Behind me is the earth

Chapter 93 092. County Lieutenant Wu Qiong

Qixinshe's performance of "The Legend of the White Snake" won unanimous applause from the audience, and many people spent money to book more than a dozen performances on the spot.

Next, the troupe was also very busy.

As a large family in Qingshui County, the Wu family's birthday banquet was extremely luxurious.

Ren also experienced the luxurious enjoyment of the powerful families of this era throughout his life.

While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone.

When he came out of the vermilion gate, Ren Pingsheng couldn't help but sigh.

He did not return to Qingcheng Town that day. Instead, he stayed in the backyard of the shop given by Wu San and waited until the branch opened before going back.

All three courtyards are fully furnished and can be accommodated with just some simple bedding.

"As Tao Zi said, this area of ​​Lotus Square is the most popular, so the soap shop can open here."

Xiaowan called Sledgehammer to go out. After walking around in front of the three shops, she came back and said.

"Then let's unload the goods here and open tomorrow. The reputation of the soap has spread to Chengguan Town. Some people used to send their servants to Qingcheng Town to buy soap, so there is no need for extra publicity.

Today, we will arrange the decoration like Ningxiangzhai. Tomorrow, Wu San will come over, perform a ceremony, and then hang up firecrackers to open the business directly. "

Ren Pingsheng covered his face with medical scriptures and lay in the yard to bask in the sun.

He adjusted his breathing, feeling the expansion and contraction of his lungs.

Although the first step of Mang Niu Jin is to train the spleen and stomach, among the internal organs, the most intuitive ones are the lungs and heart.

With Xiao Wan's busy schedule, Ren Pingsheng took some time to relax in the yard. He checked the medical scriptures and if there was anything he didn't understand, he took out his tablet and looked at the video materials he had downloaded before, so as to familiarize himself with the knowledge. Heart.

Fast forward to the next day.

After the opening, business was as expected as Ren Shengsheng expected, and it was very good.

"There is a banquet at Shanyifang tonight, and my grandpa wants to meet you."

After the opening ceremony, Wu San said: "It's not an external banquet, it's an internal family banquet."


Ren Pingsheng nodded.

The return to Qingcheng Town was postponed again, and in the evening Ren Pingsheng came to Shanyifang in Chengguan Town.

Shanyifang has been reserved for the Wu family's family banquet, and some juniors on the first floor are eating and drinking here. On the stage, a young lady sat on it and played the pipa and lyre. The strings were gently plucked, and the melody flowed gently. The melodious sound of the piano made the audience dare not speak loudly.

Ren Pingsheng lifted the hem of his clothes, walked through the lobby and walked up the stairs lightly.

When he climbed the stairs, Wu San was already here to greet him with a smile.

"Brother Ren, you are here. My grandpa usually has no airs. He just likes the gifts you gave him. He is curious about you and wants to meet you."

After saying a few words, he arrived at the door. He gently opened the door and felt a warm breath blowing into his face.

There is a flower and bird fish tank in the front, a round table in the middle, and a screen of flowers, birds, fish and insects in the back.

There were ten people sitting at the round table. As soon as they entered the main seat, the old man with white hair and a very rosy complexion must be Wu Nan, the head of the Wu family.

"Grandpa, this is my brother Ren, the owner of Ningxiangzhai."

Wu San closed the door behind him and introduced.

"Excellent talent."

Wu Nan pointed to the empty seat: "Mr. Ren, sit down."

"Thank you, Mr. Wu, for the invitation. It's a great honor for Ren."

After sitting down, Ren Pingsheng quickly looked around.

They are all in their forties or fifties. Wu San can sit here and eat. It seems that he has a high status in the family.

This is normal. A 25-year-old Juren is very likely to be on the gold medal list in the college examination. Once they reach high school, they can immediately lead the Wu family to a higher level. Such talents are naturally different from ordinary people.

"Mr. Ren, have you practiced martial arts?"

The middle-aged man sitting next to Wu Nan asked in a kind tone.

"Father, Wu Qiong."

Wu San came over and said.

He nodded and said, "That's right. I've been practicing so hard that I'm just getting started now."

"The Lan family's strength is very good, and it is a skill that can be used in our entire Yuntai County. If you practice hard, you will be good at it."

Wu Qiong nodded and encouraged.

After a few brief conversations, the topic no longer focused on Ren Pingsheng.

"Brother-in-law, there are so many living corpses outside now that we can't even transport our goods out."

A man in blue brocade clothes complained: "There are particularly many living corpses in our county, more than those in Yunlong County and Yinshan County.

Brother-in-law needs to send someone to exterminate the corpse as soon as possible. "

"The county magistrate is more anxious than me about this matter. The county has already sent two letters of reprimand. It's just three things. If we can't get it right, I'm afraid the county magistrate will definitely not do well in this year's assessment. If he can't do it, he will be dismissed. Place to go.

But what can be done? The troops were all dispatched to Yinshan County. His brother-in-law was the regimental training envoy, and Xie Yanwu was also appointed by him. Now there are no troops at all for the regiment training in Chengguan Town and Qingcheng Town. "

Wu Qiong picked up the food with chopsticks and said with a bitter look on her face.

"Distribute labor and recruit civil servants."

Lan Yi came up with an idea.

"The people are tired, chaos is everywhere, and farming is about to be busy. Recruiting the people at this time can easily cause unrest.

At this time, stability takes priority over everything. If something else goes wrong, it won't be as simple as distribution.

Our Lord County Master is very good at calculating this account. "

Wu Qiong sighed: "We, the magistrate of Huang County, have no backing behind us. We relied on money to build a large county like Qingshui County. After arriving, we made a lot of money. Now when people mention him, who doesn't say the same thing... ····”

"The sky is three feet high!"

The person next to him who was pouring wine rushed to answer and asked: "But brother, you are the county captain. This county government is dealing with Huang Zhixian, can you escape from it?"

Wu Fengyun shook her head: "I'm afraid I have to be implicated. After all, I am responsible for team training and public security. In fact, Huang Zhixian and I cooperate very well. Although this person is greedy and power-hungry, he is smart and knows what to be greedy and what to do. You can let it go, and all the successive county magistrates have gotten along well with us."

"That's right, if he was an ignorant person, if we set him up, he would have been a stupid official for two years and get out."

Someone sneered.

"But brother, you can't be implicated. This county captain has lost his position, which is not good news for our Wu family."

"If it doesn't work, send the guards from the mansion out."

"I think we should block the road for refugees from Beiwan. This year's corpse wave is caused by these people. In previous years, everything was fine. I have never seen anything like this."

"No, let's pay some more money to put a reward on these living corpses."

"The reward notices paid by the county magistrate have no effect, so what's the use of our money."

Listening to the topics being discussed on the table, Ren Pingsheng had a chance to interrupt and said, "Maybe I can help with the corpse extermination."

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