Behind me is the earth

Chapter 91 090. Black Cat

In the Yunlong Mountains and Tenglong Mountain, a fog began to appear.

A group of more than fifty teenagers, carrying heavy supplies on their backs, were supporting each other and climbing towards the top of the mountain.

"Hurry up, everyone. The first group to climb to the top of the mountain will be rewarded with a spoonful of braised pork tonight!"

Su San at the front shouted to his new recruits.

This time, the teenagers were more motivated. His thin body burst out with powerful strength, and he sprinted towards the top of the mountain carrying the jingling supplies on his back.

"Captain Su, these brothers under you are very energetic!"

Someone on patrol on the mountain road saw it and shouted to Su San.

"That's right, don't look at who brought these soldiers out."

Su Sanmian has a lot of fun.

When I came to Tenglong Mountain, I not only got promoted, but also had more people under my command. Even the food was much better than when I was at the villa!

Tenglong Tenglong, what a good name!

Passing by the patrol team, the patrol team member held a lunch box in his hand and walked under a big tree and shouted: "Brother, come down and eat."

After a while, there was no movement. I looked up and saw no one. Just when I was wondering if I had found the wrong tree, I saw a figure sliding down from the tree silently. He was wearing yellow and green clothes and his face was painted with colorful flowers. In this mountain mist, let alone the trees, you can't see it even if you stand on the roadside and don't pay attention.

"The food this time is good, and there is braised pork!"

As soon as you open the lunch box, smell the fragrance.

An Shao was happy all of a sudden.

"Master Liu specially ordered the kitchen to be prepared for you, saying that you guys are secretly reporting on the hard work in the cold weather."

The patrolman said.

"Hehe, Mr. Liu still knows how to care for others."

The secret whistle picked up the chopsticks, huffed and puffed and finished the food quickly, threw it to the patrolman, swished a few times, and ran up the tree like a monkey.

"It's here!"

The young men in Su San's team saw the light on the door of the cottage through the mountain fog. They all quickened their pace again, competing with each other to get a spoonful of braised pork.

"Captain Su, Mr. Liu is looking for trouble."

When the team entered the village and Su San wanted to go to the fire house to have a meal together, someone stopped Su San.

Tenglong Hall, the original Juyi Hall, has been thoroughly cleaned and dried for many days. No blood stains can be seen here, and the smell of blood at that time is gone.

After Su San came here, he saw Qin Sheng and Dalu already here.

"Sit down and talk while we eat."

Liu Qiang invited the three of them to sit down.

On the plate on the table was the braised pork that Su San longed for.

However, the row of walkie-talkies placed on the table attracted his attention even more.

"Sir, where do you think this magical thing comes from? The sound can travel thousands of miles, just like the ears of the wind in fairy tales. It is simply not something that can exist in the human world!"

Qin Sheng picked up a walkie-talkie and was curious.

Su San and Dalu also looked at Liu Qiang curiously, obviously they had been curious about this magical walkie-talkie for a long time.

"These are all my boss's things, it's not our place to ask."

Liu Qiang glanced at the three of them.


The three nodded.

After all, the reason why they can survive in troubled times is because of their employer's care.

It is absolutely correct to say that the boss gave them a new life.

"Starting from tomorrow, Qin Sheng and Su San, you will take turns taking people down the mountain to exterminate corpses and train troops, and clear the road between Tenglong Mountain and Qingcheng Town of living corpses.

I set up three tea stalls between Tenglong Mountain and Qingcheng Town, firstly as an outpost, and secondly to convey messages. "

Su Qiang scooped a spoonful of braised pork into his rice and mixed it until fragrant.

"Dalu, you will go down the mountain early tomorrow morning and protect your boss to the county seat. After you come back, you will select people on the official road outside Qingcheng Town and recruit all your 50 soldiers."


Dalu was eager to try. Although he had been promoted, he didn't have those people under his command, so he always felt that his promotion was not that impressive.

"When Brother Zheng and Brother Bai come back, they will definitely be scared to death when they see such a big change in our escort team."

"Definitely, there are more than 130 people in our village."

"Speaking of which, it's been more than a month since they followed the caravan. They should be back soon."

"Those who go to Fengtai should be there soon, and those who go to Dongyang County should be a little later."

"Sir, when will our brothers get guns?"

Qin Sheng approached Liu Qiang and asked in a low voice.

After seeing the power of the shotgun, they were very enthusiastic about this artifact.

"I went to find Liu Wen when I went up the mountain, and there are more than 20 guns in the warehouse now. As for guns, we can make 4-5 guns a day, and it will take a while before they are all distributed.

But ammunition is much more troublesome. One person can only make 120-160 rounds a day. At the speed of the workshop, only about 800 rounds can be saved in a day.

In a real fight, it simply cannot withstand the consumption.

If you can't afford the time to make ammunition in the workshop, just get a batch of flintlock guns first. "

While we were eating and chatting, the sky had turned dark, and the cottage was very quiet at night. The occasional bird song broke through the darkness of the night.

A light black cat sniffed in the air in the sunset cottage, as if smelling the delicious smell. Like a black lightning, it quickly skipped the cottage and ran quickly in one direction. .

Soon we came to a dense forest, where we could see some broken bones, filled with animal teeth marks.

It sniffed gently at the bone, then continued running.

The mountain forest was retreating rapidly, and soon they came to a cold pool.

The moonlight shines on the cold pool, and a layer of mist covers the surface of the pool. In the mist, there seem to be human figures looming, seemingly absent, twisting and struggling in the cold moonlight.


The black cat's whole body trembled, and he jumped up and landed on a protruding stone in the cold pool, staring at these twisted figures with a pair of vertical pupils like wisdom.

It opened its mouth and sucked hard!

A suction force pulled the surrounding air, and the twisted figure was sucked into the mouth along with the light smoke.

A pitiful wail sounded from the cold pool.

The light smoke on the surface of the pool disappeared, and the shadowy and twisted figures of about a hundred people also disappeared completely.

Under the moon, the black cat shivered comfortably, then crawled down on the stone, resting its head on its paws, and closed its eyes.

Under the moonlight, its black hair shines, just like the bright moon in the sky, reflecting the bright silver light.


In the village, a rooster with bright feathers flaps its wings and jumps up on the wall, crowing and the whole world becomes white.

Dalu got up early in the morning, ordered his team members, took the firearms, and the bullet bag was bulging. He stepped on the sword, carried the crossbow on his back, brought pancakes and bacon, all dressed up, and mounted the horse. Down the mountain.

When he arrived outside the city, Da Lu made no progress. Instead, he used the walkie-talkie to report his location to his boss so that they could meet up later.

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