Behind The Scenes From Konoha

Chapter 295 Matchmaker Ye Yuelan

Lightning escape chakra mode and wind escape chakra mode can both enhance the user's speed, but the two methods of increasing speed are different, and the results are also very different.

The boost speed of the wind escape chakra mode is suitable for long-distance running, while the boost speed of the thunder escape chakra mode is more suitable for short-distance running. Although the endurance is a bit weak, the short-distance burst speed is even more amazing, especially in a straight line Sprint speed will be quite exaggerated.

Not to mention that the black thunder used by the third generation of Raikage is one level stronger than the ordinary Kage-level Raikage Chakra, and the effect is naturally stronger.

It almost turned into a real electric light, and when Shimura Xuanding reacted, the spear blade with black electric light had already arrived in front of him.

If he was really going to be stabbed, his heavy gold battle suit would definitely be unstoppable, and a hole would be pierced through his entire body, and it would be a rather large hole.

At this moment, it is impossible to dodge, because the speed is too fast.

The most important thing is that the third generation of Raikage is insidious enough, always behind Ye Yuelan's body, covered by Ye Yuelan's tall figure, there is no way to find it immediately.

Even the Zhangba Snake Spear in that guy's hand still sticks to Ye Yuelan's body and stabs out from under his ribs, which is hard to defend against.

This is ninja fighting, everything is possible and one hit kills.

Everyone was staring at this blow, wanting to see how Shimura Xuanding would resolve it.

Or if it can't be resolved, will a hole be pierced?

Of course, Shimura Xuanding can resolve it. After all, he has been guarding against the third Raikage for a long time, and he also knows that the opponent is waiting for a chance to win.

The right leg that had been prepared for a long time raised his right leg and kicked Ye Yuelan in front of him, and smashed heavily on the third Raikage behind him. The huge force smashed the third Raikage's body staggeringly.

This is not over yet, the Sheng Tang double knives in his hand were precisely stuck on the forked spear tip of the Zhangba Snake Spear, but the spear blade condensed with black lightning directly pierced a Sheng Tang knife, and then the next Sheng Tang Tang Dao.

However, this obstacle also slowed down Zhang Ba Snake Spear's thrusting speed. Shimura Xuanding quickly exchanged the Sheng Tang Saber in his right hand to the back, and continued to resist with the remaining blade.

After a dozen times of rotation in this way, he finally blocked the hell stab, which can be called a certain kill, breaking the myth of the sure kill of the strongest spear.


His eyes fell on Shimura Gending's combat boots that were less than a few centimeters away from the battle circle, and the third generation of Raikage showed unwillingness.

Although he wanted to continue exerting himself, his current body could no longer support it.

After all, the transformed body has not yet recovered its previous physical strength, this time it was only temporarily blessed with the earth escape hardening technique.

It's a pity that Lei Dun restrained Earth Dun, even his own Earth Dunninjutsu would be suppressed by Thunder Dun's chakra mode. At this moment, his body's bones were already full of cracks, and might collapse at any time.

"What do you want to do, boy?"

All of a sudden, the third Raikage noticed that Gending Shimura had turned the two swords upside down, revealing the two short blades, and was holding them in his hands.

Before he could react, a golden blade flashed, and there was a clanging sound, and the third Raikage felt his body go cold.

Looking down stiffly, he found that he had been clean, except for a pair of flowery shorts.

"Damn, are we Lei Ying so flirtatious!"

"It's still a red rose pattern, I like it!"

"Don't you think the part where the shorts hold up is a bit small? It doesn't match the figure of the third-generation adult Yingwei!"


The cloud ninjas who reacted were almost blinded by the shaking, and they really couldn't believe that their third-generation adults would be such a Raikage.

The words of the horse boys around made Sandai Raikage even more ashamed and indignant. He was already in a bad physical condition, and his eyes darkened under the rush of anger, and he fell straight to the ground.

"Miss teacher, don't move, I'll treat your wounds!"

Throwing down the two knives in his hands and canceling the thunder escape mode, Shimura Gending immediately changed his job as a gynecologist, and enthusiastically stepped forward to put the two teachers and sisters side by side, and operated on them at the same time.

In terms of his current medical skills, the injury of broken arms and legs is nothing.

"Go and treat Teacher Yeyue first!"

Covering the wound to prevent Zhimura Xuanding from doing anything, Yeyue Jingyin looked worriedly at her teacher Yeyuelan.

The teacher's injury was much more serious than theirs. Not only was the entire shoulder cut off, but the chest cavity was also exposed, and even the lungs could be seen.

"All right!"

Seeing that the two teachers and sisters were very resistant, Shimura Xuanding could only stop the bleeding first, and then came to Ye Yuelan's side, and started to connect her severed shoulder and arm.

Although the chest cavity has been in direct contact with the air, the lung lobes have not been damaged, and the chance of infection is not high. Coupled with Ye Yuelan's strong physical fitness, it is not a big problem.

"Don't move, Aunt Lei Ying's bones are about to break. If you don't want his injury to worsen, don't move. I will deal with it later."

While talking, Shimura Xuanding took out the Huiye puppet from the sealing scroll, used the bone veins to reattach Ye Yuelan's severed bones, and finally sewed up the muscle membrane.

"Okay, with the senior's physical fitness, it can be cured after a month's care."

After checking again, and after confirming that there was no problem, Shimura Xuanding ran to the two teachers and sisters with a smile.

"I lost!"

Ye Yuelan, who had been watching the broken knife in her hand, sighed sadly. Although she had always longed for a real battle, she felt very uncomfortable when she was really defeated.

Not to mention that they were still defeated under the joint siege, and the opponent was only a boy under the age of fifteen.

Is the era of their generation finally coming to an end?

"We, Yunyin, still have a future!"

His eyes fell on the two disciples who were rescued by Zhimura Xuanding, his eyes flashed, and he had high hopes for these two disciples.

Different from them, these two disciples have a great opportunity, and meeting that kid is the greatest opportunity, and their future achievements are limitless.

Carefully connected the severed arms, legs and feet of the two teachers and sisters, and finally touched them carefully to make sure that the wounds were perfectly healed before coming to the third generation of Raikage.

"Tch! Such a big person, but not half my size, what a shame!"

Uncovering the loose coat that covered Sandai Raikage's body, and taking a look at the bulge of the gaudy shorts, Shimura Genkao said contemptuously, it's really embarrassing.

"Mr. Xuan Ding, hurry up!"

Tutai urged anxiously, he had just looked at it with his supercilious clairvoyant ability, and most of the bones in the third Raikage's body were cracked all over, and they were likely to be broken.

"It's okay if you want me to treat it. Afterwards, you will inlay luminous stones on the three characters of Nuershan on the mountain, and it will light up for me every night."

While checking on the third Raikage's injuries, Shimura Gending made a condition.


These words stumped the platform, and in his capacity, there was no way to make such a decision.

Although the cloud ninjas around were furious in their hearts, since they chose to fight before, they recognized what they said at the beginning.

Not to mention that the previous three fights all chose group fights, which can be said to be convincing to lose.

Under such circumstances, there is really no way to regret it. The men in Yunyin Village can't afford to lose that person, but those three words are too shameful.

"The old man agreed."

At this time, Ye Yuelan walked up with the support of two disciples, and agreed to Zhimura Xuanding's conditions.

Although this matter is indeed very shameful, as long as it is operated, it can stimulate the fighting spirit of the people of Yunyin Village and make them work harder in cultivation, so that they will never be ashamed again in the future.

"Senior Yeyue is still proud, but he is much more decisive than Aunt Lei Ying."

Xiang Yeyuelan gave a thumbs up, and Shimura Xuanding controlled the Huiye puppet to help the third generation of Raikage repair the broken bones with the bone veins, and it didn't take long to manipulate the osteoblasts to repair the cracks on the bones. re-fix.

"It can be carried back. The newly repaired bones are not strong, so be careful."

After re-sealing the Hui Yeren puppet, Shimura Xuanding signaled that the earth platform could take people back.

"The thunder escape mode you just used seems to be different from our thunder escape chakra mode."

Ye Yuelan, who was pale due to excessive blood loss, asked curiously. She also refined the Lightning Dungeon Chakra Mode. During the battle just now, she could clearly feel the difference between the young man's Lightning Dungeon Origin Power Mode and their Yunyin Village's. Big difference.

It is not a difference in energy, but a difference in the way it is used.

Shimura Xuanding, who was repairing the Shengtang sword with the acquired magnetic field attribute immortal force, smiled and said: "Senior, you want to say that my thunder escape mode is more perfect than your thunder escape mode!"

His Lei Dunxian Yuanli mode is indeed more perfect than Yunyin Village's Thunder Dun Chakra mode. After all, it is a perfect work deduced by trial and error after millions of deaths. Naturally, it is not like Yunyin Village. comparable.

Perhaps letting Yunyin Village perfect it for dozens or hundreds of years can make it a step further, but now it is still far away from its own Thunder Escape mode.

"It is indeed more perfect than ours."

With a word of emotion, Ye Yuelan once again realized the horror of the Shimura family. The secret technique developed by Yunyin Village with the power of a ninja village is not as good as that developed by a ninja from the Shimura family.

Skills are inferior to people to such an extent, what else can people say.

"When Miss Jingyin and the others learn the fairy art, I will pass on a copy of our Shimura family's Lightning Dungeon Armor and Lightning Dungeon Chakra Mode to them."

Before Ye Yuelan could continue to speak, Zhimura Xuanding expressed his willingness to teach the two teachers and sisters.

"Or the exclusive version?"

It's not surprising that Zhicun Xuanding's generous Ye Yuelan, after all, this kid has already passed on many top-level secret arts to Yeyue Jingyin and sisters, and it's nothing to add a set of Thunder Dungeon armor and Thunder Dungeon mode.

It's just that the exclusive version given by the kid made their livers hurt, and it was too difficult to crack it to develop a general version.

During this period of time, she has been trying to crack it with the third generation of Raikage and others, but unfortunately they have found nothing.

If it is to be cracked by force, there must be enough experimental subjects, and the strength of the experimental subjects must not be bad, at least it must be a jonin, or even Zhuang Ying, and the number of people needed can be measured in tens of thousands.

This is impossible!

"Of course it's an exclusive version. Only in this way can the cultivation efficiency of the two teachers and sisters be maximized."

Showing that sunny smile, Zhimura Xuanding has no plan to pass these top-level secret arts to Yunyin Village at this stage, let them go first.

Inserting the two repaired Sheng Tang knives on the ground, Shimura Xuanding faced the many cloud ninjas on the periphery.

"Girls, I had a good time playing today. I will find a chance to play here again in the future. I hope you will have a man with a handle."

After finishing speaking, ignoring the angry eyes of everyone present, he put back on the wings that had been dismantled before the battle, and used the anti-gravity technique to fly back to the mansion where he lived.

"Why are you so arrogant, I can beat you like a dog without that suit."

Staring unhappily at the traitor who flew away, Yuyi Tingyin was very dissatisfied with today's battle.

With that set of battle suits, they can display less than 50% of their combat power, and many powerful ninjutsu cannot be used.

It's really hard to break through that layer of battle clothes even if you slash it with a ninja knife, it's really incomprehensible and annoying.

"External force can also be regarded as a kind of strength, don't forget that you also used the power of the tailed beast!"

Kindly remind me that although Ye Yuelan was not happy with the defeat in this battle, she didn't think there was a problem with Zhimura Xuanding wearing that kind of battle uniform.

"What do you think of that kid?"

Suddenly his expression changed, and he looked at the two disciples beside him with a smile.

These two disciples are still very young, only in their thirties, there is no need to be tied to the two rebels in Jinjiaoyinjiao.

"Teacher, ignore you!"

At first, she was very puzzled, but when she saw her teacher's auntie smile, Yuyi Jingyin immediately reacted, her pretty face flushed with shame, and she hurried away, even using the Thunder Dunk armor to speed up.

Yuyi Laner on the side also hurriedly followed, not wanting to discuss this topic.

"That kid is really good!"

Mumbling, Ye Yuelan has a good impression of Zhicun Xuanding. If two disciples can marry him, he can also take the opportunity to dig out more Zhicun secrets from him. Whether it is for the two disciples, It is still of great benefit to the entire Yunyin Village.

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