Behind The Scenes From Konoha

Chapter 289: The Means Against Otsutsuki

"I'll go back and report this to the teacher. I think it's not a big problem."

Baring his teeth, the black panther accepted the matter with a grin, and was looking forward to what the blood pool clan would be like when they arrived in Yunyin Village.

"Okay, you go back first and ask His Excellency Daming to give you an order. I will also send a letter to ask my father to go over and let the people of the Xuechi clan be a little more honest. After the rectification is completed, let Yunyin Village go over and take over."

Seeing that Black Panther was responding to this matter, Shimura Xuanding decided to do it as soon as possible, and even asked Hei Jue to send a letter back afterwards, asking his old father to go to Hell Valley.

He is no stranger to Hell Valley. He has searched for relevant information before and confirmed that the place is within the territory of the Kingdom of Tang, and only some warriors from the Kingdom of Thunder are guarding it.

Back then, the Uchiha family seemed to be quite ruthless. They slaughtered all the ninjas of the Xuechi family. Only the old and weak, women and children were exiled and imprisoned in Hell Valley. It is unknown how many people are left.

After discussing with Heibao and the others, Shimura Xuanding turned back to the bedroom, and Miss Yuyi Jingyin had already arrived, and she seemed very uneasy sitting on the bed with her younger sister Yuyi Laner.

She didn't want to come at first, but she was afraid that there would be a real problem there. She even asked the medical ninja in the village after the war. Medicine cannot cure it.

In desperation, he had no choice but to come here, and even dragged his younger sister to embolden him.

"Miss teacher, do you want to take a bath and relax first?"

Pushing open the door and looking at the two beautiful figures sitting on the bed, Shimura Gending asked with a smile.

"If you want to touch it, touch it!"

Glaring at someone, Yuyi Jingyin skillfully took off her dress and lay down on the bed, closed her eyes to make sure she couldn't see.

For the sake of her mind, she endured it.

Anyway, it has been touched so many times, this time is not bad.

Shimura Xuanding, with that iconic smile of a gentleman, carefully copied and updated the body data for the young lady, and then looked at Laner Yuyi who was standing beside him.

"Miss Lan'er, let me check it for you too. The power of the tailed beast is not that easy to use. You can see that your sister's body cells and meridians have been damaged a lot, but you don't use it much during the day, so the situation shouldn't be that bad. serious."

The chakra quality of tailed beasts is too high, and they all have their own blood inheritance limit, and the nine-tailed beast has integrated the fire attribute into its own chakra, which can burn others.

Just checked, Yuyi Tingyin's body was damaged a lot, even with the body of Yuyi Immortal, it is difficult to completely heal itself, leaving some dark wounds that are difficult to heal.

It should be similar to Yuyi Lan'er. Although this girl doesn't use many tailed beast chakras during the day, and her self-improvement is not as exaggerated as Yuyi Jingyin, but because she has no yang attribute, Yuyi Xian's body is in a half In the state of awakening, the self-healing ability is very poor, and the state is not good at all.

After a moment of silence, Yuyi Laner also skillfully took off her dress, lay down on the bed and let Shimura Xuanding do what she wanted.


After carefully checking the physical condition of Yu Yilan'er, Shimura Xuanding sighed bitterly.

"You ninjas are too eager for quick success. The power of the tailed beast is not used in this way. You must sincerely accept that power until it is perfectly integrated with your own chakra and let the chakra complete the transformation.

Forcibly activating the Tailed Beast Chakra in this way is completely hurting the enemy one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred. If you have time, you can go chat with You Lu and Niu Gui. "

He came to lie down between the two women and hugged left and right again to enjoy the blessing of Qiren. At the same time, he held the two little tails with both hands, and persuaded him earnestly.

It is a technical task to use Tailed Beast Chakra freely, such a rough actuation effect is too poor, and the side effects are obvious.

In the original book, Uzumaki Naruto, who was the reincarnation of Asura, forcibly used Tailed Beast Transformation and then lay down, let alone the two Yuyi Jingyin.

Resisting the strange feeling of being pulled by the tail, Yu Yiyin thought about Shimura Gending's words.

Although this traitor is not a good person, his brain is really useful.

She had experienced the power of chakra fusion and transformation when she helped the bull ghost to split last time, and she has been trying hard for a month, but unfortunately, the results have been minimal.

Only found a tailed beast state, although it has greatly improved the strength, but it is far inferior to the original state, and at the same time, the damage to the body is not small.

Obviously the method I used was wrong.

"What is this?"

Sensing that the Xianyuanli silk thread pierced from the tail had built a new circuit in the body, Yu Yiyin turned his thoughts and asked.

"This is a method of using the power of the tailed beast to absorb natural energy and refine it into chakra, but at this stage it can only be transformed into the chakra of the tailed beast, so increasing the chakra of the tailed beast will speed up the half-chakra transformation of your body.

At most one month can complete the half-chakra training of the body, and then you can start to practice the spiral pill golden pill. "

Smiling, he explained that it is impossible for Shimura Xuanding to stay in Yunyin Village for too long. The two girls need to complete the half-chakra training as soon as possible, and then set up the exclusive spiral pill golden pill condensing method for them.

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

Feeling even more puzzled, Yuyi Jingyin really couldn't figure out why Shimura Xuanding was so generous in helping his sisters become stronger. You must know that they are enemies!

‘Of course, we must use the spiral pill golden pill to control your life and death as soon as possible! '

Replied silently in his heart, Shimura Xuanding said worriedly with a small expression of worrying about the village and the people: "Our time is running out!"

"What do you and the third generation know?"

Dissatisfied and asked, Yuyi Tingyin didn't like the feeling of being kept in the dark.

"Do you think that the first Hokage Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, who ended the Warring States Period and opened the Ninja Village era, are strong enough to rub tailed beasts on the ground with one hand and one look?"

Without answering Miss Sister's question, Shimura Gending asked back.

"Of course it's strong!"

Although he didn't know what bad things this traitor was trying to do, Yuyi Tingyin still replied.

Although they haven't seen the first generation of Hokage and Uchiha Madara, they sent people from Yunyin Village to investigate the information of the Valley of the End, and their combat power can be seen from the damage caused after the war.

That kind of fighting power can be called destructive, and it is not a problem to destroy their Yunyin Village with one blow.

"Then what if there is an enemy in the future who can press both of them to the ground?"

"This is impossible!"

Instinctive refutation and denial, Hagoromo does not believe that there will be such a strong man in the ninja world. The strength of the first generation of Hokage and Uchiha Madara is already very extraordinary. That is the real pinnacle of the ninja world. stronger existence.

It's just that recalling the worries of the third generation of Raikage, he couldn't help falling into silence.

Could it be that there will really be a strong man of that level in the ninja world?

Playing with the little tail in his hand, Shimura Xuanding explained: "Don't judge ninjas with your own vision, the water in this world is very deep, among other things, a long time ago, the peak of the samurai existed The sword opened the mountain, and the river was broken with one blow. The current warriors have only received a few sporadic inheritances, and they are far less powerful than they used to be.

Even so, the samurai could suppress the ninjas for thousands of years. It was not until the appearance of the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara that the ninjas had the opportunity to gather together to form a ninja village, which was almost on an equal footing with the Daimyo Prefecture. "

"Since the warrior is so strong, why is the inheritance broken?"

He retorted dissatisfiedly, and even Yu Yijing sounded a little disdainful.

In her opinion, the samurai rely on their large numbers and the full support of the Daming House to compete with their ninjas. If they have the same resources and the same number of people, they are confident that they can hang up the samurai group and fight.

"That's because the warriors of that era, including the monk Onmyoji, and the gods and monsters in myths and legends have all been wiped out. The demons that appeared in the Kingdom of Water last time are nothing but remnants of the power of the mythical era."

Telling this secret indifferently, although Shimura Xuanding's voice was not cold, it made the delicate bodies of the two women in his arms tremble suddenly.

They can think that those myths and legends are all fictions, but the appearance of the demons last time showed many problems.

Even the third generation of Raikage brought back some demon blood and even a little bit of flesh, and the power contained in that bit of flesh and blood alone made them palpitate.

It is difficult to destroy that little piece of meat even after exhausting all means, which shows how powerful the demon is.

This is enough to prove that the gods and monsters in the myths and legends probably really existed, but now those gods and monsters have long since disappeared.

Even if the gods and monsters broke out in a civil war, they couldn't be wiped out so completely. It could only be that some foreign forces intervened to wipe them out.

Seeing the two young ladies in his arms fell silent, Shimura Xuanding continued to flicker and said: "Your aptitudes are very good, if you can work together with You Lu and Niu Gui to develop a stronger blood succession limit, there is hope to reach the real limit of this world. peak.

If our world wants to survive those powerful enemies, we must have enough strong people.

In front of the entire human race and the entire world, our original hatred is nothing. After repelling or even killing those powerful enemies, if we can still survive, I welcome you to take revenge at any time. "

"If your paws are a little more secure, there's a little bit of credibility in that."

Sensing the movement of the claw that was grabbing her own tail, Yuyi Jingyin stared at him coldly, her contemptuous eyes not concealed at all.

This guy called it cautious if he said it well, and called counseling if he said it badly.

Every time I lie down with them, I will assemble the helmet and put down the visor to cover myself tightly.

She even found out that there was an air filter in the collar of that guy's battle suit once, and there was really no one who was so afraid of death.

But she remembered these words, no matter what the other party said was true or not, it was definitely right to improve her own strength.

After surpassing this guy and Shimura Danzo in strength, he joined hands with his sister to avenge his hatred.

"I'm shaping a Chakra circuit for you, hurry up and write it down, there is another circuit that needs to be memorized and learned after it's done."

He said solemnly, how could someone in his mind take advantage of other young ladies?

But having said that, the feel of these two little tails is really good.

"Is there any secret technique to pass on to us?"

Dai Mei frowned slightly, and Yuyi Jingyin once again deeply realized the unfathomable background of the Shimura family.

In the past two months, she has obtained many top-level secret techniques from this rebellious disciple, and she has not been able to figure out any of them until now.

Even the more you study, the more confused you become. The knowledge involved in it is extremely profound, even with the assistance of teachers Ye Yuelan and Sandai Raikage, it is difficult to gain anything.

I just learned another secret technique to absorb and refine natural energy, and now there is still a secret technique.

How many powerful secret arts has the Shimura family developed?

"The next two secret techniques are amazing. They are the means to deal with the enemies in the future, and they are also the key goals that you need to practice next."

With a mysterious smile, Shimura Gendinge was about to show some real skills.

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