Behind me is the earth

Chapter 476 474 Letter of Appointment

Soldier Glenn is ugly and short, and is often nicknamed the pock-faced little carrot. But it is undeniable that he is also an excellent soldier. Through the infrared magnifier, he could clearly see the red thermal images of the barbarian soldiers through the heavy snow on this cold day.

Pull the trigger.

To save bullets, he had set the rifle to burst fire, firing a set of three bullets each time the trigger was pulled.

The red figure fell to the ground.

"Another one!"

As he walked forward, he held his rifle and used the magnifying glass to look for new targets.

Once he finds his target, he is like a cobra that kills with one blow. He quickly pulls the trigger, releases his fangs, and kills the enemy.

When he counted to nine, when he looked again, he could no longer find any active heat source within the enemy area.


The comrades beside him released the drone.

The drone quickly circled around the enemy's area at low altitude, and the footage returned showed that all these barbarian soldiers had fallen on the snow.

"The 1st company puts on the headbutt and comes with me."

The 1st company commander clicked on the headset, took out a metal slinging stick from his waist, pressed the button and swung it forward, and immediately the one-meter-two-meter-long metal breaker with a metal pointed ball on the front was swung. When it comes out, it feels very weighty in your hand.

In order to prevent the barbarian soldiers from dying in silence, they would also provide them with their final care.

When they approached the barbarian soldiers and knocked them on the head one by one, the bandits saw clearly the appearance of the independent regiment soldiers.

Dress neatly.

White camouflage uniform, white cowhide boots, white multi-functional helmet, white skull protective face towel, and brown goggles to prevent snow blindness, this dress is like a snow demon coming out of the snow!

The bandits were stunned.

I don’t even know if these are humans or ghosts.

"Who's the leader?"

When the friendly Chinese words came, the bandits breathed a sigh of relief.

These terrifying troops dressed like snow demons and ghosts are not only human, they are also Han troops!

"My lord, my name is Zhou Ming, and I am the head of Qinghong Mountain."

The eldest brother Zhou Ming came over quickly.

He was both frightened and excited, worried and excited. He didn't know how such a powerful, mysterious and terrifying army could appear in the northern land. I am also excited and excited about this elite and terrifying army, which is obviously composed of Han people. It will definitely become the heavenly general who harvests the barbarians in the northern land!

"I heard that the words seemed to have an accent from the southern part of Zhongzhou. Could it be the army from the south? I heard that the Han people in the south established the Qi State and defeated the Daru army a few months ago. But it is a hundred thousand miles away from the south through mountains and ridges. Eight thousand miles away, how could the southern army appear here? Could it be that they flew here?"

When Zhou Ming came up to speak, he was still muttering in his heart.

Chen Dachui looked at the man wearing rough animal fur.

He is very tall, has a messy beard on his face, and wears a melon cap that covers his ears. He looks slovenly, but his eyes are very bright, sharp and energetic.

From a person's eyes, you can often judge a person's quality initially. This person's eyes are clear and don't flash much when looking at him. In all likelihood, he is a person who has the city in mind and acts responsibly.

"I am Chen Dachui, Colonel of the 301st Independent Division of the Ministry of National Defense of Qi, and I am directly under orders from the King of Qi, His Highness the King of Qi.

Now, under the orders of the King of Qi, he has entered the north to guide the war of resistance and save the people of the north from water and fire. "

Chen Dachui quickly scanned the group of bandits with his eyes.

They were obviously not living a good life. They were all sallow and thin, and the animal skins on their bodies were very rough and dirty. His eyes were also quite dull, and he was obviously not the kind of person to make decisions.

However, after hearing Chen Dachui's words, their eyes, which had been slightly dull, couldn't help but light up.

Qi State - this name has become very popular among the martial arts community in the Northland in the past few months.

Countless rangers from the North are praising the power and prosperity of Qi.

In the minds of the martial arts people in the north, this separatist regime, which was originally a peaceful corner of the south, instantly became the orthodoxy of the Han people after unifying the south and defeating the barbarian court. Countless knights were thinking of ways to pass through the blockade of the barbarian court. , went to the south, hoping that someone would get an official position, defeat the barbarian soldiers on the battlefield, and restore the country unified by the Han people!

"General Chen, we still have a team that is being chased by barbarian soldiers. We hope the general will lend a helping hand and rescue us!"

At this time, Zhou Ming was most worried about Wei Qian's team.

"how many people?"

Chen Dachui asked.

Zhou Ming replied: "There are about five to six hundred enemies."

"Okay, you go find a place to wait outside the market town ahead, and we'll meet there later.

1st Company Commander, after you finish dealing with these corpses, go together and wait outside the market town. "

Chen Dachui looked to the west.

He concentrated his attention, and his ears could already hear the sounds of fighting in the distance.

"Together we will······"

Zhou Ming still wanted to help, but General Chen touched his ear and said something.

Then, there was a "rumbling" sound from the snow curtain behind. Then, a large number of Qi soldiers wearing white clothes appeared again in the snow curtain. These people rode sled-like things, but these things could run by themselves without being pulled by deer!

And it's extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, more than 600 snowmobiles were like a torrent on the snow, sweeping past their eyes like a storm in an extremely shocking situation, and the wind they brought swept up the snow in the sky.

Soon, we arrived at another battlefield.

The two sides have engaged the enemy here, and there are many corpses lying on the ground in the snow, even frozen solid in this extremely cold weather.

"Quick victory!"

Chen Dachui ordered through the headset.

During this mission of the Independent Regiment, walkie-talkies have been put into the hands of every soldier. Chen Dachui chose the platoon-level channel and gave the order directly.

Following his order, the snowmobile roared and rushed towards the battlefield.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Independent Regiment sitting in the back had already picked up the rifles in their hands.

The firearms of the Independent Regiment were originally firearms that Ren Pingsheng bought from northern Myanmar on Earth. Later, after helping the mold African military base clean up the warehouse, the soldiers of the Independent Regiment also changed their uniforms.

In order to prevent accidental killing, the soldiers began to shoot freely only after getting closer.

The soldiers of the independent regiment were all fed with bullets. Even if they were moving, they were only a few dozen meters away from each other. At such a short distance, all of them were sharpshooters.

The barbarian soldiers suddenly began to suffer a large number of casualties.


Like a galloping horse, the motorcycle rushed into the battlefield where the two sides were fighting in the next moment, and quickly cut the battlefield apart.

There were gunshots and the sound of swords coming out of the body.

The soldiers of the independent regiment, apart from the training of thermal weapons, are also average martial arts dark warriors.

In this way, from the time they entered the battlefield until they killed all the more than 500 barbarian soldiers, there was really no delay at all, and it only took a few minutes.

Such a fighting speed and the precision of the independent regiment, which was like a killing machine, immediately shocked the surviving bandits.

Chen Dachui just said it was normal.

Because this is now the rear area of ​​the Barbarian Court, and all their real elites have been sent to the front lines of the war. Most of these troops in the rear are just second- and third-line troops to maintain order and notification.

If it were all the fighting power of the frontline troops, the barbarian court would not be able to afford it.

"Which one is the leader?"

Chen Dachui shouted.


Wei Qian, whose face was covered in blood, ran out quickly.

His face was slashed, his skin and flesh were rolled open, and his ears were half cut off, but his expression remained unchanged at this time.

"He's a man."

Chen Dachui praised him and said, "Follow us and meet Zhou Ming."

"My eldest brother and the others are okay? That's great!"

When Wei Qian heard this, he immediately became happy.

He did not choose to send someone to cut off the rear. Instead, when he felt that he could not escape, he came up bloody and took the bandits with their swords and returned to fight with the barbarian soldiers. Therefore, his losses were much greater than Zhou Ming's.

Together with this group of troops with terrifying combat capabilities, they chopped off the heads of these corpses on the battlefield. At the same time, they picked out the cold corpses of their brothers and carried them on their backs.

Half an hour later, everyone gathered outside the market town.

"The scouts will be on alert, and the rest will rest where they are for twenty minutes."

Chen Dachui ordered.

It was freezing cold, so many soldiers took out their self-heating pots, grabbed a few handfuls of snow and threw it into the pot. After coming into contact with the heating material package, a chemical reaction occurred, and the snow quickly turned into water and rolled "gurglingly" got up.

Not long after, a rich aroma emerged from the self-heating hot pot.

The aroma of spices was particularly strong and spread out, making the eyes of the bandits who had begun to chew the bark of the tree turn red!

They had never smelled such a rich and alluring scent in their lives!

Zhou Ming, who was talking to Chen Dachui, also noticed the self-heating hot pots that the soldiers threw in a handful of snow and heated up without lighting a fire. In his eyes, this was more like a magical spell or magic weapon!

Judging from these details, Qi State became more and more powerful and mysterious in his heart.

"In other words, the barbarian nobles in this garden castle are wounded soldiers who retreated from the front line of the battlefield, and there are more than fifty private soldiers. Hundreds of people are captured inside for their pleasure?"

After some conversation, Chen Dachui concluded.


Since Zhou Ming decided to rob Yuanbao, he naturally did some research.

"In the Garden Castle, there are still some traitors who are acting as the barbarian's lackeys!"

Du Sanliang, who had never spoken much, added bitterly.

Chen Dachui nodded at him.

He didn't even pay attention to those private soldiers, let alone those scoundrels.

However, the Garden Fort cannot be shelled directly, as it is easy to accidentally injure the Han people.


In the garden castle, Tugetu, who was enjoying the service of the female slave, and the private soldiers who were enjoying the warm brazier in the house on such a cold day, did not notice the drone that flew into the garden castle in the heavy snow, looking around. .

Zhou Ming followed Chen Dachui and saw the picture in the scout's hand. You can imagine the shock in his heart.

The settings and staffing of the round fort are displayed without any secrets on this small thing. Even the people in the room can be displayed. The entire round fort seems solid, but among the people of Qi State, There is no privacy at all.

"The first battalion assaults, the second battalion takes the commanding heights. Action!"

Chen Dachui gave the order, and the two battalions took action quickly. The third and fourth battalions were on standby.

Following several low-pitched gunshots with silencers, the lookout soldiers on the city wall that had just been discovered were prioritized and eliminated. For Dark Force warriors, it makes little difference whether the circular fort has walls or not.

After the soldiers of the second battalion occupied the city wall, their guns were pointed at the interior of the round fort.

A battalion assaulted the city.

With such an elite, cleaning up the territory of a barbarian noble is no different from bullying a child.

A battle without any sense of suspense or expectation took only ten minutes from start to finish.

The city gate slowly opened.

In the round fort, the soldiers were already cleaning up the battlefield.

The corpses were thrown into the corner of the garden castle. Tugetuo's corpse did not receive any preferential treatment, and was thrown into the same place as all the corpses.

Some frightened girls, boys and girls were temporarily arranged to stay.

In the winter in the North, it gets dark very early. The Independent Regiment has just arrived in the north, and many people are still a little uncomfortable with it. Chen Dachui plans to spend one night here repairing.

There are not enough rooms in the round fort, so only seven or eight soldiers can be allocated a room.

They took out the moisture-proof pads and sleeping bags in their backpacks.

In the Tugetu Mansion, where there were still bloodstains on the ground that had not been cleaned up, Chen Dachui and Zhou Ming learned about the scale of Zhou Ming's Qinghong Village and then learned in detail about the current situation in the northern land.

"Nowadays, the Barbarian court is searching for frontline supplies without any offline attention, with no regard for the life and death of the Han people.

The people can't survive!

In order to survive, many people have turned into bandits. There are 'bandits' like us everywhere, and resistance in various places has become increasingly fierce.

However, the barbarian court didn't care at all and kept sending troops to suppress it. Every time a place was suppressed, a fortified temple was placed in front of the city gate and on the road to frighten the people.

There is no humanity in them! "

Zhou Ming complained bitterly.

This Qi army with terrifying combat effectiveness has become a flag in his eyes to resist the barbarian court.

"Brother is indeed right. The oppression that the people in the North are experiencing now has resulted in continuous resistance. The establishment of a resistance front alliance behind enemy lines here will definitely be effective soon!"

Chen Dachui thought to himself.

Early the next morning, Chen Dachui took out a letter of appointment.

After the bandits gathered, he blocked everyone's face and read out: "By order of the Ministry of National Defense of Qi State, Zi appointed Qinghongshan Zhouming as the guerrilla general of Hutian County, Yutian County, responsible for resisting the Daru barbarians and protecting the territory. Matters to bring peace to the people. December 16, the twenty-first year of Chongqing." (End of this chapter)

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