumped on his body, and changed clothes automatically.

Lying down on the soft sofa behind him, Ren Pingsheng closed his eyes.

"...Navy exercises, trying to achieve a containment situation..."

"Soft sister currency has a strong breakthrough, a new situation in overseas settlement..."

“Repeated pressure will inevitably lead to counterattacks, so don’t say you didn’t predict what you said...”

"...No one can be isolated from the great wave of global circulation!"

"NASA has released a large number of UFO photos discovered in various places in the past two decades, claiming that the earth is a planet monitored by aliens!"

"Guizhou netizens photographed UFOs..."

Ren has only listened to the news in his life, and he has heard the tense situation in the world today.

A glass of boiled water flew over and he stretched out his hand to catch it. The water in the glass became the size of ping pong balls, and he ate them one by one with his mouth open.

Whenever the situation is chaotic, all kinds of eye-catching fake news are always flying all over the sky. These news are true or false, false or true, which can most disturb people's hearing and hearing, make people's brains tired of dealing with it, consume people's energy out of thin air, and make people feel uncomfortable. People can't figure out the truth clearly, and they can't see the truth clearly. A pool of water that was originally pure and upright has become increasingly muddy.

"However, the universe is so big, the existence of aliens should be a high probability."

Ren Pingsheng thought of the smooth and reflective light he saw last time when he was in another world.

It really doesn't look like it's something naturally formed.

If you think this way, must the meteorite rain more than ten years ago have been caused by nature?

Ren Pingsheng didn't know, and it was difficult to deduce a reliable answer in this regard from just that light.

Too lazy to waste his thoughts, Ren Pingsheng directly left his body and flew through the villa towards the sky.

Soon, it flew above the lead cloud.

There are thick rolling clouds under your feet, but above you are the setting sun and the sky is full of sunset.

Ren Pingsheng checked the direction and flew towards Guizhou.

It didn't take long for him to arrive in the sky over Guizhou. After confirming several landmark buildings, Ren Pingsheng patrolled the sky over Guizhou for a while. He didn't see any UFOs at all. However, after nightfall, a UFO was held outside the 201 Building. No one entered the performance, and Ren Pingsheng watched it from the air.

We have arrived in Guiyang, which is not far from northern Myanmar. Ren lives a familiar road and flies towards northern Myanmar.

This was originally the notorious Golden Triangle area, full of drugs and crime. Now, in a gorgeous turn, the emergence of electronic fraud has become a new economic growth point for these warlords.

In this familiar small town, the atmosphere was obviously much more serious than a few days ago when patrolling military police could be seen everywhere on the streets.

When Yang Shen disperses, he becomes Qi, and when he gathers, he takes shape. When Ren Sheng does not show up, ordinary people cannot see him.

He flew over the city, his mind covering the earth, and it didn't take long for him to find what he was looking for.

He flew straight towards a villa manor halfway up the mountain.

White western-style building, Western architectural style. In the manor, many armed men in green uniforms were patrolling everywhere. In front of the gate, on the walls, and surrounded by electric grids, there were cameras everywhere. Ren Pingsheng even saw anti-aircraft guns in the manor!

In such a place, let alone people, not even flies would dare to fly in.

But this is for dealing with ordinary people, but it cannot deal with the supernatural power of the mysterious side. Ren Pingsheng walked right in front of the militants, walked into the door swaggeringly, and walked straight towards the master bedroom on the second floor.

He glanced at a dark-skinned man with a big belly, who was grabbing a whip and swinging it.

Directly through the wall, there is a dark room.

The darkroom is not large, only about fifty square meters. One wall is covered with firearms of various colors. There are two micro-guns on the table, both of which are loaded with bullets. Even the safety is in the activated state. This shows how insecure the warlord leader outside is.

Ren Pingsheng ignored these firearms and instead focused on the safe that occupied one wall.

Inside are things like U.S. dollars, gold bricks, antique gold coins, and valuable watches. Antique gold coins and watches are not something warlords like to collect, but these things can be quickly converted into hard currency no matter which country they go to.

Ren Pingsheng didn't know much about the value of those antique gold coins and precious watches, but there were more than eight million US dollars in cash alone, and those gold bricks were worth tens of millions of dollars.


As the inside of the safe is squeezed by force, the hydraulic pressure inside soon contracts, and the lock tongue is pushed outward...

"Beep beep beep~"

A sharp alarm sounded suddenly.

It turned out that as the lock tongue was pushed hard, the electronic module inside was damaged, and the alarm connected to it sounded instantly.

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