Behind me is the earth

Chapter 61 060.Good News

"I bought 6 carriages, each cost 70 taels of silver, and the total cost was 420 taels."

Xiaowan said.

“These days, there is a shortage of horses everywhere.

Originally, forty or fifty years ago, there were several large horse farms in the south, but they have long been abandoned. Most of the horses were transported from the north. Now there are Liu-character banners in northern Anhui, and there are even more in the north. Shaoliu bandits plundered everywhere. As a strategic resource, few of these horses were lost among the people.

I also thought that if horses were really hard to buy, I would have to use an ox cart or a mule cart. "

Ren Pingsheng and Xiaowan sat down to eat in the restaurant.

“Ox and mule carts are too slow.”

Xiaowan said.

Ren Pingsheng nodded and said: "After dinner, compile the resumes of carpenters, blacksmiths and literate people and give them to me, and I will study them."


Xiaowan responded.

She has now almost become Ren Shengsheng's secretary, and is also responsible for finance and human resources.

After dinner, Ren Pingsheng was in his bedroom, looking through a pile of information that Xiaowan brought over.

"There are 40 copies in total, including 32 carpenters and 8 blacksmiths. Among them, only Liu Wen can read and write."

Xiaowan introduced.

"Among these people, the seven carpenters and two blacksmiths with the best skills have all signed the deed of betrayal?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

After signing a contract of sale, you become a domestic slave.

The power of life and death is in the hands of the master.


Xiaowan nodded.

Ren Pingsheng gathered the resumes of these people together, took the stapler, and stapled the nine resumes.

"Is Liu Wen back?"

Xiaowan shook her head: "I followed Lao Liu to the farm. I have been living there these days."


Ren Pingsheng said: "When they come back, let Liu Wen come to me. I want to see him."


Xiaowan took out her pink notebook, took the pen off the notebook, and wrote it down.

"By the way, would you like to read this book?"

Ren Pingsheng gave Xiaowan a basic physics enlightenment book, then opened the computer document and began to modify his short-term development plan, making some fine adjustments in several major aspects such as security, information, economy, and personnel.

Xiaowan sat aside, poured the young master a cup of ginseng tea, and then sat quietly reading a book.

The first dozen or so pages were okay, but when the formulas began to appear after falling down, Xiaowan suddenly felt like she was as big as a head or two, and her stress and blood pressure suddenly rose.

When Ren Pingsheng revised the plan according to the plan in his mind, he carefully reviewed it several times to make sure there were no flaws, then he habitually adjusted the font size and printed it out.

Watching the printer spit out sheets of paper and staple them neatly, when I reached for the water glass, I found that the water glass was empty.

Looking at Xiaowan again, she had fallen asleep on the book.

The little mouth was slightly open, and a trace of scratches made the book wet.

Ren Pingsheng shook his head helplessly, took the cloak hanging on the hanger and put it on her. He reached out and gently picked up Xiaowan. The girl was a little heavier than before, and her body was a little plumper. At least she could hold her in her arms. My arms feel fleshy.

He carried Xiaowan to the west wing, placed her on the bed, and covered her with a quilt.


Amidst the soft closing of the door, Xiaowan secretly opened her eyes, shining brightly in the darkness.

She touched her chest, her heart beating fast.

Because she had been on the run, experienced life and death, and was frightened along the way, she slept very lightly. She woke up just when the young master put his coat on her. When she realized that the young master was about to hug her, she regretted waking up so early, so she had an idea and pretended to be asleep.

Desperate for a bit of warmth, Xiaowan pulled the quilt with satisfaction and buried her head in the quilt. He held the thumb bear under the pillow in his hand and placed it on his chest. He didn't know how long it took before he fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Ren Pingsheng got up on time at seven o'clock and practiced until half past eight. After having breakfast, it was nine o'clock.

Just when he was about to return to Zishi, Lao Liu came back.


"What's the good thing?"

Ren Pingsheng couldn't help but ask when he saw Lao Liu coming in with a bag and a beaming look on his face.

"The soap is made."

As he spoke, Lao Liu took out a piece of lightly yellowed soap from the satchel in his hand.

Ren Pingsheng took the soap and said, "Sit down first."

Ruhua came in with a kettle and served tea.

Ren Pingsheng looked at the soap in his hand. It felt good and slippery to the touch.

He brought it up to his nose and smelled it. A faint smell penetrated his nose, making Ren Pingsheng subconsciously take it away.

"Have you tried the decontamination effect?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

"Well, the decontamination effect is very strong, not much worse than the soap we sell now."

Lao Liu said.

Ren Pingsheng put the soap on the table and looked at Lao Liu: "What's the cost?"

"A piece of soap costs about 30 yuan, mainly in the oil.

Not only is the cost more expensive, but the raw materials are not easy to get. "

Speaking of this, Lao Liu was a little troubled.

“How much can we produce now?”

Ren Pingsheng asked.

Lao Liu replied: "Due to the limitations of manpower and materials, I estimate that we can make about 6,000 yuan a month now."

Ren Pingsheng pondered for a moment and said: "The fact that this soap can be made so quickly is inseparable from your hard work. I have to give you a credit. However, there are two problems that need to be solved here.

First, the production is insufficient. During this period, I will find a way to get some piglets and find someone to cultivate them in the farm.

The second is the lack of taste. Let the people in the soap factory continue to study this.

This time the caravan goes out to open up sales and markets and build our brand. The quantity and fragrance of these homemade soaps are insufficient, so we won’t bring them with us this time.

Let's sell these at Ningxiangzhai first. We will sell them for 50 cents on a small-profit-quick-turnover basis. Those merchants' homes and small landlords' homes can also afford them.

Discuss this with Liu Shu when you return. "

"Okay, I've written it down."

Lao Liu responded.

"How's the farm construction going?"

Ren Pingsheng asked again.

"It snowed during the New Year, the temperature dropped sharply, and the water froze, which delayed the progress. But now the temperature has risen a little, and work has resumed. At most, the adobe houses and workshops will be completed by the end of this month. ”

Lao Liuhui reports.

"Okay, you go back and keep an eye on it. I don't expect the farm to make money, but it is our basic base and must be built well."

Ren Pingsheng instructed.

"I know what's at stake."

Lao Liu nodded heavily.

This is not the first time that his boss has told him this. He knows that his boss cares about the farm, so naturally he does not dare to take it lightly.

"Didn't Liu Wen come back with you?"

When Lao Liu stood up to say goodbye, Ren Pingsheng asked.

Lao Liu shook his head: "Liu Wen, this kid, has been with the carpenters these days. He said he wanted to make a waterwheel to draw water from the river outside to irrigate the farmland."

"After you go back, ask him to come back first. I have an important thing to give him."

Ren Pingsheng said seriously.


Lao Liu agreed and left.

Ren Pingsheng also greeted Xiaowan and returned to Zishi.

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