Behind me is the earth

Chapter 341 339 Industrial Park in Yile County

Chapter 341 339. Industrial Park in Yile County

"Stewed vermicelli with cabbage, one portion with a green ticket!"

"Big bones, big bones, a yellow ticket, just a yellow ticket for one serving!"

"Today we have a new dish, stewed bear meat! The factory security team hunted it in the mountains, and it only costs three green tickets!"

The cafeteria is very large, with three floors, and each floor has more than thirty windows.

There are also signboards placed in front of many windows, and people are selling through the windows.

When Ren Pingsheng saw that the canteen was not self-operated by the factory, otherwise the vegetable selling window would not be so busy.

After years of cultivation, the large white pigs introduced from the earth by Ren Ren have already grown in scale in Wuzhou Province, and pork has entered the dining tables of thousands of households. At this time, the smell of meat wafting in the canteen was... The most fragrant thing is the pork, which tickles the stomachs of the workers.

Ren Pingsheng saw green, yellow and red bills in their hands.

At this time, the deputy director of an oil refinery heard that Chief Engineer Ruan was bringing his friends to the canteen for dinner, so he came over to say hello.

As a result, when I saw Ren Pingsheng, my heart immediately skipped a beat!

He is from Qingshui County, and he actually met Ren Pingsheng when he was in Qingcheng Town. But he never expected to see the prince in this factory!

"Don't make any noise."

Ren Pingsheng said.


The deputy director quickly bowed his waist and responded.

"Since you're here, let's follow you first."

Ren Pingsheng said again.


The deputy director immediately felt happy and went to the front, what a great honor!

"Introduce these meal tickets to me."

Ren Pingsheng pointed to the meal ticket in the worker's hand and said.

"The green one represents one penny, the yellow one represents 5 pence, the red one represents 10 pence, and the purple one represents 50 pence, the larger the amount.

For these workers, ordinary workers receive a monthly subsidy of 300 Wen, skilled workers receive a monthly subsidy of 500 Wen, and foremans receive a monthly subsidy of 700 Wen.

If it exceeds the limit, you have to spend your own money to purchase it.

Although the subsidy does not seem to be much, the food in the factory cafeteria is cheaper than outside. If you are more frugal, you can eat enough with a meal ticket of 300 yuan. "

The deputy director is in charge of administration and knows these things very well.

There was a lot of noise in the huge restaurant. Workers lined up to get food and rice, sitting on rows of tables, chairs and benches, chatting while eating.

Some of these workers migrated from Qingcheng Town, most of them were technical backbones, and some were ordinary workers recruited from various counties in Changguo County and took up their posts after a period of training.

Once on the second floor, the sound became much quieter.

"The food on the second floor is more refined and more expensive. Most of the people who can go to the second floor to eat are skilled workers and foremen."

The deputy director introduced.

On the third floor, the environment became quieter. In addition to the restaurant, there were more than a dozen large and small private rooms.

Everyone entered the largest private room, which was more than fifty square meters in size. There was also a fish pond, with several koi carp swimming in it, sometimes causing splashes of water and making a "swishing" sound.

It didn't take long for the food to arrive.

There was also a pair of bear paws, which were said to be bears that the factory security team had just hunted in the mountains today.

"When I came here, I saw a piece of land fenced outside and a 500-meter road paved with asphalt. What is it used for?"

While eating, Ren Pingsheng remembered the road he saw not far from the Sanchun River before entering the chemical industry park. It was in the wilderness, solitary and not connected to the main road.

"Oh, that's an airstrip that was built."

Ruan Tang said: "In the middle of last year, an unpowered aircraft was built in Qingcheng Town. It was built by Wang Zibo and successfully tested in Yunlong Mountain. We have the ability to manufacture our own aircraft."

"Unpowered plane?"

Ren Pingsheng didn't quite understand.

Countless things happen every day in the entire Wuzhou Province, and it is impossible for his energy to cover everything. In aspects that he did not pay special attention to, it was not a breakthrough, and it was difficult to send it to his desk.

Ruan Tang explained: "It is a hang glider made of light materials such as Paulownia wood and silk. It does not need an engine and is a small aircraft that can fly in the air with the help of altitude and airflow."

As she spoke, she took out her dedicated work computer from her space ring and searched for videos of unpowered gliders produced by Qingcheng Town for Ren Pingsheng to watch.

"Is this considered an airplane?"

After reading it, Ren Pingsheng complained in his heart.

This plane is as crude as a paper shell. It neither looks good nor is easy to use. It has to go up a mountain to gain altitude before it can take off. Moreover, it flies very slowly in the air, like a plane that can fly in the sky. snails.

"After fully studying and gaining experience, at the beginning of this year, Wang Zibo led people to build a propeller aircraft and completed a test flight. After our diesel engine production begins, we can mass-produce propellers It’s a plane.”

Ruan Tang found the test flight video of the propeller plane and opened it to Ren Pingsheng.

Ren Pingsheng looked at the Qixing No. 1 test machine in the video, which was painted in red with a blue dragon painted on it.

It already has the smell of an airplane from World War II.

Watching the plane slowly drive out of the hangar, enter the runway, and then start to accelerate. After trying twice, it finally raised its nose and rushed into the sky, and finally soared into the sky. This also means that Wuzhou Province already has the ability to fly into the sky!


Watching the drone footage of the prototype flying, circling, accelerating, decelerating, diving, lifting, and finally landing safely, Ren Shengsheng's heart was constantly changing with the movements of the aircraft. Finally, as the plane landed, I was finally overjoyed.

Looking at this prototype, he could already imagine the scene after the aircraft was put into military and civilian fields.

Equipped with machine guns and bombs, whether it is shooting on the ground or bombing, it will become an irresistible nightmare for the enemy.

If more airports are built in various places, people will have faster transportation methods for various activities.

This is another thing that changes the pattern of the military and people's livelihood fields!

“In the industrial park here in Yile County, a diesel engine manufacturing plant is under construction, as well as the Manufacturing Bureau’s tank and armored vehicle factory, artillery factory, ammunition factory, etc.

Over in Qingcheng Town, some private economies have developed rapidly, and light industry has developed even more rapidly, but the land carrying capacity is limited. In the future, tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, tractors, automobiles, engineering vehicles, machine tools and many other mechanical equipment, as well as bullets, artillery shells, rockets, bombs, grenades, detonators, etc., will all be produced in factories here in Yile County.

There is also the Qixing Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, where some parts are produced in Qingcheng, but are ultimately assembled in Yile County.

In addition, there is a large iron mine in Pingyuan County, and the second steel plant has also started construction here. "

Ruan Tang put away his work computer and introduced the progress of the work here.

She often travels back and forth between Yile County and Qifeng County, and she also has an overall grasp of the construction here.

The definition of Yile County is an industrial city.

And it is a city dominated by chemical industry and heavy industry.

The series of arms factories built here by the Manufacturing Bureau will also provide weapons and ammunition to Wuzhou Guard in the future.

As for Pingyuan County adjacent to Yile County, although it belongs to the River Valley Province, it was already effectively occupied by Wuzhou Province when resources such as oil and iron ore were discovered in it. Now Qin Sheng's Third Army sent two The regiment was stationed in Pingyuan County, and no one said much about it. Hehe Province and the imperial court also acquiesced in Wuzhou Province's development and rule of Pingyuan County.

"I suggest that we take over Huanhua County in Wanzhou Province in the first half of this year."

Ruan Tang suddenly suggested.

"Because of coal?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

For Wuzhou Province, which is currently recuperating and accelerating its development, if it wants to occupy new territory, it must first have interests worth fighting and occupying.


Ruan Tang peeled off a lobster and put it in Ren Pingsheng's bowl: "There is a large coal mine in Huanhua County. The power plant we are building in Yile County and the steel plant that is about to be built are all large coal-burning companies. . By defeating Huanhua County, our mining efficiency will be higher and the cost will be lower."

"This year, the Beiwan Group went south and captured Huanhua County. Is there any problem with coal mining and transportation?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

Ruan Tang smiled and said: "Beiwan Group does not dare to touch our things. They are not approaching the mining area."

To say that the person who knows the horror of Wuzhou Province best is probably the Beiwan Group, which is closest to Wuzhou Province. After a huge defeat that lasted thousands of miles, they sent countless spies to Yuntai County to gather information and seek revenge.

But the more I dug, the more frightened I became and the less I dared to take action.

In the end, the senior officials of the Beiwan Group, who had been frightened by the news sent back from Wuzhou, no longer dared to take action against Wuzhou, and began to expand their power in the two directions of Zhongzhou and Southern Anhui.

"Huanhua County is already on the list of conquests this year. Around June this year, when the new recruits complete their training, they will send troops to capture Huanhua County."

Ren Pingsheng said: "By then, a dock will be built in Huanhua County, and coal will be loaded onto ships in Huanhua County and transported from the Sanchun River. The transportation costs will also be reduced."

"It's a pity that steam ironclads have not been built yet, otherwise the transportation capacity would have been greatly increased."

Ruan Tang was a little regretful.

Relying on sailing wooden ships to transport coal, the transportation capacity is still far behind.

After dinner, Ren Pingsheng visited the refinery again and left the refinery in the evening.

"The whole Yile County is in full swing. When I came in, I felt that the place was very deserted, but when I saw the enthusiastic workers on the construction site, I felt that this place was full of vitality!"

A girl named Gu Xiao among the entourage said emotionally.

She was among the first batch of graduates from Qingcheng Middle School and the first batch of staff to join Qixing Bank. After several years of work, she climbed from staff to vice president of Dongyang County Branch. Because of her outstanding ability, she was transferred to Qixing Bank this year. Qifeng County participated in the central bank reform work of Qixing Bank.

As the only woman in the entourage, she also received more attention.

"what's your name?"

Ren Pingsheng also noticed this girl.

"Your Highness, my name is Gu Xiao, and I am the vice president of Dongyang Branch of Qixing Bank."

Gu Xiao said excitedly when he saw the prince asking her.

This also arouses envious looks from people around.

Although it is difficult for women to be in the officialdom dominated by men, in many cases, they are very comfortable. Just like now, among the hundreds of entourages on the field, only Gu Xiao asked the prince to take the initiative to ask her name. Maybe this woman will be in the emperor's heart!

Once the prince remembers him, his promotion will not be smooth sailing!

"You are all leaders among the younger generation in Wuzhou, and you also have excellent abilities. I brought you out this time to train your abilities and let you learn more so that you can be more targeted in future governance. We should implement policies better so that the economy and society can develop better."

On the road to the industrial park, Ren Pingsheng stood still and spoke to these young reserve officials.

"The ability to investigate and research is a very important ability. It is a tool that allows you to better understand the needs of the people, adjust the way of policy formulation and administration, and better develop and plan the development direction of the government. etc······"

Ren Pingsheng directly started on-site teaching.

As for the opportunity for the prince to teach in person, it is rare to see these young officials on weekdays. One by one, these young officials gathered around Ren Pingsheng, paying attention and listening attentively to the lectures. Passers-by often looked at him, wondering whether the person who was giving lectures was some academy scholar. .

At this time, the sun was setting in the west and the sky was getting darker.

The construction site also started to get off work. A large number of construction workers left work and went to their simple temporary dormitories in groups.

These young officials have been divided into groups of three to five people according to Professor Ren Pingsheng's method. Based on their purpose and the goals they want to understand, they have formulated research questions one by one to move towards these people who have just finished work. people walked.

After a day's work and just finishing work, these construction workers were already very tired, but when faced with these hooded men wearing robes, they couldn't help but stop and their attitude was very respectful.

This is the attitude of most people towards literati.

Some groups also prepared some items they carried as gifts, some gave them eggs, and some took out their banknotes and gave them a few cents, which surprised the workers.

"You are all reserve officials of the Wuzhou Provincial Government? Aren't you the Master of Jinshi?"

Suddenly someone exclaimed.

This immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding workers, who were obviously surprised to see such a group of Jinshi masters here.

"Oops! You Jinshi gentlemen actually come to ask us ordinary people in person. I am from Yangjiang, the provincial capital of Wuzhou before Yangjiang, but I have never seen those officials come in person to ask us ordinary people what they need... ···”

"You asked me why I came to Yile from Yangjiang? Because it's a good place. I can get paid for my work and have good food. His Highness King Qi brought all this!"

"It's very good here. There are job opportunities everywhere, and I can earn a lot of money. When I save enough money, I will go back and buy dozens of acres of land, marry a virtuous woman, and have a few fat boys!"

"What's not good? I think everything is good! What needs do I have? What needs can I have! I just miss women and hope there will be some brothels in the park, otherwise I won't have anywhere to spend the money I make..." ·”

After a short man finished speaking, the onlookers immediately booed.

"Oh my, the Jinshi masters asked about the needs of our workers and gave me a piece of soap. These Jinshi masters are worthy of being officials of the new dynasty. I see a wise king like King Qi, and I will definitely be able to rule the world in the future!"

The workers who had finished the questionnaire chatted and discussed excitedly. They felt that the sky in the new dynasty was sunny and that Prince Qi was a good prince who loved his people as his son.

After learning martial arts, he was bought into the emperor's family.

It wasn't until the sky turned completely dark that these reserve officials returned to the dormitories arranged by them with great achievements. They sorted out the problems of today's research and discussed with the group members how to complete a high-quality report that could impress the prince. Interesting research report.

This is related to whether they can stay in the emperor's heart, and also related to their future career.

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