Behind me is the earth

Chapter 532 530 The significance of defending the country

Chapter 532 530. The significance of defending the homeland and the country

"Your Highness."

Liu Qiang pointed to the large screen in the conference room of the side hall. On the electronic map above, the marching route, army establishment, number of soldiers and other information were drawn on the Beijing-Henan battlefield, Yanzhou battlefield, and Zhongzhou battlefield.

"Now, we have deployed 750,000 troops on the frontline battlefield, including some militiamen.

Moving forward, we need to coordinate our advance with Zhu Kan's Yanzhao Group and Liu Guanjun's Beiwan Group to completely defeat the entire Daru army. "

Ren Pingsheng looked at the map and pondered for a moment: "Yanzhao Group and Beiwan Group should withdraw from the stage of history.

Now, how well do we control the armies of these two major groups? "

After accepting Liu Guanjun and Zhu Kan's declaration of surrender, Qi State sent a large number of military instructors there. In addition to training these troops, they also controlled the power of these troops. After such a long period of high-intensity penetration, you should be able to see results.

“We have established contacts with some high-level officers and most of the middle- and low-level officers in the front-line armies of the two major groups.

According to the assessment of the staff department, our influence on the armies of the two major groups can control most of their generals through mutual checks and balances between upper and lower officers..."

As the war situation becomes clearer and clearer, Qi's development gets better and better.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see where this world ultimately belongs.

In addition, under the brutal oppression of the barbarians, after Beiwan and Zhu Kan became vassals of the Qi State, their armies were also organized into the Fourth Army and the Fifth Army, and they were nominally considered to have joined the Qi State.

The imperial court justifiably took a multi-pronged approach to them in terms of system establishment, military training, logistics control, etc. These two groups had been penetrated by Qi State under the last resort and were riddled with holes. If nothing unexpected happened, there would be no more A chance to compete for the world and even become a local warlord.


Liu Qiang changed the topic and said: "Now, the frontline combat troops are in fierce battle with the barbarian army. What we need to do most now is the stability of the rear. Under the current situation, it is best to maintain stability.

After our war is over, everything will become a foregone conclusion, and the two major groups will naturally lose the foundation for their continued foothold. "

Ren Pingsheng nodded when he heard this, agreeing with what Liu Qiang said.

"In this case, during the course of the war, the Ministry of National Defense sent representatives to the two major groups to strengthen exchanges and successfully complete the Northern Expedition launched!

Now, according to our intelligence, anti-capitalist riots and plagues are occurring one after another in the Daru Kingdom. Its frontline defeats have also caused dissatisfaction and competition among various interest groups within the court. This time, the assassination initiated by the Daru Temple will This is one of the incompetent actions of the Ruart people in this game of interests.

This time, we must seize the opportunity, complete our efforts in one battle, unify the world, and establish immortal achievements! "

Ren Pingsheng stood up and said generously: "Everyone, this is an opportunity for Qi, an opportunity for me, an opportunity for everyone here, and an opportunity for the Han people in the world.

Only a unified country with a vast territory can support the future of Qi, draw a blueprint for Qi, and lay the foundation for Qi's height.

I have the confidence to build a humane paradise that is different from any dynasty in the past history. I have the confidence to create the golden throne of the Holy King. I have the confidence to make Qi an immortal country for all generations.

And you, together with me, will become a generation of virtuous ministers who will leave their names in history.

Now, the time for reunification has arrived. I hope you will work together, work diligently, and cooperate with each other to complete the unification of Qi. "

"I will live up to the king's entrustment, the people's expectations, and the teachings of our ancestors. We will work together to achieve perfection and complete our great cause!"

Lu Yingying stood up first, and the others stood up one after another, bowed to Ren Pingsheng to the end, and sang in unison.

The conference room was filled with a solemn atmosphere.

A consensus was quickly reached on the Northern Expedition. Before the meeting ended, Zhang Qiushi distributed the minutes of the meeting to the participating ministers.

"In this Northern Expedition, propaganda work is also very important. You must also do a good job in public opinion work. The people in the north fell into the hands of the barbarians and suffered a lot."

Walking out of the main hall, a group of ministers walked between the tall palace walls.

You can also see traces of the palace wall that has not yet been restored from last night's assassination.

"What Mr. Lu said is absolutely true."

When Ren Nuan heard this, he bowed slightly.

"The Daru Kingdom still has a large amount of territory in the bitter cold land in the north. The centipede insects are dead but not stiff. It is still difficult to completely eliminate them in one fell swoop.

As for those who beat the snake but suffer its consequences, we also need to study how to control the Han Dynasty through political castration, economic rule, cultural propaganda and other means after unifying the Han Dynasty. "

Lu Yingying and Ren Nuan walked side by side, chatting while walking.

"The king should have a comprehensive plan."

Ren Nuan said.

He worshiped the king extremely.

"The king often makes decisions before taking action. He is a wise man who takes one step and sees ten steps ahead. We must also find more innovative methods on the path planned by the king, so that we can demonstrate the role of our ministers.

In such a big country, the king is the chief helmsman, and we crew members and sailors must also perform our duties to ensure that this big ship sails steadily and long-term.

Sir Ren, you and I are both from Qingcheng, and our loyalty to the king should not be mixed with any distracting thoughts. Many of the tasks of our Ministry of Civil Affairs also need to be announced through Mr. Ren’s channels. You and I need to get closer to each other. "

Lu Yingying and Ren Nuan whispered.

"Lord Lu, I, Ren Nuan, work wholeheartedly. As long as the king approves it, I will be responsible for serving the country and the people."

Ren Nuan said in a calm tone.

He could tell that Lu Yingying wanted to get closer to him.

Lu Yingying was building a relationship with him at this time, most likely for the purpose of organizing the cabinet after the year.

After entering the cabinet, the game of power will become even more intense than now.

Whether the chief auxiliary cadre, as the top leader, is arbitrary, or whether the chief auxiliary, second auxiliary and third auxiliary make political decisions mutually under the check and balance of power, this comes from the instruction of the king above and the support of the ministries below.

But Ren Nuan didn't intend to take sides.

He wants to exist as a lonely minister and as the king's confidant.

This is safer and more noble than being close to anyone.

As the only minister in the country given the surname "Ren", he also has this qualification.

"Your Majesty Ren is loyal to state affairs and is truly a sincere minister."

Lu Yingying heard what he meant, raised her hands and said.

The ministers of the war response leadership group returned to their respective posts after leaving the palace city. The battle against the Daru people in the north intensified in the next period of time.

War mobilization orders began to be issued within a certain range.


At Qidu Railway Station, passengers were filing out of a train that had just arrived.

"Beep! Go in, don't stand on the edge!"

On the platform, the train station staff blew whistles and shouted loudly.

When the passengers were carrying their luggage and walking towards the exit on the platform, suddenly there was a loud roaring sound. When everyone turned their heads to look, they saw a train painted in black that they had never seen before. The front of the car is full of streamlined impact like a bullet.

Under everyone's observation, the train rushed onto the track in front of the train station platform at a speed beyond people's imagination, and then flew past with a "whoosh" sound. The strong wind sound even made people on the edge of the platform... They felt a suction force, as if they were being sucked into the orbit!

Within a moment, the black train had disappeared from their sight.

"What kind of train was that train just now? It was too fast!"

"It can't be the black dragon that the king surrendered in the legend, right?"

"It was so fast. It seemed like it was sucking me in. I almost couldn't hold it back!"

People talked a lot and felt extremely surprised in their hearts.

"Yun Xiao, have you heard of it?"

Among the crowd, Han Wenlong, who was wearing a black military uniform, looked at the direction of the train and asked his friend Yun Xiao who came to pick him up at the station.

"I have heard that this is a new type of train designed by the chief engineer! It is said to use a new type of energy. It is said that during the trial run on the railway section from Qidu to Yile County, it ran 300 kilometers speed.

However, these ordinary railways limited the speed of the train, which could only run about half of its full speed at that time. "

The friend who picked him up heard this and introduced him.

"I just took a look through the window and there were people from the Air Force on the train."

Han Wenlong carried his suitcase and walked out of the station with his friends. He said: "The design of the Air Force uniforms is blue, which is said to be the color of the sky."

"It should be sent to Yuntai County. The major counterattack on the front line has begun. During this period, the soldiers of the Third Group Army in the south have been constantly transporting them to the north.

There are also trains transporting food and supplies every day! "

Yun Xiao said: "Wenlong, you're coming back this time, I'm afraid you won't be here for a long time, right?"

"You only have one day, you will set off tomorrow morning. Meet with the battalion headquarters in Qingshui County and rush to the frontline battlefield together."

Han Wenlong said.

"Hey, I wanted to apply for Yuntai Military Academy back then. If my old man hadn't blocked it, I would be like you now, wearing a military uniform and rushing to the battlefield to fight for the country!"

Yun Xiao said very annoyed.

Han Wenlong smiled and said: "You can be admitted to Qiguo University, study mechanization-related knowledge, and be taught by the queen. This is an opportunity that many people dream of. What is the difference between you and the emperor's disciples?

Your contribution to the country in the future will definitely be greater than mine. "

"Wenlong, you are now a lieutenant equivalent to a section chief, and I haven't graduated yet. Please stop making fun of me."

Yun Xiao scratched his head.

When Han Wenlong walked out of the train station, Yun Xiao helped him carry his suitcase and walked straight to the roadside.

"Fuck, yours?"

When Han Wenlong saw Yun Xiao patting a black motorcycle parked on the roadside with his hand, he couldn't help but cursed in surprise.

"I bought it through my family's connections. There aren't many of these things on the market!"

Seeing Han Wenlong's surprised expression, Yun Xiao suddenly smiled proudly.

Apparently showing off in front of his friends made him feel particularly accomplished.

"Okay, Yun Xiao. Children of big families are just different!"

Han Wenlong patted the back seat of the motorcycle with his hand. It was made of genuine leather and was very soft when pressed against it: "It feels better than the one I rode in the army."

"Is there one in your camp too?"

Yun Xiao stared and said in surprise.

"How new. These things are all for military use first. As the reconnaissance staff of the battalion, I often have to go down to the company to conduct investigation and reconnaissance work. But those are not assigned to me, they belong to the staff of the battalion. Whoever needs them can use them. "

Han Wenlong sat down in the back seat.

"That's great. It's hard to get this thing among the people. And once you get this motorcycle, refueling is another problem.

Fortunately, I majored in mechanics, so there was no shortage of oil in the department, so I could get some oil every time in school. "

Yun Xiao said, started the engine, and suddenly made a noise.

All of a sudden, it attracted the attention of countless people around, some were surprised and some were envious.

Enjoying these gazes, Yun Xiao accelerating the throttle, the motorcycle sped out and traveled quickly on the wide road.

Han Wenlong has been sent to the outfield, located in Fangzi District on the edge of the city.

"It's a house in Duoxing Community, where my father's factory has a house."

Han Wenlong said: "I haven't come back since I joined the army. It's almost noon now. Come back with me to have lunch."

"Okay, let's go and identify the door."

Yun Xiao said.

Between large areas and between small areas, there are iron fences and walls.

There are guard booths in each area and are equipped with security guards. These security guards are usually rotated by local militiamen with guns on duty.

There are strict rules and regulations everywhere, and the slogan "Safety First" is printed in many places. This is a tacit understanding among the people who have experienced the disaster of living corpses, and they attach great importance to safety.

When the locomotive engine roared to a building, it immediately attracted the attention of people in the community. They gathered around and asked curious questions.

Yun Xiao's face almost broke out with laughter. He finally allowed these curious people to enter the unit door. The people behind him were still watching around the car.

Going upstairs, Han Wenlong knocked on the door of his home.


The person who opened the door was a beautiful girl, fourteen or fifteen years old, her breasts had begun to take shape, she was wearing a light green skirt, and her whole body was full of youthful atmosphere.

"Mom! Big brother is back!"

She shouted into the house in surprise, quickly opened the door, took her eldest brother's hand and pulled her in: "Brother, come in quickly.

Oh, Brother Yun Xiao is here too, come in quickly! "

She pulled her eldest brother in, only to see Yun Xiao behind Han Wenlong, and quickly greeted Yun Xiao.

"Little sister, we haven't seen each other for only two years, and you've already grown so tall."

Han Wenlong looked at the little girl who knelt down to find shoes for him and said something.

Of course, the little girl's change is not only that she has grown taller, but has also opened up, and is much more beautiful than before.

He put on his shoes, walked into the room, and looked at their new house.

It is transparent from north to south, sunny and has a very good environment.

When he saw his mother walking out of the bedroom wearing a red horse-faced skirt, her red eyes pierced his heart, and he knelt down towards his mother.

"Get up, get up, the ground is cold."

Han Wenlong's mother came over and hugged him tightly.

At this moment, Han Wenlong hugged his mother, looked at the bright and clean home, and looked at the fried pork with chili on the table, and he felt more deeply the meaning of protecting his family and his country.

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