Behind me is the earth

Chapter 64 063. Palm Thunder

"I have asked Liu Wen to secretly develop new types of firearms. I have also secretly made 30 pairs of armors to prevent any unexpected events."

Ren Pingsheng said softly.


Liu Qiang's heart skipped a beat.

"Things are kept secret, words are used to reveal defeat. I hide the armor in a secret place so that no one can find it. I will only take it out when absolutely necessary. You don't have to worry."

Ren Pingsheng looked at Liu Qiang with a dull look, but he was also observing his micro-expressions, mentally judging his current strongest assistant.

Among the people who came out of Liujiacun, Liu Qiang was the most stable and capable. He also won Ren's lifelong trust through daily contacts.

But Ren Pingsheng would not give all his trust to one person. He said it at this time and was also observing Liu Qiang's performance.

Is it loyal and reliable?

But in the end, they are all from Liujiacun, and everyone will be prosperous and suffer.

Liu Qiang quickly calmed down and did not express any determination. He just nodded seriously: "I understand."

"There is no need for any psychological pressure. Troubled times are like a millstone, and it is not easy to protect yourself. If our place is stable, I will naturally not take out my armor. If our place is chaotic, then the court will not be able to affect us."

Ren Pingsheng said calmly.

"You guys go back to the farm together. When you get back, find a large courtyard in a remote place for Liu Wen to use as a workshop. People in the workshop are no longer allowed to go out at will. If you want to go out, please apply to me.

You send someone to stand guard in front of the workshop yard every day. No matter what happens in the yard, outsiders are not allowed to pry.

If there is a demand in the hospital, I will satisfy it if I can. If I cannot satisfy it, I will send someone to deliver a note to me. "

Ren Pingsheng stood up, walked to the window and took a look at Qingyin who was sweeping the yard. He turned around and said sincerely: "As the saying goes, brothers who fight tigers are fathers and sons who go into battle. The people from Liujiacun are the best. I don’t have the heart to raise a flag for rebellion among people who are worthy of my trust, and I don’t have the strength now.

But preserving the property and protecting the safety of my own people is what I, as your boss, must consider and do. "

"My boss, I understand. No matter what you decide, I, Liu Qiang, will never frown again. A man born between heaven and earth, who doesn't want to stand out!

Boss, do you still remember when we came back from the market in Qingcheng? The village chief talked to me at that time. He said that Mr. Ren is a far-sighted person who has a far-sighted vision than ordinary people. Whether he is doing business or being an official, he can make great achievements no matter what path he takes.

I, Liu Shiqiang, deeply believe these words!

Therefore, if my boss has something to do in the future, I will do whatever I ask, and I will definitely do my best to get things done for my boss! "

Liu Qiang said with a serious expression.


Ren Pingsheng walked up to Liu Qiang, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Go, Shishu and Lao Liu must be waiting for you in the front yard now. If they want to go out to do business, they must borrow someone from you." .”

Watching Liu Qiang open the door and leave, Ren Pingsheng's brows widened.

These veterans who started their own businesses have nothing to worry about.

"Things are happening one step at a time, one thing after another. Don't they think I'm going to rebel? ε=(ο`*))) Oh!"

Ren Pingsheng shook his head and smiled casually.

Based on the limited information at hand, in his opinion, the rebellion in Beiwan should be difficult to succeed. Since ancient times, there have been few successful peasant uprisings.

Especially after the rebels in Northern Anhui became local tigers, their threat has exceeded that of the bandits in the north, and they have become the focus of the imperial court's suppression.

The current situation is just that the Beiwan rebels and the imperial army are competing against each other.

But after all, the imperial court still has three thousand nails in the ruined ship. The Beiwan rebels, an insurgent army without a theoretical program and a complete organizational structure, have huge problems of their own. Up to now, their size has not collapsed, and it is also the result of the suppression of the imperial army. Next, let them still have a common goal.

But if this link cannot be made up, even if it relies on Wuwang Mountain and Mangshan over there to have sufficient strategic depth, and it continues to grow bigger, it will not end well in the end.

For Ren Pingsheng, if he had a choice, it would be best to join the court system and use the court system to nurture his own strength.

"Hey! Why are you thinking so far ahead?"

Ren Pingsheng suddenly slapped his forehead and couldn't help but laugh twice.


Sure enough, as Ren Pingsheng thought, both Liu Shu and Lao Liu came to Liu Qiang's house.

"Brother Qiang, you have to give us a few of those people you recruited."

"Yes, especially the thugs recruited from the martial arts gym."

The two asked Liu Qiang for help.

"The martial arts gym has recruited five people, all of whom are masters of iron sand palm. It took me a lot of effort and a lot of money to recruit these people.

Liu Shu is going to Fengtai County, where he has to pass through Yinshan County. It is more dangerous along the way. I will give you three people.

Lao Liu, when you go to Dongyang County, you have to pass through Yunlong County, Le County, and Quanshan County. The journey is long, but the risk along the way is low. I will give you 2 people. "

Liu Qiang said.

"There are also guards and spies. There are 10 people in each team, plus 5 people in each team of the escort agency. With this kind of manpower, as long as there are no big unexpected dangers along the way, it is enough to cope with it.

As for the business guide, you need to find it yourself. "

After that day, Liu Shu and Lao Liu became even busier and began to select personnel and form their own team.

After the team was formed, the running-in process began again.

The twentieth day of the first lunar month is a good time to travel and make money.

Eight miles away to the north of the city, under a willow tree, Ren Pingsheng broke off a branch and gave it to Liu Shu and Lao Liu.

“It’s a long road, have a safe journey.”

Ren Pingsheng said with blessing.

Then he took out two fist-sized black lumps and gave each person one: "This is a grenade. You can think of it as a palm grenade. It is very powerful. If you encounter an enemy that you cannot deal with on the road, pull out this latch and immediately throw it towards the target." , or it can severely damage the enemy."

"Thank you, boss! We are on our way."

The two put away the grenades.

"Take care of yourself!"

Ren Pingsheng gave a blessing and watched the two teams driving the carriages and driving away on the official road with his instructions.

"Master, let's go back."

Xiaowan said softly.


Ren Pingsheng nodded slightly and got into the carriage.

Seeing Ren Pingsheng closing his eyes and not knowing what he was thinking after getting in the car, Xiaowan said softly: "There are many warriors in the caravan, Liu Shu and Lao Liu are also very clever people, and the young master also gave them grenades, they will definitely be able to Came back safely."

"Well, I'm not worried about them."

Ren Pingsheng said: "During this period, two villages in Qingshui County disappeared. I asked Liu Shu to ask before, and nothing like this has happened in the past four years.

The living zombies couldn't be suppressed. It was said that the county magistrate had posted notices outside the government office and at the city gate, offering a reward of 10 cents for a zombie's head.

This is a desperate tactic. It seems that the county magistrate is really anxious.

Next, when the pressure is truly transmitted to our Mayor Xie Yanwu, our lives may not be so peaceful. "

Thanks to Lonely Nanfeng and *GGQ* for the reward! (^~^)

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