Behind me is the earth

Chapter 68 067. Curtain Call

"The setting sun is infinite, but it only shines brightly for a breath. It gradually fades with the clouds, and the lost glory will never return. The years pass by, and it is difficult to bear the changes in this life. Like floating clouds gathering and dispersing, tangled with this tired face of vicissitudes of life, the long road, suddenly I feel that time is fading away, and joy is always short-lived and never returns. Who can see that my dreams are dull..."

Dali, on the bank of Erhai Lake, on a stage full of flowers, a young girl wearing a white skirt stood on the stage and sang.

Her slightly hoarse voice seems to be filled with countless stories to tell others. Her beautiful face is like an angel falling into the world. Her eyes are full of memories of the past years, but looking at it makes people feel... With innocence.

People on the banks of Erhai Lake were unconsciously attracted by the singing, and gathered under the flower stage to listen to the eloquent singing.

Ruan Tang's eyes swept over the flowers and crowds, and then fell on the vast lake in the distance that could not be seen beyond the horizon.

In his mind, he recalled his life.

"I have encountered many ups and downs, weaving my intertwined dreams. I have met your sincere arms, accompanying me through hardships. I feel discouraged while running around. The road is full of turmoil and twists and turns. One day I want to go back but it is too late. ·····”

Life is short, but also long.

Thinking about it now, countless beautiful memories are passing through her mind like fleeting images, like a long and boundless picture scroll, recording her life and depicting every beautiful moment in her life.

All the important people and their smiling faces appeared in her mind. Everyone smiled at her, as if they were saying goodbye to her for the last time.

Gently, the sound of wind chimes came, accompanied by the sound of wind, water, and the rustling of leaves.

Ruan Tang put down the microphone, and there was applause from below.


"thank you all."

She bent down slightly, turned around and walked off the stage.

The band on the stage applauded and looked at the retreating figure.

"what a shame!"

What's on their minds. If such a woman can join the band, their band will definitely become an instant hit at the music festival.

"Heaven is jealous of beauty!"

They didn't dare to frown, and they couldn't bear to sigh, for they were afraid that the woman, like a wisp of smoke, would disperse in the wind with this sigh.

"Miss, I have already recorded these songs and they will be burned to CD this afternoon. Where can I send them to you then?"

The man with glasses holding a camera on his chest and a tripod in his hand quickly caught up.

"Youfeng Xiaoyuan, I'm here to ask Ruan Tang."

She stopped and turned around, glanced at the man with glasses, and smiled softly.

"Okay! Okay! I'll send it to you in the afternoon!"

The man with glasses looked at her smile and nodded fiercely.

Ruan Tang walked along the shore of Erhai Lake, laughing as she walked. She sang four songs in total.

a letter home



sunset song

One for her parents, one for her friends, one for herself, and one for the world she was born and raised in.

4 CDs, one for my parents, one for my friend, one for the band, and one for my old friend I have never met.

She couldn't help laughing when she recalled the smiling faces that had flashed through her mind, and in the end it turned out to be a faceless man.

She put her hands in her pockets and strolled by the Erhai Lake. When the wind blew, her hair flew and her skirt fluttered.

As I walked, I thought about it, and the image of the faceless man changed again to the one with a flat head, a square face, and a white shirt.

She stretched out her hand, shielded her eyes, and looked at the dazzling light on the sparkling lake. The floating light and shadow seemed to form the appearance of the person in her mind.

"What are you really like?"

She asked in a low voice facing the light and shadow.

"Handsome, of course he is handsome!"

At Xiaolu Coffee, two women in professional attire looked at Ren Pingsheng in the corner not far away.

The handsome guy who caught their eyes has become a wonderful topic of conversation for them during their lunch break, infiltrating their souls hurt by boring and boring work.

Ren Pingsheng looked through the resume in his hand and drank coffee while waiting.

He made appointments with a total of four people today, and had already interviewed two in the morning. One of them he didn't like very much and he rejected it directly in his heart, while the other one was OK and yet to be decided.

While Ren Shengsheng was looking at his watch, a woman in business attire walked in from outside.

She glanced at the Q version of the deer in the coffee shop with some strangeness, and didn't quite understand why the company would choose such a place for the interview.

His eyes looked around and quickly locked onto Ren Pingsheng, who was looking at his resume.

"Only one interviewer?"

Her impression of Qingcheng Trading Co., Ltd. had declined due to the interview environment and personnel.

I feel like this company seems unreliable!

But the treatment was real, so she walked towards the table.

"Zhang Xue?"

Ren Pingsheng looked up and saw her, pointed at the action opposite, and motioned for her to sit down.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Xue, and I'm applying for the position of assistant to the general manager."

Zhang Xue nodded slightly, sat down politely and said.

"Well, let's introduce ourselves."

Ren Pingsheng held his resume: "Try to tell me about your previous study experience, work experience, what projects you have completed, which ones impressed you, tell me about your shortcomings and advantages, and what are the advantages of applying for an assistant."

Zhang Xue's heart trembled, and her spirit suddenly became tense.

Listening to Zhang Xue's answer, Ren Pingsheng asked a few more questions.

"What do you think is the most important thing to accomplish a goal?"

"You are 27 years old and unmarried. Do you have any plans to get married recently?"

"It seems that you have a graduate degree in agriculture, but your basic education is a junior college degree?"

During the question and answer, Zhang Xue's expression ability was average, her family's economic conditions were very poor, her mental state was stable, her emotional state was excellent, her attitude was relatively sincere, she had a certain ability to solve problems, she had a hard-working spirit, and she had worked in administration before. Clerks have certain working ability.

Ren Pingsheng finally nodded: "Not bad. You sit over there and wait for a while. There will be the last interviewer later."

After speaking, he ordered a cup of coffee for Zhang Xue.

At one o'clock, a man wearing glasses came in. Although he was wearing formal attire, Ren Pingsheng could tell at a glance that he was unruly.

Just looking at the pair of eyes flashing freely among the crowd, you can feel his lack of confidence.

"Hello, boss!"

The man walked up to Ren Pingsheng, a little at a loss.

Ren could feel his social fear all his life.

This made Ren Pingsheng's evaluation of him suddenly lower.

After all, the main job of an assistant is to upload and distribute information. How can a person with poor social skills be qualified for such a position?

However, in the subsequent exchange, Ren Pingsheng silently raised his evaluation.

Although he is afraid of society, he speaks clearly and can express what he wants to express more accurately during the communication process, and his mind is very flexible. Even a few questions from a tricky angle in his life were answered by him very well. good.

"Sun Zhenhan, 32 years old, has a bachelor's degree in Chinese language and literature. He has worked as a clerk in a machinery factory. He has a solid foundation in various official documents and forms and has a certain understanding of machinery.

Honest and responsible character, willing to work overtime. "

Ren Pingsheng made a quick evaluation in his mind, and finally said with a smile: "It's not bad, come with me for a walk."

With that said, Ren Pingsheng stood up, put on his coat, and called Zhang Xue together.

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