Behind The Scenes From Konoha

Chapter 211 Planning the Hidden Fog Village

"As expected of a tentacle monster, you can even grow tentacles in your brain!"

Shimura Gendinge felt quite emotional as he cut off the drawn tentacle with a single sword.

This big guy is really awesome, it's nothing more than tentacles growing on the outside of his head, and now tentacles have begun to grow inside his brain, even the kind that directly turns his brain into nutrients to grow.

A brutal mess!

And these tentacles are extremely tough, if it was the heavy sword and big sword before, it would definitely cut continuously, but now it is replaced with a silver meteorite alloy big sword, referred to as the big silver sword, and it can be cut quite neatly.

With the silver sword in hand, coupled with his own swordsmanship, and the strength and speed blessed by the Eight-door Dunjia Formation, even if those tentacles are tens of thousands, they are still nothing more than chickens and dogs.

In less than ten minutes, the inside of the entire brain was in a mess, and all the brains were used to breed tentacles, which were then chopped into pieces by Shimura Gending's big silver sword, and finally turned into a pile of dumpling stuffing.

It's just that this pile of dumpling fillings is a bit corrosive, comparable to the aliens in sci-fi movies.

The big silver sword in his hand is awesome, otherwise he might not be able to hold it.

With no tentacles blocking the way, Shimura Xuanding was even happier collecting those demonic brain stones.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that there were no other brain stones missing that it rushed out along the hole in the original skull.

Use the strength of the immortal to resist the burning of the natural immortal fire outside, and rush towards the flame barrier of the six red sun array.

Seeing that Shimura Xuanding rushed out, the six tailed beasts hurriedly manipulated the barrier to open a portal, let it rush out, then sealed it, and continued to burn the demon that was still struggling and roaring.


Closing the eight opened doors one by one, Shimura Gending turned around and looked at the screaming and struggling demon, and couldn't help but lament the powerful vitality of this thing.

Lost his mind, he can still jump, even weaker than Xiaoqiang.

"It's all right, it really is a disaster."

Running quickly, seeing Shimura Gendinge's rosy complexion, Tsunade was relieved, but also unhappy.

This traitor is too tough!

It's okay to open the dead door of the eight-door Dunjia, and then rush into the brain of the demon. It really is a great disaster that can live for thousands of years.

"Why is it all right? My whole body hurts like hell now, okay?"

He stared at him in displeasure, Shimura Xuanding was really not feeling well right now.

The eight-door dunjia formation is not so pleasant, the muscles and tendons are breaking all the time, but fortunately, he used the Yang Dunxian Yuanli mode before to maximize his self-healing ability, otherwise he would have knelt down long ago.

I didn't see Kaihuang in the original book after he broke out the eight-door armor, and he just lay down after a few times.

"It's finally about to die!"

Zilai, who arrived right after him, also looked at the demons struggling and howling in the formation of four red suns, and he let out a sigh of relief.

Back then, the incident of the demon's escape had been on his mind, and he had been regretting it all the time. Today, he was able to see the demon's end, and naturally everyone was happy.

It's a pity that the people of the country of water who were swallowed by the evil spirits before were all his fault!

The next thing is much simpler, the demon trapped in the six scarlet yang array has no power to resist at all, especially when those tentacles are burned clean, it is difficult to even struggle.

In fact, as early as after his head was cut open by Yuguan with a Daguan knife, his own fate was doomed.

Originally, Shimura Xuanding was still worried that he would not be able to cut the guy's skull, and then he could only find a way to get in through the eyes. The difficulty will increase a lot, and it is not convenient and safe to directly enter the inside of the skull.

Fortunately, the Daguan knife made of meteorite alloy is really powerful, especially the gravity orb inlaid on it. The combination of various advantages has led to the current victory.

After the demon's skull was burned for a day and a night, it finally turned into a piece of ashes and fell to the ground. This battle of demon annihilation can finally be declared over.

However, Zhimura Xuanding still didn't relax, let the six big tailed beasts continue to maintain the six scarlet yang formation for another whole day, and didn't feel relieved until even the ashes were burned.

This kind of caution made the corners of Onogi and the others' eyes twitch, and their hearts became more vigilant.

Don't be afraid of the opponent being strong, but be afraid that the opponent will be extremely cautious while being strong. This is the standard quality of a godly opponent!

The third Raikage, who had been waiting for a long time, urged the two six ninja tools on his body to absorb and seal the eight tails and two tails.

These two ninja tools must be used in conjunction with the spirit of speech, but if the target loses the power to resist, they can be directly taken in.

In the past two days, whether it was maintaining the six scarlet yang array or gathering natural energy, the six tailed beasts were exhausted. The two tails and the eight tails couldn't resist at all, they could only let them be absorbed.

"Goodbye, little guy!"

"Looking forward to meeting you next time."

Two-tailed Mataru and Eight-tailed Uganda took one last look at Shimura Xuanding, and let them be sealed into the two six path ninja tools.

The third Raikage who had completed the seal was relieved, but he didn't dare to delay, and took two pieces of Six Paths ninja tools and ran straight to the northwest.

He arrived directly with the help of the technique of heavenly gift before, and he didn't bring other people with him. It's not safe to stay here, let alone bring two sealed tailed beasts with him.

At this moment, it is necessary to return to the village with the tailed beast as soon as possible, so as not to make Onogi and Mizukage Mizukage think what they shouldn't have.

"The decisive guy!"

Watching the third generation of Raikage go away quickly, Ohnoki showed regret.

He really thought about leaving the third generation of Raikage and the two tailed beasts behind, but that guy was too decisive, and he must have sent someone from Yunyin Village to help him, so there was no chance.

"Onoki, you deliberately delayed the information and caused heavy losses to our country of water. What is your intention?"

At this time, the three generations of Mizukage suddenly launched an attack, and thousands of Wuyin village ninjas appeared around the island, all of them staring at each other with murderous intent.

Earlier, the Land of Land Daming Mansion sent a new piece of information, and then they also sent the same information from the Land of Water Daming Mansion. It turned out that the reason why Shimura Xuanding was late was mainly delayed by Ohnoki and others. information transfer.

The other party's sinister intentions made him extremely annoyed.

You must know that in order to deal with the evil spirits this time, their Wuyin Village suffered heavy losses, losing a total of 3,000 ninjas.

Although they are basically just the cannon fodder of Chunin, it is also a big force.

Now that the Second Ninja World War has not yet begun, they have been severely injured one step ahead, which is quite unfavorable for the future.

In addition, in the last ninja world war, their second generation Mizukage died at the hands of Yanyin Village, it can be said that new and old hatreds have been added together.


With a cold snort of disdain, Onoki quickly lifted off, and on the other side, Tantu and the others also lifted off with Zi and Han who had recovered, and returned directly from the high altitude.

Knowing the art of ultra-light and heavy rocks is so convenient, you can leave as you want.

Seeing the figures of Onoki and others leaving from high altitude, Sandai Mizukage's face turned pale, but more helpless and apprehensive.

No way, he doesn't have the ability to fight against the air, so he can only watch the enemy leave like this.

And Ohnoki's non-human body shape also gave him a great shock, his physical strength is definitely not bad, and with that body size, he can refine more chakra.

Coupled with the dust escape power eliminated by the three-attribute blood successor, that guy probably has reached the super shadow level.

It's hard to deal with!

That is to say, Mizukage Mizukage does not know about Onogi's current reality. If he knows that the old guy is just a fake, he will definitely not say anything about besieging him, and he will not even give him a chance to fly. This is what Onogi and others decisively retreated. The reason.

"How many people died?"

Also watching Onoki and others leave, Shimura Xuanding glanced at Miss Yuguan who was still staying, and turned to Mizukage Mizukage.

"We sacrificed three thousand people."

Slightly taken aback, Sandai Mizukage didn't expect Shimura Gending to ask this, although he didn't know what this kid wanted to do, he still replied.

It's not a secret anyway, so there's no need to hide it.

"What about civilians?"

Ask again, Zhimura Xuanding doesn't care how many people died in Wuyin Village.

Killers are always killed, and they must have the awareness of sacrifice on the first day of becoming a ninja.

But the common people are different, not that he is the heart of the Virgin, but a matter of philosophy and principles, and a moral habit formed by the complete education of the big flower family in his previous life.

"The specific data is not yet clear, but the number of deaths is definitely more than five million.

The day before you came here suffered the most. The original population of the island under our feet was three million. "

Heartbroken, he spoke out a general statistic, Sandai Mizukage really wanted to eat Onoki alive now.

Naturally, he doesn't care about the life and death of those civilians, but these civilians can provide them with many employment tasks in Wuyin Village.

Now several large islands have been destroyed all of a sudden, and the cities and villages on them have been destroyed, and there is no way to rebuild them. It is tantamount to permanently losing the employment mission here.

"Damn old guy!"

After hearing those two statistics, Shimura Xuanding was furious.

If Ohnoki had not thoughtfully suppressed the information and let him come over earlier, the people on this island would not have died.

Yuguan on the side was silent, and she was extremely shocked by those two bloody numbers, and realized that it was indeed Onoki and Yanyin Village who did something wrong this time.

It is an unspoken rule of the ninja not to harm civilians. There are no rules for how the ninja villages confront each other, even if the dog brains of both sides are beaten out.

It can harm civilians, and millions of civilians are wrong.

This made Yu feel more suspicious and confused in his concern.

Is the existence of ninjas and ninja villages really a mistake?

Noticing the abnormality of the teacher and sister beside him, Shimura Xuanding was quite satisfied.

Just now he deliberately asked Mizukage Mizukage, the purpose was to let the teacher and sister know more about the dangers of ninjas and Ninja Village.

Looks like a success now!

After completing a wave of raids on the teacher's sister, Shimura Xuanding dragged his old father aside, and handed over hundreds of demonic brain stones hidden in the inner armor.

"I got these from the demon's head. Dad, take them back and study them. I personally feel that they should be helpful for the cultivation of spiritual power."

"Tsunate-sensei, Jiraiya-sensei, you go back first, I'll be a guest at Wuyin Village for a few days."

Say hello to Tsunade and the three not far away, then temporarily wrap and isolate the radiation on the battle suit with Xianyuan power, walk over to embrace Mizukage Mizukage's shoulders, and walk towards Sanwei and Liuwei like a good brother.

During this period of time, he has not relaxed the refining of the radiant energy of the sealing crystal, and even the refining efficiency is higher after condensing the Spiral Pill Golden Pill. Now he can initially control the radiation on the battle suit, so as not to hurt it. friendly forces.

"Uncle Mizukage, I want to discuss something with you. You see, both Isofu and Rhino have made outstanding contributions in this battle, so there must be rewards!

They don't lack material rewards, so let's give them spiritual rewards, such as building their statues at the entrance of your village and writing this battle into your village history..."

While walking forward with his arms around Mizukage Mizukage's shoulders, Gending Shimura made a proposal.

He Zhi so-and-so called timely rain, the most loyal.

Since I said that I want to help those big guys walk on the road of guardian beasts of the world, then I must act.

Today's battle is a good choice, and it must be widely advertised, and these black-hearted ninjas can't take the credit for themselves.

"Since when did he have such a good relationship with Mizukage?"

Looking at the two people shoulder to shoulder in the distance, Tsunade couldn't recover for a long time.

This scene is a bit unreal!

Not to mention that Tsunade couldn't understand, Jiraiya and Orochimaru next to him were also very confused.

And Shimura Danzo looked at the spar wrapped in rags in his hand, and then looked at his own son who was shoulder to shoulder with Mizukage Mizukage, his expression was even more strange, and he even felt a little sympathetic to Mizukage Mizukage Mizukage and Kirigakure Village.

According to past experience, anyone who is targeted by his own son will never end well.

The third Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village is gone, and Onoki of Yan Hidden Village is just empty now. Even if the uncoordinated body can be used to escape from the dust, the speed and accuracy are also problems.

Ri Zhan has already been blacklisted by his own son, and even set up a script to let him die with Onoki, which has become a good story and is praised by people.

Now that they are focusing on the third generation of water shadow and Wuyin village, the end will definitely not be good.

"The kid shouldn't be eyeing the sealed book in Wuyin Village, right?"

Thinking of a possibility, Shimura Danzo's expression became even more strange.

With such an awesome son, he has to endure a lot of pressure!

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