Behind me is the earth

Chapter 497 495 Split and Migration

Chapter 497 495. Split and Migration

The common people who watched a big show at the yamen gate, under the guidance of the yamen servants, left the county yamen one by one with excited faces. It can be imagined that today's case will quickly spread throughout Jinshan City through their mouths.

Inside the yamen, Mr. Xiang was sitting on the official hat chair in the lobby, looking at Qiao Minshan and Meng Jin, who looked a little reserved like two students.

The case has come to an end. The next step is to crack down on the entire chain, arrest and bring to justice all the lower-level officials, gangsters, and gangsters involved. The entire chain of the green fruit trade will be thoroughly attacked, and the Department of Political Science and Law will cooperate with the Ministry of Works' Fabrication Bureau to Investigate relevant personnel of the ordnance factory.

What Ren has to do now is to seize this case as an entry point, use the topic to maximize benefits, and achieve deeper reform goals.

"This case will be a good reason!"

Ren Pingsheng said: "Using this case as a basis, we will re-assess these former officials in terms of ideological and political, decision-making, ability and methods, etc., and at the same time conduct a thorough review of their official style. investigation.

Bring to justice officials who engage in illegal and criminal activities such as corruption, abuse of power, bribery, dereliction of duty, money laundering and drug trafficking, and acting as a protective umbrella for evil forces.

Those who are not strong enough in ideology, style, or ability are not strong enough, and after the assessment, they will be forced to work and go home. "

Qiao Minshan and Meng Jin took out pens and notepads from their pockets and recorded the key points that Ren Shengsheng said.

They were all sensitively aware that when the king said these things to them, he was definitely not chatting with them. They also knew that they did not have such a big face.

Therefore, there must be something for them to do next. As long as they can do things for the king, won't the opportunity come?

Some time ago, the prefect of Fengqi County made a triple jump from the prefect of the local government to the minister of civil affairs.

If you have the courage to do your job, you will be favored by the king, realize your ambitions, and achieve rapid promotion in the officialdom.

This deeply inspired a large number of mid-level officials.

"Then there are the big families in Jinshan County. This place is filled with a large number of old Jingxungui families. These families have annexed land for hundreds of years. Even after checking the household registers and field registers, the land with legal title deeds is still too large. many.

For example, the Duke of Wei has thousands of people and owns more than 200,000 acres of land.

This has seriously affected our development. "

The change of dynasties is a process of reallocation of resources.

Any dynasty that has not experienced fierce conflicts and changes will be short-lived.

For example, in Chinese history, dynasties such as the Wei Dynasty, the Western Jin Dynasty, and the Northern Song Dynasty that succeeded in abdication often did not experience drastic political changes. Therefore, various previous problems and contradictions were covered up without being truly resolved. This could lead to a build-up of problems within the regime, ultimately triggering greater unrest.

This is the case for these remaining noble families and noble families.

Originally, these people were not dealt with immediately because of the war. Now, taking advantage of this gap period, it is natural to solve this hidden problem.

“Next, the imperial court will split up and relocate these big families, and redistribute the land in Jinshan County and surrounding areas.

The Wei family, Xu family, Liu family, etc. in Jinshan County, all the main and branch lines of these big families were split. Each family was divided into several families with less than 100 people, and they were divided into Yunjiang Province, Guangnan Province, and Caiyun Province. migrate. "

There are only 2.4 million people in Yunjiang Province, more than 3.2 million people in Guangnan Province, and more than 5.2 million people in Caiyun Province. They are all sparsely populated places.

If the people of these big families are divided, and after arriving in the local area, each person will be allocated twenty to thirty acres of land according to the land's poverty and fertility. Even if preferential policies are given and each person is given more land, there will be no problem.

No matter how much, they can't farm it with just a few people. Moreover, when we get there, the land is so vast and so sparsely populated that farmers can’t even farm their own land, and no one is willing to be a tenant to others.

Only after tractors and other agricultural machinery became popular throughout Qi, and manpower was replaced by machines, could production and farming be carried out on a larger scale.

"If you were to operate these two things, how would you do it?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

I'm coming!

Here comes the point!

Qiao Minshan and Meng Jin couldn't help straightening their backs and raising all their spirits.

Qiao Minshan first replied: "Your Highness, I think the assessment of Jiujing officials is relatively simple.

Chen believes that it is possible to set up a leading group, formulate relevant charters, collect and investigate official files, conduct reviews, style, integrity and other aspects, conduct relevant examinations and evaluations on these officials, and carry out relevant treatments according to the investigation results.

Moreover, I believe that after the assessment of these old officials is completed and a large number of new officials are added, Chujiang Province can officially carry out institutional reforms according to the example of Wuzhou Province.

Nowadays, when the Governor's Office and the three departments take over the work of the central ministries, various problems such as confusion of docking, confusion of functions, and confusion of matching often occur.

Seriously reduced the operational efficiency of various departments. "

Meng Jin added: "If we want to advance this work quickly in the short term, this case should be sentenced quickly and severely to deter these old ministers of Chujiang Province. These people were officials of the Jing Dynasty, and there was no one who was not corrupt at that time. Yeah, I'm most afraid of having old scores turned over!

Even if we only arrest those who did not know how to stop after the establishment of the new dynasty, it will still have the effect of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger.

In addition to leveraging the influence of this case, we also need to send personnel from the central government to guide the work, so that we can complete the work better and faster. "

After listening, Ren Pingsheng nodded slightly.

These two people have some abilities, which he discovered when he observed behind the scenes. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have taken the time to talk to them so much.

"As for family splitting, this job is a bit difficult."

Qiao Minshan thought about it carefully and continued: "Because we have to take into account the different situations of each split family, such as the size of the family, the size of the land, the amount of property, the population distribution, and the acceptance capacity of the relocation place. This cannot be solved by ourselves. "

"At the central level, there will be certain support and resource coordination."

Ren Pingsheng said.

"That way there will be no problem."

Qiao Minshan continued: "In Jinshan County, there are also two families that have existed for more than a thousand years. These two families have quite a lot of background, and there are many warriors and strangers in the family. Although the other families do not have the background of these two families, they are all powerful.

However, the imperial court is now strong and strong. If these families are smart people in charge, they should understand this truth.

The first step is to find out the background of these families and make preliminary preparations.

The second step is to communicate with these families to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

The third step is to conduct a scientific assessment and split the family population and property.

The fourth step is to fully communicate with the relocation site and determine the carrying capacity of the relocation site.

The fifth step is to carry out population relocation and provide transportation and other guarantees. "

Qiao Minshan proposed a "five-step" process.

In terms of large process steps, there is no problem.

"At that time, in addition to the militia, the Chujiang Provincial Governor's Office will also cooperate with your work."

Ren Pingsheng gave Qiao Minshan a reassurance.

With the supplement of the top-notch combat power of the garrison, even if some families are guilty, they can be suppressed as a whole, and they can also use this to establish their authority and suppress these families severely!

Seeing the two people eager to try, Ren Pingsheng smiled.

He likes officials who are driven, motivated, want to do things, and can do things. This is the backbone of the national governance system.

"This work is very important. Chujiang Province is a hard bone for the southern provinces. The important experience you have gained by chewing off this hard bone will be an important reference. It will then be built into a Chujiang model and spread throughout the country.

Qiao Minshan. "

Ren Pingsheng looked at Qiao Minshan.

I'm coming!

Qiao Minshan's eyes were filled with the word "loyalty". He stood up and saluted sonorously: "I am here!"

"The position of deputy governor of Chujiang Province will be temporarily replaced by Qin. He will also have full authority to handle the assessment of old-style officials in Chujiang Province from the governor down.

Take the lead in handling the splitting of large families above a certain size in Chujiang Province and the redistribution of land. This work should be thoroughly investigated and regulations issued as soon as possible. This work is time intensive and the tasks are heavy. Don't delay the rice planting in April and May. "

Ren Pingsheng said.

"I thank you, Your Majesty, for your appreciation! I will definitely live up to Your Majesty's trust!"

Qiao Minshan's pilgrimage route.

"Well, let's get flat."

Ren Pingsheng looked at Meng Jin again.

Meng Jin felt hot inside at this time.

The king's appointment has broken the usual rules and procedures for promotion.

If it is a normal promotion procedure for this kind of ministerial-level officials, Chujiang Province should recommend them to the Ministry of Civil Affairs when there are vacancies. After the first round of inspection and review, the Ministry of Civil Affairs will report to Zhongshu Pavilion for the second round. After the inspection and application are approved by the king, an official document is issued for public announcement, the official registration is carried out, and the document seal is granted.

But now, these are all eliminated.

Even if there will be institutional reforms in the future, many of these temporary official positions will be abolished. But the power now is real, and this job was personally ordered by the King. There will definitely be people from the Supervisory Office to keep an eye on it. As long as it is completed well and favored by the King, the future future can be expected!

Seeing Meng Jin's eager look, Ren Pingsheng said directly: "Meng Jin, temporarily acting as the magistrate of Jinshan County, assists Deputy Governor Qiao Minshan in carrying out the assessment of old officials, the splitting of large families in Chujiang Province and the redistribution of land. "

"I will work hard and work hard, cooperate with Deputy Governor Qiao in his work, and I will live up to the king's trust!"

Meng Jin said politely.

"Okay, I've watched you handle the case this time. If you have ideas, ability, bottom line, persistence, and good work, you will have a promising future."

Ren Pingsheng said a few words of encouragement and stood up.

Next, someone will send the document and seal it.

And he has already shown his face in Jinshan County, so he doesn't plan to stay here any longer.

Although he has been accompanying Ruan Tang and Xiao Wan to play around, under his telepathic observation, he has also mastered many things that cannot be seen in the palace.

The two of them walked step by step to send the king to the gate of the county government. At Ren Shengsheng's request, they stopped. Then, like two pieces of stone watching over the husband, they watched the king until he was out of sight, and then they looked away.

When the two looked at each other, they could see the fiery emotions in each other's eyes.

From now on, Jane is in the emperor's heart!

Many ministers will never get such an opportunity in their lifetime.

As long as you do things well, you will be successful in the future!

"We still need Hui'an's assistance for the next work."

Qiao Minshan said.

"We must do our best."

Meng Jin bowed his hands and said.

After saying that, they both felt the firmness of the other party. For them, the several tasks assigned by the king are crucial to their future. Anyone who dares to block them on this road will be killed even if they risk their lives.

A task assigned by the king has tied them together and put them on a boat.

Meng Jin suddenly sighed: "I finally know who helped me behind the scenes when I was handling the case.

If the case could go so smoothly this time, I'm afraid it was the king who planned it from the beginning. I'm afraid that from the very beginning of reporting the case, the entire case, from Chen Ming and Yue Lang to Mr. Qiao and I, was all part of the king's calculations.

The king really turned his hand to make clouds and his hand to make rain! "

Hearing this, Qiao Minshan stopped asking about the details of the case and just said: "Your Majesty, you have a bright eye and a bright eye. You and I should try our best to do things perfectly!"

"What Mr. Qiao said is absolutely true!"

Meng Jin and the two returned to the Yamen to continue discussing the details of the work.

The time has come to the evening, and Ren Pingsheng did not want to leave on the same day.

Geumsan County’s Zifengdae, Yunshui Pavilion, Wind Chime Tower and other scenic spots are all famous. After spending two days here with Ruan Tang and Xiao Wan, I took the train again to Guangnan Province.

During the war with the Daru people, railway construction did not stop. On the contrary, in order to quickly dispatch the army, the construction speed of the railway network was further accelerated!

Today, Qi State has formed a tic-shaped railway network.

The north-south one is from Yueyang County in Yuzhou Province to Xiangshan County in Guangnan Province, and the other one is from Huaqiang County in Guangnan Province to Guiyang County in Pingshan Province.

These two horizontal and two vertical railways form the skeleton of the entire Qi State railway network. Subsequent construction will be based on the currently completed skeleton and will be extended in all directions, slowly extending the railway to every county.

There are not many trains on this train line, and not many people take the train.

The carriage was empty, far less lively than the train ride from Qidu to Jinshan County.

However, when Ren Pingsheng got on the train, he noticed that there were a lot of goods pulled in the train skin at the back of the train, which were paid by the people who took the train to transport them.

Listening to these people talk, they are basically businessmen.

In their conversations, "Xiangshan", "Yuandao", "port", "ship ticket", "sea tribe", "Semu people", etc. were all high-frequency words that appeared in their mouths.

Occasionally, you can hear heated discussions about "mermaids", "pirate ships", "Siren Weaver", "ghost ships", etc.

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