Behind me is the earth

Chapter 449 447 The river ship cuts off the Wenchang River

"Your Majesty, the people of Qi are too scary. Do you think the Daru people can defeat them?"

"Yes, your Majesty, let's just go to the mountains. We will treat you as the king of the mountains. Wouldn't it be happier if you don't suffer from the bird-like behavior of humans?"

The monsters in Dahuang Camp persuaded the Fox Demon King to go to the mountains and become the king of the mountain.

The Fox Demon King looked at his group of men and couldn't help but shake his head.

He took out the medicinal powder in his hand and poured it on the wound that the horse demon had stitched up. The effect of the medicinal powder was extremely good and it quickly stopped the bleeding. With Ma Yao's physical condition, it shouldn't take long for him to heal.

"We'll talk about this later. Now we have to survive this war before we can have a future!"

The Fox Demon King said, stood up, and handed the powder to Mina: "Sprinkle these powders on the wounds first, and they will heal quickly after the bleeding is stopped.

This place is far away from the main battlefield, so it should be safer. I will come back to you in a while, and we will go together then! "

Looking at the remnant soldiers under her command, she did not let them help find Tuoba Hu, Yingyang Guards and the temple organization.

The monsters in Dahuang Camp have too obvious targets. Once they shuttle on the battlefield, they will be easily targeted by the people of Qi.

"Your Majesty, we are with you."

Mina said.

"No, remember, the people of Qi have eyes in the sky. Whether they are humans or monsters, once they gather in large numbers, explosive shells will fall down."

The Fox Demon King gave instructions, jumped up, and turned into an afterimage, leaving this small village.


There was an explosion, and the Fox Demon King, who was running rapidly, stopped in his tracks.

"Shabi, what's wrong with you? Didn't I ask you to throw offensive grenades? Defensive grenades are more powerful and have a wider range. Your comrades are right in front. Do you want to blow up your comrades?"

On the edge of the river, a red-maned horse was yelling at a little human warrior.

"Ah Hai, the platoon leader is doing this for your own good. On the battlefield, you should be as familiar with weapons as you are with your own body!

Otherwise, you will lose your life without even knowing how you died, and you will be a fool when you come to the Lord of Hell!

If you accidentally kill your comrade, you will not only be punished by military law, but you will also regret it for the rest of your life! "

The squad leader also helped by saying.

"I understand, thank you platoon leader, I will pay attention to it in the future!"

The little soldier looked sad, but he saluted the red-maned horse and said, "Thank you, platoon leader, for your advice!"

"Okay, it's not entirely your fault. This kind of offensive grenade was brought down from the sky by the old master. It's normal that you are not familiar with it."

The red-maned horse's attitude also calmed down: "Drink some water, eat something, replenish your strength, there will be a tough battle to fight soon!"

The Fox Demon King quietly observed the red-maned horse from a distance. When he pulled away and left, he couldn't help but think: "Can the demons of Qi really get along with people as equals?"

In the Daru Kingdom, although humans and demons are mixed, in the lower society, people are full of fear of demons.

Because monsters really can eat people!

Even the government and the military would regularly select some humans for the demon clan to eat. Sometimes they also take care of the taste of some big monsters and select some boys and girls to give to the monsters as food.

Because it is the tradition of the temple to sacrifice human animals.

Human blood is used to carve talisman totems in the temple.

Sacrifice to the gods requires the use of a large number of human sacrifices!

Witchcraft culture is prevalent among the Lurte people, and cannibalism is nothing in the eyes of the upper class of the Daru Kingdom.

Similarly, in the eyes of the upper class of the Daru people, the demon clan is also a handkerchief that can be used immediately, and it is a convenient weapon.

And what is the fate of weapons? Of course, it plays its role on the battlefield. In their eyes, of course they will not give a weapon dignity. Even if she has become one of the eight kings, she also knows that among the big shots in the court, no one can really Treat her as a prince, and she is still the handy weapon.

But in that red-maned horse, she didn't see the fear of humans towards it. She only saw the respect humans had for her. She was a fox demon and her eyes could tell whether humans were sincere.

As for monsters that can be truly respected by humans, it means that there is an environment friendly to monsters in Qi State, and it is very likely that monsters can be treated fairly.


The black scale cavalry ran past in front of the Fox Demon King. The leader was Meng An. There were hundreds of cavalry in this group. They had absorbed enough experience and the formation was spread out widely.

However, above their heads, there were three black-painted aircraft.

These three planes were different from the previous ones that relied on a pair of wings like birds. Instead, they had rotating blades on their heads, making a rumbling sound.

The machine gun hanging below the plane was rotating rapidly, making bursts of electric motor rotation sounds. The muzzle of the gun was spitting out orange fire. A large number of machine gun bullets were fired at the black scale cavalry. The bullets hit the ground, and suddenly they were on the ground. A series of black holes were drilled into the ground.

Hitting the cavalry, their heavy armor looked like paper.

Even the scales of the black-scale horse were directly penetrated. The black-scale cavalry, which were invincible in the past, were like those driven cattle and sheep on the grassland, without any prestige.

They couldn't fly, so they could only be beaten passively in the face of the bullets sprayed by these low-flying aircraft. However, no matter how fast the black-scaled horses ran, they could not escape the pursuit of Wu Zhi in the sky, and fear spread quickly among them.

These helicopters were armed helicopters that Ren Pingsheng brought back from the mold base, and the people driving the planes were also "mercenaries" he brought back.

"The enemy's flying harpies, I'll go and get rid of them."

On the armed helicopter, a strange man wearing sunglasses saw the hawk flying and flying in the sky.

On the ground, the fox demon king who was running quickly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

The flying eagle monster is not from Dahuang Camp, but from Yingyangwei.

Whether it is the Eagle Eye Guard or the Eagle Yang Guard, they are all troops affiliated with the imperial court.

It can be regarded as the air force of Daru Kingdom.

"No, I want to see who is better between the Harpy and the Missile."

The weapon operator stopped the sunglasses stranger and registered the harpy into his sight. As he pressed the button, a missile hanging below the aircraft was immediately launched.

The hawk demon also obviously noticed the missiles flying towards it. It retracted its wings, pressed down, quickly avoided the missile launch route, and continued to fly towards the helicopter. At the same time, a faint trace of light began to gather on its body. of arc light.

But at the next moment, it suddenly felt something. When it looked up, it found that the missile had changed its direction and was heading towards its head!


There was an explosion in the air, and the harpy was blown into several pieces and fell towards the ground.

"Ha ha!"

The weapon operator shouted excitedly, controlled the weapon again, and hit the cavalry on the ground.

There was a sniper in the back row. He couldn't stand his laughter, so he wasted so many bullets before hitting someone from time to time.

He is holding the sniper rifle in his hand. This is an anti-material sniper rifle!

As the shooting champion of his regiment, he was selected to serve as a full-time sniper, so he got such a good gun. He was particularly rare.

Sitting on the seat with a seat belt on his body, his head was halfway out of the door, the wind whistling in his ears.

Soon, a Daru soldier in front wearing black full-body armor and looking like an officer was locked in his sniper scope.

As he pulled the trigger, there was a "bang" sound, and as the barrel retracted, a huge reaction force hit his shoulder, but the muscles in his shoulder only shook slightly and the force was released. Lost.

Mingjin warriors are just refining skin and flesh. Facing this recoil, they feel nothing like being scratched.

His eyes were looking through the sniper scope at the officer who was wrapped like an iron can.

The next moment, the officer's body shook violently and he fell off the black-scaled horse.


He muttered.

This was already the fourteenth Daru barbarian he had killed.

With a click, he flipped the gun bolt and looked for valuable targets again.

"Huh? What is that?"

A black shadow flashed under his sniper scope.

He quickly took the gun and looked for it, but couldn't find it.

"Over there, over there! The direction of the cemetery over there."

He quickly shouted to the weapons operator in front.

Not far away, there is a piece of abandoned farmland, and there is a cemetery on the edge of the farmland.

The black shadow just passed by from there.

The pilot pulled the plane in that direction and lowered the flight altitude. Sure enough, he saw a black figure running quickly on the ground. The speed on the uneven ground was actually comparable to their helicopter. Got it!

And from this point of view, the speed of the black shadow is faster than the speed of a helicopter flying a straight distance in the sky.

"Big deal!"

The operator shouted excitedly, adjusted the muzzle of the machine gun, moved in the direction of the black shadow running, and pressed the firing button.

The next moment, the muzzle of the gun rotated rapidly, driven by the electric motor. In the orange-red trajectory, endless bullets were shot towards the black figure.

The Fox Demon King originally stayed close to the ground, but because he was afraid of being chosen as a target, he ran in places with few people.

But unexpectedly, he was still hunted down by the Qi people.

She suddenly felt the pressure!

Bullets were always shot in front of her, blocking her path. Even with her sensitive spiritual sense and body's flexibility, she managed to dodge the incoming bullets many times. But the danger mixed in it made her keenly aware that at least two people were chasing her.

One surrounded her movement, and the other carried out precise sniping at her.

She was anxious and frowned.

Being chased like this has become the target of the Qi people, let alone looking for Dahuang Camp's men.

Finally, she remembered something, took out a handkerchief from her sleeve, and threw it into the sky.

The handkerchief spread out, and a puff of white mist spread out, obscuring her figure.

However, the torrent of bullets blocking her movement stopped temporarily, but the precise sniper kept chasing her ass, and even the heavy fog could not cover his eyes. She bit her silver teeth and shrank suddenly.

The sniper who was shooting at her suddenly froze.

The originally clear heat source in the thermal image suddenly disappeared... It didn't disappear, but turned into a small ball. Just when he was stunned, this small ball Also disappeared.

"Lost target."

The controller in front said something.

"The cavalry are running into the woods."

The pilot yelled and did not dwell on the target. He turned around and continued to chase the cavalry.

The sniper reported to the top through the radio: "There is a very fast enemy strongman who passed by Wujiazhai and ran toward the southwest of Zhengzhou."


The division headquarters received his report, responded, and dispatched the nearest drone to fly in this direction to find the target.

The Fox Demon King returned to his original form, holding a thumb-sized bag in his mouth. It shone brightly in the sunlight, reflecting the ever-changing colorful halo.


Finally, she ran into a woods and breathed a sigh of relief.

She hugged the tree trunk with her paws and climbed up the tree. She looked around and found that there was no one around. Then she regained her human form in a white halo.

The leaves brush against the skin, which is particularly sensitive.

She transformed into a human form again, but with a bare buttocks. At this time, she stepped on the tree branch with her two naked feet. While breathing heavily, she took the bag in her mouth into her hand and plucked her clothes inside. .


She couldn't help but reach out and hit herself on the head.

The pockets were full of beautiful dresses, and it was difficult for her to find another black robe with no features.

Running outside in those colorful skirts is not actively attracting attention!

At this moment, there was a "wuwu" sound from the outside world, like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring.

She hugged the trunk of the tree, stepped on the branches with her legs, and quietly and quickly climbed up to the top of the tree. She curiously poked her head out of the crown and looked in the direction of the sound.

But I saw several huge ships appearing on the Wenchang River!

The ship was extraordinary. It had no sails, and its wide hull looked more like it was made of steel. It had a large black and thick chimney, and black smoke was coming out, like a ship lying on the river. Peerless monster!


She watched helplessly as a burst of fire erupted from the ship, and the shells hit the sky one after another, leaving long white trails in the sky. She didn't know where they went!

The Fox Demon King looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

This was the first time she could clearly see where those bombing shells came from and how they were launched.

In a short period of time, several cannons fired continuously, and dozens of shells were fired.

"It's terrible! If the people of Qi have such a weapon of war, is there any way for us monsters to survive? Can the Daru people still occupy the land of Jiujing?"

she couldn't help but ask herself.

At this time, someone ran into the mangroves in a panic. They were several soldiers from the Daru Guohan military camp.

The Fox Demon King looked at himself, and in a flash, he landed behind several soldiers from the Han military camp.

Several soldiers in the Han camp felt a sudden gust of wind, then their heads hurt, and they didn't know anything anymore. (End of chapter)

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