Behind me is the earth

Chapter 614 612 Kill the stars

Chapter 614 612. Kill the stars

"What's going on?"

Ren Pingsheng walked around the hall for a while, then came back to observe the distant universe that existed between the tables and chairs.

In this observable multiverse, as his consciousness moves forward, time begins to flow faster, and when he moves backward, time begins to reverse.

His consciousness can descend to any universe and reach any timeline. He is like the god of the multiverse.

But he can only observe, but does little to understand the operation of the multiverse.


The scene changed and he came to Earth, on the lawn of his villa in Zi City.

"Huh? Son?"

When Feng Lu heard the sound, her hand that was knitting stopped. She raised her head and saw her son standing in front of her: "When did you come back?"

"Your Majesty, will you take us away this time?"

Sheriff Black Cat bolted from the house.

Following the old couple, it has gained weight, its belly is round, and it looks much richer.

"I'll come back and take a look. I'll bring Ruan Tang over next time and take you there with me."

Ren Pingsheng said a few words to Feng Lu, and then disappeared from the earth.

He withdrew his gaze and thought quietly.

The feeling in Lingxiao Palace was particularly strange. Although he was familiar with everything, he felt that everything was weird.


It seemed to conflict with his memory and cognition.

He was a little distressed and no longer worked behind closed doors.

The power of thoughts swarmed out instantly, spreading throughout the three realms and even the wider universe.

Ningyang City.

This new city rising from the wasteland is more modern than anywhere else.

With its important geographical location, it has once again become one of the largest cities in the north.

But at this time, the high-rise building was collapsed by a rampaging shuttle spacecraft in the sky.

These spacecraft programmed into a formation through AI rely on their own impact capabilities. Once they cannot be controlled, the destructive capabilities they can cause are extremely strong!

The spaceships flying out of the silver space gate that was hundreds of meters high were as densely packed as locusts, swamping the heavenly soldiers and generals here.

They were tired of coping and had lost control of the spacecraft. If they continued, Ningyang City would not be able to escape the consequences of being destroyed again today.

But at this time,

The wind blows, the clouds surge, and the thunder gathers.

A sword shadow flew towards it, with the power of heaven and earth attached to it, sweeping across Ningyang City in an instant.

The metal locusts in the sky shattered into pieces, and then were condensed into several square pieces of iron, the size of several standard football fields, and fell on the ground outside the city.

People looked up and saw Ren Pingsheng, dressed in the imperial robes of the Heavenly Emperor, shining as brightly as the sun in the sky.

He pointed at the space door: "Destroy!"

The silver door disintegrated inch by inch and disappeared.

The same scene is happening in Zhanchun County in the south.

The demon soldiers of the Golden Dragon Regiment and the people of Zhanchun City watched this scene and knelt down one after another and shouted: "Long live" endlessly.

One thought incarnates.

Wuzhou, Yanzhou, Jian'an, Pingshan, Guangnan, Caiyun, Miaozhou, Guangzhou, Ningyang...provinces and hundreds of counties and cities, when Ren Pingsheng's figure appeared, Tianwang Civilization The war waged on Earth is over!

"How can it be?"

In the Lion Cloud Star Territory, the home planet of Skynet Civilization, Zoron and other senior officials looked at the star gate with cracks appearing in front of them, their faces filled with disbelief.

This star gate is the pinnacle of Skynet's civilization and technology. It only requires one cosmic coordinate to open thousands of space gates at the same time. Through it, you can travel to any place.

An artifact that allows them to wage war and be invincible. To be able to become the overlord of the Lion Cloud Star Territory and become a giant spanning dozens of star territories, the existence of the Star Gate is also indispensable.

But now, the hundreds of Da Qi emperors who suddenly appeared on the test site not only destroyed the space gates projected in the void, but even affected the star gate itself, causing damage to it.

This makes them feel distressed.

"What kind of strength does this Emperor of Da Qi have?

Has it really become a myth? "

Zoren murmured.

The rest of the people were also in confusion, frowning and staring closely at the projections in the void as they were destroyed by the Emperor of Qi. Only the star gate projection in Nanyang City was still standing there. I saw the figure of the Da Qi Emperor.

In the capital of Daqi, there are the most experts stationed here, but they also face the greatest pressure.

Because the "Emperor of Da Qi" is one of the most important "results" that Skynet Civilization wants to obtain from this harvest, they also sent their most elite troops.

When Ren Pingsheng just appeared on the battlefield, a giant starry beast suddenly jumped out and bit him with its fangs and claws.

This is a giant beast hidden in the meson space, which focuses on surprise.

However, when the strength gap is too large, a sneak attack cannot be carried out.

As soon as it got close, it evaporated into black mist.

In the meson space, a large number of void monsters suddenly jumped out, and the impact spaceships also jumped in the space, as if they smelled the smell, and came towards Ren Pingsheng, but they often disappeared inexplicably without getting close.

Ren Pingsheng clasped his hands behind his back and watched the battle between Heavenly Court's magic weapon and Skynet Technology.

The entire imperial city was wrapped in the colorful Five Elements Formation, while Nanyang City was shrouded in starlight. When the people in the city looked up at the sky, under the broad daylight, there were actually stars competing with the sun. , Zhanzhan shines brightly.

These stars cast down tiny rays of light. Although they were weak, they could not stand up to their large numbers. They supported the city defense formation, resisted the aftermath of the battle between the two sides, and protected the people in the city from being attacked by these aliens.


A thunder spear rose into the sky, dragging long electric flowers.

The Skynet warrior with a pair of metal wings in the air touched his wrists lightly, and under the collision of the brass wrist guards, a space vortex appeared in front of him, swallowing the lightning spear easily.

There are not many Skynet warriors with this kind of metal wings. They patrol the sky. Their dark golden wings and close-fitting mechas make them look like gods in Egyptian mythology. The blue mimic eyes on their mechas Like a gem, Gululu observed the entire battlefield.

With a sound of "Boom~", like the sound of bubbles bursting, the space in Nanyang City below was distorted, the formation burst, and an invisible large spaceship also appeared.

Not far away, Xiao Menglong drew his knife instantly, and with a flash of light, the spacecraft was cut in two.

The broken spaceship melted and turned into silver rain, dripping down.

It turned into countless nanorobots, fused together, and formed a formation to capture those aliens.

At the same time, there are also nanorobots entering the city through the broken formation, trying to cause destruction in the city.


Ruan Tang walked out of the palace and looked up at Ren Pingsheng, who was standing on top of the formation. Standing there like the blazing sun, he firmly attracted people's attention.

Beside her, the sound of electromagnetic explosions was more like a "crackling" of static electricity. The nanorobots that fell into the city immediately broke away from the network of Skynet civilization and were given a new life by her.

These robots gathered together and flew to the place where the city defense formation broke down, acting as loyal guards of the imperial city.

"what is that?"

On the city defense formation, Ren Pingsheng suddenly felt something and looked up at the tall silver space door in the sky.

In the mirror-like door, a man also wearing an Anjin mecha walked out. In his hand, he held a strange-looking azure bottle dignifiedly and sacredly.

The shape of the bottle is weird, and the neck of the bottle seems to be inserted into your stomach, but it looks harmonious, as if it is like this.

Incompleteness, harmony, and strange balance.

Ren Pingsheng rubbed his eyes, and when he looked at it again, the bottle had another side.

The so-called incompleteness means that he just couldn't see its full picture.

He flew up, and everyone who blocked him was ejected.

Seeing the emperor flying towards the star gate, Nanyang's masters also gathered around Ren Pingsheng, protecting him and helping him get rid of everything that blocked him on the way.

After walking all the way, Ren Pingsheng came to the bottle.

The man holding the bottle wanted to turn around and escape, but he lost the ability to move. Under Tian Xiuwen's control, the power of time was exerted on him, making his thinking sluggish.

He reached out and took the Rhine bottle he cherished from his hand, and Ren Shengsheng looked through it carefully.

"It's not a bottleneck inserted into the stomach, but a natural shape."

"I see!"

"It should not have appeared in this universe, and the world cannot fully see it."

"Its belly may never be full, even this universe may be able to fit into its belly.

Because it is something from a higher dimension. "

After being inspired, understanding flashed across Ren Pingsheng's eyes.

What I had seen before was not just a multiverse with multiple timelines and dimensions.

Instead, he saw a higher dimension and saw the multiverse from a high-dimensional perspective.

"My word is finished."

Ren Pingsheng threw away the Rhine bottle, and his figure suddenly disappeared here.

The next moment, in the Lingxiao Palace, the restrained brilliance of the soul was released.

The soul becomes holy.

The eighth awakening is done.

"Higher dimensions."

"In the eighth awakening, the soul can peek into the higher dimensional world. From now on, all laws will flow together, reach for the stars and the moon, touch time, and there is no need to be afraid of the so-called advanced civilization."

Ren Pingsheng raised his head and walked into his physical body.

The next moment, he disappeared into Lingxiao Palace.

In the side hall, Xiaowan sensitively felt the disappearance of Ren Pingsheng.

She chased him out and turned into a blue rainbow light, appearing at Nantianmen.

After questioning, they chased him to Nanyang City through Nantianmen.

The chaotic battlefield has been cleared.

And Ren Pingsheng was standing in front of the star gate projection.

"What does he want to do?"

Behind the star gate, Zoron and others frowned.

"He can't make it."

"The star gate has an independent identification system. If it is not the soldier identification code of Skynet civilization, it cannot be passed."

"It's better to turn off the star gate projection!"

People were talking a lot.

The next moment, they saw the person opposite the Star Gate suddenly stretch out his right hand and make a fist lightly.

"What does he mean?"

Skynet executives were confused.

"Why is it dark?"

Some people looked up at the sky strangely. For some reason, the sky was clear just a moment ago, but now it suddenly turned dark.

"Something is covering the sun!"

"Secretary General, just now... just now a hand that covered the sky and the sun grabbed the sun!"

Someone pushed the picture over.

Everyone saw that a hand seemed to reach out from the void, just like grabbing their hearts, and fiercely grabbed their sun.

Then, it was dark.

Everyone looked behind the star gate, the Great Qi Emperor who reached his hand into the void.

They seemed to understand something.

"My civilization is free from now on."

The Great Qi Emperor's eyes seemed to penetrate the star gate and see them, and his voice was firm and unquestionable.

As soon as he finished speaking, their vision disappeared.


The star gate collapsed.

The precise parts of this star gate, which condensed the most advanced technology of Skynet civilization, were scattered everywhere.

"It's getting cold!"

"The sun was extinguished!"

"That's the sun of our galaxy, how could it be extinguished by him!"

The people of Skynet civilization couldn't believe it at all.

But the facts were in front of them and irrefutable.

"We tried all methods to restart the sun, but none of them worked!"

"The time around here is distorted, and all our efforts cannot break through this circle of distorted time.

Secretary General, what should we do?"

Above the mother planet, a series of diamond-shaped grids formed an energy shield surrounding the entire planet, temporarily maintaining the living environment of the creatures on the mother planet.

But if the problem of the sun is not solved, they will not be able to hold on for long.

"Contact the pioneering corps! Ask for help!"

Zoren ordered.

At this time, he felt that his whole body had no strength and his head was dizzy. In fact, the means shown by the Emperor of Daqi had already exceeded the limits of ordinary civilizations, and he was already a real living myth!

"The pioneering corps refused to support and cut off contact with us."

Soon, the result of the contact came back.

After hearing this news, Zoren was stunned for a moment, and then said dejectedly: "Let's jump the planet."


In space, the mother planet of Skynet civilization, the administrative center star, flickered and disappeared in the universe.

As the mother planet of Skynet civilization jumped away, all observing civilizations knew that Skynet civilization had surrendered in this battle.

This also means that a new star domain overlord civilization is rising in the corner of the universe.

Ren Pingsheng sat high on the throne of the Lingxiao Palace, looking up at the sky.

But his eyes were not focused, the endless world unfolded in front of him, and countless creatures flashed before his eyes.

After eight awakenings, he glimpsed the high-dimensional universe, and his consciousness had jumped out of the rut of the universe and transcended the constraints of the universe.

"Can the Three Realms Heaven become a high-dimensional heaven?"

"Can my civilization become an ascending civilization like the mythological civilization?"

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