Behind me is the earth

Chapter 585 583 Native official seeks title

Fraudulent accusation, maximum punishment, ten years in prison!

Defamation is punishable by a maximum penalty of three years.

For several crimes, he will be punished with imprisonment for at least thirteen years.

In addition, other crimes continued to be investigated against Mr. Huang.

Mr. Huang was taken away on the spot as if he were mourning for his heir.

The theater troupe, Xiaoqian and others were also taken away when Magistrate Wang left.

Only the bells accompany Ren Pingsheng.

The White Bear King has returned to his human form, but is bound by the demon-binding rope. His spiritual power is extremely sluggish and his movement is very inconvenient.

The feeling in front of Emperor Daqi is completely different from that in front of Emperor Daru.

Although he was a little stressed when he was in front of Emperor Daru, he didn't feel afraid.

In front of the Emperor of Da Qi, what he felt was not fear, but the bottomless awe.

Especially when he learned that the person who had defeated him without much effort just now was just an incarnation of the Emperor of Da Qi, this made him even more powerless.

According to rumors, this emperor was wise, just, and a good emperor who loved his people like a son.

This is completely opposite to Emperor Daru, who regarded the people of the world as cattle and sheep, cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs that could be used to sacrifice to the gods at any time.

He could unblinkingly provide the people under his rule as blood and food to the monsters recruited by the imperial court, and he could also mercilessly twist off the heads of the monsters and make them into vessels for drinking.

"What do you want to tell me? Tell me."

The emperor's voice drifted into his ears.

The White Bear King organized his words and said: "Currently, there is widespread dissatisfaction among the people in Daru, and the epidemic is spreading. If the top management had not been stronger and suppressed it, I am afraid that Daru would have been in chaos and split long ago.

However, now the top leaders, especially the Jin and Hagenta people, are becoming less and less obedient. The Wanyan tribe and the Huilan tribe within the Lurte people are at loggerheads with Tuoba Yuan's royal family. The battles continued.

In addition to the Eagle Demon King who has a close relationship with Tuoba Yuan and the Golden Body King who wants to eat people in Daru Kingdom, many other powerful monsters do not want to stay in Daru Kingdom because of the shrinking resources of Daru Kingdom and its bleak future. .

The temple of Daru Kingdom is now shrinking due to the loss of strength. It is no longer in the Dead Leaf City, but has retreated to the sacred mountain, unwilling to interfere with the court and secular affairs.

In my opinion, the disintegration of the Daru Kingdom may not be far away. "

The White Bear King occupies a high position in the Daru Kingdom. He has access to more things and has a better understanding of the situation in Daru.

Some information is inaccessible to people from the Night Owl Organization and the Divine Arrow Division.

"If the temple withdraws, the civil rebellion will have no chance of success."

Ren Pingsheng analyzed and said.

Although the strength of the top management is strong, the counterattack of the people is not without strength.

Those who have attained the truth will receive much help, while those who have lost the truth will receive little help. The emperor of Daru Kingdom and the court treated the people so violently, and naturally there was a backlash from those who could not survive.

There will always be some powerful people here, and even if it is continuous harassment, it will eventually shake the country's foundation, making it even more difficult for Daru, which is already weak in productivity, and will play a role in draining the bottom of the economy for Daru, which is already facing internal and external difficulties. .

Together with the Wanyan tribe and the Huilan tribe, they are the second and fourth strongest tribes of the Lurte people respectively.

When he was making great progress, Tuoba Yuan could move forward and twist all his strength into a combined force. Now that the Tuoba royal family is at a loss, the opposition has become rampant, which will definitely severely restrict Tuoba Yuan's authority.

"It is possible, but the greater possibility is that the Wanyan tribe and the Huilan tribe, which are also powerful, will continue to lead the Daru Kingdom of the Lurte people.

After the current Daru Kingdom is destroyed, it will be impossible to have a large empire where multiple races coexist. "

The White Bear King said.

If he had not lost hope for Daru Country, he would not have chosen to leave.

Nowadays, the country of Daru, which is in decline, has serious shortage of resources.

This profit pie cannot be made bigger, and the various tribes of the Lurte people can hardly divide it among themselves, let alone several other races.

Not to mention monsters like them.

"Your Majesty, although I have killed and eaten people in the Daru Kingdom, I have never set foot on the territory of the Qi Kingdom. I have always been fighting in the north and the Far North Ross Empire, and I have never harmed anyone in Da Qi. Strictly Generally speaking, I have never done anything illegal or criminal in Daqi’s territory.”

The White Bear King changed the subject and finally began to defend himself.

Hearing this, Ren Pingsheng stopped and turned his head to look behind.

The White Bear King turned his head to look at the ruins behind him, and couldn't help but blush.

"Whether it is a crime or not will be judged by the judges of the Daqi Department of Political Science and Law."

Ren Pingsheng said.

Although the White Bear King has some brains, he has a violent personality.

Ren would never give him any mercy in his life.

After chatting with the White Bear King for a while, Ren Pingsheng gained a deeper and more intuitive understanding of the Daru Kingdom through his perspective.

Some news, please order the people from the Night Cat Organization and the Shenjian Division's intelligence station in Dead Leaf City to verify it. If it is true, perhaps the method of war against the Daru Kingdom will also change.

The White Bear King was escorted, and tomorrow he will be taken to Kyoto by transport plane at the temporary airport where the army is stationed outside Nanyang City.

"Ling Ding, you heard what the White Bear King just said. In the north, including the northern border, you are the one contacting the intelligence stations of the Night Owl Organization to verify what he said."

Ren Pingsheng looked at the bell and said.

"Your Majesty, I will finish it as soon as possible!"

The bell responded.

"Well, the north has just returned to our rule and is in the midst of drastic changes. This change is not only a political and social change, but more importantly, a change in people. The Night Owl organization is one of my Only eyes, you do a good job in the north."

Ren Pingsheng said encouragingly.

Lingdang was moved and said: "Lingdang will live up to His Majesty's trust and run the northern intelligence work well!"


Ren Pingsheng smiled and disappeared into the air, like the wind blowing sand, and quickly disappeared.

For Ren Pingsheng, this was just a pastime and research before going to bed at night, but for the officials in Nanyang, it was extremely exciting.

Putting aside the emperor's supernatural powers which are no longer like ordinary people.

Why did the emperor come to Nanyang in person?

They all thought about His Majesty's intentions, and then thought about the recent rumors in Qidu that His Majesty intended to move the capital.

No matter where His Majesty prefers, Nanyang is definitely on His Majesty's list of candidates.

If it is finally decided to move the capital to Nanyang, it will be a blessing from heaven for the officials of Nanyang! Their ranks may rise as a result, and they may become officials in the capital.

When Nanyang officials stayed up all night, pondering the emperor's intentions.

When Ren Pingsheng returned to the palace, he was already sleeping with his soft queen in his arms.

The next day, it rained heavily.

The wheat has just matured, and pieces of golden color are swaying in the wind. Such a heavy rain will not only affect the filling of some immature wheat grains, causing the wheat to lodging, but will also affect the subsequent mechanical harvesting.

After hearing the weather forecast last night, many people spent the night draining water and rushing to harvest.

The Qidu garrison, in conjunction with the Academy of Legal Sciences, experimentally used the array disk to disperse the cumulonimbus clouds in the morning, and achieved good results.

Under the urging of several strangers from the water system, just ten minutes later, the clouds closed and the rain stopped, and the sun that had just risen hung in the sky. A beautiful rainbow hung in the sky, attracting many people to watch.

On the Yunshui Bridge outside Qidu City, a dozen men, dressed very differently from the common people in Qidu and with pigtails on their heads, looked at the rainbow after the rain and worshiped devoutly with their hands clasped together.

"Who are these people?"

Xia Ke, who was entering the city, saw how these people were dressed and asked curiously.

"According to the information, judging from the way these people are dressed, they should be from the Cangshan tribe in Cangyang Mountain, Fanyun County, Miaozhou."

Gulu said in his mind: "He is a familiar figure from the old dynasty. He is relatively powerful in Fanyun County and even in the entire Miaozhou Province."


Xia Ke nodded.

He wasn't too interested in this, so he tapped the accelerator with his toe, and the motorcycle sped up across the Yunshui Bridge.

"Gulu, you have also seen the weather changes just now. Daqi can now manually control the weather."

Xia Ke said.

"Yes, it's not manual intervention, but manual control. Your wording is very accurate."

Guru said.

Xia Ke exclaimed: "Daqi is really a place that can create miracles."

"That's because there are some people who can work miracles."

Guru said.

Xia Ke nodded upon hearing this and looked up at the sky. Through the clear blue sky where the clouds had been dispersed, he could not see anything else.

"you're right."

Entering the inner city and passing by an old soup shop, he stopped the car and had breakfast.

While sitting at the small square table by the door eating tofu cakes, he saw the Cangshan tribesmen who were on the Yunshui Bridge just now walking towards the direction of the palace.

"They are not looking for His Majesty the Emperor, are they?"

Xia Ke put down the tofu noodle in his hand.

"Nine times out of ten, yes."

Guru said.

"Then don't I have to queue up again?"

Xia Ke stood up in a hurry, threw a five-cent note to the breakfast shop owner, jumped on his motorcycle and chased towards the palace.

But when he arrived, he saw these people being invited into the palace, and he was indeed asked to wait.

As the emperor's industrial secretary, he also had a duty room, so he went to the secretariat's own duty room to rest and wait for the call.

In the Yuanhe Hall, Ren Pingsheng and Liu Shu were meeting with several people from the Cangshan tribe.

"Thousands of Mengcihu from the Fire God Village in Cangyang Mountain pay their respects to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Meng Cihu has a very strong figure, and his arms are covered with tattoos. Although Ren Pingsheng does not recognize the lines and writing on them, he can vaguely see that they should be part of a totem for worshiping gods.

Behind him there is a relatively frail and older man. He is dressed as a Han Chinese, but his figure is darker. There are also tattoos on the back of his hands under his polished chin.

"Mengci Wuyang, chieftain of the Fire God Village in Cangyang Mountain, pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ren Pingsheng looked at the two people kneeling on the ground.

Officials of thousands of households and chieftains, these are the official positions that have been used by several dynasties for seven to eight hundred years, and are used for these people and mountain people in Miaozhou and Baiyue. The purpose is to maintain the rule of the imperial court, to allow the familiar people to help the imperial court manage the administrative affairs, and to maintain the stability of the border areas.

It's just that for hundreds of years, these mountain people have rebelled from time to time, even as a common occurrence.

Therefore, in places like Miaozhou and Baiyue, there are some thousand-household and rare full-scale combat troops, in order to deter these mountain people and prevent them from causing more troubles.

At this time, Ren Pingsheng looked at the order and position of Meng Cihu and Mengci Wuyang. He could also see that although the chieftain's position was higher than that of Tu Qianhu, Meng Cihu's status in the Fire God Village was It should be higher than Mengci Wuyang.

"Get up."

Ren Pingsheng waved his hand, indicating that he would be offered a seat.

Immediately a waiter came over and brought two brocade stools without backrests and placed them in the hall.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the seat!"

As expected of a mature man who has experienced the influence of Confucian culture, he is quite polite.

"Your Majesty, we are here in Kyoto, firstly, to pay homage to the new emperor. Secondly, we are here to ask for official appointments in the new dynasty. Thirdly, we are here to present treasures to Your Majesty."

Mengci Wuyang said.

The so-called three articles, the main purpose is to come to the new dynasty to ask for local officials.

Ren Pingsheng already knew what the treasure was.

This is a Vulcan mirror enshrined in the Vulcan Village, and there is a world inside the mirror.

But as the emperor of Da Qi, Ren Pingsheng was no longer unfamiliar with these small worlds that ordinary people may have never seen.

What boosted his spirits even more was the people from Miaozhou and Baiyue.

They account for more than half of the population in these two provinces. It can be said that whether these two provinces are in chaos or not is completely decided by these people.

Moreover, among these people, there are endless kung fu, magic, and all kinds of crooked ways. If a fight really breaks out, it will be very troublesome unless the cannonballs wash away the ground.

However, today's Da Qi court has seen a new solution.

"The life of the mountain people is not easy. I plan to let all the mountain people move out, organize people into households, and distribute the land."

Ren Pingsheng did not respond to their request for a reward, but instead stated the plan for these people that the imperial court had already prepared to implement but had not yet implemented.

"Move out?"

Mengci Wuyang was stunned when he heard this.

"This is impossible······"

Meng Cihu stood up directly and decisively refused.


At this time, there was a scolding in the hall, and Han Jun took a step forward, and suddenly a majestic pressure surged over, forcing the words in Meng Cihu's throat to be suppressed.

"Your Majesty, we, the mountain people of Miaozhou, have an inside story. The mountain people live all their lives in the mountains and are absolutely unwilling to move out of the mountains!

I hope your Majesty will be aware of this! "

Mengci Wuyang knelt down and said neatly.

Although his tone was soft and pitiful, his meaning was as tough as Meng Cihu's.

Seeing their attitude, Ren Pingsheng's originally gentle attitude cooled down. (End of chapter)

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