Behind me is the earth

Chapter 36 036.The rainy season when I was seventeen

In order to meet the construction deadline, the Ren family farm built as many houses as possible before the freezing weather. For several days, the work was in full swing.

Ren Pingsheng was in the Ren Mansion, fiddling with the ten photovoltaic panels and inverters he had purchased online before with some headache.

He finally got two maids, Ruhua and Wangshu, to help him hold the ladder. He climbed up and down and followed the instructions and videos to install the photovoltaic panels on the roof. The wires were connected in series, and then connected down and installed on the roof. Inverter on the wall.

Ren Pingsheng felt that the exposed wires looked unsightly, so he found tools and took four maids there to hammer and press the wires under the brown wood gusset.

Xiao Wan opened the window in the west wing, biting the pen in her hand with some distress.

"Lao Liu reported the accounts, and the total food and wages at the farm amounted to more than 3 taels per day.

The young master and the others received 6 taels of medicated food and medicinal baths for practicing Qigong every day, as well as regular money for the two shopkeepers and Liu Qiang and the others.

The daily expenses for the 16 people in the family are about 800 yuan.

In addition, at the end of the month, I have to give 20 taels to the fat pigs from the town government.

There are also various miscellaneous expenses..."

Xiaowan looked at the accounts in the book, and then looked at the young master outside, accompanied by four maids, who was as happy as a prosperous man in the village, and couldn't help but sigh, he really didn't know how expensive firewood and rice were when he was not a family member.


Xiao Wan was sighing with emotion when she saw the young master's head squeezed in from the window and reached out to press the light switch in her room.

Then the lights came on.


From now on, daily electricity use will be no problem. I added a 3-degree battery, which is enough to turn on the lights every day. You can also charge the outdoor power supply during the day, otherwise the battery will be full and the remaining electricity will be wasted. "

Ren Pingsheng gave instructions, then turned off the light with a click and retracted his head.

I also admired the "big project" I had completed. The photovoltaic panels installed on the roof can receive the gift of the sun every day. The electric wires are almost hidden between the buildings under the brown wood buckle boards, without destroying the beauty of the building itself. But it greatly enhances the comfort of living.

"Ruhua, please ask the kitchen to make dinner early. I have eaten early and have something to do in the evening."

Among the four maids, Ren Pingsheng likes to command Ruhua the most. This girl is the youngest and lively. Ren Pingsheng likes her character very much.

His subordinates Liu Qiang, Liu Shu, and Lao Liu were all busy, but for Ren Pingsheng, both businesses were on the right track and running normally according to his plans, so there was nothing he needed to worry about. Instead, there were fewer children.

My mood also became more relaxed, and by concentrating on practicing boxing every day, Mang Niu Jin progressed faster.

He was boxing in the yard. As his speed became faster and faster, when his body turned and his fists and feet moved, there were bursts of "whooshing" wind, which seemed to be quite powerful.

Ren Pingsheng felt that with his current strength and fists, it would be no problem to fight one against three, and it would not be a big problem to fight one against five.

Martial arts training is very strenuous. Ren Sheng wears a bracelet on his hand, and his heart rate soars to 160.

Ren Pingsheng didn't stop until his muscles began to feel tired, swollen, and weak.

Nowadays, there are medicinal baths to relieve muscle fatigue, which is divided into three exercises in the morning, noon and evening, which adds up to about three hours. If you practice more, the body will not be able to bear it. If you practice hard, it may cause muscle damage or even muscle dissolution.

"Qingyin, you guys will ask Sun Qiaomei tomorrow to tidy up the easternmost room and make it available, and move the things inside to other rooms."

After dinner, while Qingyin was waiting for Ren Pingsheng to take a medicinal bath, Ren Pingsheng gave her instructions.


Qingyin nodded gently, and gently kneaded Ren Pingsheng's skin and muscles with her fingers.

She was already 17 years old. When she saw the master's beautiful body, she felt like there were bugs crawling in her heart. Especially when she was waiting for the young master to take a bath, she felt very uncomfortable.

But if the young master doesn't take the initiative to ask her, she doesn't dare to be presumptuous, especially when every time she thinks about the master, housekeeper Xiaowan always pops up in her mind.

"ε=(ο`*))) Alas."

When it was time for the master to take a medicated bath, and after serving the master to wash him with clean water, Qingyin put on the clothes for the young master. She looked at the back of the young master with some loneliness as he left, and fiddled with the still warm bathtub by herself, as if feeling Master's body temperature.

Ren Pingsheng didn't know that his maid was also coveting his increasingly beautiful body since he started practicing martial arts.

After talking to Xiaowan, Ren Pingsheng returned to the room and extended his golden right hand.

He plans to go back to Zi City for a few days and has some things to deal with.


Entering the transit space, Ren Pingsheng placed his M1911 pistol on the shelf.

He picked up medical alcohol and sprayed it on his body, then picked up his mobile phone, reached out and pushed the door open again, and returned to his home in Zishi.

The lively sounds outside the empty room were in sharp contrast to the silence in the room.

Ren Pingsheng took off his clothes and put on a pair of pajamas.

At some point, the room was warmed.

The heating in the north makes the temperature in the room reach 27 or 8 degrees Celsius, and sometimes it can soar to 30 degrees Celsius. It is even too hot in the house to open the windows to let in the cool breeze to cool down the room. At this time, there are always It feels like air conditioning in summer.

Ren Pingsheng looked at the missed calls on his phone and began to answer the calls as usual.

My mother has complained a lot, and has even gotten used to the fact that Ren Pingsheng never answers her calls. Now she doesn't even bother to complain. She just tells them that it's winter, and they should pay attention to keep warm and take protective measures. Their work is at a critical stage. When I was there, I might not be able to come back after the Chinese New Year.

There was also Viagra, who also called back and said that he was coming to visit him after the Chinese New Year.

As for other friends who used to be in constant contact with each other, they gradually lost contact because Ren often disappeared.

Banxia is used to reporting work via email and WeChat.

Ren Pingsheng lay on the bed, opened WeChat and contacted a few close friends and former colleagues. It was around ten o'clock in the evening.


Just when Ren Pingsheng was about to go to bed, QQ, which was now rarely used, suddenly started to flash.

A very familiar avatar came into view.

"Hey bro, how are you doing?"

Ren Pingsheng clicked on his profile picture and saw the other party's greeting.

Pulling it up, I found that the last time I chatted was during the Chinese New Year last year.

A New Year greeting sent by the other party, wishing Ren a happy life, promotion and wealth.

Looking at this sentence in the dialog box, the gate of Ren's life's memory suddenly opened. The scenes in his memories flashed back like a slideshow. He found that these memories that he could not remember at ordinary times were still the same. Clear and unforgettable.

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