Behind me is the earth

Chapter 96 095. Dajing takes jujube pills

"Thanks for your hard work."

Ren Pingsheng took Liu Shu and Liu Wu to the large private room upstairs.

The rest of the people were eating and drinking in several other private rooms.

"It's not a big deal to eat and sleep in the open all the way down. There are just bandits and bandits, there are so many of them. And there are the sentry officers and soldiers who eat and drink, it's really outrageous!"

"In addition, when we arrived in Fengtai County, many people had already started to take their families with them and ran towards Wuyang, Yinshan, and Le County."

Liu Shu wiped his face with a wet and hot towel, and his face felt better.

After sitting down, everyone chatted while eating.

"Is there a war in Fengtai?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

"As soon as we arrived in Fengtai County, we felt that the atmosphere was not right. The spies who were sent out visited many places. The rebels in Beiwan had already formed troops on the Fengtai border, and the war was about to break out.

No one can tell when a fight will break out. Fortunately, the imperial army is gathering in Fengtai and Yinshan, but I don't know if they can stop the Beiwan rebels. "

Liu Shu put the food into a bowl and ate the vegetables and steamed buns: "I often can't eat decent food outside. When I come back and see this table, I'm really hungry."

read more, walk more.

Liu Shu has changed a lot since he returned from being a businessman. The bookishness in his body has been worn away a lot, and he has become more informal and unrestrained.

"My boss, as you have judged before, these Beiwan rebels must be here for Yinshan."

Ren Pingsheng dipped his finger in tea and drew on the table: "Waging a war is nothing more than for the benefit of resources. For the rebels to reach this point, there must be many talented people with vision.

After taking Yinshan and having money in hand, I have more confidence to recruit troops.

There are mountains between Yinshan County and Beiwan. It is not easy to cross. The only way is to attack Yinshan from north to south after laying down Yuntai. "

"My boss, the court will definitely not let them succeed easily. Along the way, the spies found out that there are already more than 200,000 soldiers in Yinshan County, and Yinshan County has been a fortified city since ancient times and is not so easy to fight. "

"The harder it is to fight, the more harmful the war will be to the surrounding areas. Our Qingshui County is adjacent to Yinshan, which is not a good thing.

I'm afraid it won't be long before chaos breaks out here. "

Ren Pingsheng clinked glasses with Liu Shu, took a drink and said.

Now there is Tenglong Mountain, but the soldiers have not been trained yet. The weapons and ammunition stored in the farm are not enough. If they are really involved in a war of this level, it will not be enough with just these people and supplies.

It’s a pity that Hyundai has limited the range to this kilometer!

If I could go out by myself, it would be a completely different situation.

By then, I won't have to stick to the rules and regulations of the world, nor will I need to be as careful as I am now.

Relying on the ability to shuttle between two worlds, they can quickly accumulate original capital, go abroad to establish military factories, or set up military outsourcing companies to directly purchase weapons and ammunition, or even purchase heavy weapons.

In this world, what does an ancient army of 200,000 count? These threats can be ignored, and you only need to do the internal affairs that he is better at.

"Boss, all the way down here, the soap has been sold out, but there is no profit left. I dealt with the bandits and local officials, handed them over to the sentry officers, and paid homage to the officers and soldiers fighting the autumn wind. I got more than a thousand taels of silver, and I got 800 out of it. Two more, those officers and soldiers are more ruthless than the bandits and thieves...

Along the way, I finally understood that both the bandit army and the official army were just the same thing.

According to what you said, boss, wherever we go, we send people out to chat with local people in hotels, docks, restaurants, teahouses and other places.

Fengtai County and Yinshan County's taxes on the people are no lighter than our Qingshui County. Even the taxes in Fengtai County were collected twenty years later. A large number of people have no land and can only donate their land to the big landowners. , relying on them to barely survive.

In Fengtai County, a place with good weather and fertile land, there are actually large areas of hungry people, and many people are selling their sons and daughters.

In the mass graves outside, some were not even covered with mats. Their heads were beheaded and thrown there, with a handful of thin soil and a pile of new graves..."

Liu Shu drank wine and ate food. After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, he opened his heart and said: "This Dajing Dynasty is hopeless! It is like this up and down. Dajing Dynasty is hopeless! The roots are rotten! There is no way to save it!" saved!"

When he was in Liujia Village, even before he went on the road, Liu Shu still had thoughts and ideas in his heart about participating in the imperial examination, being named on the gold list, serving the country, and clearing the world. Along the way, who knows what he is and what kind of mental journey he has, but at this time he has completely lost confidence in this great Jing Dynasty.

Liu Shu drank until he was completely drunk, lying on the table and snoring.

"Uncle Shishu is not usually like this. There are many dangers along the way. He was nervous all the way. Now that he has returned home, he finally feels at ease."

Liu Wu memorized Liu Shishu: "By the way, this is the book compiled by Uncle Shishu. The income and information obtained from this trip are all recorded in it."

"You have worked hard along the way. I have prepared red envelopes for you all. When I go downstairs later, I will also receive Shishu's share."

"Thank you, boss."

Liu Wu carried Liu Shu out and left Ren Pingsheng alone in the private room.

He lay on the chair and thought about what Liu Shu had said and heard along the way.

"Da Jing Chao, if no other force intervenes, may soon fall into real chaos."

This place is not like the earth. Major events happening hundreds of thousands of miles away can be found out by searching on the Internet.

The information here is very limited, and it may take a long time for major events that happened in the nearby town to reach us, let alone places farther away.

Especially now that there is turmoil everywhere, whether it is in rebel areas or places occupied by officers and soldiers, sentries are posted everywhere, restricting the movement of merchants. It is really difficult to grasp some information!

"We can no longer rely solely on caravans to obtain information."

Ren Pingsheng made a decision quickly.

Just rely on caravans to do business and inquire about information while making money. The efficiency of obtaining this information is too low!

Moreover, the main purpose of caravan trading is to make money, and there are also great limitations in terms of route and depth.

Soon, he made a decision to establish an intelligence organization as soon as possible!

In order to establish an intelligence organization, the importance of radio stations was suddenly raised.

"And who can build this organization?"

Ren Pingsheng rubbed his temples.

"Fengtai is flat and there is no danger to defend, and the possibility of being captured is very high. Once Fengtai falls into turmoil, the Battle of Yinshan will inevitably start, and chaos in Qingshui County will be inevitable. At this time, the only choice is to seize chestnuts from the fire, or leave Dongyang. There are two ways to go.

Several rogue thieves in the north were powerful and restrained many officers and soldiers of the imperial court. Caiyun and Miaozhou provinces in the south had always been disobedient to discipline. Seeing the weakness of the Central Plains, the foreign tribes in the north would definitely look at them with eager eyes.

From this point of view... This great situation is now beset by internal and external difficulties, so take jujube pills. "

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