Behind me is the earth

Chapter 589 587 Ancient God World

Chapter 589 587. The World of Ancient Gods

Regarding Daru Kingdom, Ren Pingsheng actually had some reservations.

Whether it is the meteorological weapons that the Academy of Law has gradually matured, or the nuclear weapons he has in hand that he was previously unwilling to use within the country, they are all powerful means that can directly evaporate Kurong City.

However, peaceful evolution can achieve better results than hot war. It has a very good guiding and integrating effect on human beings, economic development, cultural identity and other aspects.

If within one or two years, these means fail to achieve the desired effect of Da Qi's court, then the use of nuclear weapons as a deterrent can also take Da Qi's deterrence among various countries to a higher level.

Moreover, Liu Shu and the others did not know that the mummy virus that was now raging in the northern land was infected by Lianren controlled by Ren Pingsheng.

This has intensified the confrontation between the upper class who "cannibalizes" for survival and the lower class people who gradually learn the truth about the upper class' "cannibalism" through public opinion propaganda.

Coupled with the increased publicity planned by Liu Shu and others, this kind of confrontation will further intensify.

In the Sifang Pavilion, under the discussion of the monarch and his ministers, the policy towards the Daru Kingdom was decided. Ren Pingsheng returned to Qixing Hall, while the others chatted with Huang Wenguang, who had just returned to Beijing.

As the big secret beside Ren Shengsheng in the past, they were already familiar with each other, and now it was just a process of getting familiar with and getting used to each other again under their new identities.

"Your Majesty, there is news from the Vulcan world."

Before returning to Qixingtang, Wangshu hurriedly found Ren Pingsheng.

Her words were quite encouraging.

The reason why Ren Pingsheng paid attention to the Vulcan World sent by Vulcan Village was because the development and disposal unit of the small world was not going well with the development of the Vulcan World.

The development and disposal unit of the Ministry of National Defense underestimated the danger of the mirror Vulcan world, and therefore lost many people in that world.

There are currently about one hundred and forty masters trained by the army who are trapped inside and do not know whether they are alive or dead.

After the Ministry of National Defense re-examined this Vulcan World, it was handed over to the Night Cat Organization, which was initiated and organized by Night Cat and jointly developed by the Development and Disposal Unit, the Goblin Hall, the Alien Division, the Martial Arts Division and other units.

During this period, a lot of manpower, material, financial and energy were continuously invested, and no fewer than fifty people including aliens, high-level warriors, bionic robots, etc. were invested again, but they were thrown in like water and no splash was seen at all.

On the contrary, because of the increasing sunk costs, Ren felt distressed all his life after receiving the report!

Sunk costs are not considered costs.

After Ren Pingsheng read the official document, he issued an order. After making the last attempt as stated in the plan attached to the report, if the results could not be obtained, the Vulcan world would be temporarily sealed until the future. After studying the world in depth again, explore again.

Therefore, in this last attempt, he was able to get results, and Ren Shengsheng could not help but feel refreshed.


After Ren Pingsheng returned to Qixingtang, he sat down on the stone bench in the courtyard and asked Wangshu to explain the situation in detail.

"This time, it was Qian Duoduo who brought people in..."

Wangshu introduced it carefully.

With the arrival of the Anmin Year, Alan, a member of the Night Owl Intelligence Team, finally retired with satisfaction.

The love affair between her and Ren Nuan for more than four years has finally entered a new stage. She has since stepped down from the intelligence front and become an ordinary woman who cares for her husband and raises her children.

And now, the Minister of Intelligence has been replaced by Qian Duoduo.

Therefore, Ren Pingsheng was surprised when Qian Duoduo's name came out of Wangshu's mouth.

After all, as the head of the Intelligence Department of the Night Owl Organization, personally leading people into a dangerous world really feels like a "lonely warrior". Apart from being brave, everything else made Ren Pingsheng frown.

This is not what a mature leader should do.

"Qian Duoduo has handed over the intelligence work to his deputy. If he cannot come back, the intelligence work will not be left behind."

Wangshu has been with Ren Pingsheng all year round, and she immediately guessed the emperor's thoughts when he frowned.

Under normal circumstances, the emperor does not encourage people in important positions to take risks, because this kind of "bravery" often does not bring positive benefits, and more often it will bring greater negative effects. .

"Go on."

Ren Pingsheng guessed that there must be a reason why Qian Duoduo took the risk, but he did not ask more about Qian Duoduo and let Wang Shu continue.


Wangshu nodded: "Qian Duoduo's current ability, after his fifth awakening, and with the help of the time gem, he already has the ability to hide in high dimensions.

The so-called high-dimensional concealment means that through the time gem, it can be concealed not only in three-dimensional space, but also on the timeline.

There was a huge deviation in the outside world's perception of him. This is also the basis for him to go to the world of Vulcan. "

"These are the messages Qian Duoduo brought back."

Wangshu opened the tablet in his hand and handed it to Ren Pingsheng.

Inside is the video footage captured by the camera.

The first thing that catches the eye is a flag with a yellow background. On the flag is an abstract shape of a "mountain", and on the mountain is the Emperor of the Sun. Even through the screen, you can still feel that this totem is extremely impactful and oppressive. force!

"This is the first tribe with people I have seen since I came to this world. But no one of us was found."

Qian Duoduo's voice came from the screen.

Then, the scene changed, and the direction of the camera became an air-to-ground perspective.

The overall picture of the tribe is also presented.

The overall architectural style is very rough. Most of the houses are semi-underground thatched houses, generally domed, and the largest is estimated to be about ten square meters in size.

“The Lord God is above, listen to the voices of the people, show mercy to the world, let the weather be smooth, the grains will be plentiful, and you will enjoy a good year!

God bless you! "

On a huge flat ground, tens of thousands of people wearing animal skins knelt on the ground, shouting, kneeling and kowtowing as the person at the front recited prayers loudly.

In such a ceremony, even if you can't fully understand what they say, you can still intuitively feel the visual shock brought by the grand scene.

Ren Pingsheng observed the details in every corner of the picture.

Looking at the food and clothing expenses of these people, the productivity of this tribe, or this world, should be relatively low, and people's lives are not rich.

But the bodies of these people look too strong!

Compared to the people of Daqi, they are even stronger.

Qian Duoduo's voice sounded in the video again: "This seems to be the tribe praying for good weather in the year."

In the picture, after the sacrifice, a beam of golden light suddenly broke through the sky and reflected in the sky.

There is a golden light in the picture!

It's like photographing the sun at noon with a lens.

"The camera couldn't capture His image. I saw a man wearing a purple cloud-patterned robe and a crown on his head...not good...He could see me..." ··”

The camera shook for a while, and the surrounding scenery was moving rapidly, with silver streams of light flashing.

By the time the screen appeared again, it was already night.

The tribe is still there at the feet. There are no people outside. Only the silver moonlight shines on the vast land. There are still some sentries patrolling the outside of this tribe, which occupies a large area. There are still some sentries patrolling the wall of the wooden village.

Ren Pingsheng carefully looked at everything shown in the video.

By the time he finished reading it, he already had an overall understanding of the overall image of the Vulcan world.

"Your Majesty, this is a report based on the results of Minister Qian's investigation."

Wangshu handed the one-page report to the emperor with both hands.

Said: "There are five gods in this world, which also correspond to five tribes. These five tribes correspond to the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Among the three tribes of metal, wood, and earth, the internal totem gods include the gods of nature. He Fengshen became the strongest from this.

After our people enter it, the location they appear in this world is random, but no matter where they appear, they will be immediately discovered by the gods of the small world and detained.

According to the situation reported by Qian Duoduo, after analysis, the experts in our disposal team believe that aliens belonging to outside the Five Elements are more likely to hide in this world, or that aliens from the Five Elements enter the corresponding Five Elements tribe, and it will be easier to hide themselves .

However, due to the randomness of the landing, the Five Elements Stranger enters and is exposed faster than other Strangers and even ordinary warriors. "

These contents are all tried and tested.

Every time explorers are sent to this world, they are equipped with cameras and signal transmission devices. Qian Duoduo collects and summarizes these contents.

When Ren Pingsheng flipped through it, he saw at the end an appendix about the resources of this world.

"The aura of this secret realm is probably the richest among all the secret realms we have explored."

Ren Pingsheng looked at the introduction of spiritual plants and spiritual mines above, and could already judge the gold content of the abundant spiritual energy mentioned in the report.

Although these spiritual plants and minerals are coveted, as the emperor of Da Qi, he doesn't care so much.

He looked through the report, but did not find what he wanted: "In this world, the most precious things are not mineral resources and spiritual plants, but the ancient god totems and the method of conferring gods.

Consider these the most important directions to explore next. "


When Wangshu heard the words, he quickly wrote them down.

After she left, Ren Pingsheng patted his thigh gently with his palm.

The reason why he noticed the ancient god totems and the method of conferring gods was because of his understanding of the Taoist Great Heaven Plan.

There are no images of the totems of the other tribes, but the earth god totem that just stood in the center of the secret world, even through the screen, you can clearly feel the power contained in the totem.

Among the Earth God tribe, the chief, known as the "Guardian of the Earth", led tens of thousands of tribesmen. With the authority of the chief and the will of the people, the gods created by the gods and protected the tribe gave Ren a life-long life. A great inspiration.

Now, both Yunlong Temple and Suling Mountain are consecrating gods, but what they are consecrating are the gods of the five elements of nature, which originally existed between heaven and earth. They are natural beauties that have no human consciousness and are even selfless.

What they did was just by gathering the spirits of nature and using the power of the spirits of nature.

It can be seen from the video that the gods enshrined in this ancient god world are gods with human consciousness. They are the gods with the most similar definition of "conferred gods" as described in the Great Immortal Court Plan.

It is a mythical power that can be used to control mountains and rivers, organize the heaven and earth, divide the world into three realms and six realms, and control the timing and nature of all things in the world.

This was originally just an ancient rumor that existed in the Taoist scriptures, but now it seems that it can be glimpsed through the world of ancient gods.

Over the next month or so, the hottest period of July and August passed, and after September, the weather began to cool down slowly.

Judging from the news coming from the north, the effects of the new policy on Daru Kingdom have begun to slowly appear.

As the weather begins to get colder, the weather in the north can drop to minus 50 degrees to minus 80 degrees. With such temperatures, coupled with Daqi’s food blockade on Daru Country, Daru Country must have a very difficult year this year. winter.

In such an environment, whether the crumbling Daru Kingdom can survive until the next spring is a topic worthy of discussion.

As for the secret realm that was renamed "The World of Ancient Gods", as more information is mastered by the development and processing units, many top brains and large AI models are constantly analyzing this small world, and more clues and The rules were gradually mastered.

On September 14th, at the Third Army garrison outside Qidu City, today's Daqi masters, including Qingwei Zhenren, Qingyuan Taoist Master, Chen Dachui, Su Dingbian, Qi Wansheng, Xiao Menglong and others arrived early in the morning. here.

In addition, there are also strangers such as Katarina and Xingchi.

Near noon, Ren Pingsheng, dressed in casual clothes, also arrived by car.

"His Majesty!"

Chen Dachui ran over and opened the car door for Ren Pingsheng.

"Are you all ready?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

"Your Majesty, the leader Xiao Daxia has already led his people there, and preparations are already being made over there. We will not delay observing the Vulcan Tribe's God Ceremony."

Qian Duoduo trotted over and gave a piece of jade to Wangshu, who gave Ren Pingsheng to hang on his belt.

This was created by the Academy of Law based on the characteristics of the gods in the small world of ancient gods. It can block the detection of gods throughout the world, so that explorers will not be discovered as soon as they enter this world.

At this time, the midday sun shone on the mirror, and the dragon's shadow suddenly appeared.

"When you walk in here, you will be sucked into the world of the ancient gods, and you will be transported to a certain place immediately."

Qian Duoduo has already drawn a range with red lines.

Everyone guarded Ren Pingsheng and walked into this area. With a flash of blazing light, dozens of people disappeared in place.

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