Behind me is the earth

Chapter 99 098. Investigation and Research

"If you want to see if a place has the spark of uprising, you have to go deep into the people to see, feel, and investigate. Only first-hand information obtained after in-depth investigation can be the standard for making judgments.

Just make judgments based on hearsay, and follow what others say. If you miss the slightest bit and make a huge mistake, it is very likely to harm others and yourself. "

Ren Pingsheng, Xiaowan and Liu Shu were walking in front. Sledgehammer was wearing a pair of shoes with toe-toe shoes and a military fighting stick hidden in his arms.

Farther away, Hu Dahai and others were carrying shotguns hidden in luggage bags. The two of them were exploring the path ahead and were responsible for clearing possible living corpses in advance. The two were hanging far behind.

"Master, how should we investigate?"

Xiaowan is smart and eager to learn, but her study time is short and she still has a superficial understanding of many things.

“Investigation and research pay attention to seeking truth from facts. Before conducting research, you should list the survey questions according to what you want, and plan the survey location, survey objects, etc.

When we arrive at the place, I will ask questions and you will be responsible for recording them. "

Along the way, I met some farmers, and occasionally some who were not busy while working in the fields. Ren Pingsheng sat there and chatted with them.

However, because information is closed at this time, I am naturally wary of strangers. When talking, you can only slowly bring out the topic in small talk, and get the answer you want in a roundabout way.

Liu Shu, on the other hand, felt very fresh and was also learning secretly.

He looked at the outline of a questionnaire given by Ren Pingsheng, listened to the meaning revealed in the old man's words in the field, and realized that this kind of research was a very careful and serious process that could provide very direct arguments for the target.

At the same time, he was also very sensitive to the thoughts of his boss, which made him both horrified and excited.

"Faced with these problems, we need to understand deeply, analyze carefully, dissect the sparrow, and put the answers we get from a single case to the commonality in a larger environment to compare these problems, so as to draw more general conclusions. answers to questions.

Sometimes the fixed class limitations are very strong, and you have to pull yourself out first before looking at the problem, so that you can be more comprehensive. "

Ren Pingsheng said while looking at the records in Xiaowan's notebook.

If you want to ask who is the most indispensable person around you now, it should be Liu Qiang. But if you want to ask who the most important person around you is, it must be Xiaowan. She almost played the role of Ren Shengsheng's secretary, finance, personnel, etc., and almost all aspects of work, allowing Ren Shengsheng to live a relaxed life.

In the agricultural era, farmers were the most numerous and revolutionary people.

But farmers are very resilient. They can survive with a mouthful of food and a pair of straw sandals, and rebellion is very rare.

Moreover, there are occasional local rebellions, but because they lack the ability to rebel, they are easily suppressed.

Like today's chaotic situation with wars and rebellions everywhere, it can be said that it is not as cold as a day.

In addition to ordinary farmers, tenants are also considered a type of landless farmers. Most of these people live in dire straits, and the food they harvest must be handed over to the landlords at least in general, and some even ask for more, especially now that as long as the landlords have land, they will not be short of people.

The landowners in Qingshui County are basically the gentry class, and their land is dedicated to the distinguished scholars. The powerful and wealthy people who are not gentry are not qualified to play with the land. Just a tax on them can crush people to death!

Although these tenant groups have concealed their household registration, their numbers are extremely alarming. If they raise a flag to revolt, they will be a natural force.

The most revolutionary ones are the landless refugees. These people can basically follow anyone who has a loose tongue, and they will not hesitate to serve as cannon fodder.

This is hardcore power.

"What's going on up front?"

Everyone suddenly saw a burst of people shouting and cursing by the river not far away, and the group seemed to be fighting.

"Let's go over and have a look."

Ren Pingsheng took the lead and walked that way.

On the Qingshui River, the flowing water lapped against the shore. A group of men, women, old and young gathered around and cursed, while using stones and branches to whip a woman who was rolling on the ground.

The thin and tattered clothes on the woman's body had been broken, exposing large areas of skin, and the people next to her were beating the woman even more excitedly.

While beating and scolding, the words were unpleasant and the sound was harsh.

The woman cried and screamed.

Not far away, there is a dog cage woven with bamboo strips. There was a cry from the dog cage, like a baby's cry.

People threw the dog cage into the clear river with gurgling water. The dog cage drifted with the current and sank on the flowing river surface.

Ren Pingsheng stood on a high dry bank. He could still hold back when the woman was beaten. At this time, the baby was sunk into the river. He quickly gave Chen Dachui a wink.

Chen Dachui nodded, took out his walkie-talkie and told the two people who were cleaning up the living corpses in front, asking them to rescue the baby in the river.


Ren Pingsheng scolded and led people towards that direction.

"Who are you? Don't mind your own business!"

The excited people in the crowd who were fighting raised their faces, and among the thin faces, the eyes were full of anger.

The naked eyes of the villagers who were usually honest and courteous at this moment made people feel creepy.

"When we came here, there were a large group of living corpses on the road. We managed to get around it. You guys are so noisy here and attracting living corpses will be fatal!"

Ren Pingsheng quickly approached and pointed behind him.

"Living corpse!"

The hostile eyes of these villagers suddenly flashed with fear.

No one is afraid of lone living corpses, but now living corpses are gathering in groups at every turn. Several surrounding farms and villages have been captured by living corpses in a month or two!

Now the people have reached the point where they are talking about corpses.

"Thank you brother for reminding me!"

An old woman kicked the woman on the ground again: "You bitch, I'm going to take advantage of you this time! Next time a girl comes out, you'll have a good harvest!"

The howling stopped and everything became silent.

When these people returned to the village, Ren Pingsheng stepped forward and asked an old man with a deep groove on his face: "Old man, what are you doing?"

"It's not like Cui'er from Lao Jiu's family gave birth to a daughter..."

As the old man told it, Ren Pingsheng finally figured it out.

In fact, it was nothing new, it was just the first time he encountered it. Throughout Qinghe County, and even in Wuzhou Province, there are stories of reincarnating a girl, whipping the mother, and drowning the baby girl, in order to scare the female ghost from reincarnating again.

There are so many tragic songs of ignorance behind the saying "Many children, many blessings".

"Wow wow wow~"

When Ren Pingsheng walked to the front and met Gouzi and the others, the little baby girl was wrapped in clean clothes.

But his little face turned purple from the cold.

Next to it, in a bamboo cage, were a few rags and stones.

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