Behind The Scenes From Konoha

Chapter 218 Fooling Age Spots

"The thread of Xianyuanli has been touched!"

Shimura Xuanding, who was using the trial-and-error method in the Black Cauldron Space to further improve the changes in the properties of the Helix Pill Golden Pill, suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly, sensing the strangeness on the outside.

Although Miss Yuguan and Sun Wukong's Mu Wang split three shadow-level powerhouses lived in the next room, he still did not relax his vigilance and arranged Xianyuanli silk threads outside.

But now that the Xianyuanli thread was touched, it was obvious that someone had entered his room.

Who is the one?

With this doubt, Shimura Xuanding consciously withdrew from the black cauldron space, returned to his real body, and then saw an old man.

"Fuck, King of Dance!"

Opening his eyes, he saw the old man standing at the door studying a silk thread of Xianyuanli, Shimura Xuanding was so startled that he almost jumped up from the bed.

As far as the opponent's killer shape, plus that face, and the one-eyed Sharingan with complex patterns, who else can there be except Uchiha Madara?

And Uchiha Madara is only in his sixties now, not too old, at least he is much younger than when he met Brother Tu in the original book, and his face can vaguely see the demeanor of that year.

This ninja dance king is his main target. A few years ago, he specially asked for a detailed document from his old father, and even a black and white photo, so he can recognize him at a glance.

"It seems to be a new power that combines monks and warriors, as well as natural energy, not bad!"

After using the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan to study the Xianyuanli silk thread in front of him, Uchiha Madara gave a good evaluation.

Not as good as chakra, but still pretty good.

"From your reaction, you know the old man."

Standing with his hands behind his back, Madara Uchiha looked curiously at the boy in golden armor who stood up from the bed.

He originally came to find Shimura Danzo, but who would have thought that the kid left, and there would be a Shimura Xuanding, anyway, for his purpose, it was the same.

"The master is face to face, how can the apprentice and grandson not recognize him, please sit down!"

Joyfully stepped forward to welcome the ninja dance king to sit down and pour tea graciously.

Although I don't know why this ninja dance king suddenly jumped out to find him, but it seems that he didn't come here to find fault.

Since it's not about finding fault, it's a great thing.

He has been envious of Uchiha Madara's body for a long time. It not only has the chakras of Indra and Asura, but also the cells between the pillars and the eternal kaleidoscope writing sharing eye, and it may even awaken the reincarnation eye.

These are all great treasures!

"Master? The old man seems to have pointed out your father back then. He was a very ambitious little guy, but unfortunately he was bound by boring fetters."

Slightly stunned, and then reacted, Uchiha Madara recalled that when he was still in Konoha, he had guided those who were disciples of Hashirama Tobema, among them Shimura Danzo.

For those people, he is most optimistic about Shimura Danzo, because that kid has the most ruthless temper.

In comparison, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who has all attributes of Chakra, has better aptitude, but he is too hypocritical and not a material for great things.

"Master, you are right. Father is now bound by the bond with Hiruzaru Sarutobi. According to my idea, I will directly use Hiruzaru Sarutobi to death in the next Ninja World War, and then he will sit on the The position of Hokage, to suppress the entire Konoha, finally unify the ninja world and the world, and bring lasting peace to the world."

I also poured myself a cup of tea, Shimura Gending agreed with Uchiha Madara's point of view, his father is too emotional, Sarutobi Hiruzaru has become a stumbling block to their progress, and must be cleared as soon as possible.

At the same time, he secretly thought about the favorite topic of this age spot, to see if he could fool around.

"Your father wants to break the Ninja Village system shaped by Hashirama?"

Surprised, Uchiha Madara didn't expect Shimura Danzo to have such boldness, or to say that he was outrageous.

You must know that the Ninja Village system was established by Senju Hashirama, and Shimura Danzo and others are disciples of Hashirama and Tomona, and now the disciples want to break the system established by the teacher so hard.

interesting! Really interesting!

"The outbreak of the last ninja world war has proved that the concept of the first generation of adults is wrong. The ninja village system established only dragged us into a bigger quagmire of war, and the damage caused by large-scale wars is even greater.

And the scale of this kind of war will expand with the continuous growth of the major ninja villages, and it may even eventually destroy the entire human race and even the entire world.

The most important thing is that it has only been more than ten years since the end of the last Ninja World War, and the signs of the Ninja World War have reappeared.

Based on this estimate, there will be a round of ninja wars breaking out in at most twenty years, which means that each generation of us will have to experience a large-scale war, and the war will become more and more cruel. Bear the pain of bereavement.

Even the famous houses of various countries are secretly preparing for the war. There will be a battle between the samurai group and Ninja Village sooner or later, and it will be the ultimate war that will affect the whole world.

We must cut off this sad reincarnation, end the Ninja Village era as soon as possible, and then unify the entire ninja world and the world, and create a long-lasting peace for the world. "

Showing an impassioned gesture, Shimura Gending felt as if he had become a peace fighter at this moment, and could sacrifice everything for peace, including his own life.

"I didn't expect that the disciples of Hashirama and Tobima would inherit my ideas back then. It's ridiculous, ridiculous!"

After a long silence, Uchiha Madara wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

At the beginning of the establishment of the village, I proposed to wipe out the ninja villages established by other countries at all costs, and unify the entire ninja world, so as to bring more lasting peace.

It's a pity that no one supported him at that time, including his best friend Senju Hashirama who he thought would understand him, and cowardly said that everyone was tired of killing, needed peace, and opposed war.

Doesn't Uchiha Madara know that everyone who has come from the Warring States Period is tired, tired, and tired of killing?

It is precisely because he knows that he strongly advocates sweeping all ninja villages to unify the ninja world. With the strength of himself and Zhujian back then, it is not difficult to do this.

There is a saying that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and your own ideas are the least expensive. Unfortunately, those people are short-sighted.

Next, once Hashirama died, the false peace was broken, and then the Ninja World War broke out, and Konoha suffered heavy losses, even the guy Senju Feima died.

Good to die!

Deserve it!

"Unfortunately that can only create a lasting peace, not a permanent one."

With a final sigh, Uchiha Madara had long since abandoned the ideas of the year, and had a higher pursuit.

Although they still don't know what the final content of the family's stele is, it vaguely points out that there is a road leading to eternal peace.

With a thought in his heart, Shimura Xuanding had some ideas, and said in a serious and serious manner: "Any power and regime will decay one day. This is caused by the good and evil of people's hearts, and it is difficult to change, but we can establish a regime that unifies the world. Extend this peace as long as possible.

And once the concept of great unification is established, it can set a good example for future generations. Even if the regime is corrupt and split, future generations will work hard to complete the great reunification again, and then there will be a long-term peace.

In this way, the frequency of wars can be reduced to the lowest level, which is the limit of what we can do. As for permanent peace, some people may be able to achieve it in the future, but it is unrealistic at this stage.

One generation has what one generation has to do. Master, the mission of your generation is to end the Warring States Period, while the mission of our generation is to end the Ninja Village Era, open the Great Unification Era, and create a long-lasting peace for the world. "

Having said that, Shimura Xuanding stood up and bowed solemnly, saying: "Master, please help us realize this long-term peace, we need your strength."

"You want the eternal kaleidoscope of the old man? Your small body can't bear it."

Looking at the boy in front of him funny, Uchiha Madara's affection for him increased greatly, but he didn't agree with the other party's statement, not to mention that his Uchiha Madara's eyes can't be carried by anyone, especially non-Uchiha people.

"Master misunderstood, my father and I have never coveted your eyes, it is indeed not something we can bear, and I don't like to add foreign objects and forces to myself, compared to my own, I prefer to cultivate it bit by bit. strength.

Father has been looking for you all these years, wants to cooperate with you to create a future, and even prepared several gifts for this purpose. "

Shaking his head slightly, Gending Shimura didn't think about getting Uchiha Madara's eyes, as long as he was asked to copy a wave for research.

In comparison, he wanted to see if he could fool the senile plaques in front of him, and it would be best if he could fool him into one of his own.

This is a technical job, so take your time!

"Your father is so confident that the old man will cooperate with him?"

Smiling, Uchiha Madara wanted to hear what gift Shimura Danzo had prepared to impress himself.

As for the fact that Shimura Danzo knew that he did not die in the Valley of the End, it is not surprising. After all, he only left a shadow avatar back then. He must have discovered it later, and he must have guessed that he was not dead.

Afterwards, there were indeed some ninjas from the Senshou family who secretly dispersed to the entire ninja world to find their traces. Fortunately, he hid deep enough and was not found.

It's not surprising that Shimura Dankō is a disciple of Senshou Feijian, knowing this.

"Our Shimura family has been developing silently, studying various blood succession boundaries in the ninja world, and made some interesting discoveries.

We found that although the Senju family's Sensei blood continuation and the Uchiha family's Sharingan blood continuation conflict with each other, they can be integrated into one under sufficient conditions.

If the Kaleidoscope Sharingan can be blessed with the power of the immortal body, there will be no defect of blindness, and the power will be greatly increased.

Presumably, the main purpose of the battle between the master and the first generation of Hokage in the Valley of the End was to obtain the flesh and blood cells of the first generation of Hokage, so as to obtain the most extreme immortal body power. "

At the end, Shimura Xuanding's eyes fell on Uchiha Madara's heart, where he had already sensed the same chakra crystals as Mudun's chakra crystals, which were obviously the cells between the pillars, and they were living cells before his death.

The living cells before death and the cells on the corpse after death are two completely different concepts, no matter in terms of activity or other aspects, there is a huge gap.

The most important thing is that living cells should contain Asura's Chakra, which is a big treasure.

"You can even guess this, but I underestimated that kid Danzo before."

After being surprised, Uchiha Madara showed approval.

He liked to chat with such smart people, but then he found that he didn't seem to like chatting with smart people very much, especially those who were too smart.

"Master seized the flesh and blood cells of the first generation of Hokage, presumably to try to awaken the power of the Sage of the Six Paths? For example, the strongest reincarnation eye among the three major pupil arts in the ninja world."

Telling this secret very desperately, Shimura Xuanding secretly made preparations for the eruption of Bamen Dunjia.

Once the old guy makes a move, he will fight with it, and then use the anti-gravity technique to fly into the air as soon as possible.

After all, the one in front of me is just age spots, not the heyday, and it even lacks a Sharingan, so it is still possible to save my life in its hands.

Although it is a bit risky to die like this, once you succeed in fooling him, the rewards will be great.

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