Behind me is the earth

Chapter 417 415 Eight Southern Provinces

Chapter 417 415. Eight Southern Provinces

"This issue of Qixin's semi-monthly newsletter?"

Dongyang County, in the exchange, Dai Qing walked into the conference room with his briefcase and saw Liu Wu, the president of Dongyang Sea Trading Group, sitting on the sofa by the window, reading a newspaper.

"I was waiting for you here just now, and someone from the Post Office of the Highway Department came to deliver newspapers, so I happened to take a look.

Acting Director, this time there is an article signed by the prince in the Qixin half-monthly newspaper. It is about the economy, and it mentions the exchange. You should study it carefully. "

Liu Wu stood up and said.

Dai Qing hung the briefcase in his hand on the hanger at the door and said with a smile: "We had a meeting to study and discuss it yesterday. Before it was published in the newspaper, the study documents had already been sent by telegram.

Wang Ye’s article is lofty and lofty, and his research on the economy is extremely thorough. We are firmly moving forward around this economic construction goal, which is why we invited you, President Liu, to come here for this meeting. "

"Honestly, I don't think it's a good opportunity for Haitong Group to go public now. We currently have more than 30 ships in total, and they are basically sailing merchant ships. The most common ones are those going to the Yao Kingdom for the spice business, and the Yan Kingdom. Local grain trade.

It will be a good time for us to go public when the Dongluo Continent’s fleet comes back. "

Liu Wu said.

He originally wanted to be an official, so he went to Liu Wen to plead with the prince and wanted to become a general in the army.

But in the current army, there is a carrot and a pit. This time the army expanded, a large number of positions appeared, but Liu Wu had been responsible for managing business in Dongyang County, and he was suddenly assigned to the army without corresponding experience.

In the final analysis, Ren Pingsheng did not trust his ability to lead troops.

Today's military generals are either trained by military academies or trained at the grassroots level and then retrained by military academies. They are no longer the same as the world's traditional war system.

Therefore, Liu Wuxin was appointed as the president of Dongyang Sea Trade Group, and he wanted to start the sea trade business based on a total of more than 30 sailing merchant ships. As long as the trade group really gets on the right track, let him transfer to the navy as a general.

Dai Qing smiled and said: "Hai Trade Group is, after all, an attempt at a public-private partnership. It contains 51% of the shares invested by the Finance and Taxation Department, and 49% of the shares invested by many merchants and firms. It is very representative.

Moreover, the Haimao Group has now conducted several overseas transactions and has made huge profits. If it is listed, it can not only obtain private financing, but also allow the group to buy dozens more ships to achieve leapfrog development, and it can also play a role in A propaganda function.

The prince encourages the private economy, but the current private economy lacks effective publicity targets, especially at this juncture, the development of the private economy can effectively supplement the supply of private materials that has been tightened due to the war.

President Liu is from Liujia Village, so he must have these consciousnesses! "

Liu Wu smiled: "Of course, Director Dai is right. Director Dai will just help with the operation."

In fact, he is not averse to listing, he just wants to maximize the benefits. Listing now can actually speed up development, which is not bad.

Others want to go public, but they don't have the conditions yet.

"I will send people to the Haimao Group to register the group's accounts, ships and other information. It will take up to a month to complete the approval and listing process."

Dai Qing said happily.

After talking about the business, the two started chatting again.

“This time in the theoretical article published in the Half-Monthly Newspaper, the statement that the people endow the monarch with power has been elevated to a basic attribute.

The Three People's Theory has also been reorganized and revised.

There is also Grandmaster Liu Yuan's theory of "leading the way for practical use". Technology is the first productive force, talent is the first resource, and innovation is the first driving force. It is written into this theory, and the theory becomes more and more perfect. "

Dai Qing's family subscribed to the semi-monthly newspaper and had already read it when he got up in the morning. At this time, I discussed this article with Dai Qing.

Liu Wu nodded: "Recently, theories have been intensively released, and the policy guidance has become clearer and clearer. Combined with the fact that the Jing Dynasty has been destroyed, I think His Highness, King Qi, is about to establish a country!"

"Moreover, there is chaos in the north and the invasion of the Daru Dynasty. The world will soon fall into chaos, and it is time to establish a country.

After the founding of the country, it will be more convenient to carry out all aspects of work if there are famous teachers. "

Dai Qing agreed.

Found a country.

It is indeed something that Ren has been thinking about all his life.

But unlike outside speculation, he had no intention of establishing a country at this juncture.

Although after the founding of the country, the development of various tasks will be smoother, and the people of Wuzhou will have a stronger sense of belonging.

However, he still planned to wait a little longer.

First expand the territory, then build the country.

"Your Majesty, a telegram came from the prefect of Yuntai County. Many refugees have poured into our Yuntai County in the past few days."

Huang Wenguang came to Yuanhe Hall and reported to Ren Pingsheng.

Ren Pingsheng, who was checking the official documents, raised his head and wondered: "There are Guo County and Boming County in between. These two places are under the rule of the Beiwan Group. How did those refugees come here?"

"The Beiwan Group captured the young men among them and used them as young men, or spent twenty taels of silver to buy tolls.

The remaining old, young, women and children let them go directly. "

Huang Wenguang said.

Ren Pingsheng nodded.

In fact, these refugees who first experienced the earthquake and then the burning, killing and looting of the Daru Dynasty went south along three lines. Some went to Yanzhou Province, some went to Yuzhou Province, some went to Zhongzhou, and the other part passed by. Zhongzhou is heading towards Wuzhou.

Perhaps the influence of radio is too great. Many people in Jingzhou obviously have a greater favorable impression of Wuzhou, a place with outstanding people, richness and beauty. They would rather travel a longer road and pass through the Beiwan Group's territory to get to Wuzhou. Coming from Wuzhou.

"how many people?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

"After registration, there are now about 40,000 people."

Huang Wenguang said.

Ren Pingsheng nodded: "The influx of refugees will inevitably cause negative impacts on society, causing the local police station to step up patrols.

These refugees are digested on the spot in Yuntai County. If the influx continues and the number becomes larger, attention should be paid to diversion management.

In addition, you must do a good job in screening and don't let spies get in!

These refugees must be uniformly registered, located in a unified location, and managed in a unified manner. "

"I understand. I will call Yuntai Prefect and ask him to coordinate the management."

After Huang Wenguang finished speaking, he added: "In addition, according to the news reported by the Shenjian Division, some wealthy people from the North landed at the port of Dongyang County. After these people arrived, some bought houses in Yunmeng County, and some in Qingdao County. Purchased property in town and lived in it.

According to local reports, these people may be those nobles from the previous dynasty in Nanyang. "

"You don't need to worry about these people on the surface, but pay more attention to them secretly. In addition, let the local officials go and talk to them when they have nothing to do. These nobles have hundreds of years of family background, and each one has considerable wealth. Rather than waste money on them, If you have it in your hands, you might as well invest it in some corporate factories.

I believe that as long as local officials visit more often, they will realize this. "

Ren Pingsheng smiled.

This group of people have just arrived in Wuzhou and are in a state of panic. At this time, they will definitely be willing to spend part of their money to buy a peace of mind.

When some of them taste the benefits of investment, some of them will surely transform and become qualified residents who contribute to Wuzhou's industrialization.

Huang Wenguang also smiled and agreed: "What the prince said is that they must have this awareness."

While Ren Pingsheng was sketching the official document, he went through what Huang Wenguang reported in his mind.

He added: "This earthquake in Jingzhou caused about one million casualties. But Jingzhou has a strong foundation and a large population. Those barbarians are too inhumane. There will definitely be many people who cannot bear the humiliation and flee during this period. You ask the Civil Affairs Secretary Contact the local almshouse in Yuntai County.

Now that the refugees have arrived on our territory, we cannot let them go hungry. "


Huang Wenguang wrote it down, shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "These people have no skills, and most of them are old, weak, women and children. They will give local officials a headache."

"Are everyone from the leadership team here?"

Ren Pingsheng put the document aside.

During this time, people everywhere are showing their loyalty.

Not only local governments, but also various state-owned enterprises, large businesses, etc. The documents and memorials Ren Pingsheng read were more than 50% thicker than usual.

There are dozens of reports of donations from organizations.

"Already waiting in the side hall."

Ruhua said.

After hearing the words, Ren Pingsheng stood up and stretched. The true energy in his body circulated through the meridians at a sudden speed. The fatigue from sitting for a long time disappeared quickly, and his body became energetic again.

"Wen Guang, let's go there together."

Ren Pingsheng called Huang Wenguang together.

The side hall is not big. It was renovated a few days ago and the furnishings are quite modern.

The sofas arranged in a circle around the side hall room were already full of people.

Seeing Ren Pingsheng appear at the door, everyone stood up immediately and saluted: "Your Majesty!"

"Everyone, take a seat."

Ren Pingsheng walked to an empty seat and sat down, waving his hands, and everyone sat down one after another, but they were obviously a little cramped.

Seeing the embarrassment of everyone, Ren Pingsheng knew that it was the layout of the side hall that made them a little uncomfortable. He smiled and said: "This is good, we are closer. This is how work is. Only when the distance is close, can we be more comfortable. Good communication, more careful listening, and more efficient completion.

In the past few days, the situation has gradually become clearer. Different from the previous plunders, this time the Daru Dynasty's army was huge and they were obviously preparing to enter the pass.

The work of the Nanyang Work Station is not going smoothly now, and our detection of news about the Daru Dynasty is also intermittent and very incomplete.

However, this situation should soon improve.

The people from the Night Cat Organization's intelligence team have arrived in Jingzhou, and among them there are aliens of the spiritual system, who will be infiltrated immediately. "

The people on the sofas on three sides listened carefully.

Some people are frowning and thinking, some are taking notes, and some are sitting upright.

"I know that many people are discussing the founding of the country these days."

Ren Pingsheng continued: "But now, the primary issue we face is not the founding of the country, but the issue of formulating our strategic direction as soon as possible.

If this problem is not resolved, our policies will be unstable, our military will have no direction, and our development will have no goals.

Now, we don't have many options left.

One is to go north to fight the invasion of the Daru Dynasty.

The second is to go west and south, and bring the south into the scope of our political power. "

Ren Pingsheng raised the question: "Let's discuss it."

This is a strategic anchor.

The war that is about to begin must have a clear goal and direction.

"Your Majesty."

Liu Qiang spoke first and said: "I suggest attacking the south first. Firstly, there are many rebellions and bandits in the north. The production in many places has been destroyed. After we conquer it, there will be no profit, and it is a A huge drag!

Second, we are bordered by Beiwan to the west and Zhongzhou to the north. These places are controlled by the Beiwan Group. When we go north, we must first negotiate with Beiwan to borrow the road. The possibility that the Beiwan Group is willing to borrow the road is very small, so we must Fighting them was not a good choice at this juncture of alien invasion.

The three southern lands are the land of elite wealth. They have suffered less damage and suffered weaker impacts in recent years. Now that the Jing Dynasty is perishing, if we don't take it as soon as possible, the current situation will easily lead to chaos. Once it is destroyed, spring plowing will begin again, and it will cause corruption. And if we can capture the southern provinces in time now, not only can we obtain a large amount of food, wealth, and population, but we can also keep this wealth after the Daru Dynasty captures Yuzhou. "

Ren Pingsheng nodded when he heard the words: "What Shi Qiang said makes sense."

In fact, he is also inclined to take the south first.

There was the Beiwan Group in the north, and it was not his Wuzhou that was hit first.

Ren Nuan also said at this time: "In the southern land, we have done a good job in propaganda work and the people's support is what they want. After we send troops, we may be able to defeat others without fighting in most places.

Going north to resist the aliens, as Minister Liu Qiang said, the situation is complicated. There are Beiwan, Zhao Thief, and Zhu Thief groups in the middle. If we want to send troops there, we can only fight first.

It would be better to conquer the southern provinces first and form a general trend, then sweep across the north and dominate the world! "

"The Governor of the River Valley Province is now considered one of ours. Now that the Jing Dynasty has perished, just replace him with our royal flag.

It's just the rebellion in the three southern counties of River Valley Province that still needs to be suppressed by troops. "

Gao Men, senior staff officer of the Ministry of National Defense, said.

"Hehe Valley Province, Jian'an Province, Binh Son Province, Quang Nan Province, Chujiang Province, Yunjiang Province, and Caiyun Province. Except for Yunjiang Province, which is mountainous and has less output, the other six provinces will all There is no need for Wuzhou to provide subsidies.

As for Baiyue, Guangzhou, and even places farther west, they were mostly barbarians with strong folk customs and insufficient output. Even during the more than two hundred years of the Jing Dynasty, there were successive rebellions, and even sending troops to capture them was a problem. , we should not waste our energy in these provinces at the moment. "

Liu Qiang said.

The people from the Ministry of National Defense have obviously done a complete deduction, and they are very organized at this time.

After Ren Pingshengren took out the map of Jingguo that he had used to travel around the mountains and rivers of Jingguo in the past few years with people and drones, the entire topic of discussion officially transitioned from where to fight to how to fight.

Regarding the next seven provinces in the south, the highest level of the entire Qi King's regime has reached a consensus.

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