Behind me is the earth

Chapter 612 610 Nantian Gate Teleports Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals

The white clouds hung low and the water rippled like a mirror. Above the mirror was a silver door as tall as the crater.

A large number of diamond-shaped small spaceships spewed out from the silver vortex on the gate.

These spacecrafts have sharp impact angles, and every edge is very sharp, and the edges are cold and bright in the sun.

This is a kind of unmanned spacecraft suitable for fighting in stars. They have a huge number of stars, strong power, and extremely high maneuvering speed. With the impact of speed, they can crush the enemy into slag.


When Chen Dachui arrived with his people, these spaceships formed a "human" formation like wild geese, and collided with them immediately!

This kind of spacecraft is like team programming of drones, with a unified attack form. Although they are only the size of a human body, with their terrifying speed and sturdy body materials, they can cause enough damage to knock some small comets into cosmic dust.


Chen Dachui took the lead.

Because the gravity of this Qianmen planet is smaller, after adjusting his posture, his speed became faster in comparison!

When he jumped up, he dug his fingers into his ears, and the cigarette-sized stick clamped on his ears was caught in his hand. As he shouted "big", the small iron stick instantly turned into ten Here comes the big iron rod!


It was so powerful that it smashed the small spacecraft into a ball and fell to the ground.

Immediately, his stick was longer or shorter according to his wishes, and he quickly smashed a group of spaceships.


Chen Dachui likes to fight, and every battle makes him feel full of energy.

Especially this iron rod that he got after becoming the Thirty-Eight Star Host God, he couldn't put it down!

When he first heard "Journey to the West", he imagined that he, like Sun Xingzhe, could have such a golden cudgel that could be as long or short, thick or thin, as big or small as he wanted. .

"Buzz buzz~"

He swung, stabbed, or picked the iron rod, skillfully smashing the unmanned spaceships one by one, and they fell into the lake below like falling rain.

"Captain, be careful, they are calculating your flight and landing trajectories!"

When a comrade reminded him later, the call was immediately cut off.

However, the comrades immediately activated the spells in the heavenly magic book and used the means of spiritual communication.

In this regard, communication magic and Skynet civilization are two systems, and it is difficult for Skynet civilization to interfere.

"They think too much."

Chen Dachui suddenly expanded his domain, with a radius of thousands of feet, and strong energy crisscrossed all the spaceships. His body also offset the weak gravity on the planet, and he rushed towards the gate in the air.

Any spaceship that breaks into the domain will be crushed to pieces by the Gang Qi in an instant.

"Bang bang bang..."

A figure of fifteen or sixteen years old quickly flew to his side: "Captain, let me help you!"

As he spoke, he threw out the diamond circle in his hand. The diamond circle turned into two, two into four, and four into eight. In a moment, the sky was filled with golden light and shadow, and the unmanned spaceships in the sky were shot down.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and spit out flames. This flame was different from ordinary fire. Everything could not burn. Even the spacecraft made of high-hardness metal was burned in the flames with a crisp sound, disintegrated and fell one after another.

"It's really good!"

Behind the gate, on a planet with highly developed technology, Secretary-General Zoron looked at the pictures coming back from the downed unmanned spacecraft. Instead of feeling depressed, he was very excited!

"Secretary-General, this is indeed a mythical civilization. Civilizations have been restarted hundreds of times before. Only this time, the description of mythical civilization has been adopted recently!"

"Yes, yes, when we can get this result, maybe one day our Skynet civilization will have the opportunity to become an ascended civilization!"

Anyone who sees these battle scenes feels extremely excited.

The improvement of civilization level is a huge benefit to everyone, and ascension to civilization is the tireless pursuit of civilizations in the universe.

Now, the results on the testing ground are even more perfect than they had imagined before.

Intelligent creatures are often extremely optimistic in good times and extremely pessimistic in adverse times. An ascending civilization that they had never dared to think about seemed to be waving to them at this moment.

Now the more powerful the force exerted by these experimental subjects to destroy their unmanned spacecraft, the more excited they became.

Because these unmanned spacecraft are worthless to them.

They have fully automated production lines on many resource planets. In fact, many resource planets have been abandoned, but those fully automatic production lines are still running automatically, and many types of spacecraft automatically fly to the storage yard as soon as they are produced.

For countless years, the storage yard has become like a garbage dump, and all kinds of ships have been covered with dust!

For Skynet Civilization, such a wave of consumption is the same as destocking and disposing of it. There is nothing worth feeling distressed about.

They have a large number of unmanned spacecraft to consume.

When it is almost consumed, you can enter the field to harvest.

As long as this wave can be harvested smoothly, no one will feel distressed at all about the garbage thrown out.

"Throw the insect nest over there too!"

Zoren said.

"Will it harm the testing site?"

Immediately, someone mildly raised objections.

This is the cage they built for the void beasts they caught in the starry sky.

Once this cage is opened and the infinite void beasts are released, if they are not controlled, they may cause chaos not only on the Qianmen star, but also quickly spread to the entire star system. They don't care about this.

What they care about is whether the test site will be damaged by these void beasts, which will affect their harvest of the test site.

"No obstruction."

Zoran said again to his men in military uniforms: "Go."


Soon, an insect nest with a diameter of more than fifty meters and a structure similar to a honeycomb was pushed out and sent into the space door.

The insect nest rolled down from the sky and fell into the cloud lake.

Then, tens of thousands of various void beasts flew out from inside.

The insect nest obviously has space technology. It is only about fifty meters in diameter, but a steady stream of void beasts fly out. The first thing that flies out is a kind of insect. They form a black waterfall, flowing backwards towards the sky, toward The elite of Chen Dachui's independent regiment, and now the stars with the word "fight" are flying towards them.

Each of these insects is as tall as a person.

The wings are also unusual, with sharp edges like blades.

The sharp mouthparts are extremely frightening when opened and closed.


Cloud Lake was suddenly ignited, and flames shot into the sky. The insect nests that flew out continuously were swallowed up by the flames, and the insect nests were also ignited by the flames.


Chen Dachui, who was having a headache from the endless supply of enemies, extended his thumbs up and praised his comrades next to him who were spitting flames at the lake.

The liquid in the Cloud Lake has been converted into flammable fuel, and the fierce flames formed burned up all the clouds in the sky.

The brothers of "Dou" Xingxiu also find it difficult.

Fortunately, the jade plaques on their bodies shone brightly, shielding them from the harsh environment around them.


Han Jun shouted towards Ling Dang, who also participated in the operation this time.

As the leader of the secret guards around the Emperor of Heaven, she, like Han Jun, was conferred the rank of Lingxiao Immortal Official in Heaven.


He took out a pure bottle in his hand, held the spell, and pointed the mouth of the bottle toward the black insects in the sky.

Amidst a huge suction force, black insects swirled all over the sky and were sucked into the purification bottle.

I don't know how big the inner space of this purification bottle is. The black worms like black clouds in the sky were sucked out.

The bell shook the bottle: "There is a fire array inside. It won't take long for these black insects to be refined into a thick black smoke."


Chen Dachui's shout rang in everyone's mind.

While he was cleaning the small spaceship, he stared at the burning lake when he saw some black shadows appearing on the lake.

The strength of these things cannot be seen clearly, but they give people an evil aura.


The formation was formed, with a black and yellow pennant with the word "fight" in the center of the formation, and a heavy momentum suddenly condensed, trapping these black smoke pillars rising into the sky within the formation.

In an instant, black mist shrouded it, but the mysterious light was like a rock, no matter how it was washed away by the waves, it still stood on the beach, unmoved.

A moment later, a beam of light rushed towards the bullfighting force in the mysterious light, and a big hole was blown open in the sky. The thick clouds were drilled into the big hole, and the sun burst out!

The sun fire burned, and all the heavenly soldiers and generals of the "Dou" stars were covered with a layer of armor composed of golden fireworks. Under the fierce burning of the flames, these void beasts wandering in space burned, and the howling sounds were heard. Floating on the planet!

Finally, wisps of smoke were dissipated in the sun.

Yang fire is formed by forming an array with the help of the sun's essence fire, but this kind of flame has more killing energy than the flame of the sun itself, and its temperature is higher than the surface of the sun.


Lu Xingwen said.

"These virtual beasts make a living by devouring living planets. Wherever they go, they will settle in the living planets in the center of the earth that have not yet been extinguished. They will not leave until they eat the planets. The killings caused are extremely heavy. For From a human perspective, it is a merit."

Lingdang and Lu Xingwen said.

After obtaining the information about the observer civilization, Da Qi already understood a lot of common sense in the universe.

The constellations with the character "Dou" in them head toward the gate against the endless spaceships around them.

When they arrived at the gate, they discovered that this gate was different from the one around the mountain. It was just a projection. If they wanted to destroy it, they had to go to the other side, but directly killing the opponent's base camp was tantamount to It is unwise to hit an egg against a stone.

"Set up the formation!"

Chen Dachui gave the order.

Thirty-six flags flew up and spread all over the blazing cloud lake. The sun fire was drawn down, like the light focused by a magnifying glass, facing the door.

All spaceships flying out of the vortex will be immediately destroyed by the crisp sound of the sun and fall into the sea of ​​​​fire below.

After the formation is formed, it absorbs the sun's essence and fire, maintains its operating energy, transforms the sun's fire, and runs on its own.

"This gate has no meaning anymore."

"Put it into the gate of the test site. Let's do it all at once. Without destroying the environment of the test site, we can complete the set goal in thirty minutes!"

Secretary General Zoron ordered.


The adjutant took the order.

The next moment, there was a burst of energy fluctuations on the Earth Star.

In the heaven, in the heavenly court, near the Nantianmen, in the Supervisory Hall, the Wind-Eared Little Ear and the Clairvoyant Yang Qian immediately observed the changes in the lower world and transmitted them to the Lingxiao Pavilion through telepathic magic.

Liu Qiang immediately issued a major order based on the plan made by Ren Pingsheng's previous reminder.

In front of the Nantianmen, the Thirty-Six Constellations, the Tianhe Navy and other armies have all gathered.

At the same time, the students who have completed the preliminary training of the "God·Constellation Academy" have also been temporarily summoned to the sequence of heavenly generals.

As waves of people walked out of the Nantianmen, they were teleported to different places by the Nantianmen.

Yilan, Yoton City, Watson Street Square.

This is the location of the royal palace of Yilan, which gathers the political center of Yilan, a world power and the once strongest maritime power.

Today, a cocktail party was held in the royal palace, and countless social elites were gathering here.

A number of gorgeous carriages were walking on Watson Street.

There are also fashionable ones who ride in the sedan produced by Da Qi, which is particularly outstanding among the carriages and attracts frequent glances.

"Vivian, this Da Qi car is so soft, more comfortable than the softest sofa in my home, and this intoxicating music, my God, it's really wonderful, Mr. Lantian is really a rich and fashionable person!"

A lady with a round hat, sitting in the back seat of the sedan, chattered and praised the woman next to her.

Vivian smiled with a reserved smile: "He is really very fashionable, likes to pursue these cutting-edge things, and has a very deep understanding of Da Qi.

It is the beacon of mankind, the hometown of civilization, and a place where all life should make pilgrimages, isn't it?"

"Vivian, you are so right!"

The lady agreed deeply: "I really want to set foot on the territory of Da Qi in my lifetime. I think there, the air is sweet, the land is fertile, and people are happy!"

"Two beautiful ladies, my company is in the shipyard in the south of Da Qi, I bought a boat and it's about to be delivered. I plan to take advantage of this summer to go to Da Qi in person and walk around the land of Da Qi in person.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister claimed that Da Qi was a barbaric rule and an oppressive authority. I really want to shove my size 42 shoes into his ass!

He doesn't understand Da Qi at all. It's a truly beautiful country!

If he gets to know Da Qi in depth, he will know that it is the benchmark of all countries, the beacon of mankind, and the harbor of our spirit..."

Mr. Lantian turned around and said to the two ladies.

However, he stopped talking before he finished.

Because in the square in front of the palace, under the white clouds, a magnificent and magnificent sky gate vaguely emerged, and a troop bathed in golden light and dressed in gorgeous armor appeared in the square and among the crowd in full view of the public. (End of this chapter)

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