Behind me is the earth

Chapter 596 594 Inspection and Disposal Bureau

"Where is this bead now?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

"In the disposal unit, David's place."

Wangshu replied: "This David knows some magic and is very interested in this world bead."

David is a spirit caster brought back from Yotun City by Bell who took people to the country of Yilan in Silo State.

This man also had a daughter, whom Lingdang also brought back with him. Although some tricks were used to bring him back, after experiencing the luxurious life in Daqi, he didn't want to live in Shu.

With his joining, the current number of spirit casters in the Academy of Legal Sciences has increased to 4, which once again strengthened the Academy of Legal Sciences' research and development capabilities.

"Necromantic magic?"

Ren Pingsheng put down the information in his hand.


Wangshu said.

"Send the beads over tomorrow for a look."

Ren Pingsheng thought for a moment and then said: "Forget it, let's make some arrangements. We will go to the disposal unit to investigate and visit tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll go notify you."

Wangshu responded.

"Go ahead."

Ren Pingsheng stood up and walked towards Le Daotang.

As soon as I entered the Le Dao Hall, I saw some raw materials scattered in the courtyard.

There are also many parts.

The parts don't look messy. They are divided into categories and numbered on a row of huge shelves.

Three robots with only skeletons and exposed circuits are busy classifying these parts.

And Ruan Tang was in the yard, standing on a big table, moving his hands in the air, constantly selecting parts to add to a machine frame, as if he was studying something.

Ren Pingsheng waited beside him until Ruan Tang, who was frowning, was distracted from his serious work, and then curiously asked: "What are you making? It looks very complicated."

"If an antimatter device can be developed, our energy, weapons, etc. will make great progress. It should also be possible to detect the location of the observer's civilization."

Ruan Tang said, picking a few more parts from the desktop and placing them into the projected virtual machine frame.

She held these parts with both hands and quickly assembled a complex device.

After virtual calculations, it ultimately ended in failure.

"It has been tested hundreds of times, and there are always some problems like this. In the heart ring database, this device is too large, and it can only be assembled by producing the parts of each part.

But even assembling it is still a lot of trouble for me.

husband. "

Ruan Tang raised his head, and in his eyes there was no frustration after hundreds of assembly failures, only excitement when facing difficulties and challenges.

“There are many parts produced by the workbench that I haven’t figured out yet, but they can be used after they are produced.

In addition to the antimatter device, I am also currently trying to study whether I can develop a curvature engine like the Charcot spacecraft.

I saw through the work log of the black box workbench that he also used time gems when repairing the core module of the spacecraft. We also have most of the other materials. For the missing parts, we will try to see if we can use other materials with similar properties. material instead.

If it can be produced, we may be able to bypass the Skynet civilization. "

Ruan Tang and Ren Pingsheng talked about their plans.

Ren Pingsheng didn't know much about these things, but he was specialized in the art, and he fully supported Ruan Tang.

The breeze blew through the night, and early the next morning, Ren Pingsheng meditated in the courtyard.

The plan for the day begins in the morning. After the spiritual energy is revived, after the sun rises from the ground in the morning, and when the morning glow fills the sky, a vitality will naturally arise between heaven and earth. After it enters the body with the breath, it is very helpful for spiritual practice. beneficial.

After breakfast, according to the plan, accompanied by Xiaowan, we went to the secret disposal unit for inspection.

The Secret World Development and Disposal Development Unit is located outside Qidu City and within a high wall outside Qiguo University.

It is adjacent to the Qidu Garrison Division and only eight kilometers away from the independent regiment's station.

Within the strict walls, there are also many guards.

The purpose is that when exploring the secret world, if a problem occurs, it can be contained immediately and the disaster can be minimized.

When the vehicle stopped in front of a main building lobby, Liu Qiang was already waiting here with people from the disposal bureau.

"His Majesty!"

Someone opened the car door and after Ren Pingsheng got out of the car, Liu Qiang stepped forward to greet him.

The other people from the Development and Disposal Bureau were behind, hunched forward slightly, sticking their buttocks out, with bright smiles on their faces, but unable to speak.

"Let's go in and have a look."

Ren Pingsheng took the lead and walked into the hall under the guidance of the conductor.

"How many small worlds are there in total now?"

Ren Pingsheng walked into the clean and visible hall and asked casually.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, we currently have a total of twenty-nine secret worlds, of which 14 are in fixed places and 15 exist as various objects. If we count the damaged ones scattered in our territory and sea areas, there are still two .

In the back mountain of Taidao Suling Mountain, there is a secret realm that is integrated with the mountain. It is like an illusion. Our people have also gone in to explore it.

So there are 32 known and proven ones. "

When the director heard this, he couldn't let go of the opportunity to express himself like this, and he quickly introduced it in a clear and logical manner.


Ren Pingsheng nodded.

Soon, everyone passed through the many gates and came to the exhibition hall. This is a very wide hall, but there are not many things in it. There are mirrors, stones, well heads, basins of water, ancient paintings, beads and other things, which are numbered and placed here.

"There are seven more secret realms on display here, all of which are secret realms that we are still investigating and researching. The rest of the fixed worlds, such as the world of Ning'an, are all in various places. The ones that have been developed have been opened to the outside world, and the ones that are still risky are being carried out. Blocked.

The secret realms in these objects, which have been developed to a high degree of completion and have political, economic, cultural and other development values, have also been sent to the corresponding departments for further development. "

The director continued to introduce Ren Pingsheng.

Ren Pingsheng asked: "Where are the people from the secret realm development and disposal team? I want to meet them."

"Except for those who are still in the secret world, the rest are all in the conference hall."

Liu Qiang said.

A group of people came to the conference hall.

The large lecture hall, which can accommodate thousands of people, is already full.

The people sitting on the left are basically civilians, and the people sitting on the right are soldiers in military uniforms.

But no matter whether they are civilians or soldiers, they all have a certain evil spirit in them, and most of them have considerable cultivation.

When Ren Pingsheng came in, everyone stood up and watched Ren Pingsheng walk to the stage amid applause.


Ren Pingsheng pressed down with both hands.

After everyone sat down, Ren Pingsheng began to speak.

"The secret world is filled with many unknowns, and the unknown represents danger. You are all heroes fighting on the front line, especially the field staff, you are all warriors fighting against danger!"

When Ren Pingsheng opened his mouth, he first affirmed the achievements of these people.

"Now, more and more secret worlds are emerging. Their emergence is both an opportunity and a risk..."

The emergence and exchange of secret realms not only bring about further recovery of spiritual energy, but also often bring about some things from before the restart that are worthy of being intercepted by Skynet civilization and have research value, or are unique practice modes, or are different. mineral resources.

However, there are also worlds that are extremely dangerous to Daqi and the people, such as the evil world of the mummy plague at the beginning, and the zombie world surrendered on Suring Mountain.

Although these development and processing personnel affiliated with the Ministry of National Defense were equipped with the most advanced equipment and had the best logistical support when exploring the new century, they suffered a lot of losses like those in the ancient god world.

Ren's prestige in Daqi is extremely high, and his influence is like that of a god. After his brief speech, he clearly expressed the role of the secret world in Daqi from a more comprehensive and higher perspective, and also allowed these development and disposal bureaus to The personnel have become more and more aware of the sacred mission they bear.

After the speech, Ren Pingsheng came to a large room.

A dusty bead was also brought here. Ren Pingsheng picked up the bead, which was about the same size as a glass ball. Although it was gray in color, its surface was shiny and extremely smooth.

However, when Ren Pingsheng carefully examined the bead, he couldn't help but frowned and asked in confusion: "What's the matter with the cracks on this bead?"

The cracks are so subtle that although you can't see them without looking carefully, the yin energy faintly emerging from the cracks can easily attract your attention.

After these strands of Yin Qi emerged, they quickly dissipated into the surrounding air and could not change the surrounding environment.

But since the bead has cracked, it means that the World Bead is not indestructible.

Because there is no precedent, once it is completely broken, Ren Pingsheng doesn't know what will happen.

"Reporting to your majesty, the crack opened yesterday evening. At that time, our explorers had just returned from the world in the bead. At that time, the bead emitted a stream of black gas, and we found that the bead had a crack.

As for why it cracked, we don't have a clue yet. "

At this time, the director of the Disposal Bureau said bravely.

"Exploring these worlds often encounters many problems. What about the cat demon? Bring her here, maybe she will know something."

Ren Pingsheng ordered.

Seeing that the emperor was not dissatisfied with him, the director breathed a sigh of relief and quickly ordered someone to find out where the cat demon was.

"Your Majesty, the exploration team of the Underworld is here."

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Zhang Qiushi came in to report.

"Let them in."

Ren Pingsheng played with the beads between his fingers and watched the team members exploring the underworld walk in.

Their faces were a little pale, and it was obvious that in an environment like the underworld, the harm to them as living beings was a bit great.

However, since they can be selected to explore the underworld, they naturally have some strength, and they don't seem to be in serious trouble.

"Your Majesty, Minister Liu, they are the main force of the exploration team, and this is Captain Wei Kun.

After our exploration and research into this underworld, we found that people with excessive yang energy will be as conspicuous as a small sun when they enter it, and are particularly prone to attacks by ghosts.

When people with heavy yin energy enter it, it is very easy to draw the yin energy, causing the body to be contaminated with yin poison and damaged.

These team members who explore the underworld are all selected, and then the yin and yang are reconciled, supplemented by the magic wand refined by Professor David, so that they can walk in the underworld. "

The director introduced.

Ren Pingsheng looked at how these people were dressed. In addition to the black robes with runes on them, as well as the talisman bags, purple spotlights and other items on their bodies, as expected, everyone was also holding a three-foot-long pitch black wand. .

The wand is also inlaid with a black and white eyeball-like thing, and this thing seems to be a living creature, and it can twist around and look at the world around it. It is really a crazy thing. Drop something.

It is indeed a thing refined by a necromancer.

"Sit down, I will ask you about the situation in the underworld."

Ren Pingsheng noticed Wei Kun and the others' nervousness, and gestured for them to sit down in a friendly manner.

There are not many people in this main team, only twenty people.

But they definitely belong to the elite, which can be seen from their movements.

"Wei Kun, please tell us about the overall situation of the Yin Division world and the progress of the strategy."

Ren Pingsheng looked at Wei Kun.

Yinsi World is Ren Pingsheng's name. Previously, this bead was only the world numbered 29, but now that the emperor has named it, this bead will be named "Yinsi World" in the future.


Wei Kun sat upright on the sofa, organized his words and then said: "We have explored the world of the underworld for forty-one days and gained the following experiences.

First, there is no big difference between the Yin world and our world in terms of material composition, but the environment inside is very different from ours. Apart from the Yin energy, there is no sun in it. There is only the cold light of the Taiyin, which shines through the clouds. From now on, it will give people a gloomy feeling, and a living person will be very uncomfortable in this environment.

Moreover, over time, we need to supplement oxygen to survive. "

Second, the area of ​​the Yinsi world is not small. Although there is only such a small bead in the outside world, the area inside is unexpectedly large. Only after we released the reconnaissance plane did we fully explore the area of ​​this world. It is as big as Gwangju Province. But it is as desolate as Gwangju. "

Gwangju Province is the fourth largest province in Daqi, but "the denser population means less, and the thinner the population, the vaster the area". Just like the three provinces of Wonju, Dajiang, and Qihang, because there are few people, when dividing administrative divisions, the territory will naturally That's big.

For example, in Guangzhou, a town may be larger than a county or even a county in Wuzhou.

But again, the number of people in such a large town may not be as large as that of a village in the east.

Although this underworld world is very large, there should not be many ghosts in it. (End of chapter)

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