Behind me is the earth

Chapter 370 368 Four Awakenings

There was heavy rain in the sky, and there was darkness between heaven and earth. On both sides were endless fields of corn, as tall as a person.

To a person who has just been drenched on the road, a plane that suddenly lands from a curtain of rain is no different than people on earth suddenly seeing a dragon in the rain, or a Godzilla jumping out of the sky.

People on the road were frightened when the plane, like a prehistoric beast, brought up powerful airflow and rapidly rotating propellers, shattered the heavy rain and passed over their heads.

It was not until the plane landed and slowly stopped on the road that people came back to their senses. Some people had already given up their financial ruin and escaped, while some curious ones were still staring at the plane.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, this is His Highness Prince Qi's special plane."

The plane door opened, a simple emergency alloy ladder was put down, and someone came down holding a black umbrella and holding a loudspeaker to comfort the frightened people.

The four words "His Royal Highness King Qi" eased the atmosphere here, and even those who fled stopped in doubt.

"My husband's prestige is really high."

Ruan Tang hugged Ren Pingsheng's arm and looked at the scene in the heavy rain outside the window.

There was a faint silver light in her eyes, and her vision became extremely powerful. Even heavy rain could not block her sight.

Xiao Wan, who was opposite, frowned slightly. She had not yet woken up from her epiphany, and seemed to be at a critical moment.

The heavy rain outside was getting heavier and heavier.

"This is the boundary of Yanshi County, which is already Guyi County, and is adjacent to Qingcheng Town."

Ren Pingsheng's mind power was released and he already knew the location here.

And in the cities surrounding Qingcheng Town, his influence is unparalleled.

"Forget the book, let someone boil some sugar water and send it down to warm the bodies of passers-by."

Ren Pingsheng instructed.

There were more than twenty travelers stranded by the heavy rain below. Wangshu quickly boiled a few pots of water, took the water cups with him, and floated down from the boarding gate.

The upward airflow blew away the heavy rain and did not hit her. After landing, a strong airflow blew away the water on the ground, so that her shoes were not soaked by the water when they landed.

When she walked in front of these travelers, they all looked at her in surprise.

Wangshu simply waved his sleeves and robe, and the airflow spread, blowing away the rainwater within a radius of five or six meters. It was raining heavily outside, and the rainwater was splashing, but there was no more rainwater here to pour in.

The travelers were even more shocked.

Although the reputation of strangers has gradually spread among the world, such mysterious spells are still rare for ordinary people to see.

"The Butler of Forgotten Books."

The two parachute guards looked at Wangshu.

Wangshu nodded to them, and then said to the travelers: "Your Majesty asked me to boil some sugar water to warm you up."

The two guards took the hot water bottle, poured brown sugar water into paper cups, and poured water for these people one by one.

"Thank you girl!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The travelers took the water glasses and were all moved.

"Then, sir, is it really His Highness King Qi?"

A young man asked excitedly as he took the water glass.

Others also looked at Wangshu with keen eyes.


Wangshu nodded.

Now in Haiqingheyan, Wuzhou Province, and the plane made an emergency landing randomly. Even they didn't know it would land here before, so they were not afraid of what kind of bad guys these would be.

The crowd suddenly became excited.

They frequently looked at the flying behemoth, and their respect for King Qi deepened in their hearts.

This heavy rain came and went quickly. After more than ten minutes, the rain gradually became lighter.

The surface of the cement road is much higher than the farmland next to it. The water on the road is drained into the farmland on the roadside, and the dry ground has also been watered by the sudden rain. When the corn cobs are full, there is no need for people to water them again until the corn cobs are mature.

This is definitely good news for the people.

And Xiaowan, at this time, had also woken up from her epiphany.

I felt quite embarrassed when I saw the plane that had made an emergency landing because of me.


Ruan Tang grabbed Xiaowan's hand and asked with concern.

Xiaowan nodded excitedly, and then broke free from Ruan Tang's hand. Holding it with both hands, a little rabbit made of water came to life out of the void, and then the little rabbit turned into a crystal clear rabbit. The little ice rabbit jumped out of her hand with a kick of its hind legs and fell into Ruan Tang's hand.

This little ice rabbit is just like a real rabbit. Even when Ruan Tang looks into its eyes, he can feel the agility it reveals. Apart from its body, it really feels like a rabbit. Just like a real rabbit!

"Can you give creation intelligence?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.


Xiaowan nodded: "I can already give intelligence to all the things I create, but at this stage, these intelligences are not too high."

"How did you suddenly have an epiphany and breakthrough?"

Ruan Tang teased the little rabbit in his hand and asked curiously.

She has been stuck in the third awakening stage for some time.

"When the plane took off just now, I saw mountains and rivers. In the flow of the river, I seemed to see a dragon with water veins. It was so high-spirited, as if it had spiritual wisdom. The endless water aura between heaven and earth is all related to to establish contact.

And because of my induction of water spiritual power, I naturally sensed the water-veined divine dragon atmosphere, which had an impact on me. Then suddenly my consciousness naturally escaped, I felt the flowing clouds, and I naturally felt the natural gift of heaven and earth. My feedback, some things that I couldn't understand before, were easily solved in this inexplicable way. "

Xiaowan didn't know exactly, she just felt this opportunity. Even the words spoken are quite abstract, a feeling that is difficult to convey in an image.

Ruan Tang nodded thoughtfully. She felt that the opportunity for her breakthrough might also be in her communication with nature.

"Your Majesty, the plane seems to have had some trouble due to the low temperature just now, and it cannot fly for the time being."

At this time, the captain came out of the cab in front and reported to Ren Pingsheng.

At this time, when he looked at the prince, his eyes were filled with admiration.

God knows how much impact it had on him when the plane landed on its own!

The feeling of despair of being unable to escape the power of nature, the feeling of powerlessness after the plane lost control, and the feeling of surviving after the plane landed smoothly, but just ten minutes made him feel as if a lifetime had passed!

"How long will it take to fix it?"

Ruhua asked.

After going through the dangerous scene, she was no longer afraid.

"This will only be known after inspection. We have notified the technicians in Qingcheng Town, and they will come with tools immediately. If we cannot eliminate the fault, they will also take over the repair. It should not take long, and it will definitely be repaired this afternoon. Once it’s repaired, it won’t delay our arrival in Dongyang County today.”

The captain explained.

"No problem, just go out and do some activities."

There is nothing you can't do in your life.

"Dajun, let's go and go out with me for a walk."

Ren Pingsheng called Han Jun.

Han Jun stood up immediately, and with two guards, the group got off the plane.

In addition to Ren Pingsheng, Ruan Tang, Xiaowan, Han Jun and two plainclothes guards with guns, there were also six attachés from Zhongshu Pavilion.

The travelers on the road had already left.

At this time, the sky cleared after the rain, and the sun shone on the plane, shining like silver.

Because the road where the plane landed is on the main road, there are many pedestrians on the road. Whenever someone passes by here and sees the plane parked on the road, they all look shocked.

Fortunately, although the plane occupied the avenue, it did not hinder the passage of horse-drawn carriages, so everyone passed by in a detour.

It's just that the legend of the airplane will definitely spread to cities in all directions through the mouths of businessmen on this main road.

"The road is being built over there, let's go over there and take a look."

Ren Pingsheng pointed to a mountain col not far away and said.

Wangshan is like a dead horse. It doesn't look far, but the actual distance is very far.

However, everyone had extraordinary strength, and their feet were extremely fast. It didn't take long for them to reach the mountain col.

There is also a village in the mountain col. Everyone looked down from a high place. It seems that this small mountain village has not benefited much from the development of Qingcheng Town. Most of the villages are still huts, and the style of the village is also very backward.

However, when everyone came to the village, they found that there were no young people in the village. Most of them were elderly people, women and children.

An old man in brown clothes came forward with a stick.

As soon as they met, the old man in brown clothes smiled and said, "Your Majesty came to Wujiawan, you are really shining."

"The elder is the chief of this village?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

The old man in brown clothes smiled and said: "The villagers trust me, and the government officials also think highly of me, so they made me the village chief."

"I see how there are not many young people in this village. Instead, the people at home are women, children and children."

Everyone followed the old man in brown clothes to the foot of a big willow tree and sat on a stone bench chatting.

The villagers not far away watched and whispered to each other, but no one dared to come over and say hello.

The village chief said at that time: "The road is being built not far to the south of the village, and all the young people in the village have gone to work there."

"Can I be paid?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

"Here, it's quite a lot! Each person is given 20 Wen notes per day and is given a meal. The fields are not busy now, so I can earn some extra money to support my family."

The old man in brown clothes replied.


Ren Pingsheng nodded: "I see there are still many thatched huts in the village. Qingcheng Town is developing rapidly now, and there are many jobs in the city. Wujiawan is not far from Qingcheng Town, so why are we still living in such poverty? "

"Oh, you don't know something, but we in Wujiawan lived a miserable life before. In fact, we were fugitives who fled into the mountains in the ninth year of Chongqing. The land in the mountains is barren, and any kind of food can grow. It didn’t work well, and many people starved to death in the first few years.

Later, His Highness King Qi brought immortal food, which could produce food even in the mountains, so we could not starve to death.

But now, we farm when the farming is busy, and go to work in the city to make money when the farming is slack. Although we live in a hut, we already have extra money in our hands, are well fed and warmly clothed, and we are already living like a fairy. , but the masons didn’t want to come into the mountains, so we had to build the house ourselves, which was naturally not easy. "

The old man in brown clothes explained seriously.

The name of His Highness King Qi is well known even in this mountain valley, which shows that the work of the Propaganda Department is pervasive.

"Not bad, not bad, not bad."

Ren Pingsheng was very happy after hearing this: "Elders, there is no need to prepare for the meal. We still have to go to the tunnel in front to have a look."

"It's dinner time now, let's have something to eat before we go..."

The old man in brown clothes said enthusiastically.

"No need, I accept the elder's wishes."

Ren Pingsheng declined.

Seeing Ren Pingsheng and his party leaving the village and heading towards the tunnel, the old man waved to a young woman in her twenties: "Go to the town quickly and inform the people in the Yamen that someone has come to Wujiawan and is now heading towards He went over to the cave, like a high official making a secret visit!"


The young woman nodded, hurriedly handed the child to her mother-in-law, and ran down the mountain.

Ren Pingsheng, who was walking on the mountain road, heard something coming from the village behind, and couldn't help but smile.

The town government has done a pretty good job.

He was not angry about this. Although this was to prevent secret inspections from above, it was also a sign of infiltrating into the masses. Only when the people trusted the government would they think of informing the government. If the government did not have credibility, it would not be possible to communicate with the government. If the people are disloyal, no people will be willing to send letters to the government.

With such a mass base, there will be no survival ground for meticulous work sent from other places.

However, this kind of behavior will also make it difficult for the superiors to investigate the issues they really want to investigate. Moreover, because the instructions and tasks issued by superiors are deformed after being conveyed to the grassroots through layers, and even because the interests of superior and subordinate officials are not the same, they play completely opposite effects in actual implementation. This situation is often occurring.

And because of the asymmetry of information, grassroots officials use intimidation, deception and other means to make it difficult for the people to distinguish between true and false. Instead, they are worried about those investigated by their superiors and are afraid, unwilling or unable to tell the truth.

Eventually, grassroots officials bully their subordinates and deceive their superiors, and this kind of thing is often difficult to detect.

As he walked, Ren Pingsheng said what he had just heard from the head of Wujiawan Village, and said to the attachés of Zhongshuge: "So, when entering into grassroots research, you must go in depth, and don't just touch the surface like a dragonfly. , it is difficult to mine effective information, and even the news you mine is just the information that others want you to see.

Only with more sampling, more communication, and more in-depth research can we obtain rigorous and scientific data, analyze and draw correct conclusions, make policy implementation targeted, and enable policies to truly achieve the goals we want. "(End of chapter)

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