Behind me is the earth

Chapter 437 435 Qi Monthly

There was no cooling inside the plane, but the cabin wasn't hot either.

Because Xiaowan's body was exuding air-conditioning and turned into a human-shaped air conditioner.

Ruan Tang looked out the window boredly. The white clouds flowing below were like an endless sea, covering the vast land.

"Young Master, the recent news coming back from intelligence stations in various places shows that many comments are pessimistic about the Daru Dynasty's attack. Some people think that Qi may not be able to withstand the Daru Dynasty's offensive, and the Han people may be destroyed. .

Some people also believe that even if Qi can withstand the Daru Dynasty, in a three-pronged battle, if it can defend Chujiang, it will not be able to defend Wubei, and if it can defend Wubei, it will not be able to defend Yunjiang.

These remarks were not only influential among the people, but also in universities and government offices. "

Xiaowan and Ren Pingsheng said.

"Is there no one who has full confidence in Wuzhou?"

Ren Pingsheng asked strangely.

"Of course, there are some people who think that if Wuzhou doesn't take action, it will be enough to drive the Daru Dynasty back to its hometown in the north.

Moreover, this was the mainstream thinking just a month ago. "

Xiaowan smiled.

She continued: "However, as the Daru Dynasty continued to conquer cities and territories, news from various places spread to Wuzhou and to Qi State, and the people's confidence began to tilt in the direction that the barbarians were powerful and difficult to defeat."

Nowadays, Wuzhou's war report has almost become the news that the people are most concerned about.

There are people standing guard during the broadcast period, and the newspapers will be sold out immediately.

After continuous publicity, the people all knew the barbarism and terror of the Daru dynasty, their barbaric behavior of slaughtering cities at every turn, and confiscating Han people's property wherever they went, and all people became slaves of the Daru people.

According to the mainstream news in Qi State, coupled with the gossip spread among the people, the people naturally felt fear as the Daru army was approaching and approaching the border of Qi State.

"Society has formed the idea of ​​a national war of resistance, but panic cannot become the mainstream emotion in society."

Ren Pingsheng thought for a while, took out a pen from his pocket, and asked Wangshu to bring a stack of stationery paper. After thinking for a long time, he wrote a line of words on the paper.

The direction of Qi——

Analysis of Qi's current situation under the attack of Daru's army.

"Now, at a time of critical survival, the mood of the whole Qi nation to resist the southward invasion of the Daru Dynasty has been fully mobilized, and everyone is waiting to watch this war that will determine the fate of the country.

The Daru Dynasty went south like a tiger descending the mountain, and Qi was divided into three waves.

The first type of people believe that Daru's army is unstoppable. They are fighting on three fronts, and all three fronts are advancing rapidly, like a scourge, constantly eating people. This creates fear in many people. But it is wrong to think this way. Wuzhou is not like other provinces controlled by warlords. The organizational power of the Qi government, the productivity of society, and the combat effectiveness of the army are not comparable to other provinces...

The second type of people believe that the Qi army is invincible. As soon as the planes and cannons are fired, Daru's army will immediately be defeated and go back to their hometown in despair. This is true to a certain extent, but it is not necessarily as simple as they say. The real battlefield is unpredictable. We rely on technology, and the enemy relies on barbarism...

The third type of people believe that our Qi State now has a vast southern land and sufficient strategic depth. We can engage in guerrilla warfare instead of frontal battles with the enemy. We do not need to engage in field battles with the enemy and can engage in city defense battles. We use guns and fortified cities, the advantage of numbers, and the depth of the country to constantly consume these barbarians, but this is actually not advisable..."

The pen scribbled on the paper. Ren Pingsheng tried his best to use the plainest language and sentence patterns that even educated people could understand, to analyze the situation on the entire battlefield and the next development direction.

The information he can obtain is not what the private sector, or even officials in the yamen, can obtain.

From an objective perspective, this article can stand up to scrutiny.

There is no need to worry about the Daru people getting it. They have been blinded by victory and are dreaming of quickly occupying the entire Jingguo old land within the year. Moreover, even if they study this article carefully, it will not affect the direction of the war, because things on the battlefield are changing rapidly and cannot be summarized in an analytical article.

"Wenguang, take it and polish it again, make it logically smooth again, and show me the final draft in the evening.

Now, although there are carriers such as Qixin Bimonthly and Wuzhou Monthly, there is no publication that unifies the thoughts within our Qi court and yamen. I think it is better to establish another Qi Monthly.

It is used to publish some ideological lines, political opinions, policy interpretations and other articles created by court ministers and officials at all levels, and is distributed to government offices at all levels every month, in order to unify the thoughts of officials at all levels, which is conducive to We are always on the right path, which is conducive to preventing the problem of swaying our thoughts and failing to implement policies to the end. "

After Ren Pingsheng finished writing the article, he handed it to Huang Wenguang. At the same time, he talked about his idea of ​​establishing a national monthly magazine.

Only when the monarch and his ministers are united, the subjects are united, and the superiors and superiors work together as one, can a political power be established, stand firm, and go far.

Huang Wenguang took the manuscript and added after hearing the words: "What the king said is absolutely true. The establishment of a monthly magazine will be a powerful weapon to focus on. The Zhongshuge Secretariat can set up the editorial department of the monthly magazine. As for the publication and printing, it can be handed over to Qixin Printing Factory is fine."

"Well, you take the lead in doing this, but you have to make an agreement with Ren Nuan."

Ren Pingsheng instructed.

"I understand."

Huang Wenguang was excited.

Mastering the monthly report brings great responsibility, but also gives the secretariat an additional authority. If this matter is completed and handled well, it will be a big plus for him when he transfers to other positions in the future.

Approaching Jinshan County, the plane began to lower its flight altitude.

The earth below appeared in Ren Pingsheng's eyes. He looked at this piece of land that still seemed primitive. The occasional villages appeared on the land, like matchboxes, dotted across the vast wilderness.

Soon, Jinshan County and Nanjing City appeared in his eyes.

This is a very majestic fortified city, larger than any city he has ever seen. When the Jing Dynasty ruled the world and founded the country, it was established in Nanjing. The layout of the palace and city in Nanyang City, Kyoto, were all modeled after Nanjing.

The name Nanjing only appeared after later emperors moved the capital to Nanyang City and established Jinshan City as the companion capital.

Ruan Tang leaned against the window and looked at the outside world curiously. She was playing with two coins in her hands. The chrome-plated silver coins looked like two fluttering butterflies in her hands, performing a Butterfly Lovers between her slender fingers.

The coins occasionally collided and made a slight "crackling" sound, exploding in the air.

The plane landed slowly. After a brief turbulence, the plane landed on the runway and taxied slowly.

A ladder truck from a distance came over and connected the plane after it stopped.

When Ren Pingsheng walked down the hanging ladder, Liu Qiang and other major generals in the army were already waiting here.

They were all wearing straight military uniforms. When they saw Ren Pingsheng coming out, they took off their hats and stood on both sides of the hanging ladder below to greet him.

Looking at the military appearance and reorganizing the army, Ren Ping felt a trance for a moment.

Then he came back to his senses, smiled, and walked down the hanging ladder.

"Your Majesty!"

Liu Qiang came up with Su San and others.

Then he greeted Ruan Tang, who was beside Ren Pingsheng, and Xiaowan, who was half a step behind.


Ren Pingsheng nodded: "Yes, your cultivation has entered the Yin Yuan realm?"

He could already feel the fluctuations in Liu Qiang's internal energy. He had just entered the Hidden Yuan Realm, and his internal energy was not well controlled yet. When it circulated in the meridians, it would cause the resonance of Qi and blood, making people feel it.

When the internal force settles down, it will not be easy for outsiders to detect it.

“I just had a breakthrough at the beginning of the month, and now my appetite has increased again.”

Liu Qiang said with a smile.

"There is a process. You have just broken through to the Yin Yuan realm. Now is the time when your internal energy is growing rapidly. Refining and transforming qi. Eat more and take more supplements to strengthen qi and blood. The essence of qi and blood is transformed into internal force."

When you first enter the Yin Yuan Realm, you must take supplements. If you treat your body badly at this time, the internal energy conversion efficiency will be low, which will affect the solidity of the foundation. At the worst, the energy and blood will be insufficient due to the transformation of essence and energy, causing The body becomes deficient, which affects the health of the body and shakes the foundation of one's martial arts.

This is the most basic martial arts theory. It is impossible for Liu Qiang not to know it. As a senior official of Qi State, it is impossible for him to be short of supplements. Ren Pingsheng did not remind him too much.

The group got into the car and headed towards the headquarters of the base.

"Tell me what the overall situation is now."

Ren Pingsheng asked Liu Qiang to sit in the same car with him, sat in the back seat, and asked him.

"Now, the Third Army, as the vanguard, has rushed to Bincheng County and Yueyang County, and is negotiating with the Yuzhou Army. After the negotiations, it will officially enter these two counties for deployment and launch a head-on attack on the Daru Army!"

Liu Qiang continued: "At the same time, the 304th Division was temporarily established and entered the angle between the Lan Yangtze River and the Wenchang River in Bincheng County from Huagu County in southern Anhui to contain the overwhelming momentum of the Daru army and block them in Yuzhou Province to prevent them from attacking. Take the opportunity to enter Wannan."

"In the first round of offensive that will follow on the frontal battlefield, we must use momentum to keep our enemy calm and calm, and not to be indulged in sweet dreams all the time."

Ren Pingsheng said.

The Third Army stationed in Qifeng County and the First Army stationed in Qingshui County are the most virtuous among the Wuzhou armies.

By taking the lead, they want to achieve success in one fell swoop in the first war with the barbarians and completely break the ambition and confidence of the Daru people!

“The heavy artillery force of the Third Army, including the rocket launchers shipped last month, has a wide firepower coverage and can directly pass over the man-eating beasts and cannon fodder of the Han barracks on the enemy’s front line, attack the enemy’s deep positions, and attack the enemy’s elite troops.

If we are lucky, we can find the enemy's center and directly kill the third prince Tuoba Feng of the barbarians. This first battle will be complete. "

Liu Qiang said.

He was confident about the first battle.

First of all, the entry of the Third Army was unexpected. Moreover, a lot of firepower was officially unveiled for the first time. The enemy army did not know the sudden addition of the Qi army, nor did it know the reality of the Qi army. However, the Qi army already had a relatively comprehensive understanding of the conventional fighting methods of the Daru barbarians. With a good understanding, the probability of success in the first battle is very high if the calculation is done mentally or not.

Secondly, Liu Qiang has full confidence in the fighting quality and combat effectiveness of the Third Army. Fighting on the frontal battlefield, he believes that the Qi Army can defeat any invading enemy!

However, despite having sufficient confidence, when facing the enemy, one must still make comprehensive and detailed preparations, and pay full attention to the enemy tactically.

When a group of people entered the courtyard of the headquarters, Ren Pingsheng saw a very exquisite map sand table with small black flags on it, representing the soldiers of the Daru Kingdom, and small yellow flags, representing the troops of the Qi Kingdom.

Ren Pingsheng observed the sand table and saw that its mountains, rivers, and administrative boundaries were all very delicate and distinct.

When he was working in the past, he once came into contact with a professional sandbox production studio in the industry for a project. The sophistication of this sandbox was no different from that of professional sandbox production studios on earth.

"This sand table was commissioned by me from Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu."

Liu Qiang introduced.


It is not surprising that Lu Youji traveled all over the country. The first version of the Jingguo map of Qi State was produced by Lu Youji.

"The enemy is in Yueyang County and has crossed the Wenchang River. He is fighting with the Yuzhou soldiers in Feishi Town, Yewangpo, Jiaoqiao Town, Fulingzhuang, and Sanxing River. We plan to rely on Xianxia County and Yueyang City. Xianxia County and Yueyang City built trenches, machine gun forts, artillery forts and other fortifications.

On the front line, barbed wire fences form the first line of defense to prevent enemy beasts, cavalry, and even monsters from quickly approaching...

After disrupting the enemy's layout, if the enemy army appears to be defeated by then, the 201st and 202nd Divisions will move from the direction of Yewangpo, and the temporary 304th Division will cross the Wenchang River from the direction of Sanxing River, gather in the middle, and push Daru's army into Yuzhou in one fell swoop. All the troops along the way will be eaten! "

Liu Qiang stood in front of the sand table and introduced.

The enemy has no long-range firepower or artillery, and relies on strong flesh and blood to rush forward. This arrangement already has the feeling of anti-aircraft cannons swatting mosquitoes.

Liu Qiang has always been very cautious about the layout of the war.

Just when the Qi army was making frequent moves, the Yuzhou soldiers were completely unable to withstand the offensive of the Daru army. They were divided and surrounded in battlefields such as Yewangpo and Feishi Town, and were unable to advance or retreat.

Being completely defeated by the enemy is already a matter of time.

At this time, the contact with the Qi army became their last life-saving straw.

Just at this time, Zhao Fu's confidant returned with his handwriting, asking the Yuzhou soldiers to obey the command of the Qi army and cooperate with the Qi army.

Although the internal management of the Zhao Fu Group is chaotic, bloated, loose and disorganized, Zhao Fu's personal charm is real, and no one is dissatisfied with him. (End of chapter)

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