Behind The Scenes From Konoha

Chapter 246: The Art of the Vigorous Unicorn Arm

That's right, what Shimura Xuanding is using now is the powerful unicorn arm technique developed on the basis of the little doubling secret technique at the beginning, and also incorporates some mysteries of the powerful water wrist technique, which can greatly increase the strength of the arm. Larger muscle cell volume, which increases strength.

It is precisely because of this that Tsunade's strange power technique was resisted.

"It hurts!"

Suddenly Tsunade jumped up, and the right leg wrapped in the battle armor slashed down like a battle axe, with extreme force.

At the same time, use chakra silk thread to tie Shimura Gending's feet to prevent him from retreating and dodging.

Seeing that he couldn't avoid it in a short time, Shimura Xuanding pushed his hands up and resisted the heavy leg.

The posture between the two became extremely ambiguous in an instant, but Shimura Xuanding, who was in the sage mode, did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation. After the strength was exhausted, he grabbed the slender leg armor with his backhand, and did not show the slightest sympathy to the body of the fat sheep teacher. He swung it up and smashed it to the ground.

But at this moment, the silver sword light flashed in front of his eyes, and he instinctively pulled away and jumped away, while protecting the heavy golden wings on his back in front of his body.


The silver sword light slashed down, splitting the heavy gold wings and leaving a sword mark on the breastplate.

If he hadn't reacted in time just now, his whole body might have been split in half.

"It's pretty sharp!"

Tsunade was amazed as he held a large silver sword that cut half of its blade into the rocky ground.

The sharpness of this big silver sword was indeed far beyond her imagination, and it could even cut through a heavy gold battle suit abruptly.

It was just too heavy, just took the opportunity to pull out the big silver sword on the kid's back, and then slashed down, almost twisting her waist.

Obviously, even if he has the power of the Yin Seal Chakra, the triple blessing of the Earth Escape Hardening Technique and the Strange Power Technique, it is still difficult to control this big silver sword.

Unless she can obtain the secret art of earth escape similar to the light and heavy rock art of Yanyin Village, or the multiplication art of the Qiudao family.

"Yangdun Armor!"

Seeing that it is difficult to control the big silver sword in his hand with his current explosive strength, Tsunade decisively exploded his hole card.

Raising the hand to seal the seal, Yang escape chakra spreads all over the body, maximizing one's own self-healing ability, paving the way for the next eight forbidden arts of armor shielding.

"Eight Gate Dunjia·Jingmen·Open!"

Opening the eight gates of Dunjia to the sixth gate of Jingmen in one breath, the powerful increase in strength finally allowed her to control the big silver sword in her hands with both hands.

Shimura Xuanding on the opposite side glanced at the heavy gold wings that had been cut off. The silk thread of Xianyuanli stretched over, and the crippled wings fell off from the back armor.

That's right, this pair of heavy gold wings can be removed, but the mechanism is inside the suit, and only Shimura Xuanding can remove it with his own Xianyuanli silk thread, and it can't be removed from the outside at all, which can be regarded as a tactical application.

Glancing at the big silver sword held by Tsunade on the opposite side, holding it empty in his right hand, several strands of celestial power stretched into the stone wall that Tsunade smashed before, and pulled out a golden sword, which was left in it. Giant sword.

The big silver sword is unparalleled in sharpness, and it is definitely an act of courting death to use it empty-handed. Although the material of this giant sword is not as good as the big silver sword, it can withstand it for a while with its huge size, and at the same time, it can also decisively amplify its moves.

Transfer your own celestial energy into the meridian acupoint of Shimura Dazui's tattoo on your chest, and use the power of Shimura's big mouth to temporarily transform your acquired yang attribute into innate yang attribute celestial energy, which then spreads throughout the body and activates the cells in the body.

"Yangdun Armor!"

"Eight Gate Dunjia·Jingmen·Open!"

It is also Yang Dunjia and Bamen Dunjia, but what he uses is not the Chakra version of Tsunade, but the Xianyuanli version.

With the double blessing of Yang Dun armor and Bamen Dun armor, the speed of strength increased dramatically.

Without the slightest delay, he rushed forward and launched the offensive.

I saw Shimura Xuanding split the giant sword, held it with both hands, and launched a storm-like onslaught, covering Tsunade's entire body in the violent golden sword light.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Mifune and Hatake Sakumo, who had the highest level of swordsmanship at the scene, couldn't help applauding, their eyes sparkled, and they could see the subtlety inside.

Although Shimura Gending's double-sword swordsmanship attack is violent, the angle of the sword is perfect. Not only is it the best way to use its own structure, but also the point of attack is Tsunade's weakness.

Not only does it give full play to its own strength, but it also focuses on Tsunade's weaknesses, which can be called an artistic swordsmanship.

The other melon-eaters were also happy to watch, even though they did not have the sword skills of Mifune and Hatake Sakumo, they were still conquered by this artistic sword skill.

Of course, some people were happy and some were worried, but some of the crowd looked ugly.

The Hyuga and Hyuzu brothers looked at the swordsmanship offensives performed by the two sides in the battle, and then looked at their own hands. They immediately gave up the idea of ​​using soft fists to fight hard, and even doubted their own self-proclaimed absolute defense.

Can Hui Tian resist the attack of that kind of humanoid monster?

On the other side, Uchiha Fugaku turned his Sangouyu Sharingan to the limit, desperately copying and memorizing the swordsmanship moves of the two.

Of course, it's just a swordsmanship move.

After all, both Shimura Gendinge and Tsunade's heavy-gold battle suits are integrated with sealing crystals, and the radiant energy they possess can even isolate Hyuga Shirokan's perspective, let alone Sharingan.

But even simple swordsmanship has benefited Uchiha Fugaku a lot.


Tsunade, who had been suppressed by swordsmanship, suddenly broke out the startling door of the seventh door of the Eight Dunjia, and swung his sword with absolute strength.


There was another violent clash of gold and iron, and a figure flew hundreds of meters before landing. It was Shimura Xuanding.

Seeing that the side sword on his right hand was chopped into the gap of more than half of the sword body, Shimura Gending stuck the side sword into the main sword expressionlessly, restored it into a three-ton giant sword, and also opened the eight gates to the seventh degree of the door.

Holding a heavy giant sword, he rushed forward and fought with Tsunade who broke out the seven gates.

This time, the swordsmanship displayed by the two of them is extremely fierce, and they are all head-to-head with strong strength and speed, which is extremely ferocious.

The rocky ground under the feet blessed by the enchantment technique continued to crack and shatter, and the entire Hokage Cliff was constantly shaking, which showed how terrifying the explosive power of both sides was.

"Qufeng, are you sure you can resist it?"

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen split a shadow clone and came to his friend Qiudao Torukaze, and asked in a deep voice.

The eyes of the people around him also turned, wanting to hear the opinions of Akimichi Torukaze, the number one warrior in the ninja world today.

"After using the super multiplication technique to the extreme, the strength of the old man can crush them, but the speed is far behind them. The most important thing is that the quality of the old man's ax is not as good as the sword in their hands."

After being silent for a while, Qiu Dao took the wind to express his opinion.

In terms of pure strength, he is still stronger, but in terms of speed, he is far behind. The most important thing is that the quality of the steel giant ax he made is far inferior to the two swords of others. Far worse.

And this is only the power of others to open the seventh door. According to the information that Sarutobi Hiruzen said last time, Shimura Gending seems to be able to open the eighth door of death.

Even if the power of the erupting Eight-door Dunjia Formation is not as powerful as the extreme instant burst of sublimation, it is still terrifying.

Not to mention that the two of them are still very young. Among them, Gending Shimura is less than fifteen years old, and there is still a lot of room for growth. It seems that he can't keep his title of the number one strongman in the ninja world.

It's really the waves behind the sea pushing the waves ahead!

Secretly sighing, Autumn Road and Fengfeng are a little lonely, is the era of their generation finally coming to an end?


Sarutobi Hiru Zankage clone looked at his disciple Orochimaru who was not far away, and it was not good to ask some questions there, after all, Shimura Danzo was sitting next to his main body.

"The grass pheasant sword is stronger than that heavy gold sword, but not as good as that big silver sword."

Knowing what the teacher was asking, Orochimaru licked his lips to respond, and his heart was extremely shocked.

He has tried it before, and his top-notch Kusanagi sword is stronger than Tsunade's giant sword in terms of edge hardness, but it is not enough to cut the giant sword. After all, the size of the Kusanagi sword is there. If he really wanted to confront the Jubao sword, it would be his Grass Pheasant Sword that would break.

From such a comparison, one can imagine the sharpness of that big silver sword.

This answer made Sarutobi Hirukage sink physically and mentally, because his psychic beast, the ape demon, once said that the vajra body of the ape family has limits, and the top-level Kusanagi sword can break through the vajra body .

In other words, the big silver sword can kill the ape demon and cut off the vajra wish stick transformed by the ape demon, so that his physical strength is useless in front of it.

With the appearance of such a divine sword that restrains his own tactical system, it's no wonder that Sarutobi Hiruzen is in a better mood.

The knot seal released the shadow clone, Sarutobi Hiruzen's main body fell silent after getting the information, and raised his hand to seal the seal.

"Psychic art!"

A burst of mist dispersed, revealing an upright ape. It was Sarutobi Hiruzen's psychic beast, the ape demon, and the king of the contemporary ape psychic beast clan.

The ape demon who showed his figure looked left and right, and finally his eyes fell on Sarutobi Hiruzen next to him. After receiving the signal from his eyes, he raised his eyes to look at the battle not far away, and his eyes were instantly attracted by the big silver sword After stopping, his expression became serious.

The fierce battle between Shimura Gendinge and Tsunade was extremely fierce, and they were all head-to-head moves. After fighting for a full minute, the generous giant sword finally couldn't bear it and was cut in two.

But at this moment, Shimura Xuanding rushed into Tsunade's chest, performed Shimura's capture and lock body technique, and further suppressed Tsunade with the technique of gravity, and the two instantly entangled into an extremely ambiguous posture .


Tsunade who reacted was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, and wanted to chop it off with the big silver sword, but the big silver sword that was blessed with the technique of gravity was ten times heavier, and it was hard to shake it, and the bodies of the two were too close .

The most uncomfortable thing is that this posture is really shameful, let alone in such a large audience, Tsunade was so angry that he wanted to explode desperately and beat this traitor to death.

At this moment, Shimura Xuanding extended the silk thread of celestial power along the gap of the battle suit, pierced Tsunade's eight key points, and sealed them one by one with the eight collapse techniques that Hinata's family had exchanged at the beginning. Forcibly interrupted the outbreak of the Eight Gates Dunjia.

Then all the acupoints in Tsunade's body were blocked one by one, and in the end it was difficult to perform even the strange power technique and earth escape ninjutsu.

"Do you admit defeat?"

Shimura Gending, who was maintaining the sage mode, asked emotionally.


Tsunade retorted stubbornly, this battle was too aggrieved.

"Do you recognize it?"

Relying on the powerful strength of Bamen Dunjia with no expression on his face, he pulled up one leg of Tsunade and pressed it against his chest, and asked again.


The attitude was still stubborn and decisive, and then Shimura Genkanai lifted the other beautiful leg wrapped in the battle armor expressionlessly and pressed it to his chest, folding Tsunade's entire delicate body in half, making it more difficult to exert force, and also made the two of them The posture became more ambiguous.

And this kind of yin and yang heaven and earth style that Mount Taishan overwhelmed Tsunade couldn't help but recall the humiliation at the beginning, his mentality immediately collapsed, his wonderful eyes were bloodshot, and his murderous intent surged.

She wants to beat this traitor to death!

The original bloody battle instantly transformed into this ghostly painting style, which made the onlookers eat melons almost lose their waists, and their expressions became weird.

"Hmph! Sexuality does not change!"

With a cold snort, Uchiha Mikoto, who was watching the battle, was so angry that she couldn't help but recall the experience of being humiliated by that bastard in Loulan.

"Okay, get up!"

As the referee, Sarutobi Hiruza couldn't stand it any longer, and cast a teleportation technique, stepped forward and scolded.

This gesture of the two of them is too demeaning, it is simply discrediting Konoha.

Seeing Hiru Sarutobi who was the referee come forward, Shimura Xuanding resolutely let go of Mr. Fei Yang and took the big silver sword away to prevent this girl from going berserk.

And the previous humiliation made Tsunade almost crazy, and immediately rushed towards the traitor after he got away, and was pressed to the ground again.

"Ape Demon!"

Seeing that Tsunade's emotions were a little out of control, Hiruzaru Sarutobi shouted helplessly to his psychic beast.

He didn't dare to go up to dissuade them personally, with the strength of the two of them, he would have a broken bone, so it's better to let the ape demon who has the indestructible body of diamond go up to fight.

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