Behind me is the earth

Chapter 346 344 Sisters Meet

Under the three trees, Lingdang looked back at the tall walls of Wenchang City: "Someone has been watching us just now."

“The night before yesterday, I felt like I was being watched, but then I realized that the glances at me were coming from different types of birds such as sparrows, magpies, turtle doves, woodpeckers, and crows, so I didn’t take it to heart.

But now that I think about it, maybe we were discovered by others the night before. "

Yu Hai from the bell team said.

His sixth sense is very developed, and as long as someone's eyes are on him, he will be alert.

Although this ability seems to be of little use, in an action team group, sometimes it can work wonders!

"Let's get out of here first!"

Dudley said.

Instead of worrying about whether someone is watching them, it's better to get out of the dangerous place quickly.

The group of people ran quickly, walking very fast.

When they entered Anbo Mountain and met the Wuzhou Guard 30104 Brigade, they realized the reason why their line of work was so successful.

In Qifeng County, in Prince Qi's mansion, Xiaowan was playing hard with the young master.

"Master, you are so kind."

After finishing, Xiaowan lay in Ren Pingsheng's arms, her head moving up and down on his chest, like a little fox sniffing out its master's scent.

She didn't expect that the young master actually called Qin Sheng and asked him to arrange a military exercise on Anbo Mountain, which shocked the Beiwan bandit army and eliminated the risk in her original rescue plan.

"Not just for that, either."

Ren Pingsheng touched Xiaowan's smooth back: "The 30104th Brigade is a newly built infantry brigade, which is filled with elite soldiers selected from the army. It will soon be transformed into an independent regiment.

This time we went out for military exercises, firstly to frighten the Wanzhou bandits. The second is for them to become familiar with their new equipment and develop a tacit understanding between their teammates. The third is to clear out the bandits’ stronghold of spies in Anbo County and the bandits they support, and take the opportunity to clear the way for the next capture of Huanhua County. "

After saying that, Ren Pingsheng patted Xiaowan's butt: "Get up, Qin Yu will be there today."

He floated up from the bed and stood on the ground.

Under Xiaowan's service, she put on her regular clothes and wore a Yishan crown, looking elegant.

Xiaowan went to take a shower again before putting on clothes.

When he came out, the young master had already gone to Jingxinzhai to handle official documents.

As various reforms in Wuzhou are carried out on a large scale, more and more important tasks and feedbacks are received. Even the documents sent to the central government are screened and annotated by the Zhongshuge Secretariat and sent to Ren Pingsheng. There are still a lot of official documents coming in, taking up a lot of his time every day.

Recently, even my daily practice time has been squeezed out a lot.

Ren Pingsheng has already had the idea of ​​delegating some power to Zhongshu Pavilion. Except for important military and political work, most of the work will be handed over to Zhongshu Pavilion for review and approval. He can just check a few of the approved documents every day.

As long as we draw a hard line, define the scope of the framework, and use systems to ensure that these tasks are carried out within the defined scope of the plan, there will be no major problems.

"Power has various components, either from the right of demonstration represented by personal charisma, or from the right of expertise from extraordinary ability, or from the right to reward good and punish evil, or from organizational positions. Legal authority. If you rely too much on your own abilities, you have to be aware of everything. This often requires diligent work from midnight to dawn, like Zhu Yuanzhang did, day and night."

"I have traveled through time and space to where I am today. Naturally, I have responsibilities towards the people I govern and the interest groups I represent. However, while being responsible for them, I cannot delay my own practice and enjoyment of life. Therefore, I must delegate power. , this requires more emphasis on the right of example and legal power, and it is necessary to design a good system and tighten the thread."

"When power is delegated, responsibilities must also be suppressed. We cannot repeat the mistakes of Dajing, which is now mired in corruption, and lock it in a cage of the system."

After reading the last official document, Ren Pingsheng threw it aside and lay down on a chair, thinking about how to reduce the workload on his hands and at the same time make all work progress steadily without causing various problems. This kind of management design that involves a wide range of areas and has great influence is often very difficult. If you are not careful, loopholes will appear in subsequent operations. Some hidden dangers may even have a long incubation period and will be exposed at a later stage. , great influence.

Fortunately, the modern political and economic ideological system, which is hundreds of years ahead of the times, has provided him with many ready-made ideas, but it still needs to be adapted to other worlds based on the productivity here and other local conditions.

This in itself is also a headache.

the other side.

When Qin Yu was released from the box, he was already in Anbo County.

Only then did she know that Qifeng County was originally the capital of Wuzhou Province!

And he has already arrived in Wuzhou Province.

“Wuzhou Province is really prosperous!”

While eating the fragrant fried meat on the table, she looked at the street scene outside.

She saw that ordinary people in Wuzhou Province were all wearing decent clothes, and there were all kinds of meat stalls, rice and grain shops, and cloth shops on the streets.

There was also an acrobat at the corner of the street. One person threw a blue and white vat into the sky and caught it firmly with his head. Four or five blue and white vats in a row were connected at the corners and were held on his head, causing a burst of excitement. A flood of applause.

Compared with Wanzhou, where people's livelihood is poor, the small border counties in Wuzhou Province are already a prosperous, prosperous and lively city in Qin Yu's eyes!

"Don't worry, we have arrived in Wuzhou Province and it is safe."

Seeing her devouring the food, Lingdang comforted her softly.

"Well, I'm just a little nervous."

Although Qin Yu is timid, he is not heartless. Until now, her uneasy heart was still hanging in the air, not knowing who or what was waiting for her next.

However, so far, she feels that these people's attitude towards her is not a bad thing.

"Ling ring ring~"

A crisp ringing of the car's bell attracted her attention again, and she looked out the window. Just outside the window of the restaurant, someone pushed the bicycle to the street, opened the basket on the back seat of the car, and revealed a bicycle inside. Assorted plush dolls.

"They are all purchased from Qingcheng Town. There are the White Snake from The Legend of White Snake, the Monkey King from Journey to the West, and Zhu Bajie's dolls. Let's buy one for the kids."

The young man was holding a palm-sized doll in his hand and shouted on the street: "They are sold very well in Qingcheng Town, and they only cost 50 cents each!"

With the interpretation of storytellers and opera troupes under Qixin Society performing in various places, excellent opera repertoire such as The Legend of White Snake, Journey to the West, Dong Yong and the Seven Fairies have become popular throughout the province, and the characters in them have become A familiar existence.

Qingcheng Town also took the opportunity to launch these plush dolls, which really detonated the market once launched, attracting many people to rush to buy them.

However, this young man selling the goods obviously did not realize that the reason why this thing is so popular in Qingcheng and even Wubei is that the industrialization transformation there has been completed. People can make money by farming at home, and they can also make money by working in the city. Money, with spare money in hand, will naturally promote local consumption.

But in this remote Anbo County, although the land is fertile and it is a blessed land, the people have just recovered from the previous harsh rule. At this time, even if they have some spare money, they are buying cloth, Food, salt and other urgent and scarce items, how could there be spare money to buy his stuffed toys!

However, Qin Yu looked at those very cute plush toys and thought of her daughter.

This child had been observant since childhood and took the second young lady as his mother. Qin Yu didn't blame her. After all, she was just a concubine, and even her biological daughter called herself aunt. However, when she faced herself, her resistant attitude made her feel very uncomfortable.

Seeing that she was looking at the stuffed toy, Lingdang knocked on the window twice, attracting the attention of the young man outside.

She pointed at the stuffed toys inside and pointed at a cute yellow monkey.

Seeing that his business was finally open, the young man couldn't wait to pick up the monkey and ran in.

"Thank you girl!"

The young man took the fifty cents and was very excited when he left.

"Business exists only when there is demand. To do business is to make money by solving problems for others. This person brought 50 yuan worth of stuffed toys to Anbo County to sell. There is demand but no customers. I guess he is not smart."

Su Ding said while complaining.

"I'm reading your business lessons again."

Du Li put down the chopsticks in his hand.

"I used to think that after retiring from the world, I would do some business to make money, take care of my wife, and take care of my children. Unexpectedly, I accidentally joined the organization and now I don't have a mother-in-law or a child."

Su Ding shook his head and said, "I have to make a report when I get back and ask the organization to consider my personal issues."

As he spoke, he stole a glance at the bell.

He fell in love with the bell a little bit at first sight.

It's a pity that people don't have this intention for him.

After everyone had eaten and drank enough, they continued on their way.

As soon as we left Anbo County and entered Yangjiang, we saw thousands of people building roads.

Just by looking at their clothes, you can tell that these people are local people.

So far, Wuzhou Province has not abolished the corvee system. Before productivity is fully improved, we are not prepared to completely abolish it.

Although road construction involves corvee labor, people are often required to bring their own dry food. But the government also gave out a symbolic ten cents a day as wages, which was not enough for the people in Qingshui County, but it was not too little for the people here in Yangjiang.

Moreover, the work done by corvees is different from that of prisoners of war and reform-through-labor prisoners. The work is not that tiring, at least to the extent that the people can accept it.

"Now Wuzhou Province is developing everywhere. With just those prisoners of war and immortals, there is a serious shortage of manpower. We can only take advantage of the time when the fields are not busy to recruit corvees to build roads.

I heard that due to the heavy infrastructure construction tasks, the Ministry of Industry and Roads Department have jointly drafted a plan to encourage private capital to participate in bidding, and plan to rely on private capital to continuously promote the construction of public road transportation networks. "

Su Dingbian said there.

"Why do you always pay attention to these and really want to go out and do business?"

Dudley asked.

Su Dingbian shook his head: "The organization's treatment is so good, why do you go out to do business? Moreover, even if you really do business, it is easy for officials and businessmen to do it. If you work hard now, you may be able to become an imperial businessman after you retire. !”

After passing Yangjiang City, the road becomes easy to walk immediately.

The highway in Yangjiang City was already in Wangjiang County and connected to Qile Road. After getting on the road, the speed suddenly became faster.

Qin Yu and Ling Dang rode together. She looked curiously at the carriages and bicycles on the road. When she saw a car passing by, she was immediately stunned with surprise. In her world, she had never seen such a giant steel beast made of steel that could run without a horse!

"Are those houses?"

When he came to Qifeng County, Qin Yu saw the buildings under construction.

Although it has not been completed yet, the height of the above-ground part has already had a strong impact on her senses.

As the team entered Qifeng County, Qin Yu's heart began to beat again. The mysterious figure who was about to meet him was about to appear!

Although she had done some mental preparation along the way, she was still extremely shocked when the team stopped at the entrance of the majestic Prince Qi's Mansion.

No matter how much she imagined, she never thought that the person who wanted to see her would turn out to be a person with great powers.

Just the pair of tall and mighty stone lions at the entrance of the palace made her breathless!

The eyes of the armed guard at the door focused on her made her feel even more uncomfortable.

At this time, the small door on the side of the palace opened. Qin Yu saw a young woman wearing a red skirt and a red cloak embroidered with cranes behind her. She walked out under the guard of several maids. She stood there. , his eyes focused on Qin Yu who was standing at the gate.

Eyes collided in the air.

Qin Yu looked at that beautiful and noble woman, first wondering why she looked at him like this.

Her eyes seemed to be full of complex emotions.

But at the same time, she felt a familiar and friendly feeling in the woman in front of her whom she clearly didn't recognize. This feeling is very strange and has no reason. I just feel that she gives me a very liking and reassuring feeling.

"elder sister!"

Xiaowan ran towards her.

Qin Yu didn't recognize Xiaowan for a while, but Xiaowan recognized Qin Yu.

When he left that year, Qin Yu was already grown up and his appearance had been finalized.

Qin Yu was shocked when he heard the voice, his eyes were in disbelief, and he asked with trembling lips: "Wan'er?"

"Sister, it's me!"

Xiaowan ran to Qin Yu, her eyes already moist. Looking at her sister's appearance, Xiaowan's thoughts were racing and she was filled with emotions, but she didn't know where to start.

"You, you're so old."

Qin Yu stretched out her hand, cautiously, wanting to touch Xiaowan.

But the timid temper she had developed over the years made her stretch out her hand and look at Xiao Wan's red skirt embroidered with gold and silver. It looked so noble and made her hesitate.

Xiaowan hugged Qin Yu directly.

After meeting Qin Yu for the first time, she confirmed that this woman who gave her a sense of intimacy connected by blood was her sister.

The scene where the sisters recognized each other at the gate of the palace made Lingdang confirm her thoughts.

Du Li and Su Dingbian were surprised.

Immediately, I felt happy!

They have completed such a task. Although it is not a big merit, it will definitely be remembered by the leader. In this way, it will be more useful than any merit.

After a long time, the two separated, Xiaowan said to Qin Yu: "It's cold outside, let's talk in the house first."

Qin Yu didn't have any opinions. Of course, her sister would do whatever she said at this time.

"You guys go back first."

Xiaowan then said to Ling Dang and the others who were still waiting at the door.

"Yes! Chief!"

After Lingdang, Du Li and others saluted Xiaowan, they got on their horses and left.

Qin Yu looked at Xiaowan in shock and asked in a low voice: "They call you leader? Sister, are you working in the palace now?"

Along the way, she thought a lot, but she never thought that the big shot in her mind would be her sister.

My family was not rich to begin with, and even more so when they fled their hometown. Looking at the corpses being eaten on the roadside every day, the lives of the family were no longer worth a penny. In such a situation, Qin Yu didn't know what kind of fate his sister had experienced and gained such incredible wealth!

Following Xiaowan into the palace, Qin Yu was immediately shocked by the luxury and majesty of the palace.

Although the Wen Mansion can be regarded as a home of wealthy gentry, compared to Prince Qi's Mansion, it is really nothing compared to it!

There are pavilions and pavilions everywhere, and the guards coming and going are carrying guns and wearing black armor, looking majestic. The maid stood far away and greeted Xiao Wanfu with thoughtful etiquette, which showed the strictness of the royal family's management.

"When you separated from your sister, you were only as tall as you were. You were as thin and small as a hemp pole. But now you have grown into such a beautiful girl. You are a bit taller than your sister and more beautiful than your sister. too much!

My sister didn’t even recognize her just now.

By the way, Wan'er, where is my mother now? "

After entering the palace and walking together with his sister, the feeling of closeness between blood made Qin Yu, who had always been timid, a little more courageous, and he pulled Xiaowan to ask questions. (End of chapter)

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