Behind me is the earth

Chapter 442: 440 artillery, rockets, bombers, concentrated firepower, annihilating the enemy in one

"Wuying is dead, Tufuzi is dead, Lightning is dead, and the mirror is dead..."

The tattooed man spit out names one after another, as if announcing a funeral.

Opposite him was a middle-aged man kneeling on the ground. He also had a blue totem tattooed on half of his face. He listened to the names popping out one after another, and his face became increasingly ugly.

"It seems that the power around the King of Qi is extremely powerful!"

"Yes, in such a short period of time, all the aliens we sent to assassinate were killed one by one, and no one could escape. It can only be said that the opponent's guard force is much stronger than we imagined!"

The tattooed man put down the brush dipped in human blood.

The Daru people are, in a strict sense, divided into two factions.

One is naturally the political force of the imperial court, headed by Emperor Shi Yuan.

The other is the high priest of the temple who holds divine power. He does not participate in court affairs, but he also plays a role that cannot be ignored in the war.

It has a very strong independence and is not subject to the jurisdiction of the court. Even if a person is in the army, he is not restricted by military discipline and can choose not to listen to the generals.

They do not control the army, but they control an extremely elite special team that is loyal to the high priest, or to the shaman god.

This time they sent someone to assassinate King Qi, but they did not discuss it with the army. Even the third prince Tuoba Feng, who was the commander of the central line, did not know about the assassination until now.

"For this King of Qi, don't make any more assassination attempts."

The tattooed man said.

"My subordinate understands."

The man kneeling on the ground kowtowed to the tattooed man and then exited the camp.

the next day.

The sun wakes up early and clocks in. The energetic sky exerts its own light and heat, burning the flowers, plants and green trees on the ground until they become wilted and lack any vitality.

Ruan Tang picked the leaves and saw that they were all wrinkled and looked like they were short of water.

The dry air around them makes people's skin dry and tight, making them extremely uncomfortable.

"Mother, this location is good, shall we choose this place?"

A lynx demon accompanied Xin Xin and Ruan Tang and asked.

This is the representative sent by the Shishan Monster Clan to negotiate and surrender. After transforming, his appearance is quite in line with human aesthetics. He looks about fourteen or fifteen years old, and his round face looks quite cute.

Ruan Tang glanced at an officer next to her wearing the rank of major, and the officer nodded towards her.

"Okay, let's do it here."

She was bored at the headquarters, so she took the initiative to ask Ying to come out for a walk.

"Thank you, ma'am."

This lynx monster takes the form of a mountain beast, but I don’t know where it learned it, and it is quite polite.

After completing the mission, when Ruan Tang returned to the headquarters, he saw Liu Qiang coming over. Ren Pingsheng was also in the conference room, and everyone looked serious. In the middle, the staff is conducting a deduction on the sand table.

Seeing that Xiaowan was also there, Ruan Tang came over curiously and sat next to Xiaowan.

"What's wrong?"

She leaned close to Xiaowan's ear and asked softly.

Xiaowan touched her ears, feeling a little itchy from her blow, and explained: "This morning, news came that Yewang Slope was surrounded by a light yellow smelly fog, and a large number of deaths occurred in the Yuzhou Army, and The death was miserable, the generals could no longer maintain the situation, and the soldiers on the periphery who were not poisoned and who were not poisoned deeply were also fleeing."

"Chemical weapons of Daru's army?"

Ruan Tang immediately thought of the Daru people.


Xiao Wan nodded: "According to the news from the hidden stakes planted by the Night Cat Clan organization in Daru's army, this was formed by a few demonic skunks, working with wind and water aliens. Poisonous fog.

The farts of those skunks that became sperm were smelly and poisonous. Someone with the wind element secretly blew the poisonous gas to the Yewangpo military camp at night, and then used the alien with the water element to create a fog that enveloped the military camp. The Yuzhou army was unaware of it. Next, it’s on the way! "

Ruan Tang nodded.

"Your Majesty, Commander-in-Chief, Yewangpo is where the Central Army of the Yuzhou Army is located. This matter will definitely affect the dispatch and command of the entire Yuzhou Army.

I am afraid that the Yuzhou soldiers will be defeated across the board today and tomorrow. "

At this time, the staff officer He Hui who was conducting the deduction said.

"Gaomen, tell me."

Liu Qiang pointed at Gao Men, Chief of General Staff.

Gaomen stood up, took out a pen and stood in front of the map, first drew a few arrows, and then said: "Next, the enemy will definitely cut from the Yewangpo area to Feishi Town. After annihilating Yuzhou in Feishi Town, Quickly pounce on Jiaoqiao Town, and then follow Fulingzhuang and Sanxinghe. The strength of the Yuzhou soldiers in these two places is already weak and can hardly stop the attack of Daru's army.

Next, they will definitely come towards Yueyang City and Xianxia County.

I read the battle plan reported by Commander Qin Sheng yesterday and I think it is feasible! "

Gaomen drew three red circles on the map, and then said: "These three places are the location of the Second Route Army in Xianxia County and Yueyang City, the location of the temporary 304th Division in Bao'an County, and the location to the south. This location is the junction of Linhuai County and Yueyang County where the 201st and 202nd Divisions are about to arrive.

At that time, we will concentrate all our superior forces, locate the enemy's center, and launch a saturation attack on the enemy through artillery, rockets, and bombers. In the first wave of strikes, we will not allow the enemy time to react, and focus on destroying the enemy's effective forces. , Destroy the enemy's command system!

Then, the armored vehicles entered the battlefield, and the infantry entered the battlefield with a flanking attack from three sides, cutting through the enemy's army of 500,000 people and annihilating all the enemy's forces. "

On the central battlefield of the Daru army, the so-called army of 500,000 people may actually be only more than 400,000, and the main army of the Daru dynasty is only about 150,000.

The remaining Han military camps, mainly composed of frontier troops, Yuzhou soldiers, and Jingzhou soldiers, served as servants, and a large number of plundered Han civilians served as cannon fodder, accounting for more than 200,000.

In addition, there are about ten Wandalu auxiliary soldiers.

"In addition, we have a second plan..."

Gao Men explained several backup combat plans formulated by the General Staff to the people in the conference room.

These are backup plans implemented in the event of unfavorable frontline operations.

"How is the situation on the Zhongzhou battlefield and Yanzhou battlefield?"

After Gaomen finished talking about the war situation at hand, Ren Pingsheng asked.

He must have an overall war strategy.

At present, the situation on the battlefield in Yuzhou is very clear, and the analysis of the war has been done more than once or twice. There has also been a relatively comprehensive measurement of the opponents on the center battlefield.

On the contrary, he was unsure about Zhongzhou, Yanzhou, Beiwan's army and Zhu Kan's Yanzhao army.

The entire battlefield is a whole. Once major changes occur elsewhere, it will cause a series of chain reactions.

"According to the news from the Shenjian Division and the Night Cat Organization, the current fighting situation in Zhongzhou is fierce, but the Beiwan Army has absorbed some of the imperial border troops, and with the assistance of our 20,000 militiamen, as well as the large amount of ammunition and weapons we provided, Although Guojun, most of Shadong, and part of Boming have been lost, they can still withstand the offensive of Daru's army on the eastern front.

As for the southern areas of Shangjun, Weihaijun, Changdongjun, and Shadongjun, many places are within the attack range of our navy, and we still firmly occupy these places.

At the same time, our Third Route Army under Zheng Fangxing in Yuntai County and Dongyang County has also prepared its troops and is ready to go north to support the Beiwan Group Army and protect the security of the two counties.

According to the evaluation of Daru's army on the eastern front, the enemy on the eastern front is better at fighting steadily, and the battle situation will not change significantly in a few days. "

After Gaomen finished talking about the battlefield in Zhongzhou, he added: "As for the land of Yanzhao, according to a lot of news from the Night Cat Organization and the people guarding the mansion, Zhu Kan has lost nearly half of the land, including most of Guangzhou and most of Yanzhou. department.

Now Zhu Kan only has the entire Zhaozhou Province, the southeastern area of ​​Guangzhou Province, part of the southern part of Yanzhou, and part of the area south of the Wenchang River in Baiyue Province.

According to battlefield battle news, Zhu Kan is suspected to be supported by Taiyi. Among his troops were many Taoist priests from Suling Mountain and other famous Taoist temples in Taiyi Mountain, as well as a large number of master warriors sent by Suring Mountain. "

"When Zhu Kan started to gain momentum in the early stage, his momentum was very rapid, and he was very close to Miaozhou, where Suring Mountain is located. It is normal for him to receive the attention and support of Suring Mountain."

Ren Pingsheng said.

Qingyuan Taoist once explained to him the strength of the Taoist sects in the world. Su Lingshan is the leader of Taiyi Dao, and Taiyi is the leader of Taoism in the world. His strength and methods are extraordinary, and they are far from being comparable to the Zhengyiyi represented by Yunlong Temple.

Now that Zhu Kan has the support of Taiyi, Ren Pingsheng is really relieved about the situation on the Yanzhao battlefield.

"Now that the army arrangements are in place, all that remains is to invite you into the urn."

Liu Qiang said with a very confident smile.

"Your Majesty, do you have any other instructions?"

He stood up and asked Ren Pingsheng for advice.

Seeing Ren Pingsheng shaking his head, he then ordered: "From now on, all ministries will take action, and the logistics forces of the army and air force must ensure the supply of war materials!

The bombers and fighter jets entered the mounting state, and the aliens and monsters, together with the pilots, went to the airport to wait for orders, ready to go at any time. "


Gaomen saluted and said.

Following Liu Qiang's order, the military camp quickly took action, and the communications troops sent telegrams to various parts of the battlefield. At the same time, orders are refined through radios in various battlefields, and then transmitted layer by layer, and finally transmitted to the ears of every soldier as nerve endings.

At the request of the teachers, most of these regular soldiers who insisted on taking cultural classes mastered the reading and writing of basic characters and were shaped into the mainstream thinking of the Qi State. Although they were large-scale soldiers, their military qualities and combat beliefs were far beyond the Soldiers from warlords of all sizes in the entire Jing Kingdom.

Just when the Qi army entered the highest state of combat readiness, Daru's army was also attacking the city and seizing territory.

After conquering Yewang Slope, the Yuzhou Army, which was divided into Feishi Town, Jiaoqiao Town, Fulingzhuang, and Sanxinghe, lost its unified dispatch and re-entered an environment of fighting independently.

At this time, the third prince Tuoba Feng finally dispatched his own troops.

In Feishi Town, the black-scaled war horse was running wildly.


As the war horse breathed, it exhaled hot breath.

War horses swarmed and sparks flew everywhere.

They formed a triangle. A man named Mou Ke (Hundred Households), who commanded three hundred cavalry, took the lead and charged forward. The four-meter-long black lance was held firmly in his hand!


Amidst the violent impact and with great force, the lance directly penetrated the shield of the Yuzhou soldier, and a hole was poked in the person behind.

He flicked his lance, throwing away the Yuzhou soldiers, and then crashed into the formation of the Yuzhou soldiers.

Those hedgehog-like spears in the military formation were like a joke in his eyes. When they poked the black-scaled war horses, they only left small white dots, which were hit by the huge strength of the war horses. Break!

Muke Nayan watched condescendingly. In his eyes, these two-legged sheep were knocked away as lightly as snowflakes. When they fell to the ground one by one, the sound of their bones breaking was like a Pieces of fragile porcelain!

Every time this time, he would feel inexplicably excited, as if he had taken a love cigarette, and his brain was filled with pleasant stimulation.

"Weak Han Chinese!"

He shouted loudly in Lurte.

The cavalry behind them burst into laughter.

Soon, the pressure in front eased, and the three hundred cavalry had already penetrated the Yuzhou soldiers' formation.

When they pulled the reins and planned to turn back and charge again, they found that Daru soldiers were already pressing up.

A giant python rolled over and rushed towards the military formation. When it was approaching the military formation, it suddenly raised its neck and vomited towards the military formation. Suddenly, a burst of rain sprayed over like bullets. The rainwater was sour and smelly. When it fell on people, there was an immediate burst of drama. Pain hits.

There were screams.

Their skin was quickly corroded and ulcerated!

In the sky above the charging Daru army, there was a swarm of thousands of wasps, which looked like a black cloud and made people feel numb at the sight.

In itself, bugs are not easy to control because of their low IQ.

But among Daru's army, there happened to be a female wasp that became a sperm, and she also gave birth to these wasps. She used pheromones to convey orders and control them to carry out suicide attacks.

"Let's go to the battlefield on the west side and look for opportunities to kill the generals and capture the flag!"

Seeing that the overall situation here has been decided, Moukenayan shouted, led his three hundred cavalry, and rushed towards the west battlefield.

At this time, fighting was also taking place not only in Feishi Town, but also in Jiaoqiao Town and Fulingzhuang.

Under the offensive of Daru's main army, the Yuzhou soldiers lost their unified dispatch and quickly collapsed.

By noon, Yewangpo, Feishi Town, and Jiaoqiao Town had collapsed, and a large number of Yuzhou soldiers were surrounded and killed!

In the afternoon, Tuoba Feng gave an order, and the earth monsters began to dig mass graves everywhere.


Tuoba Hu lifted up the curtain and entered Tuoba Feng's tent.

Tuoba Feng, who was drinking and eating meat, took a look and greeted happily: "Big Tiger is here, come and drink with me!"

Tuoba Hu also nodded towards the Fox Demon King who was drinking with him, then sat down and said, "I see pits being dug everywhere. Does the Marshal intend to trap and kill those prisoners?" (End of Chapter)

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