Behind me is the earth

Chapter 535 533 Battlefield

Chapter 535 533.Battlefield

"Now the entire battlefield has formed a double-teaming trend against Nanyang."

The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and the weather in early October still held the lingering power of midsummer.

"The Yanzhao army is here, crossing the Liusha River from Yanzhou and launching a general attack on Linyang County!

The Northern Anhui Army attacked Anyang County and Nanyang from Hengfeng, Changyun and other positions.

Our main army of Qi State launched a general offensive from Duohai and Rongcheng directions, and has formed a double-teaming trend on Nanyang on the battlefield!

And completely divided the army deployed by the Daru people in the Liusha River area!

This will be ours, a hearty victory! "

Han Wenlong was among the scouts at the front, holding a branch and drawing a battle plan on the ground.

"Consultant Han is so awesome!"

"As soon as I saw Staff Han's picture, I had a clear feeling."

The soldiers said with admiration.

"This is just my own speculation and analysis. The overall situation on the battlefield may not be like this. After all, these overall situations are determined by the Ministry of National Defense Staff Headquarters based on the overall battlefield situation. We only need to follow the orders of the regiment headquarters and put what we have into Just do a good job in the area you are responsible for and cooperate with the surrounding battalion defense areas to win the battle successfully!"

Han Wenlong threw away the branch in his hand, stood up and patted the dirt on his butt.

He is just a lieutenant battalion reconnaissance staff officer. If a staff officer is not a leader, he will not fart loudly.

What he said is that in the battalion headquarters, the deputy chief of staff still needs to make a decision and report it to the battalion commander or chief of staff. The order will only be effective after being confirmed by the battalion commander.

On weekdays, except when they come to each company for inspection, the company commanders are eager to look at people with their nostrils. Only when they show off their professional knowledge can they gain the admiration of these big soldiers.

And what he said was what he said during the meetings at the battalion and regiment headquarters, what the officers said at the meeting, combined with some news on the battlefield, and the knowledge he learned in the command class at Yuntai Military Academy. , derived from analysis.

He didn't know whether it was accurate or not, but it was enough to teach these big soldiers. Anyway, in addition to being an investigation staff officer, he also held the position of an investigation instructor on the instructor's side.

"Rongshan has a wide view. Our place is not the first battlefield to engage the enemy. But you should pay attention to the enemy's hawking.

In addition, a Meng'an stationed at Hujiapo south of Yushan Mountain was careful to report their movements to the battalion headquarters at any time. "

Han Wenlong rode on his motorcycle.

"Don't worry, staff!"

shouted the Scout Squad Leader.


Han Wenlong rode his bicycle and continued his inspection in other places.



Han Wenlong could tell as soon as he heard it. It was the sound of heavy artillery. The artillery fire was very dense and the battle on the front line was very fierce!

He rode the bike to a hilltop, took out a telescope from his pocket, and looked into the distance ahead.

The front line is in the Chunan County area. These city walls left over from the past are brittle when exposed to the Qi army's heavy artillery, and can be destroyed in a few hits. Currently, the enemy forces on the front line are relying on some "big bugs" to deal with——

A kind of monster that burrows into the ground very quickly and can quickly create very stable tunnels under the battlefield.

This kind of tunnel is highly concealed. Often, big insects suddenly emerged from the Qi army's positions, and then a group of barbarian warriors attacked the military formations, causing casualties to the Qi army, which caused great trouble to the Qi army.

At present, the Qi Army urgently deployed some strangers from the Civil Engineering Department and Perception Department to spread out on the front line. Once any abnormal movement on the ground is discovered, they will immediately encircle and kill them.

"Wenlong! Reply received!"

Han Wenlong was lying on the top of the hill, watching the situation on the distant front line, when the deputy chief of staff called.

The deputy chief of staff of the battalion is his boss.

When he first came to the battalion headquarters, he served as a lieutenant platoon leader. The deputy chief of staff took a fancy to his investigation ability and transferred him to the battalion headquarters as an investigation staff officer.

After entering the battalion headquarters, you have entered the middle level of the military unit. When you are on the battlefield, you no longer have to be on the front line of the battle like a platoon leader or company commander.

"Roger! Please give instructions!"

Han Wenlong replied immediately.

"Immediately return to the battalion headquarters. The battalion headquarters received new orders to escort a batch of supplies to the front line and join the front line camp to participate in the battle."

Deputy Chief of Staff Yang said.


Han Wenlong got on the car and rushed towards the camp headquarters.

Soon, a camp located next to a river ditch came into view. The camp had been tidied up, and the soldiers had gathered and were ready to go.

There were more than a dozen military trucks outside the camp, covered with black tarpaulins, and you couldn't tell what they were pulling.

Deputy Chief of Staff Yang was sitting on a transport vehicle. He lowered the window and waved to Han Wenlong, gesturing for him to get on the bus.

Han Wenlong grabbed the armrest and jumped into the car with a vigorous posture.

"These are all secret weapons brought from the rear to attack the enemy. We will definitely be able to conquer the entire north in one battle this time, and drive these barbarians back to the bitter cold land of the north in one fell swoop!"

Deputy Chief of Staff Yang, like Han Wenlong, is very confident about this war.

Since the Northern Expedition, the Qi army has been overwhelming. In just ten days, it has approached Nanyang from Yuzhou and completed the siege of Nanyang. If the Qi army had not attacked Nanyang with all its strength in order to better preserve Nanyang, an old capital city that had suffered many disasters, they might have captured Nanyang by now.

"What secret weapon?"

Han Wenlong asked curiously.

"Those who destroy the enemy's tunnels will be sent to the artillery positions. It is said that starting from today, all air force units will be in place to bomb the enemy positions."

Deputy Chief of Staff Yang said.

In the past few days, the Air Force had been assisting the Beiwan Army and the Yanzhao Army in carrying out saturation attacks on the Linyang and Anyang areas, blocking all exits from the east and west of Nanyang.

Now that Anyang has been settled, the Air Force has withdrawn its manpower, and its strength has begun to tilt towards the Chunan front.

The road in the rear has been repaired by engineers. The soldiers from the battalion headquarters were running in small steps in front of and behind the truck, and the transfer speed was very fast.

"Batalion Commander, there is an eagle flying in the sky!"

A company commander reported over the intercom's conversation channel.

"Don't worry about it. Let's kill those barbarians in Hujiapo first. Remove this nail!"

Battalion Commander Ji Xiaoxiao ordered.

He was originally the commander of the artillery company of the 30321st Battalion. With his promotion in battle and the large-scale expansion of the Ministry of National Defense, Ji Xiaoxiao was transferred to the major commander of the 30321st Battalion, which can be regarded as a mid-level officer in the Qi Army.

"Each company and platoon, pay attention to the cooperation of the combat team."

Ji Xiaoxiao specially reminded that after the reorganization, the 30321st Battalion had a large number of new recruits. This required him to take into account the lack of combat experience of these recruits when commanding the army in combat.

Those barbarians at Hujiapo in Yushan Mountain had already taken action when the 30321st Battalion rushed to the front line. They are all the elites of the Daru Kingdom, and many of them have the title of warrior. Even under absolute disadvantage, they can still exert their subjective initiative and work hard to find ways to defeat the enemy.

It's not easy.


An airplane flew over Yuanshan Mountain and suddenly noticed something. Three airplanes formed a triangle, broke away from the flight formation, and dived towards the ground.


As the plane dived, it dropped bombs one after another.

Soon, there was a violent explosion on the other side of the mountain, which kept echoing in the mountain.

"Report, our planes bombed Hujiapo, enemy casualties are not yet known."

Immediately, the scout in front reported the news to the battalion headquarters through the intercom.

"The whole army speeds up!"

Ji Xiaoxiao gave an order, and the entire battalion's marching speed increased again.

As the scouts continued to report the enemy's position, the two sides finally met the enemy on the slope below Hujiapo.

As soon as they met the enemy, both sides started fighting without saying a word.

The sound of gunfire was like the crackling of fried beans.

The three-by-three system is still very useful in this situation. Two veterans lead one recruit, and while ensuring the survival rate of the recruits, they use the old to lead the new, and quickly transfer combat experience and knowledge to the new recruits.

Usually after a few battles, the new recruits become veterans and complete the team's integration.

Among the regular soldiers, especially the 303rd Division, a veteran and strong division that has always been able to fight, they have already created their own invincible self-confidence and glory.

Han Wenlong got out of the car, jumped onto a spruce tree more than 20 meters high, took out his binoculars and looked in the direction of the battlefield.

"There are still 700 to 800 combat-effective enemies. The bombing just now killed nearly 300 of these barbarians.

Moreover, when the fighter jets passed by, they also cleared away the flying eagles in the sky. "

"Not bad. As expected, he is a soldier of the 303rd Division who has gone through school teaching cases. His proficiency in combat is really worth mentioning!"

After Han Wenlong graduated from Yuntai Military Academy and enlisted in the army, he had not experienced a real battlefield. This Northern Expedition was also a learning and test for him.


Among the barbarian troops, artillery shells exploded and shrapnel flew.

These barbarian soldiers fought with the Qi army and have learned some coping skills. The barbarian soldiers charging down the mountain on Hujiapo were spread out widely, which reduced the damage caused by the explosion of the shells.

Even so, every time a shell falls, it can always take away three or two barbarians.

Although the casualties are not large each time, it can bring huge psychological pressure to these barbarian soldiers and affect their charge.

"The fire support team is really not built for nothing!"

The fire support team in the camp has two 80-caliber mortars and four light machine guns, and the rest of the soldiers have also been equipped with automatic rifles.

This kind of rifle, when Han Wenlong was in the military academy, was only a test rifle of the Manufacturing Bureau.

Now it has begun to be distributed among the army.


Han Wenlong suddenly saw a silver light flashing past in his field of vision.

He quickly held up his binoculars and looked in the direction of the light. He saw a soldier's black armor being shot directly through. The silver arrow continued back with blood splashes, shooting straight into the distant trees. The feather disappeared straight into the trunk of the tree.

"Grass, Archer!"

Han Wenlong quickly held up his binoculars and looked in the direction where the arrow came from.

Soon, a shirtless man jumping up and down and running around came into his sight.

This man held a long bow with a length of about 1.5 meters. It had complex fire-like patterns on it. Every time he pulled the bow, a fiery red halo lit up, and the metal arrows shot out quickly with sharp edges.

And every arrow shot always hits a soldier.

Han Wenlong picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted to the 1st company commander who was closest to the sharp archer: "Company Commander Sun, be careful that there is a barbarian sharp archer in your ten o'clock direction!"


Captain Sun, who was leading the charge, suddenly leaned down and ran wildly.

However, the magic archer was not weak at all. When he saw Captain Sun running towards him, he began to retreat quickly. At the same time, the arrows in his hands were like a barrage of cannons, shooting at the charging Qi soldiers one after another.


Han Wenlong, who was observing, suddenly saw the archer glance this way, then bent his bow and nocked an arrow, shooting an arrow into the sky.

Han Wenlong looked towards the sky.

A scream came from the air.

He quickly jumped towards the tree, and the next moment an arrow fell from the sky.

The metal arrow body penetrated into the tree trunk, came out of the body, and was inserted into the ground.

Han Wenlong walked over and pulled it up, his hand was quite heavy.

He thought incredulously: "It's actually more than five miles away, and you can still shoot here.

That bow is certainly no ordinary thing. "

However, one archer cannot change the situation of the battle.

After the fire support team responded, they quickly suppressed the sharpshooter, and was eventually beheaded by the 1st company commander with a knife.

Twenty minutes later, the battle ended.

More than four hundred barbarians were killed, and more than two hundred fled in all directions, losing their organization and combat effectiveness.

The 30321st Battalion rushed to the front line and after the handover, the combat area was rearranged.

For the first time, Han Wenlong intuitively felt the war scenes that he could not feel in school.

In the sky, aircraft formations roared.

On the battlefield, a large number of tanks charged forward.

Artillery fire was unleashed on the enemy's camp almost non-stop.

We can often see aliens from both sides fighting together. The destructive power these superhumans can unleash is often beyond human imagination.


Han Wenlong suddenly felt a huge vibration under his feet. Turning his head to look, he saw several high-level warriors descending from the sky to a place more than ten meters away from him. When they landed, they punched the ground hard. In an instant, a huge hole appeared in the camp.

Below is a circular tunnel two meters wide and high!

I saw these warriors taking out a few grenades from their armed bags, pulling out the bolts and throwing them into the tunnel.

Strong fireworks and light red poisonous smoke came out of the grenade.

"not human!"

"It's a living corpse!"

In the poisonous smoke, someone suddenly exclaimed.

Han Wenlong also heard someone screaming in the tunnel!

Then, someone braved the poisonous smoke and jumped out of the hole. These were extremely powerful and extremely fast, waving weapons in their hands and screaming wildly.


A burst of blazing fire came rolling in with heat waves.

Behind the army, a man bathed in firelight flew from the air and rushed into these living corpses.

"Everyone retreats, they are contaminated by the crazy blood of these mutated zombies, and they will be infected in an instant!"

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