Behind The Scenes From Konoha

Chapter 207 Ichiro Shimura Sozo

"General Zidian has sent the sacred bird enshrined by the Daming Mansion to the village with the old man's letter, and it should be able to pass Erwei and Bawei today."

The three generations of Raikage, who act vigorously and vigorously, were the first to speak out. As soon as they learned that Sanwei and Liuwei were willing to join the battle against the demon, General Zidian approached him and asked to borrow the two-tailed beasts of Erwei and Bawei.

After seeing the horror of the demon, he didn't hesitate. He wrote a letter on the spot and asked people to take it back by the sacred bird of Daming Mansion. He should have arrived at Yunyin Village by this time.

"The tail beast can only resist, but cannot be destroyed, and it can't even hurt that thing. We need a way to completely destroy that thing. Hasn't the Shimura Xuanding you mentioned come here yet?"

With a gloomy face, Sandai Mizukage looked at Jiraiya.

A few days ago, this kid was the one who casually said that Zhimura Xuanding had a way to deal with that monster, but it had been several days and no one had come. Could it be possible to keep procrastinating like this?

You must know that the demon can ignore all the ninjutsu formed by Chakra, even the tailed beast jade erupted by the three-tailed and six-tailed beasts can resist it, and it is unscathed.

He felt that that thing was born to restrain their ninjas, leaving them with tyrannical ninjutsu, but it was useless, they could only close their eyes and wait for death.

This is still blocked by more than a dozen top swordsmen from the Five Great Nations and the Iron Country, otherwise they will not be able to carry that thing at all.

"Although I don't want to say that, I don't think we can pin our last hope on that little pervert. The demons we dealt with in Loulan last time were not of the same size as they are now. Even if that little pervert comes, it may not be effective. "

Tsunade, who was performing medical ninjutsu to Jiraiya, suddenly spoke, not thinking that the traitor could deal with the demon that had grown to hundreds of meters.

"It's really tricky!"

At this time, a figure dripping with blood walked into the tent, tore off the clothes that turned into strips of cloth, revealing the sharp muscle lines, while picking up the slug on Jiraiya's body and placed it on his shoulder.

"You also retreated!"

The third Raikage looked at Shimura Danzo who walked in with apprehension. He was quite shocked by the powerful combat power displayed by Shimura Danzo this time.

Especially the Wind Dun chakra mode made his eyes almost pop out, coupled with Feng Dun's restraint against Lei Dun, if he really had to fight, he wasn't sure he could beat the opponent.

The most important thing is that people's wind escape chakra mode can fly, even if they want to hit it, they can't hit it!

"Is your finger okay?

Shimura Danzo frowned as he looked at the third Raikage's palm that looked like a pig's trotter.

This guy is too useless, just after he showed his face, he was sent flying by the demon's tentacles, and he became seriously injured and never went to the battlefield again.

So this is also known as the strongest Raikage in history?

Could it be that it was blown out like the title of the strongest Naruto Hirazan?

Seeing Shimura Danzo's doubts, the third Raikage was so angry that he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, but he couldn't refute.

His previous performance was indeed too bad, and he lay down as soon as he showed up.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Didn't you see that the old man's heart was pierced by a rib?"

Seeing that Tsunade hadn't stepped forward to treat him, Shimura Danzo cast a dissatisfied look.

These young people are all messy and unreliable.

"Your heart was pierced, why do you still look like a normal person?"

Ji Lai also looked suspicious, a pierced heart is a fatal injury!

Tsunade and Orochimaru on the side also cast suspicious glances. After all, Shimura Danzo's ruddy complexion didn't look like he was fatally injured.

"How did Sun Zhan cultivate you three trash!"

Feeling even more dissatisfied, Shimura Danzo no longer counted on Tsunade, and started to save himself.

The condensed wind blade cut open the chest cavity, and everyone immediately saw a broken rib piercing the entire heart, and even the left lung next to it was torn.

But the strange thing is that the wound did not bleed, but was covered and sutured with a layer of faint chakra, and even that layer of chakra condensed blood vessels to allow the blood to continue to flow, and simulated a small heart to replace the original heart temporarily. supply blood.

"Can you still do this?"

With his eyes wide open, Jiraiya and others were deeply shocked again, and they also deeply realized how terrifying Shimura Danzo, an older generation of strong men who came from the Warring States Period, was.

Of course, being able to do such a powerful operation has nothing to do with Shimura Danzo’s experience from the Warring States Period. The main reason is that some time ago, in order to write down the secret techniques that his son passed into his mind, he specially trained a lot of chakra threads. Thread control, practice a strong control force.

With the Chakra control power up, it is natural to be able to perform this amazing self-rescue operation, not to mention the Greer energy assisted self-healing!

"The current situation is very simple. You need to restrain the demon first, and then arrange the four red sun formations blessed with natural fairy fire to slowly burn that thing."

Shimura Danzo said while performing the operation on himself with a blank face.

At present, only the high temperature of the natural fairy fire can hurt that thing, but it is not easy to set up such a big four red sun array, let alone how long it will last!

After all, a single cub burned for so long without being burned to death. Now that it has become so big, it is naturally more resistant to burning.

Furthermore, if you want to create a natural fairy fire that covers that guy's whole body, the natural energy required is simply unimaginable. Wen Tai said before that he could not supply such a huge amount of natural energy.

Everyone stared blankly at Shimura Danzo's brutal operation on himself, without even giving anesthesia, and was really shocked.

Is this the Darkness of Shinobi?

After recovering, Qiangzi calmed down and thought about countermeasures.

"The tailed beast can indeed resist that thing, but the tailed beast itself cannot resist the natural fairy fire, and must use other methods to restrain that thing."

The third generation of Raikage expressed his own opinion, after all, he couldn't burn his own tailed beast to death in order to kill the demon!

If they really want to do that, maybe the tailed beasts will have to turn against each other first, and give them a tailed beast jade in turn.

"Let's restrict that thing, you guys prepare the super-large Four Scarlet Sun Formation and the natural fairy fire as soon as possible, and I will let the tailed beasts gather and supply the natural energy.

A figure wrapped in green fluorescent light rushed into the temporary tent, it was Shimura Xuanding who rushed over.

Then Yuguan, the Monkey King split body and the five-tailed King Mu split body arrived at the same time.

"Are you sure?"

The surgery in his hand kept going, Shimura Danzo asked.

"A little."

He didn't finish his sentence, because he was also a little worried when he saw the big man of hundreds of meters, and at the same time, he hated Onoki and others to death.

A group of old things who have done more than succeed but failed!

"Why are you all hurt like this?

At this time, Shimura Xuanding discovered that his old father and others were all wounded, and even his father's heart was pierced.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru are also uncomfortable, and they can't go to the battlefield at all in this state.

"It's not a big problem to separate the shadow clone to display the four scarlet sun formations."

Still maintaining his own high-cold male god Fan, Shimura Danzo didn't care about the injuries on his body, and if he used and maintained the Four Scarlet Sun Formation, the difference between the main body and the shadow clone was not too big.

"Let's forget it. The demon almost broke through the four scarlet sun formations back then. Now that the thing is so big, it must be stronger. The backlash of hitting the four scarlet sun formations cannot be resisted by the shadow clone."

Shaking his head and rejecting this proposal, Shimura Xuanding thought for a while and asked, "How many tailed beasts can you gather now?"

It is not easy to use human power to display the Four Scarlet Sun Formation that can block the demon, unless the Dirty Reincarnation is perfected, allowing the first generation and the second generation to jump out of the coffin, relying on Dirty Reincarnation's infinite chakra characteristics to fight hard.

But this obviously won't work, so we have to think of another way.

In the ninja world, the tailed beast has the most chakras. If the tailed beast uses the Four Scarlet Sun Formation, it should not be afraid of the backlash caused by the collision of demons.

"Our two tails and eight tails from Yunyin Village will be delivered soon."

The third generation of Raikage said that there is nothing to say on this matter. After all, their country of thunder is not far from the country of water. Once the demon captures the country of water, the next target is either the country of fire or the country of thunder. There is no way out.

"The tailed beasts from our hidden rock village also participated in this battle."

At this time, a huge monster bent down and squeezed into the tent and knelt down, but even when kneeling, it was taller than everyone present.

It was Onoki who came, followed by Brown Tu and others, Zi and Han also came.

"Then build a stronger formation of six red yangs on the basis of the formation of four red yangs, father, and hand over the usage of the formation of four red yangs to Monkey King."

Thinking of the enhanced version of Liu Dao Tu Ge's Six Scarlet Yang Formation in the original Four Wars, Shimura Xuanding felt that it could be copied, and it must be stronger than the Four Red Sun Formation.

Shimura Danzo did not hesitate at all, while continuing to operate on himself, he performed illusion with one-handed mudra, passing the memory of the Four Red Sun Formation to the four-tailed Monkey King split body.

Then, through the spiritual space, Monkey King with Four Tails shares it with Five Tails beside him, Three Tails and Six Tails in the battlefield, and Two Tails and Eight Tails who are still in Yunyin Village.

Seeing that Shimura Danzo and Shimura Xuanding handed over the forbidden technique such as the Four Scarlet Yang Formation to Waimura Tail Beast so easily, Orochimaru's expressions darkened, but they didn't say anything.

After all, the task of supporting the country of water this time is dominated by Shimura Danzo, and it is his right to do what he wants to do, and the follow-up questions will be discussed after returning to the village.

"How about it, can you use a six red sun array?"

Asked, Shimura Xuanding is not sure that the six red-tailed beasts can directly use the six red-yang formations on the basis of the four red-yang formations, and he doesn't even know how many differences there are between the two red-yang formations. There is no way to analyze that bit of information.

"You can try, but there is no guarantee of success."

After thinking about it for a while, the four-tailed Monkey King split body didn't dare to make a promise, so it could only say a try.

"Let's go, let's replace those two big guys first, let them recover their consumption, and officially launch the general attack after the two big guys from Yunyin Village arrive."

Shimura Gending pulled out the large alloy sword on his back, ready to fight.

Although the tailed beast's chakra is thick and abnormal, it is not infinite. Three tails and six tails have been fighting fiercely with that demon for a long time, and the consumption is not small.

In order to avoid affecting the next six scarlet yang formations, it is best to replace them first.

"Intentionally recognize resistance, and give your body to me."

A muffled voice resounded from the young man Zi's body, and then a scarlet chakra emerged, and soon turned into a red-haired gorilla, standing up straight with a height of 100 meters.

The Han on the side also changed. The scarlet tailed beast Chakra emerged and turned into a giant horse similar to a horse, which was the body of King Mu with five tails.

"Set off!"

Shimura Gending jumped onto the shoulder of Monkey King Four Tails, looked at the direction of the battlefield, and gave the order to set off.

Sun Wukong's split body also jumped onto the other shoulder of the main body, Yuguan and Wuwei King Mu's split body also jumped onto the main body of King Mu, and rushed to the battlefield together.

"Since when did he have such a good relationship with the tailed beast?"

Seeing the two behemoths leave quickly, Tsunade who came back to his senses blinked his wonderful eyes. He really couldn't understand why the two tailed beasts in Yanyin Village listened to the traitor and even let him jump on him.

What the hell did that little pervert do in Yanyin Village?

Everyone present looked at the inhuman Onoki in unison, with many doubts in their hearts.

For example, what has Onogi experienced in these years?

Why don't you just be a human and become a monster instead?

The style of painting before and after is a bit frenzied!

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