Behind me is the earth

Chapter 588: There will be no war in the north after 586


Charcot shouted.

Gulu and him cooperated tacitly, and the dim light emitted by the mecha illuminated the mine space.

Within the scope of the light, time stops.

The space around Xia Ke was distorted, and he walked out of the impossible coverage area of ​​a large number of spells. At the same time, he held a knife in his left hand and wiped the necks of these ice aliens, and fired with an elemental gun in his right hand.

"The time wave only lasts for less than a second, kill faster!"

Guru shouted in his mind.

"Killing, killing."

Xia Ke was busy like a top, very fast, and in the blink of an eye, half of the ice aliens had been wiped out.

The next moment, the effect of time freezing ends.

Seeing the situation in front of him, the ice alien felt numb all over his body and his mind was stimulated like an electric shock.

Because he was frozen in time, in their eyes, the blue iron man in front of them had killed half of their ice aliens at a speed they couldn't see, couldn't react to, or couldn't detect. people!

This is simply unbelievable to them.

You know, the environment here is very suitable for the cultivation of ice-type aliens. Most of the ice-type aliens from the Yue Kingdom are here. There are even ice-type aliens from the Yan Kingdom and Lu Kingdom next door who also give some of their profits. After the exchange, I came here to study.

When they gather together, the power they possess can despise the world and fear no one!

It can be said that it is easy for the ice aliens here to unite and subvert a small country.

But here, half of them were killed instantly by this blue ghost-like iron man!

This can't help but make them feel flustered.

"Who are you, and can we, or who among us, have offended you?"

A middle-aged man wearing a purple robe looked at Xia Ke and asked.

"You have never offended me, and I have never provoked you. I just came here to find something. This woman is indiscriminate and wants to kill me first!"

Charcot explained to these people.

There is no problem with communication between the two parties.

At the same time, he was discussing with Gulu in his mind: "What to do with these people?"

"It's time to kill!"

Guru said.

"It doesn't seem necessary, right?"

Charcot asked.

"You have forgotten what you said before. If we don't start a war, that's all. As long as we start a war, we will get rid of everything.

This has nothing to do with morality, no distinction between good and evil, it is just for your own safety and survival. "

Guru said.

Xia Ke was deeply convinced when he heard this.

He found the steps, strengthened his faith, gained a "mirror" in his palm, and raised the mirror to face these people.

"Swish swish!"

When he raised the mirror, ice picks floating in the air struck him. There were sharp ice picks, big and small, big ones like daggers, small ones as small as cow hairs, and the cold wind and frost that seemed to freeze everything was blowing from the road, determined to seal him in all directions, up, down, left and right, here!

Green ripples shot out from his palm, and the ice pick that was touched by the green ripples instantly collapsed.

The wind and frost were also disintegrated.


There was a crisp collision, and Xia Ke felt his crotch tighten. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was an ice pick sticking out of the ground. Fortunately, the mecha was strong enough to block the penetration and impact of the ice pick, otherwise he could have gone back to Qidu Palace to find a job as a general manager.

However, his feet were sealed on the ground by the ice and snow. He tried to pull them up, but his huge strength and the energy contained in the mecha made him feel that the ground was particularly sticky. He stepped away and landed. Glued again.

It's like standing on strong glue.

Spells from all directions put a lot of pressure on him. In the larger world outside, there were few things that could force him in a mecha to this embarrassing situation.

"Detect the environment and see if it can be traversed."

Xia Ke made a prompt decision and said in his mind.

Gulu immediately replied: "The environment is okay and it is allowed to travel, but once you travel, all these people must be killed, and no one must be left out!"

"Get ready!"

Xia Ke ordered.


Gulu took the order and said: "Enter time travel mode!"

The communication in his mind took almost no time. As his words fell, the surface of the mecha had turned dark green. With Xia Ke's movement, time seemed to be spinning in the next moment.

He has switched to 1 second ago.

There is a time restrainer embedded in his mecha, which has the ability to travel through time, but this ability is strictly restricted.

It is possible to travel through some environments, but not in some environments. This limitation is in Gulu's algorithm and is completely programmed into death. In some environments, even if Xia Ke does not travel through, he will be immediately hammered to death. It is also impossible to do.

And once time travel is turned on, although there is only one second before and after the time travel limit, it is enough to make him look like a bug!

Just like this, he traveled back to the previous second.

It was easy to connect to myself standing in the mine space a second ago.

Both of them knew this very well, and at the same time they continued to use the time cannon in their hands to shoot out green light waves.

This green light wave is difficult to block. As long as it is hit, the alien's condition will be affected immediately. And if it is continuously affected by green light waves, the body begins to decline rapidly.

When calm returned to the mine, more than twenty ice aliens had all fallen.


Xia Ke breathed a sigh of relief: "Gulu, restore the timeline."


Xia Ke waved to himself who was fighting side by side. His body flickered a few times and returned to his own time.

Whether time is continuous or a super multiverse with multiple timelines, Charcot himself does not know clearly. However, Gulu can assist the mecha in traveling through time. In detecting traversable environments, it can smooth out the impact of less than one second and short-term non-repeated time travel.

It can be compared to the wrinkles on the cloth. It breaks the forward time sequence of the arrow and will have an impact on time.

But after the time travel ends and returns to the original point, Gulu can smooth out this wrinkle to a certain extent, which not only achieves the goal, but also smoothes out the impact.

"found it!"

Gulu projected a route in front of Xia Ke's eyes.

Xia Ke walked along the direction towards a mine.

The fight just now actually lasted very short, and Xia Ke used time power attacks, which did not have any impact on the mine.

"There's someone in the mine, make me invisible."

After Xia Ke and Gulu finished talking, he disappeared into the air.

Soon, he came to a stone wall.

He stretched out his hand and inserted it into the stone wall like tofu. Soon he took out a few blue-black stones from inside. There was some white milkstone residue on the stone, and he wiped it off with his hands.

Then, following Gulu's instructions, he kept taking out stones one by one from the stone wall and throwing them into the space pendant embedded in the mecha on his chest.

"about there!"

When he filled less than half of the five cubic-sized space pendant, Gulu reminded him.

"This thing is quite valuable, let's get more of it."

This was a trophy obtained only after going through a battle. If he didn't take more, Xia Ke would always feel that he was at a loss.

After filling up the space pendant, Xia Ke stopped with satisfaction.

"Let's go back!"

Xia Ke quickly flew out of the cave, and there was a flash of light. The mecha shuttled through the space. About ten minutes later, they returned to the place where they left outside Qidu City.

Royal Palace, Meditation Room.

Ren Pingsheng crossed his arms and looked at Xia Ke, who came back after leaving, and the very conspicuous mecha on him.

He was already very sure that the secret of Charcot might unlock his new world view.

"How to dig out more information from him."

Ren Pingsheng thought.

time flies.

On July 31, Huang Wenguang, who had served as the governor of Guangnan Province for more than a year, received an order and, under the attention of the court's civil and military officials, entered the cabinet as a second assistant and returned to Qidu after a long absence.

After returning to Qidu, he immediately took a car to the palace and reported to Ren Pingsheng.

"Your Majesty, the first and second phases of the port in Xiangshan County in the south have been completed, and the first phase of the industrial park built based on the port has also been put into operation. The current annual output value can reach about 20 billion yuan.

When the subsequent three phases of the project are completed, it will be doubled again! "

Huang Wenguang was sitting on the sofa in Yuanhe Hall. The soft touch on his buttocks and the sunlight shining on his body. The familiar yet unfamiliar feeling made him feel as if he had returned to more than a year ago, when he was still with Ren Pingsheng, who was still the king at the time. When I was a secretary.

"Very good, Wenguang, although your experience is not long, you have been trained. I have been paying attention to you. From the beginning when you were responsible for all-round work, you have grown and matured rapidly in more than a year.

Now that your shoulders are stronger, I can add another burden to your shoulders and give you more important tasks. "

Ren Pingsheng said, stood up, patted Huang Wenguang's shoulder, and walked to the gate: "Come with me to the West Garden."

In the West Garden, during this period, some houses to the west of the palace were demolished, including the building outside the Jingxinzhai courtyard where the black box was placed. A small garden was built to facilitate the Zhongshu Pavilion, Cabinet, and Ren's life is used for gardening and rest.

However, since it was built, officials from Zhongshu Pavilion and the cabinet rarely visit it.

When only Ren Pingsheng and the cabinet were discussing matters, they often went to the garden to walk and talk.

Cabinet Chief Assistant Liu Shu, Second Assistant Lu Yingying, Ministry of National Defense Liu Qiang, and newly promoted Second Assistant Huang Wenguang all followed Ren Pingsheng, walking among the paths of flowers and plants.

There are no precious spiritual grasses or spiritual plants in this amusement park. Most of the spiritual plants such as red fruits are planted in the back garden of the palace.

But the flowers and plants here are also carefully designed by Daqi's top horticulturists. Every flower, plant, stone, and scenery is where it should be, and a lot of borrowed scenery, framed scenery, contrasting scenery, and leakage are used. Techniques such as scenery, blocking scenery, and intervening scenery are almost perfect, which also gives this small amusement park a wonderful enjoyment of changing scenery as you move around.

"Your Majesty, now that the Xiangshan County Port is completed, it will be very close to many small countries in the southwest, which will help us continue to exert influence on these small countries.

However, some Western countries, represented by the Islamic State, have been operating among the small southwestern countries for a long time and have deep-rooted influence.

Moreover, the round island that belongs to us is actually still occupied by countries such as Iran, Kanla, Faro, and Yinbaoluo, which is detrimental to our interests. "

Huang Wenguang, who had just returned from Guangnan Province, was already very proficient in Yuandao, the southwestern countries, and commercial matters.

At this time, he suggested: "I suggest that we send troops to take back Round Island forcefully, and nationalize the markets set up by the Western Luo countries on the island.

All Silo people on the island, whether they live or trade, should pay us rent and taxes.

And the ports set up by the West Luo Kingdom in the southwestern countries should be captured to replace the influence of those West Luo people who occupied the ports. "

"Wen Guang's words are feasible."

Lu Yingying said.

"We, the Great Qi, should first pay homage and then send troops, and we should first send a letter of credence, giving them a month to go to Xiangshan County and hand over Yuandao and the ports of various countries to our people.

If the handover is not carried out after the deadline, just send the navy fleet there. "

Liu Shu said.

He didn't pay much attention to the Shiro barbarians on Round Island. Regardless of productivity, technological level, economic level, or military strength, they are not on the same level as Daqi.

What he cares about is the threat from the north.

"Your Majesty, Guangming and I, together with Minister Liu, have designed some new countermeasures in response to the current situation in Daru Kingdom in the past few days."

Liu Shu shifted the topic to the Daru Kingdom in the north.

"you say."

Ren Pingsheng came to a small four-corner pavilion and sat down. The curtains blew the gauze around the four-corner pavilion.

The maid quickly smoothed the gauze and served the tea and fruits.

It's in the shade, but also very ventilated. There's a gurgling stream next to it, so you won't feel the summer heat at all while sitting here.

Liu Shu said: "Your Majesty, after our analysis and judgment of the intelligence, we have found that the internal conflicts within the Daru Kingdom are very deep. We have now come up with five countermeasures.

One is to create public opinion.

The second is to divide various ethnic groups, tribes and classes.

The third is to slow down the Qi army's offensive and create external relief.

The fourth is to support some Jin people and Hagenta people, establish a new Wacheng Sanwei in Yuanzhou Province, and build momentum for them.

The fifth is to impose economic sanctions and blockade on Daru. "

"What Mr. Liu Ge said can play a role in dividing the various classes, tribes, and ethnic groups in the Daru Kingdom, so as to achieve the purpose of setting fire to it and detonate sharp conflicts in its country. By then, we will fight without a bloody blow. This will bring peace to the north for tens or hundreds of years."

Liu Qiang took over and said.

Lu Yingying continued: "Follow-up, after the destruction of the Daru Kingdom, we can also gradually assimilate these northern ethnic groups into our Daqi nation through economic means, public opinion means, and educational means.

So there was no more fighting in the north. "(End of chapter)

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